Nicolay vs. YOTMB

General hip-hop discussion.

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Post by ALASKA »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:Alaska and sean, the two people who have seen me recently have said "you're different on the boards than you are in real life."
thats because you are a likable, friendly affable, good spirited guy. on here you are the polar opposite. you should try being that guy.

again the fact that you turned everyone here who was once on your side/had your back against you shows that its probably not haters, but YOUR actions.

In the movie the "fog of war" a documentary about john mcnamara, he says regarding the vietnam war, and im paraphrasing "when countries you share the same core beliefs with turn against you, it probably shows you are doing something wrong and you should examine yourself" maybe thats something you want to take into account before going off on another rant.

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Post by Philaflava »

Hustleuffagus wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:upon actually reading it, I have to somewhat commend you, Seduce. you have obviously studied hard in the Roger Suarez School of Sociopathic Psychoanalysis.
You are absolutely insane if you attribute his distaste for your posting to 'jumping on the Thun' this point you have had enough meltdowns and posted so many 1,000 word diatribes on here (that nobody cares to read), that you have effectively even alienated people you could consider a "friend" here. Your refusal to back down only cements your grave when it comes to posting here. Your ass kissing posts to Alaska, Philaflava, the keen 2, and countless others is stomach-turning in regard to what they are trying to tell you. Its beyond obvious that Thun has you steaming mad, and your obsession with him is beyond frightening. You never sonned him. You may have brought up an occasional valid point, but you never sonned him. You will immediately say that he is obsessed with you while he sons you ruthlessly. Next you write a page about how you want a truce and expect him to say "peace" to you. Check the record. You come off like a little child on the playground that is getting picked on by his group of friends collectively and desperately wants to win back their favor. The kid at the birthday sleepover that everyone picked on for chuckles. You were never really accepted here, but you were a lot closer to at least receiving some kind of respect years ago. You've lost all of it since. You are ignored more than any other poster on this board. I honestly used to think you were a decent guy, and although I never thought your music was good, I appreciated your passion for hip hop and the fact that you seemed to grind on making things happen for yourself. But nowadays I can't help but see you for the insane, self-aggrandizing, delusional, grasping-for-his-younger-years man-child that everyone paints you out to be. Back in the day, (4 screen names ago) I used to agree with you on a lot of things that this forum in general dismissed you as being crazy for. That was a mindbender that was closer to 'reality'. Even 3-4 years ago I recall that if not talented, at least you had some sort of ability to communicate and not make absolutely everyone hate just had strange ideas. But now the way you come off is just intolerable. You have reached the tipping point here. I only post this because I do not hate you, but I am tired of reading your crazy rants that derail and ruin threads I am lurking.
Mindbender Futurama wrote:you have probably totally ruined this thread, so I will end it here.
Do you really think this thread was necessary? Honestly?
Mindbender Futurama wrote:and the main reason I chose to respond is to inform you that my brother is clean of hard drugs, and has been for quite some time.
Um......The main reason you chose to respond? Come on man, who are you fooling? Any time your brother creates a thread here, you immediately train wreck it and derail it to steal the spotlight (and then fail miserably by trying to convince everyone how much better your life is than what you perceive the average posters) Your brother obviously is 1 step away from mentally retarded and you continually cry about his exploitation while simultaneously drawing everyone's attention to his problems via independent blog media hype that you hope will someday launch your rap career by having an 'interesting story to tell.' You would happily step over your brothers grave at a chance to man-handle El-P's cock while hyping him up on the mic. You are stepping on your own toes here, and even when your "friends" tell you to back off you don't listen. You are so far from self aware, so ridiculously oblivious to the general perception of you on this board and in life, it's frightening. It's possible only ACTHEPD rivals you.
Mindbender Futurama wrote:and I don't need this board to make my life better. i have a wonderful life, i really do.
The more you say it, the more it seems like you are trying to convince us. Live your life already, damn!

Mindbender Futurama wrote:i come here because i thought this is where hip hop heads share music and talk about hip hop.
You derail every thread into a discussion of Mindbender Futurama, and everyone is tired of it.

Mindbender Futurama wrote:but apparently, a lot of you motherfuckers often prefer to talk about ME.
No, that's you.

Mindbender Futurama wrote:I guess -I- am hip hop. Word to KRS-One.

Mindbender Futurama wrote:Seduce, I'm impressed. Good job. I like it when people care.
If there was a vote as to how many people are annoyed by your posting, it would be a blackout here. Even your 'friends' are tired of you.

Mindbender Futurama wrote:Yup. Even in the face of all this childish hatred for me, I still care. Cause that's what God does. God loves all. Even the Devil Himself.
Comparing yourself to god again, huh? Dude. Seriously. Get on your hustle, and stop acting like you are hopelessly addicted to this board no matter how much people hate you. You are The Moose, Crash DDZ, Docta Doom level at this point. Jesus christ man. How far do you need to fall before picking your life back up?

I tried to avoid spending free time on Philaflava, and I find myself lurking semi frequently...I can't hate on you for wanting to slow down on something that is taking away from your free time, when you could be doing an infinite amount of other things..This board provides endless amounts of entertainment and information. You have become the entertainment at your own expense. You claim that you are going to back away because you sense the general consensus that people dont want you around, but then post twice and much as before. Slow down homie, pump ya breaks.

Because I am not a successful indie rapper you will probably respond by dismissing all of this while talking condescendingly. Its standard issue for you, and its become apparent to all of us that you will never listen to reason, and tend to live in a world entirely to your own, even at 30whatever.

Maybe I should throw some emoticons in this bitch so you can understand me better. Please make something happen in the YOTMB and prove all of us wrong. Its been years now.

Let me switch back to Hacksaw Jim Thuggin'.

PEACE :lol:.

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Post by Philaflava »

Philaflava wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:
I hope you all feel as blessed as I do in life. I sincerely do.

Mindbender Supreme
This kind of goes with what I was saying before. You have this condescending way about you, which I don't think is intentional, but nonetheless still irritates many people. Because of that they seek to level you, bring you down to Earth and for some, outright assassinate your character.

The thread title alone reeks of attention seeking. It doesn't read "my Foreign Exchange review," no it reads as if "here is another one against me, when will you silly people learn to respect and appreciate me??!!??!"

Every time you attended a show it's known because you post about it, which is fine by me. You have your very own personal thread in P&B which nobody has. That's special. But to kind of taunt the readers with comments like "maybe I won't share" or "look at what I've contributed to the forum and this is what I get" will turn more heads than get them nodding to your beat. It's all in the way you deliver your message. Remember not what you say but how you say it, but on the internet you have to be crafty in how you want to deliver these messages because you don't do a great job of it.

I've never attacked you and in all my responses to you have been to help (at least my intentions) but you just need to learn humility because you lack it severely. Let's look at this closing comment which is very common for you "I hope you all feel as blessed as I do in life. I sincerely do."

Well one could say you don't own any property or a vehicle. You have a very unfortunate family situation and a brother who knocks on deaths door daily. To my knowledge you have not graduated from a higher education and do not have a "stable" job. You do freelance work and keep a rap career on the side, though I don't think it's a secret you have not achieved the career you would have liked with your rapping at this point in your life. Now, I say that truly to point out how I could think you aren't all that blessed. In fact, many times I genuinely feel sorry for you because I think you catch raw deals left and right.

BUT, when you throw comments like that at people they're going to get annoyed. They're going to attack you and they're going to TRY (like Reggie, Alaska and others) and humble you. So far nothing has worked but I do pray one day it will because when that day happens you'll be on a much more realistic path and it'll be easier to achieve true happiness, success and respect.

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Post by Mindbender Futurama »

Philaflava wrote:Honestly, did you read anything I wrote? Did you?
i read every word, guy.
the core of what you were saying is that i should be more humble.

i am pretty gracious and humble in real life. but on here, I'm Mindbender Futurama. This place is FULL OF CHARACTERS. KRS-Thun, for instance, fake fuck that he is. Roger Suarez is one guy, and KRS-Thun is a completely other fictional character (that I have recently lifted the bitchtime skirt of. Now he matches me in a bra, LOLLLZ) And Comedy Quaddafi. And Hard Lurking Man. And Arlene. And all the other Muppets of Phila. ALL CHARACTERS. I don't take any of you THAT seriously. Stop doing it to me.

The Mindbender Show has apparently jumped the shark. Thing is, it's gonna start flying from here.

I thought "I love you" was a humble statement. Guess not on the internet.

cmon dude. did you read what I wrote? the reality is: people hate what I AM. more than what I say. cause they obviously aren't reading the messages I'm sending. I do my best to love hip hop. You all see something else. Fine.

i'm going to a rap show today. i won't be on the boards. have fun, everyone.

what i wrote above, i meant. not anything else. don't misinterpret my words as selfish hate.

Last edited by Mindbender Futurama on Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ALASKA »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:oh hai, Alaska. I was waiting for the word 'ban'. So y'all want to ban me for NOT disrespecting anyone (except my friend Roger, WHO I PUBLICLY OFFERED TO MAKE PEACE WITH MORE THAN ONCE, AND -HE- REJECTED), for posting songs and stories, and for being myself? Am I really the problem around here, or do YOU people make me a bigger problem with YOUR words written towards me? :killacam:
everyone gets disrespected and shitted on here, its pretty much like going to the bar with your friends, do you and thun have a bit more of a back and forth with each other than everyone else? sure. but people arent talking wanting to ban you because dont disrespect anyone they want to ban you because you have become the person in a group of friends who joined amway or read the secret and constantly want to try to get everyone else involved in their weird culty business....which by the way is a much better analogy than "even jordan lost some" :lol:

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Post by ALASKA »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:people hate what I AM. more than what I say. cause they obviously aren't reading the messages I'm sending.
perhaps you arent effectively conveying the message? just a thought.

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Post by Mindbender Futurama »

^^^ "I LOVE YOU ALL"? "YOU ARE GOD"? Is that too complicated? ha ha

and :rofl: :rofl:

yeah, that IS a pretty good analogy. Amway and The Secret. I'm laughing hard over here, Tim! :lol: :lol: I am that guy. I'm a fucking love fireball in real life. I SCARE PEOPLE AWAY WITH MY POSITIVITY. But usually I only scare very negative people. Or attract them. Hmmm...

well, Alaska: I think you're God too. your flows fucking blow my mind ( :pause: ) I want to hear some new music from you, and I'm not happy that Wind'N'Breeze ain't rappin no more.

but, it's too late. I'm so far gone, word to the homie Drizzy Drake.

I -AM- God. AND YOU ARE GOD. AND God is the Universe. And the Universe is only One entity.

Hip hop connects more people than anything else in the world. I try to do that when I come to Philaflava.

you can all reject your Godliness and say and do Devilish things all day. it's your godly choice to do so.
just don't say nobody told you how amazing you really are.
if you want to hate each other and shit on each other and disrespect each other, go ahead. I got better things to do now.

And: I've noticed a kinder, gentler Roger Suarez lately. has anyone else?

he'll NEVER admit I had anything to do with it. And maybe I didn't. But... considering I don't think he has much friends in real life, i'm thinking that the events of :phila: lately have been starting to penetrate his skull. Whether it was taking a page out of the Mindbender Bible, or humbling himself to the intelligence of HLM, something opens ol' Rahj's heart. Bravo, Roger. I like you with a bit of heart. It's a good look.

man... Alaska, one day, there HAS to be a gathering of us friends in a bar.

the internet changes reality too much.

keep it real, y'all
Last edited by Mindbender Futurama on Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Hush »

:lol: at the new thread title.

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Post by Reason »

indefatigably faggotable
Nets 2022

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Post by Mindbender Futurama »

Hush wrote::lol: at the new thread title.
glad you liked it.
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Post by Philaflava »



I'm studying 120 right now. Call me back at the God hour.

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Post by ALASKA »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:^^^ "I LOVE YOU ALL"? "YOU ARE GOD"? Is that too complicated? ha ha

and :rofl: :rofl:

yeah, that IS a pretty good analogy. Amway and The Secret. I'm laughing hard over here, Tim! :lol: :lol: I am that guy. I'm a fucking love fireball in real life. I SCARE PEOPLE AWAY WITH MY POSITIVITY. But usually I only scare very negative people. Or attract them. Hmmm...

well, Alaska: I think you're God too. your flows fucking blow my mind ( :pause: ) I want to hear some new music from you, and I'm not happy that Wind'N'Breeze ain't rappin no more.

but, it's too late. I'm so far gone, word to the homie Drizzy Drake.

I -AM- God. AND YOU ARE GOD. AND God is the Universe. And the Universe is only One entity.

Hip hop connects more people than anything else in the world. I try to do that when I come to Philaflava.

you can all reject your Godliness and say and do Devilish things all day. it's your godly choice to do so.
just don't say nobody told you how amazing you really are.
if you want to hate each other and shit on each other and disrespect each other, go ahead. I got better things to do now.

And: I've noticed a kinder, gentler Roger Suarez lately. has anyone else?

he'll NEVER admit I had anything to do with it. And maybe I didn't. But... considering I don't think he has much friends in real life, i'm thinking that the events of :phila: lately have been starting to penetrate his skull. Whether it was taking a page out of the Mindbender Bible, or humbling himself to the intelligence of HLM, something opens ol' Rahj's heart. Bravo, Roger. I like you with a bit of heart. It's a good look.

man... Alaska, one day, there HAS to be a gathering of us friends in a bar.

the internet changes reality too much.

keep it real, y'all
MB You know i will grab a beer with you anytime you are in nyc, and we will chop it up good.

and I know what you are getting at, and the above post isnג€™t how you convey your message to everyone. unlike this response a lot of times it is scattershot, defensive, and self aggrandizing. if you can stay away from that type of shit people wonג€™t jump all over you. also the whole constantly talking about your spiritual beliefs when you havenג€™t been asked about them turns people off. I forgot where i read or heard this but the quote "show me someone who prays in public and I will show you a charlatan" rings very true. You are talking with people that are mostly in their late 20's and early to mid 30's. We donג€™t need the spirituality lectures. we know where we stand with our beliefs. Spirituality is a private and personal journey, word to Siddhartha.

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Post by LilLeftBrain »

Comedy Quaddafi wrote:blastmaster, ardamus, keen, bid, magneto?

Oh, and whattup Jim? :cheers:
moved by duck muscles

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Post by Mindbender Futurama »

Philaflava wrote:PEACE GOD!


I'm studying 120 right now. Call me back at the God hour.
^^^ nah, none of that hierarchy or science (not that it doesn't apply to life too.)

but everyone is a creator of their own reality. it's that simple.

Jason, don't go Roger on me. Please. You're better than that.

I have one special note I'm going to end my current graduation to PhilaPariah on.

the thread that got mysteriously deleted a few days ago now MUST go up.

then I'm gonna go have a great weekend.

if anyone wants to know how AZ, Mr. Lif or Freeway is in concert... i'll tell you next week. I'm gonna try to get some footage too.

love yourself, y'all
Last edited by Mindbender Futurama on Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by admiral »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:^^^ "I LOVE YOU ALL"? "YOU ARE GOD"? Is that too complicated? ha ha

and :rofl: :rofl:

yeah, that IS a pretty good analogy. Amway and The Secret. I'm laughing hard over here, Tim! :lol: :lol: I am that guy. I'm a fucking love fireball in real life. I SCARE PEOPLE AWAY WITH MY POSITIVITY. But usually I only scare very negative people. Or attract them. Hmmm...

well, Alaska: I think you're God too. your flows fucking blow my mind ( :pause: ) I want to hear some new music from you, and I'm not happy that Wind'N'Breeze ain't rappin no more.

but, it's too late. I'm so far gone, word to the homie Drizzy Drake.

I -AM- God. AND YOU ARE GOD. AND God is the Universe. And the Universe is only One entity.

Hip hop connects more people than anything else in the world. I try to do that when I come to Philaflava.

you can all reject your Godliness and say and do Devilish things all day. it's your godly choice to do so.
just don't say nobody told you how amazing you really are.
if you want to hate each other and shit on each other and disrespect each other, go ahead. I got better things to do now.

And: I've noticed a kinder, gentler Roger Suarez lately. has anyone else?

he'll NEVER admit I had anything to do with it. And maybe I didn't. But... considering I don't think he has much friends in real life, i'm thinking that the events of :phila: lately have been starting to penetrate his skull. Whether it was taking a page out of the Mindbender Bible, or humbling himself to the intelligence of HLM, something opens ol' Rahj's heart. Bravo, Roger. I like you with a bit of heart. It's a good look.

man... Alaska, one day, there HAS to be a gathering of us friends in a bar.

the internet changes reality too much.

keep it real, y'all
If anyone gains any life altering lessons from a rap messageboard, they are a 100% pure bred faggot

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Post by Mindbender Futurama »

ALASKA wrote:
MB You know i will grab a beer with you anytime you are in nyc, and we will chop it up good.

and I know what you are getting at, and the above post isnג€™t how you convey your message to everyone. unlike this response a lot of times it is scattershot, defensive, and self aggrandizing. if you can stay away from that type of shit people wonג€™t jump all over you. also the whole constantly talking about your spiritual beliefs when you havenג€™t been asked about them turns people off. I forgot where i read or heard this but the quote "show me someone who prays in public and I will show you a charlatan" rings very true. You are talking with people that are mostly in their late 20's and early to mid 30's. We donג€™t need the spirituality lectures. we know where we stand with our beliefs. Spirituality is a private and personal journey, word to Siddhartha.
WOW. thanks for the jewel, homie. this is why it's hard to leave here. and you FINALLY said the most logical reason why people hate me.

I NEVER heard that one in my life: "show me someone who prays in public and I will show you a charlatan". That's a great saying.

but anyone who sees me at a hip hop concert knows that it's church to me. I love music. And it shows. It ain't hard to tell.

I don't really pray (in the technical sense) to anything but the food I eat. My life is a prayer in and of itself. I make up my own Gods cause I have the Godly power to do so.

El-P is my god. RZA is my god. Nas is my god. Stevie Wonder is my God. I'm happy this way. Incredibly happy. Anyone who looks me in the eye knows it. The last message someone wrote to me on Facebook last night was "yo, I want you to be my spiritual advisor!". Ha. At least someone sees the light when they look at me, not the darkness of hate, LOL

You ever hear the saying "a beautiful song is worth ten prayers"?

that's how I think.

"The World Is Yours" is Heaven in my ears.

admiral, wisdom is EVERYWHERE. The Universe God speaks to you every fucking day, a hundred times. If the devil in you wants to ignore that... hey, good luck with that.

the humble ones listen to God.

You're in Heaven right now, God.
Create the universe you dream of." onclick=";return false;

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Post by step one »


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Post by naturalborn103 »

naturalborn103 wrote:I think enough people on this board think it is finally time to do it.. He bring nothing and turns every thread into MB vs. the world regardless what it started as. Can we get a real poll or something, cause I do not see much people disagreeing right now..

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Post by pen »

yo mb, me and loes and some other fools are heading to nyc for the july 25th grindtime. wanna roll down with us?
kardi, chocs, saukrates, dj moves, sixtoo, a-trak, jr flo, kimo, redone, john smith, escrol, bender, empire, hustlemann, muzion, aspire, moka only, prev one, maestro, michie mee, patience, theo3, the bridge, dj drastik, flight distance, t-wrex, dl incognito, osa, dj kaem, nextra, kelron, STAY, loes, moss, bishop brigante, belly...

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Post by Naysayer »

ALASKA's all like:
[...] the whole constantly talking about your spiritual beliefs when you havenג€™t been asked about them turns people off.
and then IMMEDIATELY after that, Mindbender's all:
I don't really pray (in the technical sense) to anything but the food I eat. My life is a prayer in and of itself and *da-dah-da-dah* uninterrupted stream of unsolicited pseudo-spiritual explication *da-dah-da.*

Dude really knows how to fuck up a good lurk.

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Post by ALASKA »

pen wrote:yo mb, me and loes and some other fools are heading to nyc for the july 25th grindtime. wanna roll down with us?
what is grindtime?

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Post by Employee »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:
El-P is my god. RZA is my god. Nas is my god. Stevie Wonder is my God.
Literally one of the gayest things I've ever read on the internet.

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Post by Employee »

ALASKA wrote:
pen wrote:yo mb, me and loes and some other fools are heading to nyc for the july 25th grindtime. wanna roll down with us?
what is grindtime?

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Post by drizzle »

ALASKA wrote:
pen wrote:yo mb, me and loes and some other fools are heading to nyc for the july 25th grindtime. wanna roll down with us?
what is grindtime?
The WNBA of myspace rappers

World's #1 Rap Battle League

:err: - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by Employee »

Canadians aren't disqualified by default?

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Post by ALASKA »

drizzle wrote:
ALASKA wrote:
pen wrote:yo mb, me and loes and some other fools are heading to nyc for the july 25th grindtime. wanna roll down with us?
what is grindtime?
The WNBA of myspace rappers

World's #1 Rap Battle League

ahhhhhhh thats grindtime. Im not going to the battle but if you guys wanna grab a beer hit me up.

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Post by drizzle »

Employee wrote:Canadians aren't disqualified by default?
Look, if you had one YOTMB, or one opportunity to audition for def jux
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

His antlers are sweaty, beaver tail is weak, hooves are heavy
There's poutine on his sweater already, with extra gravy
He's a centaur on the inside, but on the surface he looks white and pasty...

and so on - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by pen »

ALASKA wrote:
pen wrote:yo mb, me and loes and some other fools are heading to nyc for the july 25th grindtime. wanna roll down with us?
what is grindtime?
those a cappella battles with okwerdz and thesaurus and dumbfounded...
kardi, chocs, saukrates, dj moves, sixtoo, a-trak, jr flo, kimo, redone, john smith, escrol, bender, empire, hustlemann, muzion, aspire, moka only, prev one, maestro, michie mee, patience, theo3, the bridge, dj drastik, flight distance, t-wrex, dl incognito, osa, dj kaem, nextra, kelron, STAY, loes, moss, bishop brigante, belly...

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Post by ALASKA »

pen wrote:
ALASKA wrote:
pen wrote:yo mb, me and loes and some other fools are heading to nyc for the july 25th grindtime. wanna roll down with us?
what is grindtime?
those a cappella battles with okwerdz and thesaurus and dumbfounded...
like i said im not gonna roll to the battles, they just arent my thing, but if you guys want to grab a few beers hit me up.

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Post by Seduce »

Please ban Mindbender already.

Just for a month. See how it goes. Got my vote.

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