Nostalgia: post your best gaming memories...

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Nostalgia: post your best gaming memories...

Post by Hush »

Around the time the NES came out my parents couldn't afford to buy me one at first so my mom broke their old Atari 2600 and a bunch of games out of storage for me to play. Looking back, I'm glad I got to experience it first because it made me appreciate gaming and the NES that much more.

My best friend got an NES before I did and brought it over to my house and it was the first time I got to play Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt (the only game he had at the time).

Somehow, I finagled my mom into buying me The Legend of Zelda even though I didn't own an NES yet (I guess we knew I was getting one eventually). I took it over to the same friend above's house to play it. I remember when I left, I took the game with me and wouldn't let him borrow it because I was paranoid that he would get farther in the game than me or my data would be erased when I came back.

Later, my dad finally gave in and took me to Kmart to buy the console. I got the SMB/Duck Hunt bundle and he told me to go ahead and pick out another game. That game was Spy Hunter.

By the time the SNES came out, I had accumulated a pretty respectable library of NES games. One weekend my grandma and mom had a combined yard sale at my grandma's house. I sold most of my NES stuff there and made enough money to buy the SNES w/ Super Mario World and also The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

I bought my PS1 primarily to play Resident Evil and PS2 to play GTA3.

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Post by Russian »


Running in to a Hudini Splicer for the first time...i was like WTF!?

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Post by Truth. »

waking up christmas morning to a new snes connected to the tv with super mario world in it

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Post by deepfriedjellol »

when i was a kid my parents owned part of a harness racing horse and i was constantly at the tracks around chicago and never got to play games except when i was at my cousins houses.
i finally got a gameboy one year at christmas and i remember having a little tote with my gameboy and 4 or 5 games and playing all over the track
stables, winners circle, stands, everywhere around hawthorne, sportsmans, balmoral, arlington, maywood

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Post by Combo7 »

Getting a Game Boy at seven years of age while I was laid up in the hospital.

Also, the releases of:

SNES/Super Mario World
Street Fighter 2 on SNES
N64/Mario 64

had me bugging the fuck out at the time.

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Post by Hush »

Yeah Street Fighter II on SNES. My mom took me to special order it at this mom and pop game shop. I think it cost 70-80 bucks if I remember correctly.

Also, in 5th and 6th grade I went to a really small elementary school. I had a list of all my NES games typed up, and I would rent them to my classmates for fifty cents each for a night. Amazingly, they all got returned to me.

Also at the same school, the building I was in had 4 classrooms and one common area and restrooms in the middle. We would switch rooms and teachers for different subjects, but everybody had a "homeroom" where they started in the morning and ended in the afternoon. Kids would leave their Gameboys and games lined up on their homeroom desks (I guess to show off) for other kids sitting there during different periods to see. Again, amazingly, I don't think there were any instances of stolen Gameboys or anything like that.

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Post by Hush »

Russian wrote:Bioshock

Running in to a Hudini Splicer for the first time...i was like WTF!?
Wow that's real nostalgic!

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Post by A__TRAIN »


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Post by madtapes »

When I was in grade 7 this little mom and pop video rental place in my town started renting Famicom games (with NES adapters attached). They had a bunch of 100 in 1 bootleg carts I'd always rent. One day I walked in there to find something to rent and the guy behind the counter reached behind the counter and handed me their latest rental, Super Mario 3. It was the jap version and it blew my mind.

To put it into context, Super Mario 2 had only been out for about 3 months by that point. I rented the game for a week and loved every moment of it.

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Post by wheels »

First time I met the cyberdemon in Doom.

My first playthrough of PSO on dreamcast.

Any and everything star wars galaxies related. That game was the shit.

The insane amount of hours we'd put in playing goldeneye in my buddy Liam's basement. He had the smallest fuckin TV, and one controller that was fucked up. The guy with the least amount of kills would have to sit, the guy with the most got his choice of controller, and the newcomer had to use the busted one. I had like a 60 inch TV at the crib but he lived right by the high school and we could smoke there so that's where we always kicked it.

I remember one time I ate a shitload of mushrooms and went over there to chill and smoke blunts. I hadn't exactly told anyone I was tripping but they knew some shit was up. They hadn't really kicked in yet and we fired up goldeneye and started playing. I wasn't doing that well but I was staying in the game at least. We always played license to kill with just pistols.

So then I start really tripping and I'm fucking annihilating my buddies. No one can kill me. I'm just doing laps around the complex and one shotting motherfuckers all day. The thing is I'm not even really looking at the screen most of the time. I'm looking at the walls and laughing my ass off and all that shit you do while you're tripping.

So they figure out what's going on and claim that I'm cheating somehow. Faggots. I say fine, any of you three vs. me and if you win I'll buy us an eighth of dank and we'll smoke the whole thing right here. They said they wanted boomers too so I said fine.

I ran those fuckers. 50-0. They couldn't kill me at all. Sure, I had a lot more targets to shoot at but they got fucking owned.

But like the gentleman I am I called up a bunch of drugs, and we spent the next 4-5 hours shooting at each other, gunning cigarettes, and arguing about what yellow smelled like. PEACE THE END OF MY STORY IS NOW

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Post by Cowy »

Playing NBA Live 95 against my best friend for 2-3 dollars a game. Same thing with Mutant League Football.

Getting high as fuck in college and playing Halo nonstop. Same w/ NCAA 2003.

Beating Super Mario 3.

Riding my bike to the Toys R Us 3-4 miles away to play Mario 64 before the N64 was ever released. Then when it actually came out getting all 120 stars and fuckin loving it.

Shining Force 1 and 2.

Playing old RTS games all the fucking time and killing the leadboards and Cases Ladder. Red Alert, Dark Reign, Starcraft.

My dad would feed me quarters for Street Fighter 2 in the arcades when I was 8-9 b/c he thought it was funny to watch the old teenagers get their asses whooped(most of the time).

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Post by cenzi »

Turbo Grafix 16 - Bonks Adventures!!!!

Plus I got the Kid N Play tape that same christmas morning. I heard that record for 12 horus straight.. funny shit.

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Post by Galvatron78 »

Man lemme tell ya....LOL....I love this thread.

- Being 10 and determined to beat Metroid....i waited by the mailbox for a week for my Nintendo Power map which seemed like years and i finally beat the game and lost a tooth that same night LOL.

- Saying "fuck it" after weeks of trying to brave Battletoads

- Seeing Street Fighter II for the first time at Shannon Mall in Newnan Ga. and trying to describe the details to my was like i saw a comet or some shit.

- Being 11 and me and my homie D-Brown having a crowd around us beting Final Fight at the Arcade

- Seeing my mentor in gaming Mr. Freeman Lowe beat Contra on NES without the 30 men code.....WITHOUT DYING ONCE!!

- Seeing the commercial for Streets of Rage on Sega and we looked at each other and said "I'm gettin that shit for Christmas"

- 1997, December I'm fresh off of Basic Training leave for the Army....i read that Sega Saturn released X-men Vs. Street Fighter i ordered it with overnight shipping (in all i spent about 105$)...i had to have it and i spent all Christmas day and night playing it.

- When i finally copped a Neo Geo at the age of was a long time goal of mine and i took a week off of work to play some Samurai Shodown II on my 52" TV.

More to come I could go all day on this shit.

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Post by jredd109 »

getting a new system (especially NES, Genesis, PS1) was always great.

a couple games that were the tits from start to finish: legend of zelda, FF7

playing the most underrated baseball game ever (bad news baseball) with friends, and in the bottom of the 9th with the winning run trying to score on a hit to the outfield the game went through a sequence of animated slides depicting the outfielder throwing home, the runner rounding the bases, and the play at the plate. it was awesome. plus Mr. T was in the high-five line after you hit homers.

Finally, for now, my mom bought me earthworm jim for christmas. i wanted to play it so bad i would take it from under the tree every day before christmas, carefully unwrap it, play it, and then rewrap it and put it back. The wrapping paper was getting pretty haggard after a couple weeks but moms didn't know anything.

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Post by HomeSkillet »

A__TRAIN wrote:Image
pretty much

This game was the first time I legitimately felt like a bad ass while wearing jams shorts

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Post by Hush »


Finishing the second quest on The Legend of Zelda (with help from Nintendo Power)

Renting the Game Genie when it came out and playing around with all the different codes, manipulating them/creating my own (especially for Super Mario Bros.). I actually just revisited this recently, as I found out there is Game Genie support for the FCEU emulator on Wii!

Getting so good at Contra that I could beat it (still can) without the 30 lives code.

Reading about Resident Evil and wanting a PS1 just to be able to play that game. The spiders creeped me the fuck out! Despite the horrible voice acting that game was :ohsh: at the time. I never actually beat it using Chris as my character.

When my friend brought his PS2 and GTA3 over on Thanksgiving weekend. I had been out of gaming for a year or two, but that game got me back into it. Went out and bought the console and game the next weekend.

Playing Altered Beast on my friend's Genesis and being amazed everytime it said "Rise from your grave!" and "Welcome to your doom!"

Renting the move "The Wizard" and watching it over and over, obviously loving all the games in it and the preview of SMB3.

Chale Holmes
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Post by Chale Holmes »

Thread is gold!

-getting my NES a few weeks after it came out. Was playing on a twelve inch tv with the knobs to change channels.

-going to local bowling alley to play sfII and getting owned by three dude who were already in hs. Those guys were Always there! They were God in everyones eyes. We always asked these guys to tell us how to do moves and shit, but mofos wouldn't give the info up.

I remember one time my cousin and I went to the bowling alley fairly early to get some sf in before the Gods showed up and in it's place was Mortal Kombat! We played that shit and I used sub-zero. Basically using hadoken motion to figure out his moves. The Gods walked in and I was in the middle of playin a match and the finish him came up. I tried to just do the ice ball, but instead I did his fatality! Dude was like whoa! How'd u do that? I played it off like they did, and said I can't tell u. They were salty as fuck!

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Post by Hush »


Great story!

In middle school/ early high school, we would go to this arcade in my town (the kind with putt-putt and go-karts). Kids we knew worked there (one of them actually went on to become the manager, lol). So basically, we could go there after school most days (when business was slow) and get free credits on the arcade games. We played Killer Instinct, all the Mortal Kombats, SFII, etc. with hundreds of free credits!

Also reminds me of how much I was pumped for MKII to come out on SNES with the blood and fatalities intact! That game was so close in quality to the arcade it was pretty unbelievable at the time.

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Post by HomeSkillet »

My little brother and I used to go across the street to this kid kyle's house with the nintendo and play supermario. When I would fight bowser I'd get so pissed when I died that I would make them both stand on the other side of the room away from me and yell at them if they made ANY noise. Totally beat that shit.

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Post by EarForGoodMusic »

When i finally beat the Emerald Weapon (the almost unkillable underwater enemy) in Final Fantasy 7 was a great gaming moment for me. I could explain how i did it, but it would take awhile.

My friends and I playing Tekken Tag Tournament for hours. Eventually it got serious and we would bet a dollar/fight.

When i first got Tomb Raider, my cousin and i played it for like 3 days straight.

good times.

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Post by Dwight Strawberry »

Baseball Stars - Me and my buddy had a team consisting of all of the kids on our little league team. We played that team/season so much that everyones stats were maxed out. Then, one sad day, my little brother forgot to hold down reset when he powered the game off, and all of the save data got wiped off. Sad day. I still remember breaking the news to my friend. I think we bowed our heads for a few minutes then went up to the card store for some 88 Donruss wax packs.

Playstation - I kind of lost interest in gaming after I had my Sega Genesis for a year or so, and had no idea that Sony recently created a new console called the Playstation. My little brother rented the console from Blockbuster (remember when they did that...hehe) and my friend (same one from the Baseball Stars story) and I came home one night from a night of steady blunt smokin and we saw that shit hooked up in the living room. My brother rented NHL Faceoff and Ridge Racer. We must have played for like 4 or 5 hours.

I went and bought a Playstation a week later and was a full blown gaming addict again and still am to this day. Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, and Resident Evil 1/2 were my faves.

NFL2k - I remember playing this for the first time and seeing the players breath show when you played snow games. It was truly a :ohsh: gaming moment.

Triple Play 2000 - To this day, the only season I played a full 162 game baseball season and didn't sim one game. Won the WS in 6.

Shup Diddy
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Post by Shup Diddy »

Galvatron78 wrote:
- Being 11 and me and my homie D-Brown having a crowd around us beting Final Fight at the Arcade
haha i had the same thing happen except it was turtles in time and it was a crowd watching me, my then stepfather, my cousin and my moms beating the game, i think we had the entire arcade occupancy watching us

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Post by Shup Diddy »

2001, when i used to work at gamestop, one of my homies came through and i told him how the EB in the same mall had MvC 2 on display, so he wanted to peep it when i was on break. my homie was like, the master at MvC 2, and he was a nigga, so that was like an oxymoron at the time. so we hit up the EB, and he serves some cats there for a while. took a couple employees out in it too. like a scene in a videogame, the district manager for the store comes out the backroom, brushing foodcrumbs off his shirt, and hops on to play my homie. he cleanly takes two of my homie's characters out, leaving him with just wolverine to fight all 3 of his dudes. right when he gets my friend's wolverine down to like a 3rd of his life my homie goes wild. catches the manager's ryu in a berzerker claw and takes him out, leaving two cats with full health bars. the next few seconds seemed like minutes cause he STILL couldn't take my homie's wolverine out. with a 3rd lifebar left for his two characters, the manager goes for a double super move, i was like "that's it." somehow my homie executes wolverine's weapon x super move, and cause the manager's two characters were out at the same time he hits both, taking them both out. ish was so epic. manager has this look on his face like he just seen a ghost, or someone taking a slice of his pizza with his fat ass. me and the homie walk out the store yellin "GAMESTOP, BYYYYYYYYYYYIIIIIIIIIIIICH!"


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Post by Trademark »

Staying up new years eve, don't know what year it was, late 80s maybe, and winning the Super bowl in Tecmo bowl right at midnight with my twin brother and our best friend....fireworks and shit were going off motherfuckers were banging pots and pans together, felt like the entire world was celebrating our victory....

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Post by Trademark »

Dwight Strawberry wrote: Playstation - I kind of lost interest in gaming after I had my Sega Genesis for a year or so, and had no idea that Sony recently created a new console called the Playstation. My little brother rented the console from Blockbuster (remember when they did that...hehe) and my friend (same one from the Baseball Stars story) and I came home one night from a night of steady blunt smokin and we saw that shit hooked up in the living room. My brother rented NHL Faceoff and Ridge Racer. We must have played for like 4 or 5 hours.

I went and bought a Playstation a week later and was a full blown gaming addict again and still am to this day. Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, and Resident Evil 1/2 were my faves.

Same story here, we rented a Playstation 1 and Resident Evil...I don't think I slept all weekend, out of fright and the fact I couldnt' stop playing..

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Post by ric »

inputting michael jordans name into nba 96 for snes and being like :ohsh: when it auto changed the player stats

when i finally got to the point in sf2 where i could play most of the characters and do well

playing ff 2,3, mystic quest & 7 for the first time

playing and watching splinter cell on my friends xbox. the xbox version is way harder and more intense than the ps2 version, as all splinter cells have been since.

watching my friend play resident evil 4 (i had no gamecube) and then finally getting it and playing it myself years later when i had a gamecube

playing ncaa football 2004 which lasted me for a good 3 years

playing metal gear solid 2 and being like 'whoa'

playing metal gear solid 3, listening to the theme song and pretty much instantly being like 'holy fucking shit this game is going to be sweet' and it was.

when i first got the ps2 for christmas i got it late and my parents got silent hill 2 and ff 10. both of which are among the all time greats for the console.

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Post by Chale Holmes »

-playing killer instinct with orchid just to see her titties bounce. First time I ever had the urge to fuck an animated character.

-went to catch a flick at the local AMC and they had tekken three or four...can't remember, but it had just come out. Some little kid was playin it...he lost, so I popped in a few quarters and started playing. Kid came back with more quarters and I proceeded to show no fucking mercy. Kid must have spent like five bucks. Wifey at the time, was like ur an asshole...I said that fuck that shit, Im trying to beat this muthafuckin game.

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Post by ROSARIO »

winning the superbowl in tecmo runs damn fast in that final game.

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Post by ChewbaccaUncircumcised »

playing diablo online for free on battlenet. i shat bricks.

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Post by Hayzoos »

Shup Diddy wrote:2001, when i used to work at gamestop, one of my homies came through and i told him how the EB in the same mall had MvC 2 on display, so he wanted to peep it when i was on break. my homie was like, the master at MvC 2, and he was a nigga, so that was like an oxymoron at the time. so we hit up the EB, and he serves some cats there for a while. took a couple employees out in it too. like a scene in a videogame, the district manager for the store comes out the backroom, brushing foodcrumbs off his shirt, and hops on to play my homie. he cleanly takes two of my homie's characters out, leaving him with just wolverine to fight all 3 of his dudes. right when he gets my friend's wolverine down to like a 3rd of his life my homie goes wild. catches the manager's ryu in a berzerker claw and takes him out, leaving two cats with full health bars. the next few seconds seemed like minutes cause he STILL couldn't take my homie's wolverine out. with a 3rd lifebar left for his two characters, the manager goes for a double super move, i was like "that's it." somehow my homie executes wolverine's weapon x super move, and cause the manager's two characters were out at the same time he hits both, taking them both out. ish was so epic. manager has this look on his face like he just seen a ghost, or someone taking a slice of his pizza with his fat ass. me and the homie walk out the store yellin "GAMESTOP, BYYYYYYYYYYYIIIIIIIIIIIICH!"


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