Ninja Gaiden 3

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Ninja Gaiden 3

Post by Neuro »


personally i love it, despite the wide range of mixxed reviews including the very low scores that have been causing a rawkus

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Post by Russian »

I heard its too easy.

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Post by Neuro »

depending on the difficulty

see in this game easy is actually easy, normal is actually normal, and hard is actually hard, then there is a master difficulty, and soon for free DLC Ultimate difficulty

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Post by Neuro »

my only complaint about this game isnt the changes it made but the length of the campaign , which is reallly short

but it has excellent replay value , in my opinion its more like a present day 3d NES ninja gaiden, run through levels slice in dice tons of enemies, climb walls, and fight a bunch of bosses

there are major changes to this game to make it all flow fast, its all streamlined together, but the core fighting system is there still and amped up tons , i like the fighting better in this than the previous

i can understand why alot are hating on it but at the same time i still think its a reallllly great beat em up slasher game and has old school mixxed with new school mechanics, its really great for what it is

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Post by 360 »

I was going to make a thread about this game but chose otherwise because I didn't feel like defending it against the poor critiques from terrible reviewers who are even worse gamers.

I'm not a big fan of the changes they made to the campaign. There is a lack of diversity in the enemies and I hate button prompts. Those are my only complaints, though.

The game isn't easier. The people who said that only played the game on easy(hero). As a fan, I started the game on hard so I could unlock Master and am currently on that difficulty level. It's very challenging. My main gripe is that the enemies can grab you out of an animation thus eliminating half of your life bar. That pisses me off because, sometimes, dying has nothing to do with skill or a lack there of.

But the campaign is only half of the game.

The multiplayer aspect is loads of fun. There are 4v4 death matches and 2 player Ninja trials. The ninja trials consist of about 50 different challenges, each lasting anywhere from 5- 30 mins, where you and a friend face the AI. With 4 different difficulty levels and each difficulty level having it's own slew of trials, the game is practically endless. The difficulty levels are as follows: Acolyte, Mentor, Master, and Ultimate.

So far, no one in the world has completed all of the Ultimate Ninja Trials. That's how hard they are.

Aside from gameplay, there are loads of costumes and masks you can unlock to customize your character.

Weapon variety sucks, however they have been releasing free dlc which makes new weapons available. The weapons are free ONLY for single player, though. You have to buy them is you plan on using them for multiplayer. They cost 150-250 msp, iirc. So far, the dragon sword and the claws are available. The eclipse scythe will be released this week or next.

I'm convinced that the people who truly hate this game, i.e. the reviewers, simply suck at it.

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Post by Neuro »

yeah i honestly think most that played this just havent been in this type of game mode- classic/old school type game , and instead have been playin all these huge cinematic rpg/ shooter type games, you need to make the adjustments and realize this game is fantastic for what it is and what its aiming to do

360, i highly recommend turning off the tutorial mode in options , that way when it comes to the buttom prompts its not as in your face and actually works very well since they are not that hard to get used to, its good for learning how the game works but once you know, turn that shit off ASAP

also about the diversity of enemies, thought it did a great job of introducing new enemies and keeping them placed in the game as a well, its really no different than any other game, and the bosses are pretty fun to fight, yes a couple return but thats part of the story and i dont really see it as any sort of laziness or whatnot

i really hope they make some sort of campaign add on/expansion even a new separate campaign , not counting on it but thats really what it needs, i like the multiplayer this has to offer, mainly the ninja trials, but going through levels in campaign is most def the best part, its just so damn short for how fast paced this game is, seriously only 8 levels? there needs to be AT LEAST 13

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Post by HomeSkillet »

I'm excited for this game but I have had a nagging suspicion that it was going to be like the difficulty drop from Devil May Cry and DMCII.

Ninja Gaiden games are supposed to be hard as fuck, even on normal.

I trust 360 tho so I will play it.

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Post by 360 »

I appreciate your trust.

And believe me when I say that I have beaten NG2 on master and NG3 on master is just as hard. Plus master isn't even the hardest difficulty. Once you beat Master, you unlock Ninja

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Post by Sigma »

I didn't like this game at all. You're stuck with one weapon throughout. You have one lot of "ninpo" magic you can use throughout. When you clear an area of enemies, your health goes back up to full. There's no hidden things to find, chests to open - all of that shit is gone.

I'm perfectly open to the idea that I just played it on the wrong skill level, cos I played it on normal and I found it to be a piece of piss and quite boring. Also, I only played the single player campaign (which I did not finish).

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Post by Neuro »

i love the first and second ninja gaidens

in all honestly alot of these changes for NG3 are changes that i thought of and wanted

it makes for way smoother fighting experience

you wanna play the style of 1 or 2 , play them, ng3 is just a different chapter, even ng2 started to emerge and condense alot of elements from ng1

for the people that miss all the item collecting i dont know what to say because that was never a highlight for me, of course its cool, but i honestly never used anything but the sword and claws

i was playin on normal because thats the most fun way to play (IMO)it still had a bit of challenge, im playin on hard now and even that is a challengeand a great step up from normal, the complaints about difficulty are worthless because its totally there, they are just finally labeled correctly

i dunno this just falls into a real positive or real negative conversation, but i think this chapter in the series is fucking awesome

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Post by drobizhek »

Is it true that you have all your moves unlocked at the beginning? That seems like an odd choice for a hack-n-slash game.

Gotta watch the review on Zero Punctuation.

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Post by Neuro »

no you have a good amount of the classic moves, just as many as NG2

you see they are wrong when they say you only get one main weapon , yes you get the sword , you get MANY swords, as you play you get better and better swords which add even more of the classic NG fighting combos , you bash buttons yes but you still need to be on top of your shit or you are dead fast in the higher difficulties

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Post by Neuro »

the negetive response for this game makes me sick

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Post by 360 »

I concur.I was disappointed in the streamlining of the campaign but the Ninja Trials and Clan Battles make up for any of the short comings in Story Mode.

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Post by Neuro »

so the great scythe dlc isnt free?

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Post by 360 »

It's free for story mode. But to use it in MP you have to buy it.

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Post by Neuro »

oh its not showing up on xbox for me, just wondering

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Post by Neuro »

so besides ultimate mode to be released , is this all the dlc?

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Post by Neuro »


no excuses ,

review it again

shits ruthless now

the new weapons are great

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Post by Sigma »

There's a demo for this game on Xbox Live now: - ... ?cid=SLink

Tommy Bunz
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Post by Tommy Bunz »

HomeSkillet wrote:I'm excited for this game but I have had a nagging suspicion that it was going to be like the difficulty drop from Devil May Cry and DMCII.
I wonder if any other series has ever gone from perfectly balanced to incredibly easy to hard as fucking fuck I just broke another controller from throwing it in three installments like Devil May Cry.

Seriously though I smashed two controllers playing DMC3. Threw one against the wall and curb stomped the other one like I was Ed Norton. Fuck that game.

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Post by itzmurda »

Sigma wrote:There's a demo for this game on Xbox Live now: - ... ?cid=SLink
nice, thanks for this

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