What movie did you watch today?

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Spartan »


Drive (Radio 1 Rescore) | 2011
Quite liked some of the new tracks but they seriously didn't work as an alternative soundtrack. It took away a lot of the impact and even added unnecessary clutter. At times, it even made the film feel a little bit stale. Just goes to show how dope the film's original soundtrack was and just how well it complimented it. Even with Refn's blessing, this new soundtrack didn't work for me at all, and it felt like I was watching a ninety minute fan vid on Youtube.

Unhinged | 1982
Golden era American slasher and former video nasty that doesn't disappoint. Fairly amateurish technically, but that wonderfully creepy atmosphere is the film's greatest asset. Despite the low body count, it's still surprisingly gory with an unforgettable ending. The film's synth soundtrack is awesome. You could sample it, loop the hell out of it and even make some serious heat. Matter of fact, that's just what Sid Roams did:

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

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Ah - i forgot to watch that Drive thing. Zane Lowe seems like a nice enough bloke, but everything he does makes me cringe a bit.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

Broken (2014) - This is the latest big revenge-film from Korea. It's not as nasty or emotionally exhausting as some of the more bleak K-revengefilms, this film wants to be a thriller first and foremost and does mostly everything right and by the book. Most of the time we follow the father who is out to kill those who murdered his daughter, while the police attemps to track him down before he captures the last assailant.
Whether to Jason of Philaflava or John Podesta, I will speak my fucking perspective openly
- MB

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Tommy Bunz »

Had a bout of insomnia tonight, so used it to catch up with this thread.

The Boxer's Omen (Chih-Hung Kuei, 1983) - This is probably the most batshit insane kung-fu movie I've seen. A man becomes a Buddhist monk to avenge his brother's death and does battle with an evil wizard. This horror/kung-fu hybrid is filled to the brim with style, its colorful palette and cheesy special effects leap off the screen, its almost like a Chinese Giallo film, albeit without the gratuitous sex.

Evolution (Ivan Reitman, 2001) - Decided to give Reitman's attempt at capturing that Ghostbusters magic another shot. Its entertaining enough but doesn't hit on the right notes. Stiffler is absolutely terrible in this , as is Orlando Jones. It still blows my mind how anybody ever thought that dude could be a star.

Popeye (Robert Altman, 1980) - This was the movie I decided to revisit when Robin Willams offed himself. Still pretty fucking amazing in a lot of aspects. The world Altman creates is truly surreal and Williams gives one of his best performances. Anyone who thinks of his style is one-note and over the top needs to check this out, as its an incredibly nuanced and understated performance, blending into the ensemble whenever the plot requires.

Godzilla Vs. Biollante (Kazuki Ohmori, 1989) - Zilla takes on a giant mutated rosebush. Seriously. Also seriously fun.

Bullet to the Head (Walter Hill, 2012) - Wanted to love this so bad, but this Asian faggot from Fast & Furious ruins every fucking scene. Terrible actor with no charisma. When Stallone is acting circles around you, its time for you to go Paul Walker yourself. Pissed me off even more when this faggot somehow bags an incredibly sexy tatted up Sarah Shahi. Still worth watching though because the fucking axe fight between Sly and Jason Momoa makes the entire trip worth it.

My Name is Nobody (Tonino Valerii, 1973) - A young gunfighter tries to get his hero to come out of retirement for one last gunfight. Just a really fun spaghetti western in every way, with all the style the genre is known for.

The Aviator (Martin Scorsese, 2004) - Recently just finished the excellent book Conversations With Scorsese which got me fiending to revisit his entire catalog. The chapter on The Aviator was enlightening as far as what he was going for and his filming methods and helped me appreciate this on a much deeper level.

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (Martin Ritt, 1965) - This fucking floored me. A complete deconstruction of the spy genre of the times, stripping away all of the seductive allure of being a spy and showing the warts of just how ugly and heartless it really is. It actually reminds me a lot of Classe Tous Risques, the French crime film which similarly broke down the crime/heist films of the era. It also helps that Ritt's adaptation of LeCarre's story is airtight, pulling off some major plot twists that you won't see coming, while somehow keeping the film grounded firmly in reality. Right after I finished it the words "best spy movie ever" kept popping into my head, and I'm still hard-pressed to think of another film that can top it.

Leonard Part 6 (Paul Weiland, 1986) - This one has been on my to-watch list for a long time because of its reputation as one of the best worst movies. Glad to say it didn't disappoint whatsoever. Apparently Cosby was so ashamed of it that he personally bought the television rights to the film just so that it couldn't be seen. Cosby plays an ex-spy brought out of retirement to take out a villain that is turning small animals into killing machine. Highlights include a group of frogs murdering a guy by hopping underneath his car and knocking it over a bridge and Cosby riding a fucking ostrich.

Gladiator (Rowdy Herrington, 1992) - Faggot-ass James from Twin Peaks and faggot-ass Omar Gooding Jr before they were faggots. Always enjoyed the shit out of this movie.

The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2012) - Late pass. Another film I really wanted to love but just couldn't do it. Its an exceptionally well-directed film with some really amazing acting performances but the trip is way more fun than the destination. As a film nerd I have a pretty high tolerance for movies without a narrative. Problem is that this subject matter and these characters were ripe for the picking, and Anderson ultimately took us all on a destination to nowhere. Which, if I'm being honest, is a bit of an ongoing problem with almost all of his films, it just doesn't seem like he has anything to say.

Draft Day (Ivan Reitman, 2014) - Really enjoyed this despite all its flaws. Its an attempt to cash in on the success of Moneyball, except the films depiction of how an NFL front office operates is hilariously retarded. Costner makes franchise-changing decisions without even consulting his staff and trades like Gloss in our fantasy baseball league. Even so, its still a really enjoyable watch, it hits all the right beats and Costner is in top form. I can see this turning into one of those movies you get sucked into every time it plays on cable.

Muppets Most Wanted (James Bobin, 2014) - Got lambasted by IDAL for stating that this sequel is better than the new reboot but I'm sticking to my guns. Very little screentime for the new faggoty Walter character that starred in the first Segal/Adams movie, instead letting the original characters shine like they deserve. All the Russian prison scenes with Tina Fey, Ray Liotta and Danny Trejo are fantastic.

Sabotage (David Ayer, 2014) - Schwarzenegger and his Expendables-lite DEA task force rob a drug cartel and things immediately spin out of control when members of his team start dropping like flies. Decent film but should have been much better with such a great cast. Apparently the studio interfered with the cut to make it shorter and action-oriented and you can tell as there certainly seems to be sections of the plot missing.

The Dorm That Dripped Blood (Stephen Carpenter & Jeffrey Obrow, 1982) - I've owned the Synapse blu-ray for years, finally got around to watching it and wasn't too impressed. Its a pretty run-of-the-mill slasher, competent enough for a watch but not all that memorable. I can't even remember a single kill from it. Will probably sell my copy now, doubt I'll ever get the urge to watch it again, as there are a multitude of better slashers from the 80's.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Philip Kaufman, 1972) - Always try to work more horror movies into the rotation around this time of year so I decided to rewatch one of my favorites. One of the few remakes of a classic film that can hold its own against the original.

Scream 3 (Wes Craven, 2000) - Rewatched the first three Scream films throughout the course of this year. This is probably the weakest entry in the series but still a good time.

Transformers: Age of Extinction (Michael Bay, 2014) - I have nothing intelligent to say about this (or any of the other Transformers movies). They are stupid fun and a great way to turn your brain off for a few hours. Dino-bots didn't disappoint.

The Fog (John Carpenter, 1980) - Took the new Shout Factory blu-ray for a spin. So good.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (Chuck Russell, 1987) - A young nubile Patricia Arquette in her acting debut. One of the best of the entire Freddy franchise.

X-Men: Days of Future Past (Bryan Singer, 2014) - Exceptional. So glad Singer is done raping little boys and is back behind the wheel of this franchise. The twist ending was pretty great, but saddening at the same time because
now that Jean Grae is alive again I'm assuming that is eliminating any chance of them pursuing the Phoenix plotline that they hinted at in the end of X2.
The Blob (Chuck Russell, 1988) - New twilight time blu-ray, which looks fantastic. Similarly to the Body Snatchers remake, this an exceptionally competent remake. Except in this case I'd actually argue that it is indeed an improvement on the original overall. Johnny Drama is no Steve McQueen and his mullet is hilariously awful, but the plot makes much more sense now and the movie has some pretty great/memorable special effects.

Scanners (David Cronenberg, 1981) - New Criterion blu-ray. Amazing. Hadn't watched in a long time but liked it this time more than ever. Might have to rethink where I'd put it among his best films, but its definitely up there.

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (Dean DeBlois, 2014) - The first one is one of my favorite animated movies in recent memory and had low expectations for what I thought would be just another quick & cheap cash-in. Glad to say I was wrong and that this easily stacks up to the first one and it looks like its setup to be an exceptional trilogy when #3 comes out. It doesn't quite make sense saying this but these movies remind me a lot of the original Star Wars trilogy for some reason (that could just be due to the plethora of actual Star Wars references in this one though).

The Invisible Man Returns (Joe May, 1940) - First time watching any of the sequels. Don't have much to say about it other than I enjoyed it quite a bit, Christopher Lee was an inspired choice to replace Claude Rains as the Invisible Man, you need someone with great character in their voice to star in a movie where no one can see you, and Lee's brooding tone and sinister laugh are perfect for the role.

Friday the 13th Part III (Steve Miner, 1982) - I decided to actually watch this in 3D with the shitty old-school red and blue lensed glasses. The 3D effects themselves are rather gimmicky (characters are constantly pointing things at the camera in an awkward manner). But the colored tint of the glasses distorted the image picture so significantly that in a way they added to the experience in an unexpected manner as it felt like I was watching it through a time capsule on some shitty drive-in theater screen.

Neighbors (Nicholas Stoller, 2014) - Pretty hilarious overall.

Halloween III: Season of the Witch (Tommy Lee Wallace, 1982) - So I'm just now realizing this, but somehow I ended up watching the 3rd film of each of the 4 most popular 80's-90's slasher franchises this month (Halloween, Scream, Friday the 13th & Nightmare on Elm St). Completely unintentional. Always enjoyed this one quite a bit even though Michael Myers isn't in it at all.

The Haunting (Robert Wise, 1963) - One of the best classic ghost films. Its been a long time since I've watched this, don't think I ever picked up that Claire Blooms character was gay before.

John Wick (Chad Stahelski & David Leitch, 2014) - Repost from the Wick thread: Saw John Wick last night in IMAX, some of the most fun I've had in a theater all year.
Just really solid action film in every aspect, some fantastic violence set against some well choreographed fight scenes (knife kill in his house, and him running over some guy and then shooting him as he rolls over his roof were personal highlights).
Surprisingly funny at times too. Entire audience was really into it.
Also, Keanu actually has a couple moments in here where he actually acts his ass off too, which surprised me.

Underworld U.S.A. (Samuel Fuller, 1961) - Always thrilled when I have extremely high expectations for a movie and then it actually exceeds them. A young juvenile witnesses a group of men beat his dad to death in an alley. Then as an adult he connives his way into their crime syndicate and takes them out from the inside. Fuller is in peak form here, you could teach a filmmaking class just based off this movie alone. Just the way he edits, its so economical and bullshit-free and I love the way he shot it, some really impressive camerawork here but its never flashy enough that you become aware of it. The image of the last scene in the pool has stuck with me something awful.

Drug War (Johnnie To, 2012) - Damn good. Another gem by To. The deaf twins were probably my favorite part.

A Night To Remember (Roy Ward Baker, 1958) - aka the other Titanic film. I put this in the other night thinking it would be something good to fall asleep to but ended up getting sucked in and getting fuckall for sleep. I was genuinely taken aback at just how captivating this was, and also surprised to see just how much of this film James Cameron straight up jacked for his take on the story. In a lot of ways its a better movie; there's no corny love story here, or even a main character. Just a true ensemble piece in every sense of the word. Baker realized that firmly grounding his film in realism would be to his advantage, there's no need to romanticize or embellish the events when the true story is extraordinary enough on its own.

The Expendables 3 (Patrick Hughes, 2014) - A good time despite how much it suffers from its ill-advised PG-13 rating. It really drags in the middle, the cliche as fuck sequence where he meets his new team members by traveling to different parts of the country and witnessing each Expendable while they are conveniently doing something extravagent with Kelsey Grammar making humorous quips was particularly painfull. But its bookened by a fantastic opening assault on a train sequence and an intense battle in a war-torn high-rise which makes up for its faults.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

That Demon Within (2014) - Dante Lam has been off-form for a while and this is no return. There are some cool scenes and the plot could have worked well enough, but it doesn't. I was hoping this would be the Drug War of 2014. Maybe next time.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) - The first movie was a pathetic mess with litte to no redeeming qualities. This one is good. It's the only "summer movie" from this year that I have seen/want to see and I'm happy I went against my instincts to give it a chance.
Whether to Jason of Philaflava or John Podesta, I will speak my fucking perspective openly
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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Spartan »

Still on the giallo tip:


Seven Murders for Scotland Yard | 1971
Stocky, Spanish horror legend Paul Naschy dips his toes in this hilariously shambolic giallo. Feels like the film crew had no permission to shoot anywhere in London, so they shot a few quick scenes on the sly and had to make do with some sleepy hamlet's police station posing as Scotland Yard. We make do with the rest of the movie shot in Spain, replete with noisy cicadas chirping and the narrowest pub I've ever seen. Naschy plays an ex-trapeze artist (you couldn't make this up) and prime suspect on the run trying to prove his innocence while London is terrorised by a Jack the Ripper style killer. The funniest thing about this film is just how much Naschy tries to prove he's not the murderer, by killing at least three dudes regardless.


So Sweet, So Dead (aka The Slasher is the Sex Maniac :lol: ) | 1972
Farley Granger as the detective hunting down a serial killer whose victims are unfaithful housewives. This film has everything I crave in a giallo: a Bava-esque looking killer, gratuitous T&A shots, eroticised violence, red herrings, a convoluted plot, shameless product placement, and dope as hell opening titles. However, there are some serious pacing issues and the film squanders lots of classic potential; how are you gonna have three bonafide giallo queens (Nieves Navarro, Annabella Incontrera and Femi Benussi) in this film and only give them around five minutes worth of screen time? Still, I thought this was a good movie, it's just a real shame because in the hands of a more capable director such as Sergio Martino for example, this could have been something truly special.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

The Purge: Anarchy (2014) - I thought it was decent.

Love is the Perfect Crime (2014) - It's about a lit. professor from a fancy college in the alps who might be a murderer. Done in the style of Ozon. I thought it was okay but not entirely satisfying.

Cop (1988) - Based on a novel by Ellroy. James Woods is great in this film. It appears to be a fairly clumsy adaption because of how the film is structured, but there's plenty of things to like. Perhaps forgotten in part because of the generic name.
Whether to Jason of Philaflava or John Podesta, I will speak my fucking perspective openly
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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Spartan »

The Vampire Happening | 1971

Terrible. Considering The Fearless Vampire Killers was an obvious spoof of Hammer's output, you would think having the legendary Freddie Francis as your film's director the ace up your sleeve for ripping off the aforementioned film. This film even has Ferdy Mayne, whose Count Dracula is virtually indistinguishable from his Count von Krolock. Let's be honest, this film exists because of Polanski's vampire offering and there are even references to Rosemary's Baby for good measure. This was also the producer's failed attempt at launching the career of Pia Degermark, who played dual roles as the heroine and villainess.

Eyes of Crystal | 2004

Journey's Steve Perry plays a cop with a rage problem as he hunts down a sadistic killer who enjoys collecting body parts for his sex doll. All this while he's romancing the pants off a chick who I can't decide is stunningly beautiful or very average looking. This Italian crime thriller/horror owes as much to the cliché ridden Hollywood serial killer movies of the eighties and nineties as it does to the gialli of yesteryear. As formulaic and generic as that sounds, this film still excels everywhere else. So despite how over familiar everything might be, this still has enough of its own brand to stand out from the crop. Beggars can't be choosers here, but this seems to be the neo-giallo rabid Argento fans ought to check out for if they're looking to sate their appetite for anything decent post-The Stendhal Syndrome.
Last edited by Spartan on Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

^ Shes hot IMO. Eyes of Crystal should be much more known.

Milano Calibre 9 (1972) - This mobfilm is full of good scenes and quotables. Great political banter at the policestation too. Went a bit stale in the middle but great otherwise.
Whether to Jason of Philaflava or John Podesta, I will speak my fucking perspective openly
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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Comedy Quaddafi »

Starry Eyes (2014) - Very atmospheric horror about a young actress. I applaud the spirit of the film but wish the plot was a bit different. This is still one of the best chills of the year.
Whether to Jason of Philaflava or John Podesta, I will speak my fucking perspective openly
- MB

Tommy Bunz
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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Tommy Bunz »

Comedy Quaddafi wrote: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) - The first movie was a pathetic mess with litte to no redeeming qualities. This one is good. It's the only "summer movie" from this year that I have seen/want to see and I'm happy I went against my instincts to give it a chance.

So I was just going back through this thread looking for something and randomly landed on this
Comedy Quaddafi wrote: The Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) - One of the better prequels I've seen, if not the best. This doesn't mean a whole lot though. It's a great film for what it is and the last 30 minutes were fun. Can't say I was too involved in it but it beats other CGI-heavy movies of recent years, dwarfing Avatar and about as good as Inception.
What happened that made you change your opinion on the first one so badly?

I actually tried to watch a rip of Dawn I got off torrents over the weekend, but realized that it was missing the subtitles so I had to bail ten minutes in. The opening hunting sequence with the apes vs. the elk was bananas though. Hoping to find a deal on the blu-ray over black friday.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by drizzle »

^^ the rip I dl'ed had subtitles for the monkey signing but you had to turn them on manually, they weren't embedded.

i really loved teh cgi in Dawn, maybe the best creature effect ever tbh. pretty much anything to do with the monkeys looked amazing and the movie does a good job showing their society, but the movie overall was a little underwhelming. it felt like another origin story and it maybe took itself a little too seriously, kinda wish they jumped straight into the war instead of spending 2/3 running time trying to work out civil monkey-man relations that you know aren't going to happen anyway.
http://www.steadybloggin.com - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Tommy Bunz »

Yeah, same rip probably but I put them on a flash drive and play them on my PS3 and I don't know how to run subtitles if you do it that way. Refuse to watch movies on a computer.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Spartan »

Ironmaster | 1983

Here's a film that wouldn't get made today. Umberto Lenzi cashing-in on the fantasy/sword & sorcery craze of the early eighties. This is basically a prehistoric tale about mankind's very first superpower - men who wield iron. Somewhat lost amongst the film's ridiculousness, Lenzi makes parallels with shoe-horned social commentary relating to our super power nations. Leaving all that aside and along with the unnecessary animal cruelty (there's no way they killed an actual lion for this film; it looked like it was sleeping), this film was a riot from start to finish. Italy's answer to David Hess, George Eastman was swagged out like a prehistoric ackbar as the film's villain Vood, whose discovery of iron turns him into mankind's first ever douchebag, plundering and pillaging every local tribe; including the complete genocide of a race of ape-men in their cave. The film's hero was supposedly some bodybuilder gay porn star who looked awkwardly hilarious running like a fairy in a field of buffalos. Despite this being a Lenzi film, I was surprised this was a genuine attempt at being a somewhat serious film.

The Bloodstained Shadow | 1978

A film that has definitely improved with repeated viewings, possibly because I'm aware of its faults and know things get better and the remaining loose ends don't ruin my enjoyment of the film. One thing I never noticed about this movie before were the common elements it had to Pupi Avati's superior The House With the Laughing Windows: Lino Capolicchio is in both movies and plays a character called Stefano; an isolated location is its main setting; a macabre painting is the film's essential plot revelation device; an embarrassingly bad sex scene; and, both have a killer with the same profession. As much as Antonio Bido gets called out for being an Argento stan, which is mostly true, it does look like he's borrowed from Avati's film here too. Regardless of all that, I still do enjoy his gialli and this knows how to ramp up the tension very well just before every kill. It's worth mentioning the vision the killer experiences near the very end of the film, accompanied by Stelvio Cipriani's twisted take on Vivaldi, is really fucking awesome.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Rabbi Jihadovich »

The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi - great fucking movie! Wish the fights lasted longer but i understand why they didn't.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Tommy Bunz »

The Takeshi Kitano one? I fucking hate that movie

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Rabbi Jihadovich »

Ye, but you also hated Hot Rod and never seen Best of the Best - so you do have a shunning of greatness streak. Is there a 1940s version that I'm ignorant of and need to see? They bore me almost to tears if we're being honest.

I also saw Robocop 1-3 this week. Is 3<1 < 2 a crazy unpopular opinion?

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Tommy Bunz »

:lol: Yeah the original Zatoichi series started in the 60's but the last one was from 1989 (there's 26 of them).
Shintaro Katsu just plays a much better Ichi than Kitano does and the whole series is one of my favorite things ever so I'm probably a bit biased against the new one.
But they fucked the character up and its pretty hard to defend those dance numbers.
You should try the last one, the fighting is way better because Katsu is way better with a sword and its pretty dark and violent.
This one:

And yeah that Robocop opinion is ridiculous, I've literally never heard of anyone actually preferring one of the sequels over the OG.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Rabbi Jihadovich »

Robocop 2 was just more fun.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Spartan »

Slaughter Hotel | 1971

AKA Cold Blooded Beast / Asylum Erotica. The latter feels like a more accurate title since the setting is a stately manor in the countryside; which is a care clinic for nymphomaniacs (Rosalba Neri!!!!!), amnesiacs and homicidal maniacs. What kind of looney bin has medieval weapons and torture devices as part of its decor and allows its fragile patients to drink alcohol? Running the place is straw-haired screw face, Klaus Kinski, who looks completely lost in this movie that's full of graphic female masturbation, nurses cheating at croquet, catchy flute bossa nova, and one of the most epic film endings ever. I found this a really basic giallo with only one red herring. It's very poorly written and the pacing drags for the first hour of the film. Despite its awfulness, there are some interesting highlights, with some gems like, "Killing me is one thing, but why commit suicide?" and "You're a perfectly healthy woman, it's just that your desire to make love is obsessive, compulsive. Now go and take a shower!". Genius.

Werewolf Woman | 1976

Here's a film that's even worse in the writing department than Slaughter Hotel. The film is totally misleading as it trails off from being a dope werewolf movie in the beginning and fast tracks a few hundred years to a descendant suffering from deep psychological trauma. She eventually goes feral and kills almost everyone, but doesn't turn into a werewolf or anything. She eventually finds peace and love with a nice guy stuntman (who lives on the set of a spaghetti western) but that quickly goes to shit and she goes psycho again. In typical Italian exploitation style, this goes full retard with the violence and sleaze. Dagmar Lassander is hardly in this and is forgotten about; she doesn't even turn up for the hilarious finale. I watched the director interview afterwards and I'm convinced the dude is fucking batshit. Never heard someone talk such utter bollocks; spazzing out like his film was Citizen Kane or something.

Death Occurred Last Night | 1970

Excellent crime thriller by Duccio Tessari with Frank Wolff and Gabriele Tinti as bad cop and violent cop. Wasn't a fan of Tessari's The Bloodstained Butterfly, but this had a better storyline and a much stronger cast. Found myself really invested with this film and Wolff was exceptional in this.

Tropic of Cancer | 1972

Voodoo tinged giallo with poor man's Clint Eastwood, Anthony Steffan being a convincing badass for once. Other than the over-convoluted storyline (very reminiscent with Five Dolls for an August Moon) and a very nasty actual sacrifice of a bull, this was a really good thriller. Giallo queen and possessor of the worst boob job ever, Anita Strindberg looked a lot healthier, considering this was released in the same year as Your Vice... and did not disappoint. She has a drug fuelled dream very similar to her scenes in Fulci's classic A Lizard in a Woman's Skin which were personal highlights for me.

Love and Death in the Garden of the Gods | 1972

A legitimately intelligent drama turned giallo by association from the Scavolini brothers. Felt like I was watching an arty Antonioni film with the heavy relationship dialogue at times. The story progresses via a series of flashbacks which unravel the plight of a circle of characters with some very dark secrets. This might be the best film I've seen with Erica Blanc's butt in it. Despite really enjoying this, I would argue that this might be less a genre film and more for the Criterion fuckwits, though.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Tommy Bunz »

So I'm watching Emperor of the North Pole right now and in the opening scene Ernest Borgnine murked some hobo for eating a sandwich on his train



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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Tommy Bunz »

oh shit Lee Marvin just beat up one of the Carradines with a live chicken.
already best movie ever made

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Krook »

Watched Transcendence (2014) yesterday and it was trash (1/10), today I watched A Most Wanted Man and it wasn't good either (3/10)... boring mostly

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by stupidregister »

A Most Wanted Man wasn't good?? You're crazy.

Predestination (2014) - Looper meets Back to the Future. And it's pretty good.
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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Spartan »

Dead Snow 2 | 2014

Colonel Herzog solidifying himself as one of the G.O.A.T zombie characters. Much like its predecessor, this film is somewhat smart for what can essentially be described as "just another dumb splatter comedy". It flirts with familiar clichés; at times adhering to them, other times turning them on their head. As over the top as the first movie was, this kind of jumps the shark somewhat and shamelessly tries to appeal to an English speaking audience. That's my biggest misgiving about the movie, but there's enough great content going on not to totally ruin it. It's also worth noting that the disturbing music vid for Total Eclipse of the Heart now has a run for its money with the use of the same song for the film's finale.

The Dead 2: India | 2014

Cold callers just got colder. Big fan of the first film and the Ford Bros. return with a worthy follow-up that's somewhat a fairly rehashed script of its predecessor. For a very low budget film, this has some heightened tension and genuine suspense going on and has a way more convincing zombie apocalypse thing going on than last year's comedy World Wars Z. Also, much like the first film, the cinematography is stunning. The biggest drawback is some of the acting, notably our protagonist's busted girlfriend and her dad. Every time the film cut back to them, it took away the pacing and the great chemistry between Joseph and Jarved. Very good film despite all these flaws, but I just hope if they ever make a third film they mix it up a bit more and not just be about another white guy trapped in a third world country with a zombie outbreak.

Maps to the Stars | 2014

R. Pattz in two of my favorite films of 2014. Calling Cronenberg's film about the fakery and fuckery of Hollywood celebdom a dark satire would be a disservice. If anything, it's hell on earth and its players can be best described as completely monstrous. Some of the most completely vile and reprehensible characters I've seen in a long time. I guess you can interpret what little redemption there is in the film's finale, but yeah, this was some seriously fucked in the head type shit. Might be totally alone here, but I think this is Cronenberg's best film since A History of Violence and the second film I've watched this year with an utterly shite burning woman CGI effect.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Spartan »

The Babadook | 2014

Hat's off to Jennifer Kent for putting most seasoned horror film directors to shame with this; her feature film debut. Pure quality all around. Essie Davis was on en par with some Catherine Deneuve in Repulsion type shit and was absolutely incredible. Still trawling through this year's horror output, but I can't honestly see this getting dethroned from the number one spot. Worth watching this asap, before "feminist" horror bloggers spoil the shit out of this film.

Stage Fright | 2014

Easily the worst film with the title Stage Fright, and just one of the worst films in general. Almost stopped watching this after the first ten minutes. Just like Mobile Infantry and Fleet, horror and musicals don't mix. Motherfuck anyone that begs to differ with that overrated, awful, shite The Rocky Horror Picture Show! The only exception to this rule is the original The Wicker Man, obviously. This was basically Glee: The Slasher, and I really don't need a bunch of happy-go-lucky cunts singing in my beloved sub-genre. By all means, spice things up with creativity but don't splice two genres that don't fit just for the sake of being different and clever. Complete shite.

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Spartan »

Annabelle | 2014

Enjoyed last year's The Conjuring, but this spin-off was a snoozefest which mistook boredom for dread. If it wasn't for the occasional loud jump scare I would have easily dozed off. Annabelle Wallis from Peaky Blinders was hot as fuck, but even she looked bored to tears carrying this film for its entire running time. The ending puts race relations back twenty years, by my estimation.

Oculus | 2014

This has nothing to do with Facebook's VR Headset and everything to do with a demonic killer mirror. Two stories (one from the past, the other from the present) told concurrently and executed almost perfectly until the utterly predictable finale, which you can see coming near the start of the film. Still liked this film despite the ending and that ginger bird from Dr Who talking way too fast with her new American accent, but I think I still prefer Mike Flanagan's previous film Absentia over this. Decent.

Now i can vote!

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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Post by Rabbi Jihadovich »

The Iceman Interviews - it has been a long time since i got seriously panic stricken watching something. This did it - especially the 1st one when he's chewing that gum. Slept like shit last night cause of this - nightmares all fucking night long.

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