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Post by Dan »

drizzle wrote:is foreign correspondent the one with the umbrella scene? thats a great scene
Yes, that was pretty cool.

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Post by Sankofa »

Repo Men-read the book, dug it, heard the movie was coming out, read the bad reviews, didn't see it in theaters, Redboxed it=quality find. Flick doesn't have the dark comedic aspects of the book and the condensing of female characters (7 or so in the book get turned into one), but the flick felt like Daybreakers crossed with Equilibrium with a hallway scene that could have been on the missing Oldboy reel. Definitely worth a rental.

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Post by HomeSkillet »

^^ I enjoyed it, yes it was forgettable in the end but I dug it.

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Post by Sankofa »

The Square-grim situation turns bad, gets worse Australian flick. Reminded me of the Shield in that enough pieces just kept piling on the main character to keep me wondering how it would all land. Lead actor reminded me of a craggier David Straitharn. Very well put together with each component of the plot having significance to the overall piece. Almost had a Hitchcock feel to it.

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Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

Steal Big, Steal Litte - If Deadringer was a Disney-movie about an inheritance, starring Andy Garcia, then it would look a lot like this movie.

Amuck! - Venice-based erotic thriller with some lesbian slow-mo involving Barbara Bouchet and Rosalba Neri (!!!). It's about a girl who comes to the house of an author, posing as a secretary while trying to find out what happened to her friend who disappeared after working in that house, also as a secretary. It's fairly suspenseful and I kept wondering what was going on. Yet it's quite far from a good movie it does have some good scenes and lots of euro-hottie action.

Death Carries a Cane - Sounds like an Ercoli giallo but it isn't, it does have Susan Scott though, who is more naked than usually, always for no reason in context of the plot. It's completely flat, nonsensical and poorly directed. The stalking-sequences are ok and it's always pleasing to see black gloves holding a razor but it does nothing but ride the contemporary wave at the time, often quite poorly.
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Post by Spartan »

A Virgin Among The Living Dead (1973)
Christine, a beautiful young woman arrives at a mansion for her father's will reading, getting to know the creepy residents there. This is one of Jess Franco's more competent movies, surprisingly well shot and oozing with lots of atmosphere. The thing I've noticed about the few Franco movies that I've seen, is they're usually very slow paced, bordering on being dull to newbies. I actually liked this film quite a bit, there's a fair bit of erotica here, the weird dialogue that reads like something from a crazy poem and oddly behaved cast lend to a very creepy euro chiller. Much like Messiah Of Evil and Let's Scare Jessica To Death, this has that whole twisted dream style about it which I really love. Franco also stars in this film and contributes a lot to some unintentional hilarity, posing as the retarded errand boy in the mansion. The acting is pretty average, but given the context of the film's plot and it's eerie finale, it surprisingly adds to the feature rather than spoil it. This film exists in various different cuts, I think one version has hardcore porn scenes added and another has zombies edited in from a Jean Rollin flick made much later on. 7/10

Killer Barbys (1996)
Forced to change their name by Mattei, this is largely hailed as Jess Franco's worst movie by most euro-trash connoisseurs. It's nowhere near as bad as I expected considering the very fact another of his movies, Devil Hunter is a shambolic piece of work (unintentionally the funniest film I've ever seen), the cast and crew must have been beyond fucking drunk making that. Killer Barbys is essentially one great big glorified feature length music video for a punk-lite euro band, respectively known as Killer Barbys, fronted by a very hot lead singer, Silvia Superstar. On their way to their next gig, their van breaks down and they end up in a gothic stately manor straight out of a William Castle flick. You half expect Vincent Price to crop up in this, instead it's spaghetti western veteran actor, Aldo Sambrell as the sadistic servant to Mariangela DiGorgio's Countess Dracula inspired character. Incidentally, Miriangela must have been in her late fifties in this and she still had a killer body as evident in her sex scene. There's a fair bit of gore, Scooby Doo gothic atmosphere and midget minions that provide this low budget b-movie tons of flavor. This movie entertained me a lot more than I expected, I'm not entirely sure I might feel the same way on repeated watches. 5.5/10

Killzone (aka S.P.L.) (2005)
Over zealous cops versus powerful gang lord played by Sammo Hung in this unintentionally hilarious martial arts crime thriller. From the very start of this film, you're constantly bludgeoned with it's two biggest motifs here, family and tragedy. It's all very well but virtually every scene reminds you of both these themes right up to the hilarious ending. It wouldn't have bothered me as much if those themes weren't so high on the priority list overshadowing any of the action on screen. Leading nicely on to the action - I loved the action scenes in this and it further shows that Asia still rule over Hollywood when it comes to man vs man combat scenes, the Donnie Yen vs white clad knife wielding psycho and Donnie vs Sammo fight were spectacular. As cliched as the plot was, this was a stylish looking and well paced film and despite the aforementioned weak points, it was a compelling film that sucks you in off the bat. I particularly enjoyed seeing Donnie Yen punch a guy so hard, the fella became retarded and out of guilt, Donnie let's him beat him at King Of Fighters 2004 every week. I also kind of got a little teary eyed after the big Sammo fight. Really good movie but not sure it lived up to all expectations considering how long I waited to finally see this. 7.5/10

Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Spoiler material - Amongst the least satisfying and weaker entries in the franchise. After being dispatched back into Crystal Lake by his telekinetic adversary, Tina in Part VII, Jason is resurrected by electricity once more when a Manhattan labelled power line is cut by a boat's anchor. This makes no sense at all when considering Crystal Lake is somewhere in New Jersey. The plot revolves around a bunch of grads celebrating with a boat trip to Manhattan, where Jason becomes a stow-away and reassuringly kills his way to New York. The final girl is Rennie, one of the dullest in the lot whose loosely tacked on back-story of almost being drowned by a kiddie Jason after being chucked into the water by her asshole uncle (also her teacher) forcing her how to learn to swim in her youth. She's constantly plagued by visions of kiddie Jason throughout the boat trip. In some scenes little Jason looks like a regular white kid, positively asian in another and other times a scabby little deformed mongoloid fuckwit. About an hour in to the movie and we're still on this fucking shitty boat with only one genuine creative kill in the sauna. The survivors manage to abandon ship and board one of the life boats where they drift into some shitty harbor in New York where they're greeted by two faggy Puerto Rican junkies and are subsequently mugged. From here it's all alleyways and abandoned buildings. Julius, one of the survivors faces Jason in a impromptu boxing match on a rooftop, Jason knocks our boxing champ's head completely off with one punch and it flies into a dumpster. Better than Donnie Yen's retardating punch for sure. Eventually we get to see some of New York, shitty bad attitude folk on the subway train and the money shot, Jason Voorhees standing in Times Square where he kicks a boombox playing some old 80's rap (sounded like Schooly D) and frightens off a bunch of punks by revealing his face. There's a sewer chase where a worker tells the last two survivors to get the hell out there because the whole place is going to be flooded with toxic waste. Obviously environmental concerns weren't that high on the agenda in the 80's, but it's how Jason gets killed once more until the even shittier part IX. It's a dumb movie and one of the biggest cons too, you could almost forgive the non appearing Jason Part V considering that was more entertaining than this shitfest. Also, as great as Kane Hodder is as Jason, it amazes me that of the four movies he's in, three of them are the shittiest in the whole fucking series. Usually when Jason sees you, you're dead meat and it should be a real fucking badge of honor to survive. It pissed me off, he left so many witnesses alive. Weak film and the one F13 in the series that's shown on TV the most where I am. I still end up watching this whenever it's on though. 4/10

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Post by Spartan »

Rituals (aka The Creeper) (1977)
Five doctors go on a weekend trip to the remote backwoods where they find themselves stalked and preyed upon by an unknown assailant. A really stellar proto-slasher here starring the always underrated Hal Holbrook as one of the doctors. The acting is really good in this Deliverance style thriller which gradually evolves into a very awesome backwoods horror. The funny thing about this movie is, you would think that if you replaced the male-bonding middle aged doctors with young teens, then it's essentially the same tired old formula - not so in this film. The behavior and intelligence that all five of the doctors display is what really makes this film shine and separates it from every clich

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Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

^I believe I read that the Hostel and Turistas started filming around the same. Terrible movie though. Borderland does the same kinda things better.

How did you get to watch The Creeper? I've been searching for it.

Satan's Blood - Spanish satanic-panic movie with a real charm and swirling vibe to it. A couple is lured into a big mansion on the pretense of past relations that our protagonist can't seem to recall. Before they know there's ouija-board action, bleeding dolls, burning pictures of Jesus and pentagram-orgies happening. It drags in the middle but I think this is a really solid, albeit extremely sleazy movie. The conclusion is stunning even if it's a bit predictable. Well worth the look and certainly a superior effort in the satan-sleaze department. Produced by b-movie legend Juan Piquer Sim
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Post by Spartan »

Comedy Quaddafi wrote:How did you get to watch The Creeper? I've been searching for it.
One of the movies in Mill Creek's 50 Drive-In Classics collection. Shitty picture quality on all the movies I've watched so far though.

http://www.amazon.com/Drive-Movie-Class ... 129&sr=8-1

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Post by Spartan »

Alone In The Dark (1982)
A new psychiatrist (Dwight Shultz) takes over a ward that's home to some of the most psychotic lunatics in an asylum, he and his family are put in serious danger after their predictable escape. A really awesome cast here, Landau is excellent as the religious bible spouting loon, not to mention Erland van Lidth as the scary child molester, a mysterious psycho who keeps his face hidden until the siege's finale known commonly as The Bleeder (he has a nose bleed whenever he kills), all led by the very scary -Jack Palance. It's ironic that Howling Mad Murdoch is the shrink and the most sane person in the entire film. Donald Pleasance displays a few moments of awesome screen-time as an eccentric doc almost reminiscent of his Dr Loomis character. A fun film with loads of OTT hammy acting, but not enough moments of genuine suspense to make this stand out from the crowd, and considering how brilliant all the elements are, it's somewhat underwhelming after the end credits. Still, this is pretty good entertainment and reminded me of Killer's Moon but much better than that. Retrospectively, Alone In The Dark was also the very first feature film by New Line Cinema and it's amazing how this largely ignored film became the first stepping stone for the company into the big dawg league (until recently). 6/10

14 Blades (2010)
Visually, a really stunning looking movie that's more fantasy looking than the period set or modern triad themed movies which I occasionally flirt with. Donnie Yen is the man and in this movie he's really fucking bad-ass so much so, the usually OTT superhuman feats which tend to annoy me are mostly forgiven. I didn't quite catch everything about the plot in one viewing but I found myself not-caring and just being amazed with all the bad ass fight scenes and all the great gadgets on offer - especially that female villains whip blade weapon. There's even a few brief scenes with Sammo, but there wasn't a fight between the two like in Killzone. Really decent movie, my friends watched this with me and they fucking loved it, definitely a proper lads' movie. 8/10

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Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

Spasmo - One of the most quotable movies I have seen. It's a bit like Hitchcock by way of Lynch but in a cheesy yet completely serious way. The characters are nothing like real people and their conversations are very strange. Woman: "There's no moon in my hotel-room." Man: "I was right, you're a sweet, sweet whore." Woman: "But you have to shave your beard. Man: "I could have you right here, right now. And you'd like it, even with the beard." Woman: "I have a sharp and sexy razor." And stuff like "Are you here to commit some sort of heinous act?" asked @ two intruders. The movie is complicated and Lenzi apparently doesn't think it makes sense. But I enjoyed it a lot, I can't tell if the movie was intentionally great or just a weird fluke. There's barely any violence except some mannequin-stabbing and hanging that do not have much to do with the plot, just like the title. There's a cameo from Rassimov who might be my favorite male Italian euorcult-actor from what I've seen. Cool Morricone score as well.
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Post by Andvil »

My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done - Herzog & Lynch make a police procedural about as weird as you would expect. Thoroughly enjoyable, but nowhere close to Herzog's best. I love that the movie is basically all cult actors

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Post by Tommy Bunz »

did that leak? hooook it upppppp

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Post by LilLeftBrain »

Tommy Bunz wrote:did that leak? hooook it upppppp
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Post by Andvil »

sorry dudes, dont have a link.....I downloaded it a while back from a newsgroup
I'll try and upload it when I get home

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Post by None »

Andvil wrote:My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done - Herzog & Lynch make a police procedural about as weird as you would expect. Thoroughly enjoyable, but nowhere close to Herzog's best. I love that the movie is basically all cult actors
I agree, it's awesome especially for the really odd shots such as Michael Shannon and Brad Dourif with the midget. Plus, I love that the end of the stand-off is basically what was expected yet still managed not to piss me off.

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Post by None »

LilLeftBrain wrote:
Tommy Bunz wrote:did that leak? hooook it upppppp
Here you go, wiggz.
Link jacked because I'm lazy, and yeah. Download managers, you complaining assholes.

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Post by Spartan »

The Expendables (2010)
No point me going into detail about this movie as most sane people have seen it by now. I loved this film a whole bunch, enough for me to overlook some obvious flaws. The only issue that really bothered me, was seeing Arnie looking so frail in his cameo scene. Still, this film was immensely entertaining and my hat goes off to Stallone for putting this whole movie together, it felt like the perfect antithesis to the all the 21st century pussified chick orientated shit that's shoved down my throat constantly. Amongst all the great fights, gunplay and big ass explosions, the scene where Statham says "You should have waited, I was worth the wait" to the still hot Charisma Carpenter was fucking awesome. It's a crying shame that a cinematic experience like the The Expendables is such a rarity in this day and age. Will be buying on Blu-Ray and looking forward to the sequels. 8.5/10

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Post by T Rav »

A young Arab man is sent to a French prison where he becomes a mafia kingpin.
Really enjoyed it. The begining of the film, where the main character is forced to kill an inmate, or he will be killed made me nervous as shit. The acting was pretty solid. Cinematogy was on point. This is definitely in my top 5 of the year.
Buy my mixtape.

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Post by Dan »

Here's what I watched this week:

Avatar: Special Edition (2010) - I missed this the first time it rolled out in theaters, mostly because it's just not the type of movie that I enjoy.
The hype that I heard most was the 3D. So with this movie being re-released in theaters I decided to go see it.
Supposedly it has 9 minutes of additional footage, but since I never saw the original, I have no idea what's new.
I thought the 3D was really good, but I can only compare it to the only other 3D movie I ever saw, Jaws 3D, which I saw with my mom when I was 9.
As an adult, I really have no interest in movies geared toward kids, like Pixar films, and I still have never seen one of those. Throughout this movie, I felt like I was watching a cartoon and I didn't seem right. During some parts I was actually thinking to myself "why didn't I just go see Get Low?"
One thing I didn't like about Avatar was the buildup about the Na'vi in the beginning. A character described them as extremely dangerous, merciless killers. Then when we finally see them, they're no different than early Native Americans, basically fighting with sticks and rocks. When the sky people go to war with them it was an onslaught with very little opposition from the Na'vi.
I didn't hate this movie, I'm just glad I was finally able to see it the way it was originally intended, in 3D.
If a sequel ever emerges, I highly doubt I'll see it.

The Sting (1973) - A Best Picture winner that I can add to my watched list. I really liked this movie. The music was great, Redford and Newman were great, and so was the story.

The Last Emperor (1987) - And another Best Picture winner, though not as fun to sit through than the previous.
This is the true story of Pu Yi, who became Emperor of China at the age of 3.
It was an interesting story. I read earlier in this thread that citizen turned the movie off 2/3'rds in. I can understand the boredom, but I'm the type of guy that says "the pudding is delicious"...oops, sorry, forgot this wasn't T.R.O.Y...Anyway, I'm the type of guy that has to finish a movie once I start it, even if it's a chore to get through.

Midway (1976) - With a cast that featured Charlton Heston, Henry Fonda, Glenn Ford, and Robert Mitchum, I thought this had to be good. Then I watch it and discover these guys seemed way too old for their parts.
I'm a Turner Classic Movies addict, so it was weird for me to see Henry Fonda as an old man.
One thing that surprised me was seeing Toshiro Mifune's name in the opening credits. I had no idea he did American films. Then I see him early in the film and see his voice is being dubbed, so that was disappointing, even though it looked like he was speaking English phonetically. Upon reading his bio on IMDB, I discovered that he had been in several American films and was dubbed in every single one of them.
The movie itself was alright. They mixed a lot of stock war footage, so that was kinda cool.

Get Low (2009) - Went to see this one not knowing anything about it, other than having Robert Duvall and Bill Murray in it. Basically saw this because Ron Bennington (of Ron & Fez) and Howard Stern both gave it high praises.
I thought this was really good. Since I'm a nerd that sits through end credits, I was surprised to read that this movie was based on a true story. Made the movie that much better for me.
Reading the story of the real 'Felix Bush' was pretty cool.
As you can see by the pics, Robert Duvall pretty much nailed the look.

I won't spoil anything, but I could've done without the ending. It seemed like the movie had an ending and then they decided to add an additional ending.

For a Few Dollars More (1965) - The second film in 'The Man with No Name' trilogy. I had seen the first, A Fistful of Dollars, and 3rd, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, but never the second. Since these films really aren't arced, it's not really necessary to watch these in order, so I wasn't lost with this film being a sequel.
All 3 of these films are really strong, though the dubbing can be a little distracting.

Escape from Alcatraz (1979) - Supposedly an accurate portrayal of the real life escape of 3 convicts from Alcatraz.
I enjoyed this one a lot. Really liked Patrick McGoohan as the warden.

Hostel Part II (2007) - I'm not the biggest horror fan, but this recently aired on IFC, and since I had seen the first one, I decided to go ahead and give this one a chance.
I really shouldn't have. While I did kind of enjoy the first one, I didn't really like the sequel.
It was just boring and didn't have that :ohsh: moment that horror films go for.

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Post by LilLeftBrain »

hot shit, thanks None
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Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

Sleepaway Camp 2: Angela > Jason. Not really but it's close. Fans of the first one might hate this as it has nothing to do with th original, which was a melancholic and serious characterstudy. In this one Angela is a campcounsellor who'se has a neurotic obsession with sending bad kids home, sending them home usually means killing them with whatever tool is nearby. It's very funny and moves fast so the 75 min screentime passes with ease. Angela is played by Bruce Campbell's anorexic-ish sister who does a great job at being very lovable and completely psychotic at the same time. There's an epic Freddy, Jason, Leatherface showdown somewhere midway in the movie which you have to see to believe.

Crimes of the Black Cat - This is the giallo to watch if you're interested in Scandinavian interior-decorating of the 70's, since it is shot in Copenhagen. Otherwise it's not much to write home about. It borrows from Cat O' Nine Tails having a blind amateur-sleuth and it steals loosely from other canon-pieces as well. There's a mean set-piece near the end which is really uncomfortable to watch because of how evil it looks, the picture cracks a lot probably because it was cut heavily, and it looks like a reel from actual snuff, very unsettling. Always the black cat, huh. In this case it's more literal than you think, I won't spoil it but the murder-method is unbelievably strange.

Piranha (1978) - The new one won't come to theaters before next month and I have two wait to months for Machete to come FML. Too bad the funny creeps from the beginning in the lab never reappeared. The last half-hour is a blast and it's jolly good time overall. I never knew piranhas sound like wasp-hordes when they attack underwater. The cheesy effects are top-notch.

Cheerleader Camp - Not as good as Sleepaway Camp but still worth a look if you like campy 80's slashers. I though it was obvious who the killer was this time... you're not fooling anyone, creeppy old janitor! The scariest part was the fat guy having his ass stuck in a car-window, hes as voluptuous as Vanderslice and adds a great touch of comedy throughout. The rapping cheer was too funny, if you an watch it without laughing and cringing then you have no humor or shame. It's followed by another genius scene where a gator-mascot tries to eat fully suited only to be told shes a mascot and not a human by one of the mean hot girls. As for nudity there's also a scene where a girl stubbornly competes with the nakedness of another girl by also removing her top and looking @ her like "how ya like me now?!" Terribly funny. Despite how cheesy the movie is the ending is actually fairly haunting. The fatties seems to adress the haters in a brief piece of meta-commentary where he tells the viewer "Lighten up. We're looking at naked girls here!" Right on fattie.
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Post by Spartan »

Nice Ivan Rassimov sig.

Other than Crimes of the Black Cat which I haven't seen, that's a pretty fucking entertaining bunch of movies, CQ.

I wouldn't say Angela is greater than Jason though, but it's hard to deny Pamela Springsteen does some great dispatching in SC2.

Cheerleader Camp was a big surprise for me. It's worth noting Teri Weigel ended up doing hardcore porn and her face now looks like it fell victim to a drunken plastic surgeon's knife.

Machete not out until late November in the UK. :owens:
Last edited by Spartan on Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sankofa »

The American-think The Mechanic directed by Jarmusch with a bit of Heat.

Only thing I didn't like was the CGI butterfly.

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Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

Venus in Furs - The second Franco movie I've seen and vastly different from the slash-n-sleaze of Bloody Moon. A guy instinctively digs out a rusty trumpet from under beach-sand. He witnesses a woman being tortured by what appears to be a secret society of sorts. After that he travels around the world in the heels of this beautiful woman, but hes not sure whether shes dead, then again, hes not really sure whether hes dead. The monologue in voice-over gives the film such and eerie and surreal feel. It really can't be categorized and it shouldn't work as well as it does, but the atmosphere is crafted perfectly. The plot is simple so it's not a mindfuck in that way, it just has a dreamlike swirl unlike anything else. There's lots of jazz throughout so that works too.

the Changeling (1982) - Perhaps one of the most unsettling films I've seen yet it isn't extreme visually, it hits all of the right notes while playing suspense and mindtricks. It's the type of movie that'll make you look under the bed for monsters as if you were 8 again. Gerorge C. Scott gives a powerhouse performance with grandpa-likability to boot. Haunted house movies are a mixed bag but this one has all the atmosphere needed to make them work, it's up there with Amityville, Poltergeist and the other celebrated works of it's kind. It also seems to foreshadow many movies, like The Ring and Session 9. A classy 80's masterpiece.

Man Without A Memory / Puzzle - I was so lucky to catch this cheap in a Scandinavic AWE edition that looks perfect. Luc Merenda, who has the perfect face (nh) for something like this, stars as a man who can't remember anything, which sucks for him, since hes caught up in major trouble. The editing is really commendable and adds visually to a move that might've been a bit dull by someone with less flair. The script by Gastaldi, who penned all of Martiono's and Ercoli's gialli + countless other movies, and it holds up here as well - you're always looking to find out what happens exactly. No boobs but there's a really cool fight-scene and some chainsaw-action towards the end.
Whether to Jason of Philaflava or John Podesta, I will speak my fucking perspective openly
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Post by Sankofa »

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9MeWdgUAnkw?fs ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9MeWdgUAnkw?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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Post by None »

Sankofa wrote:<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9MeWdgUAnkw?fs ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9MeWdgUAnkw?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Are you saying you're angry it wasn't a Big Daddy Kane biopic instead of three different less compelling versions of Training Day?

Awesome Vatican Assassin
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Post by drizzle »

Ghost Writer - with a less talented director this would probably be ponderous self important horseshit. Polanski adds humor and makes it a top 10 of the year candidate

Girl with a dragon tatttoo - lol, this was so bad. there's a kernel of a good idea here, this specific template for murder mysteries is old as shit and could indeed use a facelift for the internet age. unfortunately the movie is way more interested in gratitous unnecessary rape scenes and obvious plot twists.

the loosers - mostly mediocre
http://www.steadybloggin.com - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by Henny The Dry »

Boris. wrote:Girl with the dragon tatoo

Really good swedish triller with interesting characters and great suspense during the whole film. If you liked Ghostwriter, this film has a kindof similar setting but it's much better executed. Also available in english.
All you motherfuckers are gonna pay. You are the ones who are the ball-lickers.

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Location: where people throw ducks at balloons and nothing is as it seems

Post by drizzle »

it's def a triller
http://www.steadybloggin.com - some of these are my thoughts yo

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