Prometheus (Dir Riddley Scott) (SPOILERS!!!)

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Post by Neuro »

that was the other dude, the one that mutated is the one the facehugger snake went inside his mouth

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Post by Combo7 »

Nah, it was the ginger geologist. Movie is some space shit that don't make no sense.

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Post by Reason »

Combo7 wrote:Didn't read through this whole thread but can anyone (Reason) explain why the tattooed ginger was endowed with super strength, agility, and flexibility as well as mindless aggression after getting his face burned off with acidic alien snake blood?
the ginger DID NOT get infected in a typical diseases-while-still-alive manner since he presumably died and was just a corpse when the others got to him but the goo clearly can "resurrect" or create its own life and was just using the ginger's body as a vessel of this new alien life form, hence the fucked out/weird scorpion-like body posing right before it springs into attack.

thatd actually be tits if they dis a sequel where the goo makes it back to earth somehow and creates a zombie race and also infects everyday animals making pet cemetary look like finding nemo
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Post by Combo7 »

Reason wrote:
Combo7 wrote:Didn't read through this whole thread but can anyone (Reason) explain why the tattooed ginger was endowed with super strength, agility, and flexibility as well as mindless aggression after getting his face burned off with acidic alien snake blood?
the ginger DID NOT get infected in a typical diseases-while-still-alive manner since he presumably died and was just a corpse when the others got to him but the goo clearly can "resurrect" or create its own life and was just using the ginger's body as a vessel of this new alien life form, hence the fucked out/weird scorpion-like body posing right before it springs into attack.

So the goo is sentient? Is it like the Spider-Man Venom suit?

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Post by Reason »

Combo7 wrote:
Reason wrote:
Combo7 wrote:Didn't read through this whole thread but can anyone (Reason) explain why the tattooed ginger was endowed with super strength, agility, and flexibility as well as mindless aggression after getting his face burned off with acidic alien snake blood?
the ginger DID NOT get infected in a typical diseases-while-still-alive manner since he presumably died and was just a corpse when the others got to him but the goo clearly can "resurrect" or create its own life and was just using the ginger's body as a vessel of this new alien life form, hence the fucked out/weird scorpion-like body posing right before it springs into attack.

So the goo is sentient? Is it like the Spider-Man Venom suit?
sentient or if that word doesn't quite capture it then we can best explain it as a biological and chemical substance that the engineers or the engineers' engineers created and it has its own drive and potential to explode in growth and aggression. i said this before but i know u didn't get to read the whole thread (don't blame you) but ridley scott made sure to give worms a thoughtful few seconds of camera time to foreshadow their transformation into the eel-like aliens that fucked the two dudes up, i know the worms were innocent and harmless and then this goo took the body over and became what they became. look at what happened to holloway. he was dying while the goo took over him. his human self/existence (heartbeat, brain, etc.) would have "died" before the goo intentionally used his body, just as i imagine the worms naturally died and then were taken over by this goo that somehow can make a creature increase in size exponentially (like the alien that started in shaw's uterus)

and of course i'm willing to suspend my disbelief that such a 'biotechnology' exists if that is what that goo is in this world of aliens who create aliens who created us
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Post by Combo7 »

That actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

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Post by Neuro »

im having questions about that room with all the black goo now

because there was some areas where the blackgoo urns/capsules are just all stacked up and put to the side like storage but in that room they are set up in an almost graveyard type way(also representing the facehugger egg room) and then you have the big engineer head statue facing it all , and then you have that "alien" mural , and i noticed there was some sort of green crystal rock up on some platform right by that mural, which they show holloway looking at but then thats it , nothing else, they had to leave

is the black goo a combination of dead/broken down engineers perhaps mixxed with something else? the alien dna, they already have knowledge of the "aliens" being that the mural is up on that wall, so the making of it shouldnt be something "new" right? do you see what im saying, the making of the "xenos" isnt something that just happened on accident at the end of the movie, they were/are trying to make them, but perhaps instead of using their own bodies they are using US now

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Post by hustler »

Ya they created us to use as bodies for facehuggers to plant aliens into.
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Post by Reggie »

I took what I feel is a fairly coherent story from the movie. Based on some of the interviews I've read, it seems like I was off the mark--though Ridley Scott's and others answers are cryptic, at best. But here's how I interpreted the movie:

There's a few running themes throughout Prometheus, and a pervasive one is that human beings are self-centered, presumptive creatures. It happens in the very beginning, when we assume that the Engineer in the cave paintings is pointing at his home planet, and furthermore, he invites us to visit. There is another assumption made when, after scouring the known universe, a similar system as shown in the paintings is discovered with a moon capable of supporting life that just "has to" be it. That one dude makes another assumption when he removes his helmet within the Engineer's spaceship because the air reads as breathable. This goes on throughout the movie, until the end when it's assumed that the Engineers "hate" humanity and want to destroy it--because it's all about Earth, as if it's impossible to be indifferent to mankind.

As shown in the very first scene of the movie, the Engineers create life by swilling that black goo, which then kills them and breaks down their DNA. We see that this is a solitary venture, that the mothership has to leave before the goo can be consumed. And this isn't a trick they've done once, but countless times as evidenced by all of the urns holding black goo in the Engineers' spaceship. This is their bag--why, exactly, is up for interpretation, but it seems to be the Engineers' function to spread their DNA across the galaxy.

So the black goo, then, is the main thing here, not the face-hugging worms. I think that the Engineers set up shop on that moon for whatever reason, not knowing about the miniature parasitic worms that eluded the humans' scanners as well. Some black goo got to these worms, caused a rapid mutation, and then things got out of hand and all the Engineers died. The worms were an unknown variable here, something native to the moon on which they landed and/or set up a production facility.

It also seems like the black goo has the propensity to cause its host to turn violent and super-strong, as evidenced by the ginger Geologist and, I believe the Engineer at the end. This is why they had to take the black goo alone on a planet, after the mothership takes off, or else they might go berserk and start killing everyone. And this is what happened at the end, the Engineer had ingested some black goo out of turn and so was put into stasis. When he woke up, he went right back to maniac mode and started throwing people around like beanbags.

The way I see it, the human race is one of an unknown number of races created by the Engineers; they no more want to kill us than they want to invite us for dinner. It is a flaw in human nature which assumes that they created us for a divine purpose, and that they then developed biological weapons with which to kill us. It's assumed that they can be asked to extend a man's life, that they will reveal the secrets of the galaxy upon request. The scenario that had taken place on that moon, with the worms turning into face-huggers and infecting the Engineers, had nothing to do with the human race. The characters in the movie just interpreted it that way because they have not grasped their own insignificance.

I've seen theories elsewhere on the internet that the Engineer in the last scene was upset at being asked to extend Weyland's life, but this seems unlikely. Even if he wasn't in black goo berserk mode, why would he understand or care? More likely, he was cranky after being woken up after a couple thousand years in cryogenic freeze, and didn't feel like being asked any questions. But I still think the black goo makes you cuckoo theory holds some weight.

I also saw a theory that Jesus Christ himself was an Engineer, and that the Engineers were returning to kill humanity for crucifying him. I guess this could be potentially true, but it's a really fucking lame story if it is.

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Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

^ R. Scott said the Jesus-theory was just something they threw on the table as a mental excercise during the writing of the script.

Good post. Movie is all the better for it if you are correct.

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Post by Neuro »

one thing though

in the begining the "planter" takes a shot of black goo and IMMEDIATELY , it starts to make him sick and break down his body, he didnt run around going berserk first, it was instant

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Post by Reggie »

Neuro wrote:one thing though

in the begining the "planter" takes a shot of black goo and IMMEDIATELY , it starts to make him sick and break down his body, he didnt run around going berserk first, it was instant
Well, there are like a few seconds of his body being wracked with (what looks like) pain before he falls into the waterfall and decomposes, but you've still got a point. Doesn't look like enough time to go berserk and destroy the cargo hold of a ship, much less the protracted shenanigans the Engineer goes through at the end of the movie.

I did think of this, though, but explaining it requires more wild supposition, which I'm not given to. In the opening scene, the Engineer opens some kind of a device and the black goo is in there, along with some other material. It looks more like a stew than ink. Perhaps the black goo is a component of the formula, that, when added to other ingredients, it causes the conditions to create life. But when taken alone, it's basically the equivalent of a mag of cheap vodka in the hands of an angry Polish dude.

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Post by Gregg Popabitch »

yeah, i'm pretty sure that thing that was attacking the crew in the cargo bay wasn't the same as the person who got burrrrned by Aeon Flux's flame thrower

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Post by Reason »

Reggie wrote:I took what I feel is a fairly coherent story from the movie. Based on some of the interviews I've read, it seems like I was off the mark--though Ridley Scott's and others answers are cryptic, at best. But here's how I interpreted the movie:

There's a few running themes throughout Prometheus, and a pervasive one is that human beings are self-centered, presumptive creatures. It happens in the very beginning, when we assume that the Engineer in the cave paintings is pointing at his home planet, and furthermore, he invites us to visit. There is another assumption made when, after scouring the known universe, a similar system as shown in the paintings is discovered with a moon capable of supporting life that just "has to" be it. That one dude makes another assumption when he removes his helmet within the Engineer's spaceship because the air reads as breathable. This goes on throughout the movie, until the end when it's assumed that the Engineers "hate" humanity and want to destroy it--because it's all about Earth, as if it's impossible to be indifferent to mankind.

As shown in the very first scene of the movie, the Engineers create life by swilling that black goo, which then kills them and breaks down their DNA. We see that this is a solitary venture, that the mothership has to leave before the goo can be consumed. And this isn't a trick they've done once, but countless times as evidenced by all of the urns holding black goo in the Engineers' spaceship. This is their bag--why, exactly, is up for interpretation, but it seems to be the Engineers' function to spread their DNA across the galaxy.

So the black goo, then, is the main thing here, not the face-hugging worms. I think that the Engineers set up shop on that moon for whatever reason, not knowing about the miniature parasitic worms that eluded the humans' scanners as well. Some black goo got to these worms, caused a rapid mutation, and then things got out of hand and all the Engineers died. The worms were an unknown variable here, something native to the moon on which they landed and/or set up a production facility.

It also seems like the black goo has the propensity to cause its host to turn violent and super-strong, as evidenced by the ginger Geologist and, I believe the Engineer at the end. This is why they had to take the black goo alone on a planet, after the mothership takes off, or else they might go berserk and start killing everyone. And this is what happened at the end, the Engineer had ingested some black goo out of turn and so was put into stasis. When he woke up, he went right back to maniac mode and started throwing people around like beanbags.

The way I see it, the human race is one of an unknown number of races created by the Engineers; they no more want to kill us than they want to invite us for dinner. It is a flaw in human nature which assumes that they created us for a divine purpose, and that they then developed biological weapons with which to kill us. It's assumed that they can be asked to extend a man's life, that they will reveal the secrets of the galaxy upon request. The scenario that had taken place on that moon, with the worms turning into face-huggers and infecting the Engineers, had nothing to do with the human race. The characters in the movie just interpreted it that way because they have not grasped their own insignificance.

I've seen theories elsewhere on the internet that the Engineer in the last scene was upset at being asked to extend Weyland's life, but this seems unlikely. Even if he wasn't in black goo berserk mode, why would he understand or care? More likely, he was cranky after being woken up after a couple thousand years in cryogenic freeze, and didn't feel like being asked any questions. But I still think the black goo makes you cuckoo theory holds some weight.

I also saw a theory that Jesus Christ himself was an Engineer, and that the Engineers were returning to kill humanity for crucifying him. I guess this could be potentially true, but it's a really fucking lame story if it is.
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Post by Combo7 »

Reggie wrote:And this is what happened at the end, the Engineer had ingested some black goo out of turn and so was put into stasis.

Do we know this?

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Post by Reggie »

Combo7 wrote:
Reggie wrote:And this is what happened at the end, the Engineer had ingested some black goo out of turn and so was put into stasis.

Do we know this?
No, absolutely not. Much of what I posted was complete conjecture, just how I received the events in the film. I correlated the berserkitude of the ginger geologist and the berserkitude of the Engineer, which might not have been warranted. Though it is a common movie device, like "remember the behavior that results from drinking black goo because it will be important later."

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Post by Jayou Ayen »

Reason wrote:

sentient or if that word doesn't quite capture it then we can best explain it as a biological and chemical substance that the engineers or the engineers' engineers created and it has its own drive and potential to explode in growth and aggression. i said this before but i know u didn't get to read the whole thread (don't blame you) but ridley scott made sure to give worms a thoughtful few seconds of camera time to foreshadow their transformation into the eel-like aliens that fucked the two dudes up, i know the worms were innocent and harmless and then this goo took the body over and became what they became. look at what happened to holloway. he was dying while the goo took over him. his human self/existence (heartbeat, brain, etc.) would have "died" before the goo intentionally used his body, just as i imagine the worms naturally died and then were taken over by this goo that somehow can make a creature increase in size exponentially (like the alien that started in shaw's uterus)

I don't necessarily believe that the black goo kills the host, or has the power to reanimate the dead.
Acid victim could have been alive after getting sprayed, and then overtaken by the goo while in an unconscious state. I imagine that the fake Tom Hardy would have ended up in a similar state if he hadn't been barbecued.

The engineer's actions after he awoken suggested that he was not infected. After he attacks Weyland and his entourage, he returns to the task of launching the spacecraft. If he had been infected, he would have continued to seek out the remaining humans.

Last edited by Jayou Ayen on Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dat_Triflin_Ass_Dude »

Reggie wrote:
So the black goo, then, is the main thing here, not the face-hugging worms. I think that the Engineers set up shop on that moon for whatever reason, not knowing about the miniature parasitic worms that eluded the humans' scanners as well. Some black goo got to these worms, caused a rapid mutation, and then things got out of hand and all the Engineers died. The worms were an unknown variable here, something native to the moon on which they landed and/or set up a production facility.
I don't think the worms would be indigenous to the moon. The engineers terraformed the facility, making it habitable for life. So I think the worms only came about after the place was terraformed.
Reggie wrote:It also seems like the black goo has the propensity to cause its host to turn violent and super-strong, as evidenced by the ginger Geologist and, I believe the Engineer at the end. This is why they had to take the black goo alone on a planet, after the mothership takes off, or else they might go berserk and start killing everyone. And this is what happened at the end, the Engineer had ingested some black goo out of turn and so was put into stasis. When he woke up, he went right back to maniac mode and started throwing people around like beanbags.

Or it could be that the engineer was just pissed off. I mean he was deep in sleep for thousands of years, and he was probably in the middle of making sweet, engineer love to wifey back home, when all of a sudden he's awoken and he sees a bunch of fucking little monkeys speaking jibberish, one of which is asking for an eternal life elixir, and the other screaming at the top of her lungs, "ask him why!!!!!! ask him why!!!!!" I'd be irritated as fuck too. It's also interesting though that others on message boards have pointed out that the engineer was initially in a bit of a subservient mode where he's kneeling and bowing before the crew. Only after there's violence with Shaw being struck and hushed does the engineer stand up. A lot of people have confirmed this upon repeat viewings, but I've yet to do so. I don't have a clue as to the implications of this gesture though.
Reggie wrote:The way I see it, the human race is one of an unknown number of races created by the Engineers; they no more want to kill us than they want to invite us for dinner. It is a flaw in human nature which assumes that they created us for a divine purpose, and that they then developed biological weapons with which to kill us. It's assumed that they can be asked to extend a man's life, that they will reveal the secrets of the galaxy upon request. The scenario that had taken place on that moon, with the worms turning into face-huggers and infecting the Engineers, had nothing to do with the human race. The characters in the movie just interpreted it that way because they have not grasped their own insignificance.

That's an interesting take. I think that's what a lot of this movie was about in a way, in that humans constantly impose meaning in a meaningless universe. It's that need to search and find a meaning for whatever it may be that drives mankind. Many just can't accept that shit happens. It always has to be "shit happens for a reason." May well be just another case of meaning being derived from coincidence.
Reggie wrote:I also saw a theory that Jesus Christ himself was an Engineer, and that the Engineers were returning to kill humanity for crucifying him. I guess this could be potentially true, but it's a really fucking lame story if it is.
Ridley actually confirmed this in an interview. I think it was in an earlier draft but they decided to omit it.

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Post by Combo7 »

Reggie wrote:
Combo7 wrote:
Reggie wrote:And this is what happened at the end, the Engineer had ingested some black goo out of turn and so was put into stasis.

Do we know this?
No, absolutely not. Much of what I posted was complete conjecture, just how I received the events in the film. I correlated the berserkitude of the ginger geologist and the berserkitude of the Engineer, which might not have been warranted. Though it is a common movie device, like "remember the behavior that results from drinking black goo because it will be important later."

I'd think that putting an infected Engineer out of his misery would make more sense than putting him in stasis. Otherwise your interpretation sounds great. Given the resume of the writing staff (COUGH *LOST* COUGH) you probably understand what happened better than the writers themselves.

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Post by Reason »

Jayou Ayen wrote:
Reason wrote:

sentient or if that word doesn't quite capture it then we can best explain it as a biological and chemical substance that the engineers or the engineers' engineers created and it has its own drive and potential to explode in growth and aggression. i said this before but i know u didn't get to read the whole thread (don't blame you) but ridley scott made sure to give worms a thoughtful few seconds of camera time to foreshadow their transformation into the eel-like aliens that fucked the two dudes up, i know the worms were innocent and harmless and then this goo took the body over and became what they became. look at what happened to holloway. he was dying while the goo took over him. his human self/existence (heartbeat, brain, etc.) would have "died" before the goo intentionally used his body, just as i imagine the worms naturally died and then were taken over by this goo that somehow can make a creature increase in size exponentially (like the alien that started in shaw's uterus)

I don't necessarily believe that the black goo kills the host, or has the power to reanimate the dead.
Acid victim could have been alive after getting sprayed, and then overtaken by the goo while in an unconscious state. I imagine that the fake Tom Hardy would have ended up in a similar state if he hadn't been barbecued.

The engineer's actions after he awoken suggested that he was not infected. After he attacks Weyland and his entourage, he returns to the task of launching the spacecraft. If he had been infected, he would have continued to seek out the remaining humans.

this theory seems a bit more plausible than mine and takes less effort to believe and works logically. i agree
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Post by Dat_Triflin_Ass_Dude »

The line that David speaks to the Engineer (which is from a longer sequence that didnג€™t make the final edit) is as follows:

/ida hmanəm aɪ kja namṛtuh zdɛ:taha/ג€¦/ghʷɪvah-pjorn-ɪttham sas da:tṛ kredah/

A serviceable translation into English is:

ג€˜This man is here because he does not want to die. He believes you can give him more lifeג€™.
Weג€™re all going to have to wait for the Directorג€™s cut to see if the conversation between the Engineer and David ג€“ and there was indeed originally a conversation, not merely an utterance from David ג€“ yields any fruit.- Dr. Anil Biltoo ... -engineer/

One mystery solved. As to why the engineer went ape shit? Guess we'll know when we see the actual dialogue that DID take place between the engineer and David.

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Post by sun ra »

Scotty failed this time.. next..

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Post by Lunden »

word... the first hour of the film was cool, i think.. but the rest was pure shit..

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Post by hustler »

The part where she cut the squid outa her belly was well done. (Aside from a super advanced machine unable to defirentiate male and female nor perform a simple c-section and instead she has to program in some makeshift equivalent operation). If i wasnt so desensitized id imagine that scene would have felt very intense.
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Post by Reason »

hustler wrote:The part where she cut the squid outa her belly was well done. (Aside from a super advanced machine unable to defirentiate male and female nor perform a simple c-section and instead she has to program in some makeshift equivalent operation). If i wasnt so desensitized id imagine that scene would have felt very intense.
sry but r u dumb? the machine was made for males only
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Post by drizzle »

umm no it wasn't

it was CONFIGURED for males only

i have a deep suspicion that this little detail pertains to a larger subplot about Vickers that was cut from the movie and might end up getting added in the inevitable longer cut

the surgery pod is in her exclusive company honcho escape pod (if i remember right). her own father, who's pretty much in charge of everything somehow doesn't know that she ended up on board of the ship running the mission.

this is my theory: she's there (on the ship) as a company supervisor, that's the practical reason for her character. originally somebody else was chosen by her father to do her job but she somehow took over without her father and other supervisors knowing. that other person was a man, hence the machine being configured for male anatomy.

obv this is all conjecture and even though i liked this movie a lot the fact that you have to strain to deduce this kind of thing is not a good look. it would take literally no more than about 2 mins of an expository scene to clear it up. especially because otherwise you have 2 gaping plot holes - why would a woman have a medical tool configured for a man, and how did she get to run the mission without her father knowing.

the critique of 'omg they invented a robot surgeon but it can't tell man and women apart' is pretty retarded in general though, there are obviously vast differences in female and male anatomies, it makes sense that certain settings needed to be put into place to configure for specifics. however the fact that she couldn't simply switch the thing into 'female mode' does indeed seem kinda dumb - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by Lid »

drizzle wrote:umm no it wasn't

it was CONFIGURED for males only

i have a deep suspicion that this little detail pertains to a larger subplot about Vickers that was cut from the movie and might end up getting added in the inevitable longer cut

the surgery pod is in her exclusive company honcho escape pod (if i remember right). her own father, who's pretty much in charge of everything somehow doesn't know that she ended up on board of the ship running the mission.

this is my theory: she's there (on the ship) as a company supervisor, that's the practical reason for her character. originally somebody else was chosen by her father to do her job but she somehow took over without her father and other supervisors knowing. that other person was a man, hence the machine being configured for male anatomy.

obv this is all conjecture and even though i liked this movie a lot the fact that you have to strain to deduce this kind of thing is not a good look. it would take literally no more than about 2 mins of an expository scene to clear it up. especially because otherwise you have 2 gaping plot holes - why would a woman have a medical tool configured for a man, and how did she get to run the mission without her father knowing.

the critique of 'omg they invented a robot surgeon but it can't tell man and women apart' is pretty retarded in general though, there are obviously vast differences in female and male anatomies, it makes sense that certain settings needed to be put into place to configure for specifics. however the fact that she couldn't simply switch the thing into 'female mode' does indeed seem kinda dumb
i thought it was configured for her old dad, incase of some emergency.

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Post by drizzle »

u know what, that didn't occur to me but it def sounds very plausible.

especially since she seems conflicted about whether she wants him to live or die. she's skeptical about the mission and doesn't seem to really want it to succeed, but at the same time she does seem to care about him enough. i was wondering if her being so strict about not allowing the infected douchescientist on board has something to do with trying to protect Weyland.

although it still doesn't explain how she's on board and in charge of shit without her dad knowing - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by Dat_Triflin_Ass_Dude »

regarding the medical machine, there's differences b/w the male/female anatomies, but if you're talking about general trauma surgeries, which I assume this machine was made for, then I don't see the need for it to be gender specific. With that said though, many are forgetting that Shaw mentioned that they've made only 6 of those machines. So it's probably the first of its kind, and you can't expect it to do every operation in the book.

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