Fuck That Show/Movie

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Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Dan »

For whatever reason, we all have TV shows and movies that we have no interest in ever watching. No matter how many times someone says, "yo, man! you gotta see ____." or "last night's episode of ___ was the shit."

Yes, we'll all probably be clowned in this thread for our choices, but step up and admit to what movie/show you say "fuck that" to.

I made the thread, only fair that I go first.

Game of Thrones - I don't care if it's HBO's biggest show. It could have great storytelling, gruesome fight scenes, lots of titties, etc..., but I can't watch a fantasy show that takes place in a fictional land in middle earth times that has dragons. There is no way in hell you could ever get me to watch it. Fuck that show!

Similarly, let's add a franchise to this post.

The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit - I could be way off, but these movies look like they're set in the same time frame as GoT. That's turn off number one. I know they both take place in made up countries, and they both have dragons. At one point I had an interest in seeing every Best Picture winner since the 1920s. I've seen most of them, but I will never watch 1998's winner, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Fuck that movie!

Might as well add a whole film studio to this list.

Pixar - I'm not 5! I have no kids of my own. I don't understand how adults can watch these movies on their own and actually enjoy them. Sure, they might be heartwarming, charming and funny, but they still feature cars, toys, fish, and rodents that can talk. My 41-year-old self didn't just develop these feelings toward Pixar films. Toy Story came out in 1995 when I was a younger, impressionable 21-year-old. Had no interest in seeing it back then. If I had kids, I'd happily watch these films, and most likely numerous times, but I just can't bring myself to watching these by myself or amongst other adults. Fuck those movies!

I better :megaman: before I get banned from the :phila:

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by alpha »

lol, you explained yourself well. the first two make sense together. can't understand the pixar hate at all tho. this should be fun, i'll post later my choices.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by ric »

fuck Seinfeld. massively overrated. people say it's some greatest sitcom of all time shit. well that's like being kings of the biggest mountain of garbage on the planet. that k2 sized mountain of garbage has jerry Seinfelds statue on top of it. network TV blows. period. fucking douches. hb

sure you have the Larry David factor but curb shits all over Seinfeld.

o is also overrated. fucking six feet under? shut the fuck up. that's what this shit is built on? the wire I mean obv goat status. obv. but for real I'll just get the fucking movie if I want to watch it 3 yrs from now.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Blockhead »

I'm with Dan on Lord of the rings/hobbit type shit and pixar.
I just think most fantasy stuff is corny in general.
With pixar, like dan said, i don't hate those movies but they're for kids. They're all fun and cute but that isn't what I seek out when i watch tv or movies. Even ones that have the wink wink parts for the adults. I'd rather watch some shit made without children in mind at all.

I don't watch any cop dramas on network television ever. Like i've never seen a second of a CSI show or law and order. i simply don't care. Network dramas in general. I just don't even bother.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by jamrage »

Friday Night Lights - I can't bring myself to give a shit about high schoolers playing football in real life or on television.

Reality television - Cliche choice, but fuck ALL of it. Especially the TMZ paparazzi bullshit, like I give a fuck about what a celebrity has to say in an airport.

Christopher Guest movies - Pretty much hate everything I've seen of his. His mockumentaries are the worst, but are somehow considered heady. Also, fuck Parker Posey, I never care if I see her again.
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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by CarlosDelgothoes »

fuck procedural TV with the exception of Criminal Minds
fuck hospital dramas
fuck all reality TV but especially Survivor/Bachelor etc
fuck Marvel movies outside of maybe 2 or 3
fuck Tree of Life suck my dick if you disagree

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ) »

Pixar movies are more adult-themed than every fgt comic book movie ever made. Agree on GoT and LoTR though.

Orange Is The Black - Wentworth bodies this shit.

Breaking Bad - entry level drama; essentially no better than the likes of True Blood or Nip/Tuck.

Any Tarantino movie since Jackie Brown - the whole "hey guys, here's a movie comprised of sly homages to other movies" thing has become REALLY grating to me.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie


ric wrote:fuck Seinfeld. massively overrated. people say it's some greatest sitcom of all time shit. well that's like being kings of the biggest mountain of garbage on the planet. that k2 sized mountain of garbage has jerry Seinfelds statue on top of it. network TV blows. period. fucking douches. hb

sure you have the Larry David factor but curb shits all over Seinfeld.
I'm extremely offended by this post

Seinfeld > curb

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Philaflava »

Pixar movies are dope because while they are made for kids, they're really made with the intent of the adults watching them. Once you get some DJ's, you'll understand.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Blockhead »

Philaflava wrote:Pixar movies are dope because while they are made for kids, they're really made with the intent of the adults watching them. Once you get some DJ's, you'll understand.
I fully get that and I don't doubt , in terms of what parents are forced to watch cause of their kids, they are fucking incredible. Like the Muppet show was for my parents. But, i dunno...when I see a film critics year end top ten and 3 of them are pixar movies , I think that dude is full of shit and pandering. or he's a cornball.
I don't think anyone is saying "Yo, those movies suck!" but , personally, they don't do anything for me beyond "Well, that was cute...".

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ) »

SMH @ anyone who doesn't think Toy Story is the G.O.A.T front to back trilogy. And speaking of trilogies...

Star Wars - your childhoods are over and this franchise has 2 decent but wholly dated movies tops. Also, there is nothing worse than a grown man with a Star Wars tattoo.
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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Philaflava »

Wall-E, Toy Story 3, Nimo....come on those are fucking great films regardless of age. Some of you just have childhood issues.

Also, slow down that Star Wars hate. No other franchise has had the staying power like this. 40 years old and no matter the store you walk into, there is something Star Wars related for sale. Coffee creamers to toys. Empire is a top 5 movie ever.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie


Blockhead wrote:
Philaflava wrote:Pixar movies are dope because while they are made for kids, they're really made with the intent of the adults watching them. Once you get some DJ's, you'll understand.
I fully get that and I don't doubt , in terms of what parents are forced to watch cause of their kids, they are fucking incredible. Like the Muppet show was for my parents. But, i dunno...when I see a film critics year end top ten and 3 of them are pixar movies , I think that dude is full of shit and pandering. or he's a cornball.
I don't think anyone is saying "Yo, those movies suck!" but , personally, they don't do anything for me beyond "Well, that was cute...".
The problem with this is you're just saying Pixar. Obviously, there are some pixar movies that are better than others. Will you admit that Wall-E in particular is genuinely a good movie, and not just on a "good for a kids movie" scale?

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ) »

Cult of Star Wars gotta be a bottom 5 phenomenon of this century.

Men who are still into Star Wars in their 30s is just some bizarre shit to me, imho. It's like still stanning for Battle Beyond The Stars or The Black Hole.

Other than to fap over Carrie Fisher in Return Of The Jedi or to force your child to suffer your own childhood nostalgia there is no good reason a grown man should be watching a Star Wars movie in 2015.

Gloss - please tell me you don't have a Star Wars tattoo?
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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by drizzle »

- Prestige dramas that are purposefully made to be prestige dramas. It's not an exact designation, more like a gut feeling. If a movie looks like purposeful award bait I loose interest in seeing it, put it off for later with the intention of just seeing of what the hoohah is about, then never even get to it. Insterstellar and Boyhood are two recent examples, although I'd give them a bit of edge over more obvious tripe like King's Speech. Matt Damon's Martian movie is already on this list just off 1 trailer

- Reality tv. No moral objections to it, just no interest in it at all. But I am somewhat baffled by people who really get into the low stakes ones. How excited can you possibly get about 'People Who Open Storage Lockers For A Living' or 'Fat Southern People Being Fat Southern People' or 'Rich Women Of Location X Being Cunty' or whatever.

- The whole concept of a 'gritty'/'realistic' approach to fantastic subject matter. Watchmen came out 30 years ago, the first GOT/Fire & Ice book was published 20 years ago, but this shit still somehow persists as a novel approach. The returns from it are rapidly diminishing, while Marvel's best moments are showing how it's possible to mix resonant dramatic beats with big colorful palettes, humor and acknowledging/embracing the inherent ridiculousness of the premise instead of thin attempts at making it seem more plausible.

Random shots:

- Curb Your Enthusiasm - if you grew up around some extremely neurotic and socially unpalatable jews, you know. Experiencing this kind of shit irl sucks any enjoyment I could get from a fictional version.

- Tim & Eric anything - being gratingly weird is not the same thing as being funny.

- Adventure Time - Nothing against it specifically but I think I'm just too old to embrace this. If this came out when I was in my early 20s, I'd probably be all over it. With that said, I def tend to side-eye people in their 30s who are a little too into this.

- Kingsman: The Secret Service - barely above generic YA adventure nonsense, spiked with awkward attempts at 'darker' content and antiseptic cgi action that has no actual impact. The overwhelming praise for this is baffling to me.

- Walking Dead/that new show - Shit sucked since Shane died back in like 2011.

- John Wick - admittedly an above average effort, but nowhere near as good as it's made out to be by people who watch like 1 action movie every 3 years. At this point I'm just verging on nerd pettiness tbh
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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Philaflava »

Let Jaz Down wrote:Cult of Star Wars gotta be a bottom 5 phenomenon of this century.

Men who are still into Star Wars in their 30s is just some bizarre shit to me, imho. It's like still stanning for Battle Beyond The Stars or The Black Hole.

Other than to fap over Carrie Fisher in Return Of The Jedi or to force your child to suffer your own childhood nostalgia there is no good reason a grown man should be watching a Star Wars movie in 2015.

Gloss - please tell me you don't have a Star Wars tattoo?
Cults of any kind of sci-fi or comic are bad, but I get it. To me, you're right, that franchise practically defined my childhood so it means a lot. I won't religiously watch the movies on my spare time but now that I have a son who is very much into Star Wars, I get to relive that shit again. No to any Star Wars tattoo but I would get a Fett tattoo over anyone if I had to choose.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by SYM »

drizzle wrote:- Reality tv. No moral objections to it, just no interest in it at all. But I am somewhat baffled by people who really get into the low stakes ones. How excited can you possibly get about 'People Who Open Storage Lockers For A Living' or 'Fat Southern People Being Fat Southern People' or 'Rich Women Of Location X Being Cunty' or whatever.
I share this sentiment.

On the topic of Bones, NCIS, SVU, L&O, Criminal Minds, etc: I live with someone who enjoys procedural drama marathons. It drives me up a wall. CSI is basically forensics porn.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by The Afronaut »

I agree with Driz about Reality TV & Walking Dead post S3

I will add: Family Guy post S4, Simpsons post S10

Also, British comedy like in general, all forms -- TV, Film & Standup. I am ethnocentric about only a few things and comedy is one of them. They are LITERALLY NEVER as funny as people would have me believe.

Great thread Dan.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ) »

:leon: Gloss Also, thanx for not automatically banning me for the Star Wars slander. :lol:

Storage Wars (the O.G version anyway) is great because of the competitive element, the mixture personalities + the mystery of what the contents are worth. It's a far more compelling show than pretty much any TV drama from the past 5 years.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by SYM »

Let Jaz Down wrote:Storage Wars (the O.G version anyway) is great because of the competitive element, the mixture personalities + the mystery of what the contents are worth.
I was going to make this point too actually. Not sure when the show really derailed though, but it seemed to be a pretty precipitous decline within the first few seasons.

It might have been when it stopped being the original four contestants. the country club twins, the idiot german dude, hell even brandi without jared didn't feel right. ivy was a good addition post-hester. hester called foul and tried suing the show producers, but didn't he rejoin the show at some point?

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Tommy Bunz »

Thread is a dirt dirt goldmine.
Thank you Dan.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Blockhead »

Race Car Bed Sleeping Rapist Virgin wrote:
Blockhead wrote:
Philaflava wrote:Pixar movies are dope because while they are made for kids, they're really made with the intent of the adults watching them. Once you get some DJ's, you'll understand.
I fully get that and I don't doubt , in terms of what parents are forced to watch cause of their kids, they are fucking incredible. Like the Muppet show was for my parents. But, i dunno...when I see a film critics year end top ten and 3 of them are pixar movies , I think that dude is full of shit and pandering. or he's a cornball.
I don't think anyone is saying "Yo, those movies suck!" but , personally, they don't do anything for me beyond "Well, that was cute...".
The problem with this is you're just saying Pixar. Obviously, there are some pixar movies that are better than others. Will you admit that Wall-E in particular is genuinely a good movie, and not just on a "good for a kids movie" scale?
I mean, from what I've seen, they are all "good movies". I just personally don't care about that shit. Ditto with star wars, btw. I loved it when I was a kid but those movies didn't age well (not their fault, they're old science fiction movies.)
But I'd rather watch howard the duck than any star wars movie at this point in my life.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Blockhead »

The Afronaut wrote:
I will add: Family Guy
I've said it before here but Family guy is the chino XL of comedies.
It's one note, sometimes funny but, in general, Macfarlane is pretty hacky, imo.
I don't even hate it as much as i think people who ride or die for it are morons.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Philaflava »

I have never watched an entire episode of any post-Simpsons cartoon comedy like Family Guy or anything remotely like that. Though, that family guy Empire Strikes Back movie was dooooooope.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by The Afronaut »

Chino is a pretty good comparison because I think both he and McFareland are actually good. They both just fell victim to leaning on their respective "one-notes" to the point it drowned out the fact that both are capable of better.
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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by drizzle »

Philaflava wrote:I have never watched an entire episode of any post-Simpsons cartoon comedy like Family Guy or anything remotely like that. Though, that family guy Empire Strikes Back movie was dooooooope.
There's a really weird juxtaposition where die hard FG fans hate those Star Wars specials but people who are either casual fans or don't watch the show at all love them. They were the last time I enjoyed anything FG-related myself.
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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by battlecatmeowstab212 »

drizzle wrote: - Adventure Time - Nothing against it specifically but I think I'm just too old to embrace this. If this came out when I was in my early 20s, I'd probably be all over it. With that said, I def tend to side-eye people in their 30s who are a little too into this.
Speaking as someone who saw Adventure Time drop in my early 20s, I can't get into it either.

I don't think it's age but for us (well, me but probably you as well) who feel in some way they would be into this show but can't get into it, is because it's just weirdness-stacked-on-top-of-weirdness.

I enjoy Regular Show, Steven Universe and (i know, different target ages but this I feel is across the field for the genre of animation) South Park for their absurdities, but we usually get to the wackiness by having some ground in reality and stacking weirdness-upon-weirdness off the solid foundation of a, if not relatable, understandable identifiable conflict.

Adventure Time (and I've given it about 15 chances) just starts out "zany ghost fart innuendo" from the jump and after six or seven coats of strange paint puts some commentary about relationships on top of it.

Not that I'm saying every show that's ever existed should be targeted specifically towards me, but Adventure Time is frustrating because there's so much about the show I should enjoy (and have laughed at a handful of Tumblr gifs) but when it comes to sitting down and viewing it, I just can't connect.
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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by battlecatmeowstab212 »

Philaflava wrote:I have never watched an entire episode of any post-Simpsons cartoon comedy like Family Guy or anything remotely like that. Though, that family guy Empire Strikes Back movie was dooooooope.
Not even South Park or The Critic?
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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by JaH BLaZe »

Reality shows having to do with cooking and dancing. Fuck them, I cant cook and I cant dance so Im not watching it.

Soap operas. While this is a moot point for me since I work a 9 to 5, these things are the worst thing on daytime tv besides

Morning news programs. Straight up fluff and bullshit. If Im walking out the door in the morning give me some news that I can benefit from, I dont wanna see Anne Hathaway talk about her new film and what she had to do to get ready for the role.

Anything on MTV. This channels programming should be wiped out of existence and replaced with actual music videos. Too old to care about music videos, but the point is they dont even play them.

Anything naked. Dating naked, Naked and Afraid. If I want to see awkward ass white people in they birthday suits I know where to find them... at the awkward ass nude beach.

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Re: Fuck That Show/Movie

Post by Philaflava »

battlecatmeowstab212 wrote:
Philaflava wrote:I have never watched an entire episode of any post-Simpsons cartoon comedy like Family Guy or anything remotely like that. Though, that family guy Empire Strikes Back movie was dooooooope.
Not even South Park or The Critic?
South Park, now that i think about it, maybe a few episodes. I just couldn't get into those kinda shows

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