Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

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Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by Galvatron78 »

Since we have a new mod we might as well make our nerdy selves known.....Unless you're too cool for school, the format's simple look below

1. Age - 32

2. First system you bought/recieved - Atari 2600/Colecovision

3. How long have you been playing games - ....gotdamn.......29 years

4. Best gaming memories - wiinning an Arcade hosted King of Fighters 99' tournament with 30 straight wins and taking home the $500 cash prize.

5. Favorite systems - Saturn, Supergun, PS3, PSP, Genesis and the PC Engine Duo

6. Best controllers - Saturn hands down...and any stick made by Hori ='s :copy:

7. favorite genres of games - Fighting, Racing, Beat em' ups and Shoot em' ups and Sports

8. favorite gaming magazine - gamefan and Gamepro

9. Favorite series/title - Samurai Shodown/Spirits , King of Fighters and damn near anything from Konami

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by stupidregister »

1. Age - 26

2. First system you bought/recieved - NES

2a. Systems you have owned - NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, PS3, Virtual Boy (for a day), Nintendo 64 (for a day), Game Boy

3. How long have you been playing games - ~15 years

4. Best gaming memories - Playing Super Mario Bros. on Christmas day when I finally got an NES, completing Rainbow Road in MarioKart in under 1 minute

5. Favorite systems - SNES

6. Best controllers - SNES, PS2/3

7. favorite genres of games - Sports, fighting, 3rd person

8. favorite gaming magazine - Nintendo Power

9. Favorite series/title - Batman, Street Fighter II Turbo, NBA Live 95, Vegas Stakes, Super Tennis, Gran Turismo II, Goldeneye 64
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Post by Philaflava »

1. Age - 32

2. First system you bought/received - Atari 2600

3. How long have you been playing games - 27 years

4. Best gaming memories - Beating :ironmike: and being crowned best Fight Night player of Boca in '05

5. Favorite system - NES, Genesis and PS3

6. Best controllers - PS or 360

7. favorite genres of games -Sports

8. favorite gaming magazine - Nintendo Power

9. Favorite series/title - SMB, Castlevania, Zelda, COD, RBI Baseball, NBA Live, MVP Baseball

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Post by Moolah »

1. Age - 26

2. First system you bought/recieved - Atari 2600

3. How long have you been playing games - I guess 22 years or so.

4. Best gaming memories - After much shit talking about who was the Goldeneye king, I murked each and every one of my friends beyond recognition before challenging them to a 3 vs 1 with moonrakers in facility which I won something like 27-0. Also, when I was about 9 or 10 years old I used to get props from the high school kids by fucking them up in Street Fighter II at the local video shop.

5. Favorite systems - N64, DS, Mega Drive (:bork: for Genesis), Master System, NES, Atari 2600.

6. Best controllers - N64

7. favorite genres of games - Real time RPG's like Zelda, beat 'em up, FPS, Sport, Rhythm.

8. favorite gaming magazine - I used to read "Hyper" back in the day.

9. Favorite series/title - The Legend of Zelda
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Post by Sigma »

1. Age - 40.

2. First system you bought/received - A "TV game" with football, tennis, squash and a light gun game.

3. How long have you been playing games? - About 31/32 years.

4. Best gaming memories - Winning a

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Post by Shup Diddy »

1. Age - 27

2. First system you bought/recieved - NES

3. How long have you been playing games - over 20 yrs

4. Best gaming memories - two similar ones, playing & beating both Cadillacs & Dinosaurs & Turtles in Time with my mom, her then husband, and my cousin in Golfland with a good 100 people watching each time.

5. Favorite systems - Dreamcast, Nomad, NES, GBA, Genesis, PS3

6. Best controllers - Saturn

7. favorite genres of games - Side scrollers, beat em ups & shoot em ups (mostly old school ones)

8. favorite gaming magazine - gamefan and Gamepro<----cosign Galvy, gamefan was the truth

9. Favorite series/title - Metal Gear Solid, Xenogears, Double Dragon, Wrath of the Black Manta, Vectorman, Captain Commando, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Alien Vs Predator, Shatter Hand, Gain Ground, The Valis Series, too many to remember

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by Hayzoos »

1. Age - soon to be 21

2. First system you bought/recieved - Recieved: NES. Bought: I think PS1. Me and my brother both went in on an N64 before that though.

3. How long have you been playing games - Since I was like 3. So I guess 18 years.

4. Best gaming memories - Playing COD4 online with like 10 of my friends at once. This game was my introduction to online gaming.
Playing/watching GTA3 for the first time. My brother had a sleepover and one of his friends brought it and the game was so insanely :ohsh:.
Beating MGS3. An it's 30 fake endings.
Beating all 3 God of Wars in one week. This was done like a month ago though :lol:. Nonstop :ohsh: moments that week.
Playing NES and SNES at my old house as a little kid.
Playing my brother in TMNT Tournament Fighters and using Donatello who was unbeatable. Probably one of the worst balanced fighting games ever. :lol:
Having huge battles with my brother/friends/neighbors on Wrestlemania 2000 for N64. Same thing with THPS1.
Finally beating the water temple in Zelda: Ocarana of Time. This shit was impossible to figure out. I had to go to Crown Books (I think that's what it's called, which is no longer around) to look at the strategy guide for how to beat it. Still one of the hardest levels ever in a game imo.
Beating the Rex at the end of MGS1. This shit took me a whole fuckin week to beat.

5. Favorite systems - 1.) PS2. 2.) Xbox 360 3.) SNES/N64

6. Best controllers - I used to swear by the Playstation controller because of how organized the layout is, but i think the Xbox 360 controller is my #1 now. I love how it just fits in your hand so well. The PS3 controller is a very close second, though.

7. favorite genres of games - Nowadays, sports games. Before, probably platformers or stealth games.

8. favorite gaming magazine - Game Informer. Have had a subscription since 2003 I think.

9. Favorite series/title - 1.) God of War 2.) Metal Gear Solid 3.) Zelda 4.) Call of Duty 5.) Pre-2009: NBA Live. 2009-present: NBA 2K
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Post by ThaMexakin »

1. Age - 26

2. First system you bought/recieved - Sega Genisis

3. How long have you been playing games - about 17 years

4. Best gaming memories - First time I played Half Life 1. Shit blew my world up son.

5. Favorite systems - PC hands down. Also I fucked with the Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast and the PS2. Ive had almost every system at some point except for the original Xbox.

6. Best controllers - Loved the Saturns'. WASD + Mouse for life though.

7. favorite genres of games - FPS followed by RPG.

8. favorite gaming magazine - PC Gamer pretty much, I used to read alot of them, now there isin't much need with the gaming blogs.

9. Favorite series/title - Half Life, System Shock/Bioshock, Metal Gear, FF,

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Post by Brokewax »

1. Age - 19

2. First system you bought/recieved - Nes, then got PS1 for Christmas when I was around 6/7

3. How long have you been playing games - Since I was 3/4

4. Best gaming memories - Getting my PSX after having to go to cousins houses to play Snes, Genesis, ETC

5. Favorite systems - Snes/PS

6. Best controllers - PS

7. favorite genres of games - Sports/RPG/FPS

8. favorite gaming magazine - Gamepro/Nintendo Power

9. Favorite series/title - Jet Set Radio Future/Metal Gear/Street Fighter/Metal Slug

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.


1. Age - 23

2. First system you bought/recieved - NES from 15 yr old girl who thought she was too cool for it now

3. How long have you been playing games -think i was 6 then

4. Best gaming memories - beating some high school friends at mario tennis playing w/ my feet.... doubles..... :copy:

5. Favorite systems - maybe super nintendo? thats when i loved videogames the most

6. Best controllers - SNES or keyboard n mouse for some games

7. favorite genres of games - Fighting, real time strat, racing, plus adventure game like zelda.... platform, survival horror too

8. favorite gaming magazine - none

9. Favorite series/title - street fighter, zelda, res evil, metal gear, starcraft, mario kart
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that's pretty much it fam.

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by A__TRAIN »

1. Age - 23

2. First system you bought/recieved - PSX, wasnt aware of the newer smaller design so i had :naswtf: look on my face when i unwrapped it for christmas.

3. How long have you been playing games - for as long as I can remember.

4. Best gaming memories - NBA 2K10 comeback win after being down 23 points in at the start of the 4th quarter. BARON DAVIS FTW

From playing the Metal Gear Solid demo to finishing the complete game with the red bandana.

Halo 3 all-nighters

5. Favorite systems - N64, SNES, 360, Wii,

6. Best controllers - XBOX 360, absolute best for shooters and sports games.

7. favorite genres of games - Shooters, Multiplayer beat em ups, Sports, action RPGs.

8. favorite gaming magazine - none

9. Favorite series/title Mass Effect

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Post by Ramen »

1. Age - 24

2. First system you bought/recieved - NES(was actually my brothers)

3. How long have you been playing games - 18-19 years?

4. Best gaming memories - pulling all nighters on golden eye with the homies

mario kart battles

california games surfing

5. Favorite systems - n64, ps2, 360, gba

6. Best controllers - n64, 360

7. favorite genres of games - Fighting, Sports, FPS

8. favorite gaming magazine -

9. Favorite series/title - street fighter, donkey kong, call of duty, mario kart

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by Tired & Broke »

1. Age - 25

2. First system you bought/recieved - Sega Master System

3. How long have you been playing games - 21 years

4. Best gaming memories - memories are still for faggots

5. Favorite systems - Sega Genesis, Xbox 360, Sega Dreamcast
, Sony PS2

6. Best controllers - The DS2, 360 Controllers

7. favorite genres of games - Fighting, Beat Em' Ups, Hack & Slash, FPS, Basketball

8. favorite gaming magazine - Gamepro (Before The Internet Took Over)

9. Favorite series/title - Dynasty Warriors Series, Street Fighter Series, Old School Double Dragon Series
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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by Tired & Broke »

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by Indivisual »


1. Age -23

2. First system you bought/recieved - NES

3. How long have you been playing games - 19 years

4. Best gaming memories - winning $100 Target gift card playing Super Smash Bros at my college.

5. Favorite systems - SNES, N64, PS3, Dreamcast

6. Best controllers - I really like the Gamecube Controller

7. favorite genres of games - Fighting, FPS, RPG

8. favorite gaming magazine - don't really read magazines anymore

9. Favorite series/title - Smash Bros is number 1 for sure, MGS, Shadow of Colossus/Ico, Half Life
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Post by Combo7 »

1. Age - 26

2. First system you bought/recieved - Atari 2600

3. How long have you been playing games - 22 years I guess?

4. Best gaming memories - 5th grade: My friend and I spending over a year marveling at screenshots and news of the upcoming Mario 64. A few weeks before N64's launch, I learned that Toys R Us had a bunch of in-store demos set up. We jumped in the car with my dad and hauled ass to the toy store (a ten-minute trip that felt like ten hours). Playing Mario 64 for the first time left me awestruck in a way that no video game will even approach ever again.

5. Favorite systems - N64, SNES

6. Best controllers - N64 (for the types of games I liked at least... couldn't imagine using it for, say, a fighting game)

7. favorite genres of games - Platforming (GOAT: Super Mario World or Donkey Kong Country), Action-Adventure (GOAT: Twilight Princess), FPS (GOAT: Half-Life 2), those point-and-click adventure games that LucasArts used to dominate (GOAT: Grim Fandango)

8. favorite gaming magazine - Subsribed to Nintendo Power from the first issue for a long time, and subscribed to GamePro for awhile. Haven't picked up a game magazine in over ten years though.

9. Favorite series/title - Mario, Zelda, Half-Life. My gaming has tapered off significantly as I've gotten older, but I expect to be keeping up with these franchises well into my elder years. Used to be obsessed with Mega Man when I was younger too, to the point where I'd try to create and draw my own boss characters.

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Post by Balzac »

1. Age - 33

2. First system you bought/recieved - Intellivision (wierdest controller ever I would say)

3. How long have you been playing games - 27 years

4. Best gaming memories - beating super mario for NES on 1 man without warping. Playing all the insane mods of quake2 back in the day (jailbreak, rocket arena, jungle quake, quake pong etc..). Playing super mario 3 all weekend at a friends house for the first time. Arcades. Kids today are missing out not having scummy dive arcades to cut their teeth in.

5. Favorite systems - Dreamcast, Xbox360, PC

6. Best controllers - Dreamcast, Xbox360

7. favorite genres of games - Real Time Strategy for PC, First Person Shooter, 3rd Person shooter/puzzle.

8. favorite gaming magazine - used to get gamepro from the library back in the day

9. Favorite series/title - Super Mario, Doom/Quake/Wolfenstein, Starcraft, Warcraft 1 2 & 3, Command and Conquer, Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, Halo, Gears of War, Resident evil

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by KITFUNK »

2. First system you bought/recieved - received: Genesis bought: N64

3. How long have you been playing games - since I was like 6 (but I didn't play religiously.)

4. Best gaming memories - playing Golden Axe on Genesis with my pops

5. Favorite systems - X360, Gamecube, Dreamcast

6. Best controllers - X360

7. favorite genres of games - RPGs, Sports, Fighters

8. favorite gaming magazine - Nintendo Power

9. Favorite series/title - Elder Scrolls, NFL2K (before they discontinued it), Star Wars: KOTOR, NBA2K, Soul Caliber, Zelda

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Post by spitboxer »

1. Age - 30

2. First system you bought/recieved - Commodore 64

3. How long have you been playing games - About 25-26 years

4. Best gaming memories - Winning some Sonic 2 tournament on a sega bus that was touring around the UK, hadnt even played Sonic 2 til that day.

5. Favorite systems - Dreamcast, Megadrive, N64, 360

6. Best controllers - 360 & Dreamcast

7. favorite genres of games - Racing mainly then sports, beat em up, platform & adventure

8. favorite gaming magazine - Retro Gamer (uk) & official xbox

9. Favorite series/title -
Zelda, Colin McRae, Shenmue, Pro Evolution Soccer, Mario, PGR, GTA, Dizzy, Street Fighter & Soul Calibur

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by wheels »

1. Age - 28

2. First system you bought/recieved - NES

3. How long have you been playing games - 23 years

4. Best gaming memories - Getting up to take a piss while playing SOCOM, came back and my entire team was dead. Won the round while talking to myself.

5. Favorite systems - NES, Turbografx 16, 360, PS3, xbox, DREAMCAST

6. Best controllers - Xbox 360

7. favorite genres of games - FPS, Sports, MMO, driving Sims, RTS,

8. favorite gaming magazine - Game Informer

9. Favorite series/title - Soul Calibur, Gran Turismo, SOCOM, Ghost Recon, COD

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Post by Trademark »

1. Age - 27

2. First system you bought/recieved - NES

3. How long have you been playing games - over 20 yrs

4. Best gaming memories - .

5. Favorite systems - SNES, N64, PS2, PS3

6. Best controllers - Saturn

7. favorite genres of games - ehh, it always changes between platformers, fps, and whatever you call grand theft auto

8. favorite gaming magazine - N/A

9. Favorite series/title - Mario, GTA, Dynasty Warriors, MVP Baseball :owens: , Little Big Planet

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by Random Sample »

1. Age - 32

2. First system you bought/recieved - Atari 2600

3. How long have you been playing games - 27 years

4. Best gaming memories - Finally beating Zelda, Scoring a 1000 points in a nhl 96 season, The end of Metal Gear Solid

5. Favorite systems - Nes, PS1, 360

6. Best controllers - 360

7. favorite genres of games - Action/Adventure, Sports, Shooters

8. favorite gaming magazine - I used to read EGM, but I haven't read any in a while.

9. Favorite series/title - Metal Gear, NHL, Baseball Stars, Call of Duty, Zelda, Castlevania, Mario Kart, Shadow of Colossus/Ico, Tomb Raider 1-3.

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by 360 »

1. Age - 30

2. First system you bought/recieved - Atari 2600

3. How long have you been playing games - 26-27 years

4. Best gaming memories[/b- Getting the arcade for a whole night after i won a sf tournament in 92

5. Favorite systems - snes, nes, Saturn, 360

6. Best controllers - Saturn and 360

7. favorite genres of games - rpg's, action/adventure

8. favorite gaming magazine - Gamepro

9. Favorite series/title - ff, megaman, fallout, zelda(nes and snes), Dr, there are more.

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by Hush »

1. Age - 31

2. First system you bought/recieved - Atari 2600 (it was my parents')

3. How long have you been playing games - ~26 years

4. Best gaming memories - My childhood pretty much revolved around the Nintendo Entertainment System

5. Favorite systems - NES, SNES, PSX, PS2, Xbox 360

6. Best controllers - Dualshock 1/2/3, Xbox 360

7. favorite genres of games - Arcade/Kart Racing, Action/Adventure, Open World, 2D Platformers, Survival Horror

8. favorite gaming magazine - EGM (rip)

9. Favorite series/title - SMB, Zelda 1 and 3, Grand Theft Auto, Burnout, Dead Rising, Contra, Metal Gear Solid series, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, too many to list...

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by eris »

1. Age - 25

2. First system you bought/recieved - NES

2a. Systems you have owned - NES, Wii, Genesis, Saturn, PS1, PS2, PS3, PSPGo, Xbox, Xbox360. (In the process of purchasing all of the old systems again)

3. How long have you been playing games - As long as I can remember. ~23 years

4. Best gaming memories - Beating MegaMan 1 & 2, the original Zelda game, A song from Castlevania 2 constantly being the background music in my nightmares as a child. Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam tournaments with my brother. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.

5. Favorite systems - PS2

6. Best controllers - PS3

7. favorite genres of games - 3rd Person, Action/Adventure, Survival Horror, RPG, Sports

8. favorite gaming magazine - Nintendo Power

9. Favorite series/title - As far as series go, everything from the following: Metal Gear, Uncharted, Mario Bros., Final Fantasy, Legacy of Kain, Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, Grand Theft Auto, and Legend of Zelda.

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by HomeSkillet »

Since we have a new mod we might as well make our nerdy selves known.....Unless you're too cool for school, the format's simple look below

1. Age - 32

2. First system you bought/recieved - Atari 2600
3. How long have you been playing games - 26 years

4. Best gaming memories - Playing through Manhunt in the dark

5. Favorite systems - Xbox 360, dreamcast

6. Best controllers - Xbox 360

7. favorite genres of games - FPS, Stealth games, Sports, Fighting, Racing, Beat em' ups and Shoot em' ups and Sports, and the occasional platformer

8. favorite gaming magazine - Game Informer
9. Favorite series/title - NBA 2k, Original Manhunt, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Metal Gear, Splinter Cell, The original Hitman (the others just haven't ever hit that level again, hoping for the best in the future though)

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i remember playing mario 64 at toys r us.... i had no inkling that it existed before that moment..... it was so next level i have never fully recovered
1. Nas
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that's pretty much it fam.

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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by Combo7 »

HomeSkillet wrote:4. Best gaming memories - Playing through Manhunt in the dark

Did you cop a headset so you could listen to Brian Cox talk directly into your ear?

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Post by ric »

1. Age - 26
2. First system you bought/received - snes
3. How long have you been playing games? - 14 years?
4. Best gaming memories - averaging 50 pts, 20 rbs, 20 assts, 10 steals with damon stoudamire in nba live 96 & getting ps2 with FF10 as the starter game & the sniper boss in snake eater (whole game was goat)
5. Favourite systems - ps2/3, board games
6. Best controllers - ps2/3
7. Favourite genres - rpgs, strategy, espionage/sneak games
8. Favourite gaming magazine - n/a
9. Favourite series - final fantasy, starcraft, age of empires, metal gear, xcom, assassins creed, splinter cell (not next gen though), advance wars
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Re: Get your ass in here and introduce yourself as a gamer.

Post by HomeSkillet »

Combo7 wrote:
HomeSkillet wrote:4. Best gaming memories - Playing through Manhunt in the dark

Did you cop a headset so you could listen to Brian Cox talk directly into your ear?
Shit was amazing.

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