Liam Gallagher to Radiohead: 'Give me a break'

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Liam Gallagher to Radiohead: 'Give me a break'

Post by Philaflava »

( -- As the lead singer of Oasis, Liam Gallagher was famous for speaking his mind even/especially if that meant sticking the boot in to his rock star peers.

Has his attitude changed now that he is the frontman for Beady Eye? It most definitely has not.

The website Quietus has just published an interview with Gallagher in which he reveals his thoughts on the recent output of his fellow Brit rockers Radiohead -- notably their single, "Lotus Flower" -- although Thom Yorke fans may well question my use of the word "thoughts."

"I heard that f---ing Radiohead record and I just go, 'What?!'" Gallagher declared. "I like to think that what we do, we do f---ing well. Them writing a song about a f---ing tree? Give me a f---ing break! A thousand year old tree? Go f--- yourself! You'd have thought he'd have written a song about a modern tree or one that was planted last week. You know what I mean?"

The debut Beady Eye CD -- "Different Gear, Still Speeding" -- was released yesterday.

You can read Entertainment Weekly's own interview with Liam Gallagher in the current issue of EW. Check back to the Music Mix next week for a longer version our chat. ... e/?cnn=yes

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