Most memorable theatre experiences

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Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by unclebengi »

What movie theatre experiences do you remember most and why?

Batman- babysitter took me too it when I was 9. First 'adult' movie I really remember being able to pay attention to from beginning to end. I called it my favorite movie for years.

Pulp Fiction- Parents took me to it when I was 14. Mom tried to cover my eyes the whole time while I sat slack jawed and mind blown.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon- Went to see by myself on a weekday while living at my parents home for a year in between college stints. Had the theatre to myself with a bottle of 1/2 All Sport 1/2 Vodka.

Ong Bak- Dragged all my Philly friends to see this after my blind insistence that it was one of the best martial arts movies of all time, some were hesitant to follow my lead after I'd recommended Gummo previously. They were all happy they went afterwards.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by ackbar »

Dark City - Ate 1/8 ounce of psilocybin fungi
Welcome To The Dollhouse - I touched a girl's boob in the theatre
Trailer Park Boys: The Movie - Entire bottle of Canadian rye in a movie theatre full of drunk Maritimers

as far as being blown away and sitting through the entire credits just thinking "damn that was amazing".. there will be blood is the one that comes to mind.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Philaflava »

Has anyone seen a film at iPic? I think they have a few on the west coast.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Dan »

Air Force One - Sitting in the back corner row of a crowded theater. Girl I was with decides to start taking off all her clothes. She got completely naked and I was too scared to do anything because I had noticed an usher standing not too far from me. As far as I know, he never looked over, but I was convinced that there were infrared cameras in that theater watching us. The usher would leave and then come back every few minutes. Never said anything to us, though.

The Wizard of Oz (60th Anniversary Re-release) - With that same girl, this time in a not so crowded theater. We get the whole back row to ourselves. Seats have adjustable arm rests. She lifts a few up, hikes up the skirt, lays down and I go down on her. She gets hers, then gets up, drops to her knees between my legs and goes down me.

We're No Angels - I go with 2 of my friends. During the movie, one of my friends has to piss. He leaves, so I tell my other friend we should find a new seat. Theater was pretty full, but we managed to find 2 empty seats, leaving our friend to come back not knowing where we were.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by blastmaster »

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Went with my dad and my next door neighbor. I lost my virginity to her years later. She has like 6 kids now. Awful life. I am still Raphael.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by unclebengi »

TMNT was another good one for me. I remember we were in Cincinnati for some reason, probably saw a Reds game, but we saw it opening weekend and there was a line around the block to get in. I was a Raphael guy too.

That also reminded me of another. I won tickets to see an advance screening of The Wizard when I was 9 through a radio call. At the screening someone had a golden ticket under their seat that gave them a prize package that included a Power Glove. It was crazy seeing Super Mario 3 and the Power Glove on the screen (before we knew the power glove really sucked).

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Roy Johnson »

The Postman - Walked out of the theater when Larenz Tate started chanting "I want to be the postman! I want to be the postman!"

The Thin Red Line - Honest to god, I fell asleep. Only time that ever happened. I remember some butterflies or some shit. Dude from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Jackie Brown - A crew of like 8 or 9 black dudes got to the theater late and spread out all over the place because 99% of the seats were taken. They were yelling COULD HAVE SEEN HOME ALONE 3 from all corners of the theater right around the time Robert Deniro showed up. Shit was hilarious. And I left with those dudes, joined their crew.
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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Blockhead »

Fear- Saw it in a two dollar theater in midtown with a friend and we drank 40's in the theater. The crowd was INSANE. Best crowd participation I've ever witnessed and, to this day, I still love that movie more than I should.

X-men 3 (or whatever it was called)- a 45ish year old dude went to see the movie alone and sat a row in front of me. Every time a new character would show up he's say the name he thinks they're called. Like Kelsey Grammar was "beast man!" and Wolverine was "Wolf man!". He then proceeded to take a phone call loudly. While on that phone, a second phone rang and he took that call too. All the while, maintaining his character announcements. After the calls , he chilled for five minutes then SPRINTED out the door. 45 minutes he came back to see the last five minutes of the movie. Weirdest dude ever.

The Frighteners- It was a friday night screening in the village in this theater on 8th street that was notoriously kinda wild. Before the movie started, the crowd was already rowdy. during the previews, some one in the back screamed "Man, fuck harlem!", which was responded to with various shit talking. Suddenly, beer bottles started flying and my boys and I got the fuck outta there.

The Dictator- David Blaine was sitting in a row behind me, looking fat as fuck but with some fly model. When the movie ended, I turned around to bounce and he was dead asleep. Like snoring with his mouth agape.

The last one didn't happen to me but it's one that has had influence on my life.
My boy was at one of the lord of the rings movie and when Gandolf died, this fat black chick next to him gasped and yelled "No! My frieieieieieieieiiend!". To this day, that is how I greet that friend every time I talk to him.

Oh, and I got a hand job while watching "Dahmer".

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Dusty Fingers »

:rofl: Yeah that post has made me conclude that we just need a strange Blockhead experiences thread.
And if you're yelling out YOLO, I'm calling you a homo...

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by observe911 »

That movie when Michelle phifer straddled Harrison ford and said "Im not ya wife" and disappeared like a ghost....I was getting my dick sucked by this girl I was fucking with..

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Dusty Fingers »

I got some dome during that movie where Chris Rock comes back as a white guy


Sat with my boy in the back of Blade 2 and randomly tossed an egg into the middle row to hear some lady screech loudly followed by who I perceived was her husband yell "HEY" and then never make mention of it again...

got dome during that movie i think Loser was the name? jason biggs?

got out of my seat and started running around the movie theater screaming during Contact and then just ran directly out afterwards (most boring movie ever)

sat in the back and kept covering the projector during spider man until some kid started crying and his JACKED father threatened to kick my ass, so of course i left quietly

lady fell down the aisle, popcorn goes flying everywhere during avatar... hmmmm

oh saw some dude shooting dope at the fucking smurfs movie... LOL always found that to be kind of a strange movie to be shooting dope at
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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by ThaJim2 »

Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom. I know I must have saw movies before this at the theater but this is the first film I remember seeing the in theater.
Now You See Me. The theater was mostly empty but their was this group of about 3 or 4 girls a few rows in front of us and when the twist happened they yell out in unison holly fucking shit. It was a had to be there moment.
Expendables. This was when the final straw that we have lost the youth of today to being pussies. In line to get tickets a 12 year old boy was with his mom and his mom asked what Expendables was and he did not know and instead saw that eat sleep pray Oprah bullshit. I wept a tear for America that day.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Lyric783 »

Best movie going experience was goin to see Menace II Society at The Loft in Tucson, AZ. There was hella cops in the spot for security. The theater allowed drinking. Somebody put somethin up in the air. Lots of commentary during the film. Great atmosphere for that. Aside from that, I've slapped a few in the theater in my times

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by jredd109 »

saw return of the jedi as a 5 yr old. i was luke skywalker for awhile after that.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by House of Games »

In like '98, seeing Halloween H20 somewhere around Plainfield NJ, when LL died, someone screamed out


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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Rabbi Jihadovich »

Roy Johnson wrote:The Postman - Walked out of the theater when Larenz Tate started chanting "I want to be the postman! I want to be the postman!"

The Thin Red Line - Honest to god, I fell asleep. Only time that ever happened. I remember some butterflies or some shit. Dude from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Jackie Brown - A crew of like 8 or 9 black dudes got to the theater late and spread out all over the place because 99% of the seats were taken. They were yelling COULD HAVE SEEN HOME ALONE 3 from all corners of the theater right around the time Robert Deniro showed up. Shit was hilarious. And I left with those dudes, joined their crew.
LOL'ed in real life at work - thanks dick.

Schindler's List - my dad made me skip school to go watch it with him. Saw him cry at the end which was the first time i ever seen him cry - bitch ass.

I saw the newest star trek movie in 3D IMax on shrooms. It was the most intense and amazing movie-going experience i ever had.
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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Random Sample »

As a kid going to see Rocky IV was pretty awesome. I remember having to stand in line and waiting to get into the theater.

The re releases of Star Wars trilogy. I was really young when I saw the originals. The only one I remember seeing was Return of the Jedi. So it was cool to be able to see them again when I was older. Even though Lucas fucked with them.

I went to a Bruce Campbell book signing at a movie theater and then they played Evil Dead II in one of the theaters. It was awesome. One of the best movies experiences ever. People were cheering and shit. it was a fun night.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences


ate shrooms on the way to avatar & finally comprehended existence
1. Nas
2. Drake

that's pretty much it fam.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Smitty »

- Crowd spontaneously sang along with the Ghostbusters theme song during the closing credits.

- Standing ovation at the end of Jurassic Park. That was weird.

- When I saw Iron Man a huge, scary looking dude and his girl sat directly in front of me and a pal. He was hammered. Every time there was an on screen fight he would punch the seat in front of him in time with the movie. Later, he takes his jacket off, lays it down in the aisle, and attempts to sweet talk his girl into joining him. She is furious, gives him hell, and storms out. He returns to his seat, passes the fuck out.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Kiran187 »

Batman (1989) - First time my mom let me go to the movies without an adult. It was just my little brother and I. We had to take the bus across town which was a big deal at the time. Caught the wrong bus home on the way back and got a little lost but it all ended up working out.
Money Train, Blankman, and Liar Liar - My parents never took us to movies because it was pretty expensive so the couple times that we did go were all memorable to me just because we were going to an actual theater.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by the dead poet »

spiderman 2 i think. The one where he turn into the black spiderman. when toby got all emo and slapped his bitch. Some fat old dude sitting a few seats down erupted in laughter was funny as fuck.

Italian job. was dragged along with some chick I was fucking but she brought her female cousin so i was mad thinking I was going to get no play. The chick I was with started rubbing my shit in the middle of the theater and I ended up having my first threesome that night." onclick=";return false;

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Larry2times »

Honey I Blew Up The Kid, I think it was my first. I was mad there was no exploding kid.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by alpha »

House of Games wrote:In like '98, seeing Halloween H20 somewhere around Plainfield NJ, when LL died, someone screamed out


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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Smithee »

Watching that wicked witch all green everywhere 20 feet in the air hitting the high C like yeee

For movies um I think Scream 2 I was in middle school we brought a beach ball and it went over w/ the crowd well.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Blockhead »

the dead poet wrote:
Italian job. was dragged along with some chick I was fucking but she brought her female cousin so i was mad thinking I was going to get no play. The chick I was with started rubbing my shit in the middle of the theater and I ended up having my first threesome that night.
That's both hot and incest-y.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Andvil »

first movie I ever remember seeing was Spaceballs at a drive-in about 5 minutes away from my house. Still one of my fav movies of all time. I think I was 5.

seeing the restored Metropolis with The Alloy Orchestra playing a live score was amazing

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Dusty Fingers »

Andvil wrote: seeing the restored Metropolis with The Alloy Orchestra playing a live score was amazing
THAT is cool. Somebody actually recently posted on here that Ghostbusters was better than Metropolis. Thoughts?
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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Spartan »

Let it go.

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Vlad Analogue »

I was in middle school and had to meet some fiends at the theater to see something, I don't quite remember.What I do remember was arriving late and going into the wrong theater, in which Interview with a Vampire was just starting... Definitely a memorable experience for a 12yr old

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Re: Most memorable theatre experiences

Post by Dusty Fingers »

Spartan wrote:Let it go.

We're talking about Metropolis, not Home Alone 3. Guy is spitting in the eye of cinema greatness and living to tell the tale. I can't have this.

And if you're yelling out YOLO, I'm calling you a homo...

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