SBU song #12: Hidden History in the Making

General hip-hop discussion.

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Haitian Jack
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Post by Haitian Jack »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:I don't give a fuck anymore, y'all.


here's the next song on the SBU album. It is called 'Glorious Harmonization'.

Conspiracy, I am going to release one song every Friday until the album is online, cool? The people must have this. Fans will love it, haters will envy it, and others won't give a fuck. Let's give the people something interesting.

in peace that is prepared for war,
Mindbender YOTMB

"Glorious Harmonization":

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" ... on=8,0,0,0" width="335" height="28" id="divplaylist"><param name="movie" value=" ... 372139-424" /><embed src=" ... 372139-424" width="335" height="28" name="divplaylist" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" ... d></object>
that song aint bad at all

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Career Over Like Mike(NJJ)
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Post by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ) »

Conspiracy wrote:I Drive A Lexus,

some of that joke can be realistically comedically, brutally harshly applied to the real timeline story..

-people mixing up the twins
-me doing hard drugs out in Alaska/middle-a-fuck nowhere
-MB stealing my shine in Toronto (naw he runs clubs and raps at shows)

but and this, I was, from 15 to 21-ish A VIOLENT CRIMINAL, DOPE DEALER, selling quarter-pounds of weed, drunk all day AT SCHOOL selling weed outta stolen cars and vans, fighting anyone while jacking people of their nice gear and loot and jewellery/pagers and goodies, vandalizing almost anywhere, stealing mad food and being the leader of the Nextra/Ace crew in Ottawa, Ontario, where we ran half the city, a crew of 25 basketball-showtime, weight-lifting, whore-pimpin', double broad daylight shooting (long unfinished documented), gang barroom brawling, bus hopping, fatally lethal disrespect joking with eachother-type, record scratching, Juice and Boyz in the Hood Menace II New Jersey Drivin', freestyle fuckin' up, stranger disrespecting, multiple sex party hosting, 16 to 30 year old woman romanticizing, open house party sleaze ball heckler, shoplifting, juvenile record community service completing, BMX/skateboarding, comic book collecting, street fighter 2 + Nintendo sony sega arcade Game Master, beer bottle smashing in the club to my favorite songs kinda, home studio assembling, black sketchbook rhyme scripting, picture pencilling , infinite-knowledge-in-a-book discovering NUBIAN NIGGA !

so why would anyone want to claim a piece of CONSPIRACY?

cuz he's a free spirit that has try to be around that dude if ya can , for good or for bad (i seem to see-HA!)

that coke weed mixed with some good new age cosmic intelligence will help free your curiousity about the future of life and what is possibly doable with new energy resource situations with uncontrolled freedom!

Lemme show ya somethin'-FIRE MARSHALL BILL aka Slim Kharey
Word, son. You were Michael and that fagget Adhi was Fredo.

Plus you dress much better than him too.

Mindbender Futurama
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Post by Mindbender Futurama »

Haitian Jack wrote:cant u just put ur album out like normal and peeps buy it/dl it, hit u wit sum feedback and thats that?
sorry. we're not normal. :owens:
Haitian Jack wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:I don't give a fuck anymore, y'all.


here's the next song on the SBU album. It is called 'Glorious Harmonization'.

Conspiracy, I am going to release one song every Friday until the album is online, cool? The people must have this. Fans will love it, haters will envy it, and others won't give a fuck. Let's give the people something interesting.

in peace that is prepared for war,
Mindbender YOTMB

"Glorious Harmonization":

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" ... on=8,0,0,0" width="335" height="28" id="divplaylist"><param name="movie" value=" ... 372139-424" /><embed src=" ... 372139-424" width="335" height="28" name="divplaylist" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" ... d></object>
that song aint bad at all
thank you very much, good sir :ironmike:

wait til you hear 'Inner Struggle' and 'New School Imagination'
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Haitian Jack
Posts: 927
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Post by Haitian Jack »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:
Haitian Jack wrote:cant u just put ur album out like normal and peeps buy it/dl it, hit u wit sum feedback and thats that?
sorry. we're not normal. :owens:
Haitian Jack wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:I don't give a fuck anymore, y'all.


here's the next song on the SBU album. It is called 'Glorious Harmonization'.

Conspiracy, I am going to release one song every Friday until the album is online, cool? The people must have this. Fans will love it, haters will envy it, and others won't give a fuck. Let's give the people something interesting.

in peace that is prepared for war,
Mindbender YOTMB

"Glorious Harmonization":

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" ... on=8,0,0,0" width="335" height="28" id="divplaylist"><param name="movie" value=" ... 372139-424" /><embed src=" ... 372139-424" width="335" height="28" name="divplaylist" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" ... d></object>
that song aint bad at all
thank you very much, good sir :ironmike:

wait til you hear 'Inner Struggle' and 'New School Imagination'
i cant wade thru threads like this song by song my dude, sorry. do shit how u want but this aint the way i want to hear a album. 3 pages of tmi & arguin with niggas per track u put up just makes me not want to bother

Mindbender Futurama
Posts: 39450
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Post by Mindbender Futurama »

Haitian Jack wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:
Haitian Jack wrote:cant u just put ur album out like normal and peeps buy it/dl it, hit u wit sum feedback and thats that?
sorry. we're not normal. :owens:
Haitian Jack wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:I don't give a fuck anymore, y'all.


here's the next song on the SBU album. It is called 'Glorious Harmonization'.

Conspiracy, I am going to release one song every Friday until the album is online, cool? The people must have this. Fans will love it, haters will envy it, and others won't give a fuck. Let's give the people something interesting.

in peace that is prepared for war,
Mindbender YOTMB

"Glorious Harmonization":

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" ... on=8,0,0,0" width="335" height="28" id="divplaylist"><param name="movie" value=" ... 372139-424" /><embed src=" ... 372139-424" width="335" height="28" name="divplaylist" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" ... d></object>
that song aint bad at all
thank you very much, good sir :ironmike:

wait til you hear 'Inner Struggle' and 'New School Imagination'
i cant wade thru threads like this song by song my dude, sorry. do shit how u want but this aint the way i want to hear a album. 3 pages of tmi & arguin with niggas per track u put up just makes me not want to bother
there will be a link soon
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Haitian Jack
Posts: 927
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Post by Haitian Jack »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:
Haitian Jack wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:
Haitian Jack wrote:cant u just put ur album out like normal and peeps buy it/dl it, hit u wit sum feedback and thats that?
sorry. we're not normal. :owens:
Haitian Jack wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:I don't give a fuck anymore, y'all.


here's the next song on the SBU album. It is called 'Glorious Harmonization'.

Conspiracy, I am going to release one song every Friday until the album is online, cool? The people must have this. Fans will love it, haters will envy it, and others won't give a fuck. Let's give the people something interesting.

in peace that is prepared for war,
Mindbender YOTMB

"Glorious Harmonization":

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" ... on=8,0,0,0" width="335" height="28" id="divplaylist"><param name="movie" value=" ... 372139-424" /><embed src=" ... 372139-424" width="335" height="28" name="divplaylist" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" ... d></object>
that song aint bad at all
thank you very much, good sir :ironmike:

wait til you hear 'Inner Struggle' and 'New School Imagination'
i cant wade thru threads like this song by song my dude, sorry. do shit how u want but this aint the way i want to hear a album. 3 pages of tmi & arguin with niggas per track u put up just makes me not want to bother
there will be a link soon
no offence but by then i will prolly have fergot or not care anymore. threads like this is good for the comedy or boredness but dont help a nigga take u seriously. but dont mind me u got otha fans and shit that was just my 2 cent. peace

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Post by Conspiracy »

And my point gets proven exactly. MB CAN'T admit he is wrong about anything he -thinks- in his own opinion about me.
I am not right telling you what I think, but I AM RIGHT IN STAYING TRUE TO WHAT -I- THINK/KNOW -FOR ME-

your limited experience cannot realistically be used as a consideration in terms of 'needing/taking advice' in matters of international economics/accounting

if you can't survive without me, then you are not as independent as you can be. Forget about me. there is no "WE". speak for yourself...

you don't think just because I want to be in an industry of many people, I have to do things other people's ways? you seem to bow to those who have more money than you. I can take my infinite-dollar music and NOT LET THE LABELS HAVE IT, if they don't want to meet half-way or give me creative control +. i will listen to other people's ideas if they are better than mine. and then use their ideas cuz they are better. But i am not letting some other investor make some wack business decision about my music and not releasing it properly. Be spineless and conformist, and you will be rendered obsolete as fast as fads change. I stand by my works alone.

you have now been shown thoughts that are beyond your limited viewpoint perception. There are so many new ways to accomplish something quickly and perfectly, that obstacles (like your control grabs) are just overridden and overruled.

you don't know what the industry is gonna do when they notice me don't know how much money I will have when I get paid from my new links........and you don't know how the world thinks about my music and image.......what YOU claim to be the rightest right truth about what I should be doing with my life and my business moves is absolute irrelevancy. You know nothing more than what you want to have
people think. but it is not the final, best opinion. One asshole's. pure shit.

MB what you know about my money and achievements is actually incorrect , in like 85% of the naysaying....that's why I left when i did. Because you talk like you are number one, and I am too fucked up on drugs and not caring about rap to make excellent decisions about getting the music to the world. Your hatred comes out in your analysis. I see how you want to let the internet world know what you think about me. garbage, tho.

but I'll take the blame for ending SBU. you are right (sarcasm). it was all my fault. I should have tried to give more to you and the canadian scene.
I hope both those MCs end up making better music AFTER SBU. separately

and yes, other people are on "the" level of conspiracy on philaflava, lyrically and mentally. sorry, bud- but, I actually AM NOT with you when you say "WE", in terms of others on philaflava and comparing them to you or me. Yo phila (drizzle, i drive a lexus, kelron, mac lethal, max prime, anyone WHOEVER)... IT'S SUPER COOL BEING ON THE INTERNET LISTENING TO TOMORROW'S 2010 MUSIC AND TALKING MAD SHIT ABOUT HOW WE THINK , PLUS ALL THE INFINITELY DEEP HIP HOP/SOCIETY EVENTS WE ARE ALL LEARNING EXPERIENCE WITH, eh?!?!
plus all the endless knowledge we all share on this website, EH!?!?

i ain't ya boy, and I ain't ya connection OR link. see me as some forgotten family member if need be. but your attempts to look wiser than me ["i don't know if you believe in some of the words you say---"] does go to show THAT,
1-you read something that you do not know much information about
2-something I said is so far away from your mentality, you can't agree with it, even if it is new spiritual science info, that is too much for you.
3-you want to try and make me look 'foolishly fabricated', so your 1998-type "pro hip-hop unity cheeze" is VIABLY RESPECTABLE. ya on ya own, kid. AZ said it best ,'born alone, die alone'.

I have had my time in SBU. drop all the songs you want. I see you don't wanna lose leverage in business , cuz I might cause you failure. that working to get me to be 'a nice little follower' of 'people that make the important decisions' shows your LACK OF SUPPORT, CONSIDERATION and FAITH in my entrepreneurial endeavours.

and that's why you will never see me AROUND you. subliminal bad vibe out of jealousy. hard to prove, easy to detect. like clairaudience soundwaves from a mind in a brain.

oh, you think I am making up a bunch of "knowledge lies and misinformation rambling?". wow. you aren't as smart as someone in a group named "Supreme Being Unit" should be..

a hiphop thug knows how to act out a character, accordingly. even angelic

if people want extremely entertaining enlightenment, they will find a copy.

I have to sell product to retire so I can continue the party at my mansion

SUPERALIENS DVD - july 1 (Canada Day)
DIS THE HATERS - august 4ish
everybody sharing all the food, liquor, drugs, and money for free spiritual knowledge and PUSSY....
extraterrestrial illumination has been discovered!(Really.)
2010 C

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Post by Conspiracy »

who wants to come over to my house to smoke blunts and watch BET?

I love the NO MANS LAND of a wasteland warzone Philaflava is.

nuff disrespect arguments. I LOVE THE CHAOS....pure jokes (seriously)

cyber-battle! digital warfare.

i bite naptron and busta rhymes and posdnous and big daddy kane
(with shameful pride...under the word 'was influenced by')

i beat up people with my violence. arguments are like Cage's LP. child's play.
everybody sharing all the food, liquor, drugs, and money for free spiritual knowledge and PUSSY....
extraterrestrial illumination has been discovered!(Really.)
2010 C

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Post by Conspiracy »

Canadians love PHILAFLAVA.

America is SO free and powerful....if y'alls saw how SORRY some fans are up'd stop the violence and make b-boy kingdom ONE TIME


i want people to see how good my lyrics are when I am SBU Conspiracy.

there are other styles Conspiracy uses for being thematic about projects-
Last edited by Conspiracy on Fri May 14, 2010 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
everybody sharing all the food, liquor, drugs, and money for free spiritual knowledge and PUSSY....
extraterrestrial illumination has been discovered!(Really.)
2010 C

Piff Tannen
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Post by Piff Tannen »

i typed out a 2 paragraph opinion of this new track. but it didnt take, and i dont feel like doing it again.

mb: rap all the time like you did in the first 8 bars. sounded pretty good overall here.

conspiracy leaving the group isnt detrimental, unless you really need 2 minutes of someone just saying SAT words over a beat while chewing as much big league chew as they can stuff into their mouth in one sitting on every song.

Mindbender Futurama
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Post by Mindbender Futurama »

peace to Conspiracy. Good luck with your inner struggle.

thanks Piff. Like I said, I have many styles. I feel comfortable now not rapping fast and furious. And now I have the best album I have ever made in my life sitting in my Windows Media Player, just waiting to get mastered and get this album cover done and I am giving it to the world. 'Jupiter' is going to explode.

it's going to be out right around when Drake drops his album. Thank me later :ironmike:

the spectrum of love,
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Post by HellRell'sToiletAdventure »

Last edited by HellRell'sToiletAdventure on Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by supnick »

did i just hear "bugs bunny is awesome" or am i tripping bawlz

Mindbender Futurama
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Post by Mindbender Futurama »

u r not trippin
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Post by Conspiracy »


(this is what you write after you wake up to a fat spliff after smoking all day before....)

is this song, "Glorious Harmonization", NOT such an OBVIOUS Conspiracy title? heheheh. hahah. yoo. In 2003/4 or when we were doing this LP,
my life was all NON-PHIXION and WEATHERMEN. i was avoiding all the G-UNIT/ludacris garbage being pumped everywhere, and i think also it was a madd KANYE/BRITNEY SPEARS period.... so i was really into trying to get back to the 'east coast natural synthesizer vibey beat sound', and i chose this beat, cuz Weez-L has NUFF ambient-ish, electronica-ish-ish , computer space F/X type shit, so I wanted some girly, pretty ,chill beat for album diversity.. theme albums can, but don't always have to be about ONE song title/idea type/topic.


as you may be able to tell as of now, I get easily BORED with the same musical and lyrical REDUNDANCY and repitition, repetition/ over and over...

so every song is like trying something new. The tried and true flavor IS MY VOICE AND WORDPLAY. not a physical/technical gimmic or prop.

so I don't LOSE my fans when I say space alien knowledge or super extreme action visuals that may overstimulate or scare and confuse fans..

i want you to say, "wow. i dunno but that's some NEXT type of new shit.."


"yo.WHATEVER. been there, done that. and that shit was played out AND wack at the same time. what a waste. i ain't listening to THAT shit again,yo"

*does my best 666necro666 impression as an undead rap zombie....*---....^^^ - "someone get me EL-P or RZA's available beats......"

sorry America, but what some NYC cats done do to Canada, hiphop-wise, MADE US GOO TO HEAVEN AS GIGGLING HYENAS....SO WE GOTTA RETURN THE FAVOR BY MAKING (trying to make) ...'the good hip-hop" like you.

we ain't the french (but bomb like them).
we ain't the british (and got good teeth cuz of free health care)
we ain't the germans (but b-boy like them)
and we ain't the japanese (but we TRY to DJ like them)
and what we really are, is a MUTATED VERSION OF WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU STAY TOO CLOSE TO "America the beautiful"...CANADA ISN'T TOO FAR AWAY FROM YOU (being over extremely dumb about how close to the US we are) AND WE DO GET MOST OF WHAT YOU GET, SOMEWHAT, SO KNOW THAT WE DO LIKE AND ARE INFLUENCED BY -ALL THAT SHIT-

why do you philaflava cats think MB is such a rap fanatic, and CONS is such a wild party b-boy? "uh, HIP HOP IS IN MY BLOOD, your honor..."
AND TO QUOTE THE LADY OF RAGE ON "stranded on death row"
-"and on that case, I PLEAD GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-

I bet Philaflava will turn into Mindbenda-flava after "Jupiter" drops.... (all produced by Rich Kidd?)

then it will be Conspiracy-flava after DIS THE HATERS drops (all produced by Jon Brando)

hiphop, when poetically rhymed correctly right, may give one an adrenaline rush after a full 16-32 bar verse....then the chorus hits (or something ill in a beat) THAT FEELS LIKE BUSTING A NUT SLEEPING HIGH

that's why I am such an extremist when it comes to colorful creativity and my choice of words when I deliver them over beats on the selected projects for the world to officially know. I WANT TO ROCK THE SHIT THE HARDEST, till someone rocks it even harder than me-

I want people to sing along with me at shows, so I might start printing out the lyrics to all my songs and put them in all the new albums and a book/online, too.

Remember when alot of albums came with song lyrics written out, so you could learn what to sing and what the songs lyrics were? bring THAT back.

and also, there is another SBU project, that still must be released. Like I said, about not shelving finished full projects and either leaking or pressing them and just letting them get around everywhere to whoever gets/sees/wants IT-

"Wonderful Kingly"(MCs Are Fans, Too)-SUPREME BEING UNIT
1-"Leaders Of The New School"
2-"Organized Konfusion"
4-"Ancient Futurist"
5-"Ill Bill"- conspiracy solo
6-"Crooked I"- mindbender solo

AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS.....that will be the last release that I, Conspiracy, am on, in mindbender's group, Supreme Being Unit.
artwork done, mastered and designed with CD pictures and link information.

I am not trying to get off topic, but I DID release another free mixtape on my page on May 1, 2010.
it is a serious comedy project, that is soft AND hard at the same time..


like my rap style live on the radiowaves across the world(s)

keep giving us something to read on-line, cuz without phila, there is no INNANETZ?/INTRANETT


DID YOU GET THAT TITLE?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

"mcs are fans, too?"

(young dumb fans need to see some new art perspectives by THINKING ABOUT WHAT THEY ARE BEING GIVEN)

go on and think about that one for an hour, when you discover the stregnth in that thought, your brain will gain ENORMOUS POWER

everybody sharing all the food, liquor, drugs, and money for free spiritual knowledge and PUSSY....
extraterrestrial illumination has been discovered!(Really.)
2010 C

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Post by DoogieHowitzer »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:
Odnet wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:here's the next song on the SBU album. It is called 'Glorious Harmonization'.

"Glorious Harmonization":

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" ... on=8,0,0,0" width="335" height="28" id="divplaylist"><param name="movie" value=" ... 372139-424" /><embed src=" ... 372139-424" width="335" height="28" name="divplaylist" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" ... d></object>
This is by far the best song you've posted. Really good production. The contrasting styles work here and the lyrics don't sound like a laundry list of sci-fi references either. You also do better with the toned-down delivery.
thank you!!! there are a few joints like this on the album.

this is what I'm saying about opinions (ESPECIALLY OPINIONS ON MINDBENDER/CONSPIRACY MUSIC.)

this is one of the songs that Thomas Quinlan said was disposable in his review. I beg to differ. I just know he's not into hip hop like this (and songs like 'Inner Struggle'). But they speak to other people...
I don't think I said disposable, but it was definitely one of the songs I wasn't really feeling on the album, and you're right for the reason why... It's not really my style. I disliked the song more for the production than for anything else, I believe. Still, I'm glad other people are feeling it. Like any form of art, everyone has an opinion and some will like it while others won't...

Anyway, you need to get this album out to the people in some way, shape or form... Get it up at CD Baby so you can sell copies online, and they also have an option for digital distribution so they can get it to iTunes and other digital music sites. If you're looking to give it away for free, hook up a link through Bandcamp or something... I'd hate to see this album get overlooked just because it wasn't made available.
Conspiracy wrote:who wants to come over to my house to smoke blunts and watch BET?
I'm down, but you gotta switch up BET for one of those crazy movies I know you have in your collection, or let me twist your head with some you might not have...

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Post by PopeyeJones »

Mindbender Futurama wrote: it's ALWAYS the same 15 people hating our music, and trying to get responses out of us.
Just to be fair, there's over 100 other people on :phila: who got bored of telling you your music sucks and have you on ignore. Don't forget about them.

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Post by Dids »

I will never understand why out of all the terrible rappers on this site, the one Employee defends is the one who is the biggest asshole towards anybody who criticizes their music.

The reason Bender's an easy target isn't because he sucks (which he does). It's because he's a fucking delusional cunt about his music and people's responses to his music. This despite the fact that more than nearly any other MC posting on this site, he's had plenty of people offer him very helpful advice.

If Bender was just an MC who stunk but thought he was hot shit- we would have eventually just started ignoring him and moved on. Instead, he's combative and stupid, and at some point is just begging for every insult he receives.

Added lols for Bender defending his music by quoting a bunch of reviews from a decade old album that nearly everybody agrees was pretty solid, and holds no resemblance to his current work whatsoever.

Fast Eddie
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Post by Employee »

Dids wrote:I will never understand why out of all the terrible rappers on this site, the one Employee defends is the one who is the biggest asshole towards anybody who criticizes their music.
LOL @ E-40 rolled in flour demonizing pomposity after posting glamour shots of his lamb shank w/ celery and spinach roast for well over a year, nightly.

I haven't always been on Mindbender's side, obviously. But mother fuckers go too far with dude (nh) and have done so for a while now. There's rarely any humor, it's all like a pre-rape foam building up in the corner of Trademark's silver-spooned spit hole. The bra-tuck snapshot is indefensible, I give you that (nh). I also would prefer he didn't promote his shit like a menstruating female lion on the reg, but that's his steez. Dude is no more delusional than Ardamus, Sankofa or Big Scen.

There's also the group think mentality that has its fist lodged in the asses and brains of a large cross-section of posters. If Thun says something negative about Mindbender that becomes the weekly meme in less than half-an-hour. Faggots need to think for themselves. Then there's the whole PopeyeJones contigent consisting of dudes who privately tried to spit over Anticon/pre-Anticon underground beats and discovered they couldn't rap like Saafir. Their hatred is a unique breed because it is so latently homosexual you almost miss it if you don't pay attention.

Fast Eddie
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Post by Employee »

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Post by PopeyeJones »

Employee wrote: Then there's the whole PopeyeJones contigent consisting of dudes who privately tried to spit over Anticon/pre-Anticon underground beats and discovered they couldn't rap like Saafir.
:naswtf: :naswtf: :naswtf:

Admit it, you're an enormous fan of being contrarian, and not even slightly a fan of bender's music.

fwiw, saafir was mostly popular with the hippie kids who hung out in the park. I think you've seen me say a couple times in gabbly that beyond being a DU nerd I never really got into him. I also wasn't living in the bay (I don't think?) when Anticon moved there. I hadn't heard of them until I came to phila. Whatever floats you, though.

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Post by Thun »

The anti-Mindbender movement is definitely old and unoriginal, but as it has been pointed out a billion times, he invites most of it.

He can

a) Stop incessantly and maniacally promoting himself here, and instead just focus on updating his existing supporters with his work and seeking their feedback


b) Concentrate more on writing, which he is better at.

It's on him.

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Post by odium-LSC »

Employee wrote:Dude is no more delusional than Ardamus, Sankofa or Big Scen.
:larry: :larry: :larry: :larry: :larry:

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Post by PopeyeJones »

odium-LSC wrote:
Employee wrote:Dude is no more delusional than Ardamus, Sankofa or Big Scen.
:larry: :larry: :larry: :larry: :larry:
Seriously. At worst those guys have gotten two or three more fans each from posting about their music here. At best Bender has gotten upwards of 100 people who can't wait to talk about how unlistenable his music is from posting about it here. He has his very own tongue-in-cheek "let's help bender's career" thread and he's so delusional he participates in it. Blaming this shit on anybody but Bender is just being contrarian for the sake of it.

Fast Eddie
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Post by Employee »

odium-LSC wrote:
Employee wrote:Dude is no more delusional than Ardamus, Sankofa or Big Scen.
:larry: :larry: :larry: :larry: :larry:
How is pursuing a career in rap in 2010 without an established brand not overflowing with delusion?

Posts: 9507
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Location: Beaumont-sur-Mer

Post by PopeyeJones »

Employee wrote:
odium-LSC wrote:
Employee wrote:Dude is no more delusional than Ardamus, Sankofa or Big Scen.
:larry: :larry: :larry: :larry: :larry:
How is pursuing a career in rap in 2010 without an established brand not overflowing with delusion?
You mean like Mike Eagle?

Fast Eddie
Posts: 77228
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:56 am

Post by Employee »

PopeyeJones wrote:
odium-LSC wrote:
Employee wrote:Dude is no more delusional than Ardamus, Sankofa or Big Scen.
:larry: :larry: :larry: :larry: :larry:
Seriously. At worst those guys have gotten two or three more fans each from posting about their music here. At best Bender has gotten upwards of 100 people who can't wait to talk about how unlistenable his music is from posting about it here. He has his very own tongue-in-cheek "let's help bender's career" thread and he's so delusional he participates in it. Blaming this shit on anybody but Bender is just being contrarian for the sake of it.
There are people who listen to Mindbender who won't/don't admit and never will. I'm sure it's not a flood of silent fans, but the same amount you added to Ardamus', Big Scen's and Sakofa's fan bases.

Fast Eddie
Posts: 77228
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Post by Employee »

PopeyeJones wrote:
Employee wrote:
odium-LSC wrote:
Employee wrote:Dude is no more delusional than Ardamus, Sankofa or Big Scen.
:larry: :larry: :larry: :larry: :larry:
How is pursuing a career in rap in 2010 without an established brand not overflowing with delusion?
You mean like Mike Eagle?
Exactly like OME. More people who post here will download that album than buy it (as will the rest of the world) and you can't really tour into your fifties despite the feats of Riddlore.

This genre does have an age cap.

Fast Eddie
Posts: 77228
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:56 am

Post by Employee »

Thun wrote:The anti-Mindbender movement is definitely old and unoriginal, but as it has been pointed out a billion times, he invites most of it.

He can

a) Stop incessantly and maniacally promoting himself here, and instead just focus on updating his existing supporters with his work and seeking their feedback


b) Concentrate more on writing, which he is better at.

It's on him.
A + B in an ideal world, but either one.

Fast Eddie
Posts: 77228
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:56 am

Post by Employee »

PopeyeJones wrote:
Employee wrote: Then there's the whole PopeyeJones contigent consisting of dudes who privately tried to spit over Anticon/pre-Anticon underground beats and discovered they couldn't rap like Saafir.
:naswtf: :naswtf: :naswtf:

Admit it, you're an enormous fan of being contrarian, and not even slightly a fan of bender's music.

fwiw, saafir was mostly popular with the hippie kids who hung out in the park. I think you've seen me say a couple times in gabbly that beyond being a DU nerd I never really got into him. I also wasn't living in the bay (I don't think?) when Anticon moved there. I hadn't heard of them until I came to phila. Whatever floats you, though.
:larry: :larry: :larry: :larry: :larry: / :larry: :larry: :larry: :larry: :larry:

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