One Finger Death Punch (Xbox 360/Windows)

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One Finger Death Punch (Xbox 360/Windows)

Post by Sigma »

I know there's a pinned thread for downloadable games, but this deserves a thread of its own!

This game has been out for a few months, but I only recently bought it. It's currently on sale on Steam for £3.19, and it's even cheaper on Xbox 360 as it's only £1.99.

The graphics look like crap, but this game isn't about the graphics. You only play it with 2 buttons too - either the left/right mouse buttons or the X and B buttons on a 360 controller.

When enemies get in range, you press the appropriate button depending on whether they're to your left or right. You don't button mash in this game as doing that will get you killed. You have to focus on timing your moves and stringing together combos. The basic enemies will die after one hit. The blue enemies will dodge your first move and jump to the other side of you, requiring a second hit to kill them. The green enemies don't dodge to the other side, but take 2 hits to kill, etc. Some enemies have weapons that you can take from them and there's also environmental objects that you can hit them into. There's also boss fights.

As you play you unlock skills. There's 21 skills to unlock in total and you can have any 3 unlocked skills active at the same time.

Even though the gameplay is simple, it's really addictive and it soon becomes challenging once you have a bunch of different types of enemies coming at you from both sides - the game speeds up the better you do too.

Here's a Eurogamer review where they gave it 9/10: -

Don't be put off by the graphics. Obviously you don't need a powerful PC to play this.

It's awesome! Try it!

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