Official Breaking Bad Season 5 Thread.

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Post by 907 »

Dat_Triflin_Ass_Dude wrote:"For the cancer to come back". Got damn that was fucked up for her to say. Skylar's gotta go.

A review I read today said something along the lines of Walt has gone from having cancer to being the cancer. I thought that made a lot of sense, at least from Skyler's perspective.
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Post by PopeyeJones »

907 wrote:
Dat_Triflin_Ass_Dude wrote:"For the cancer to come back". Got damn that was fucked up for her to say. Skylar's gotta go.

A review I read today said something along the lines of Walt has gone from having cancer to being the cancer. I thought that made a lot of sense, at least from Skyler's perspective.
Matt Zoller Seitz on Vulture? He's def the best BB recap writer these days. Always strong.

Edit: In this last recap dude also had the best defense of Skyler I've seen. Shit is spot on, IMO:
Truncated from the Odds and Ends section wrote:
"Fifty-One" is brilliantly written by Sam Caitin, with the sorts of symbolically apt but not-too-obvious bits of blocking that I used to admire on Deadwood and The Sopranos. Consider the shot of Walt and Walt Jr.'s new muscle cars parked in the driveway's only two available spots, forcing Skyler to park her station wagon on the street. Walt's near-parodic machismo has awakened his son's inner pig, and now they're shutting out the woman of the house instinctively, without trying or even meaning to. Their casual piggishness is reinforced in the breakfast table scene, where Skyler tears the bacon into a traditional age number for Walt, and Walt complains that the "1" is too stubby. He has a big one now, so he demands a Big 1, and Skyler delivers it by robbing her son's plate. The whole time this is going on, Walt and Walt Jr. barely acknowledge Skyler's presence. She might as well be a servant. She sort of is, actually. Walt Jr.'s uncharacteristic callousness is what sparks her cockamamie plan to send the teenager to boarding school before his senior year. Whatever it takes to get him out of Walt's clutches.

2. The shot of Skyler getting up from the patio table during Walt's birthday dinner, turning her back to Walt, and very slowly moving into the pool, at once an instinctive, sincere enacting of suicidal impulses and a show staged for Hank and Marie's benefit. Most of this scene is done in one long take as Walt spins out his nausea-inducing monologue about all the support he's gotten since his cancer diagnosis and all the times he miraculously escaped death. ("But then someone, or something, would come through for me.") Here, as above, a character in the foreground has no idea what's happening in the background. The concluding shot of this sequence is a knockout, too: Skyler in the deep end of the pool, floating like a corpse until Walt finally drifts in to "rescue" her. (The kelp-haired female corpse is a workhorse shot in horror cinema: The Night of the Hunter, Carnival of Souls, and What Lies Beneath boasted similar images.)

3. The prelude to Skyler and Walt's confrontation: a shot of Skyler in bed facing the audience while Walt looms in the background, out of focus, his head lopped out of the frame. He's not a mate anymore, he's a menacing body. There have been a number of similar shots this season. The bedroom scene that ended "Madrigal" was the most disturbing: the end hinted at a post-credits spousal rape.

Speaking of Skyler: Ever since he blew up Gus Fring and his drug empire, Walt has strutted around as if he's the Al Capone of 21st century Albuquerque, demanding fealty and blind faith. And he's been treating Skyler as a nonperson. Once an equal partner in their marriage ג€” the one holding things together, honestly ג€” she's now been reduced to providing what Chris Rock said men secretly want from women: food, sex, and silence. Skyler is responding in kind by demonizing Walt and trying to separate him from his kids, as well she should. The ominous framing of Walt externalizes what's happening in Skyler's head.

Skyler's arc thus far feels like a rebuttal to sexist complaints about her character. It's as if the show is saying: Hey, boys, do you think Skyler is a "bitch" or "whiny," or that she should die so that you can concentrate on the "cool parts" of Breaking Bad? Well, here you go! This is what you really want, even if you know better than to admit it. A zombie concubine. Or maybe a show with no women at all.

This episode contains the strongest material Anna Gunn has ever been given to play, and she gives her most powerful performance to date. She's haunting in the first half of the episode (particularly the pool scene) and briefly inspiring when she stands up to Walt. The scene reminded me of that great scene in The Sopranos episode "Second Opinion" in which Carmela goes to therapy. The therapist calls her out as an enabler and hypocrite and recommends that Tony turn himself in and read Crime and Punishment in his jail cell. He concludes, "I'm not charging you because I won't take blood money, and you can't, either. One thing you can never say is that you haven't been told." For two seasons, Hank was the show's only consistent moral compass. Maybe now Skyler will join him.
Last edited by PopeyeJones on Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by drizzle »

possible mild spoilers regarding where all this is going - some of these are my thoughts yo

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^^word the the skyler post. her character is interesting now. It seems a bit hasty though, how she went from wanting to be in on the business/money laundering to so shook about it.
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Post by drizzle »

not hasty at all if you consider how drastically and how quickly the situation changed and escalated. when she started taking part in all of it Walt was supposedly just a flunky chemist quietly cooking in a lab, now they have to hide under DEA protection and then her milquetoast husband is bragging about murdering a crime boss so he can become boss himself - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by Y@k Bollocks »

Good episode. Has it really all meant to have transpired over just a year? Or did I misunderstand what Walt and Hank were talking about by the pool?

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Post by drizzle »

no that's legit, the show starts on his 50th bday and now it's 51. it's jarring but there's a proper timeline around that makes it fit - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by Y@k Bollocks »

Oh yeah, of course. The bacon thing...

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Post by BusinessMan »

Anyone catch Walt saying something like "everyone dies at the end" while he was watching scarface a few episodes back?

That sounded like it might be foreshadowing the future, although it did come out a bit obvious if it was a foreshadowing.
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Post by jamrage »

BusinessMan wrote:Anyone catch Walt saying something like "everyone dies at the end" while he was watching scarface a few episodes back?

That sounded like it might be foreshadowing the future, although it did come out a bit obvious if it was a foreshadowing.
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Post by jamrage »

Another solid episode, but more of a build up to action that's going to happen in later episodes.

Skyler has been completely declawed and it's been fantastic to watch. She knows she no longer has any power in the relationship, and the conversation with Walt shows just how completely out of her league she is when it comes to this situation. Loved the cars, nary a whimper from Skyler when she saw them.

It's only a matter of before she's killed, commits suicide, or rats Walt out.

Interesting that it's only been a year since the show began, but we're going to blast through another year in less than a season.
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Post by PopeyeJones »

jamrage wrote: Interesting that it's only been a year since the show began, but we're going to blast through another year in less than a season.
Guessing there's going to have to be a huge break in time between the first and last eight episodes (or between everything and the last two or three).

There's 12 episodes of the show left and at least a year in time to cover. The show moves pretty slowly in time, so anything more than one huge break in time doesn't make much sense.

I'm guessing the shot we saw was him coming back to N.M. to save Jesse, meaning his family either had to run to the East Coast, or they're all dead.

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Post by samdoom »

Yeah, I think the gap between the 8 episodes will deal with Walt leaving the state and essentially going into hiding after whatever crazy shit goes down over the next four episodes. Per usual, breaking bad is pretty much impossible to predict though. wont stop me from doing so regardless.

as popeye said, the pacing of the show rarely involves speeding through any time periods within a single episode, so there will have to be a point where a large time gap is provided to get us to his 52nd birthday. it would make the most sense to have that time gap when the actual episode gap is, but stranger things have happened.

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Post by TeenageMoustache »

What if Walt is in witness protection in that cold open?

Hank was on NPR the other day -- minor spoiler: A point was made about the baby watching Scarface, and how unsettling that was, and he said the baby will witness something even more unsettling this season.

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Post by drizzle »

after having to stare at skyler's bloated hatchet face all her tiny life, some scenes from scarface aint shit to the baby - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by PopeyeJones »

TeenageMoustache wrote:What if Walt is in witness protection in that cold open?
Makes sense.

The only problem with this theory (and my theory about him returning to save Jesse) is that they both involve Walt making the right decision at some point. It's similar to a lot of the Skyler hate IMO, in that everyone is kind of struggling with actually accepting that Walt is evil and raving fucking lunatic. Would be really surprised (and TBH, a little disappointed) if Gilligan starts doing little redemptive things for him in these last eight.

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Post by drizzle »

PopeyeJones wrote:
TeenageMoustache wrote:What if Walt is in witness protection in that cold open?
Makes sense.
witness protection implies he rolled over on somebody bigger that dea or whoever would be interested in. the problem is there's nobody bigger for him to snitch on. gus is gone, the cartel is in shambles and walt didn't know shit about it to begin with. mike is the only possibility really, but walt doesn't really have much on mike beyond their dealings together, and even in that context it seems like the feds would be more interested in the cook and mastermind than the muscle. - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by blastmaster »

Unless he could somehow convince Hank that he was a victim in all of this and being forced to cook in order to protect his family or some shit. I like the idea of him being on the run better anyway.

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Post by PopeyeJones »

drizzle wrote:
PopeyeJones wrote:
TeenageMoustache wrote:What if Walt is in witness protection in that cold open?
Makes sense.
witness protection implies he rolled over on somebody bigger that dea or whoever would be interested in. the problem is there's nobody bigger for him to snitch on. gus is gone, the cartel is in shambles and walt didn't know shit about it to begin with. mike is the only possibility really, but walt doesn't really have much on mike beyond their dealings together, and even in that context it seems like the feds would be more interested in the cook and mastermind than the muscle.
Yeah, except that Hank is in charge of the regional DEA office now, and he's the only character (save for breakfast cripple) who hasn't gone down a morally slippery slope yet.

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Post by drizzle »

i don't get your point. if he's morally uncompromised he seems more likely to put Walt away than to give him an easy out for turning in the bagman - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by PopeyeJones »

drizzle wrote:i don't get your point. if he's morally uncompromised he seems more likely to put Walt away than to give him an easy out for turning in the bagman
Was saying that it's incredibly doubtful that Hank remains morally uncompromised through the next eight episodes. If this show is about anything, it's about Walt being the eye of a storm and sucking everyone around him into morally black and gray areas. It makes more sense for Hank to not be spared that than for him to be morally righteous (although admittedly a dick and shitty husband until the accident) all the way through.

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Post by TeenageMoustache »

I don't know that Hank would compromise himself, but I could see him being compromised by Walt once the story is known.

As far as Walt not having anyone to roll, we don't know that yet. There could be a bigger fish out there like Madrigal. Also, I wouldn't put it past him to create a straw man.

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Post by PopeyeJones »

TeenageMoustache wrote:Also, I wouldn't put it past him to create a straw man.
Would be pretty awesome if Walt got stuck and offered to give up Heisenberg.

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Post by TeenageMoustache »

PopeyeJones wrote:
TeenageMoustache wrote:Also, I wouldn't put it past him to create a straw man.
Would be pretty awesome if Walt got stuck and offered to give up Heisenberg.
Didn't even think of that. In the interview, they air a clip from S4 where Hank tells Walt that Heisenberg was some kind of Nazi scientist. Madrigal, of course, is a German company.

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Post by drizzle »

TeenageMoustache wrote: As far as Walt not having anyone to roll, we don't know that yet. There could be a bigger fish out there like Madrigal. Also, I wouldn't put it past him to create a straw man.
the strawman is plausible but Walt doesn't know anyone from Madrigal, aside from being vaguely aware that Lydia is their chem contact. and if anything she's more likely to snitch on them than the other way around. it's not even clear if he knows of the existence of madrigal, that connection is entirely via Mike

there is always a chance somebdoy from the cartel could come looking for vengeance, but that seems like a setup for walt using the machine gun more than for walt snitching - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Post by PopeyeJones »

^^^Walt learning about Madrigal from Hank (who still doesn't know Walt's involvement) would be a pretty fucking great scene. Yeah, the cartel makes the most sense, though.

Teenage: good call on Madrigal, and Walt uses the name as a shout out to a German physicist (Werner Heisenberg). Could def see Hank thinking Heisenberg is an actually German person.

Kinda crazy (and very unlikely) for them to have this all planned out way back in Season 1 when Walt first drops the Heisenberg name to Tuco, though.

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Post by Ramen »

The character Walter White has become such a great actor, his scenes with Marie last week and then Hank/Marie this week. Cranston is putting on a clinic.

Skyler is never going to die bros.

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Post by Verge »

PopeyeJones wrote: Teenage: good call on Madrigal, and Walt uses the name as a shout out to a German physicist (Werner Heisenberg). Could def see Hank thinking Heisenberg is an actually German person.
absolutely. great call.

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Post by Dap »

so apparently from what i've read that WAS a gun sound at the end of the episode?

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Post by tehgiftofgab »

i hope so, then i can say i told ya so

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