Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

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Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by tehgiftofgab »

was cancelled, as well as his appearance on Colbert..

NY Times just came out with an article
Apparently he’s next on the list of celebrities accused of sexual harassment.. response from publicist was “we’re not gonna comment”

I guess the good/funniest news about it is that every accuser’s story is about either 1. Jacking it in front of women or 2. Asking to jack it in front of women

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by ric »

saw the nyt article; heres the irony on this shit; one chick was supposedly super into being a comedian. she goes up to his hotel room with her friend, he asks, they say yes but theyre laughing iirc, he whips it out, they leave - later in the story she basically says 'it was because of this incident that i stopped pursuing a career in comedy' - im like yo is that not the FUNNIEST way to enter into comedy?

heres another funny bit to this story; chick whos part of some show, louis ck asks her (he asks which is especially interesting in all these SUPER SERIOUS stories), she says YES, they go to it, she watches him jerk it, she appears in the article saying "i knew at the time it was wrong" - im like DID YOU NOW? this super star comedian asks you to do this thing (which is to watch him jerk it) and now that the world is being HELLA FUCKING SERIOUS about a lot of "allegations" (i have yet to hear of one single court case outside of the weinstein one) now shes like 'yeah i knew it was wrong' like motherfucking lulz.

not that i have ever done this but its like how many legit relationships started out with dude saying to chick 'i want to bend you over my kitchen table and fuck the shit out of you?'; probably a decent amount. but because chicks feel all awk about it now they get to set the agenda for the marketplace? i mean fucking lulz. how retarded is this shit?

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by Philaflava »

sucks but there were rumors for years circulating about him. i don't think he was an aggressor like say weinstein, but the association will probably fuck up his career for a loooooooooooooooong time.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by Blockhead »

Dude BEEN a known creep and his who "forcing girls to watch him jerk off" fetish is just weird and unfortunate. He's got too daughters too.
I thought the most telling thing in the article is when the girl from back in the day (on the chris rock show, I believe) said he asked her if he could, she said no and something to the effect of "what the fuck is wrong with you?" to which he responded "I got issues". uh...yeah b. You got lots of issues.
Pretty sure his career is done. Unless he does a whole hour long special on this very topics, in which case, count me in cause I'd love to hear him spin it.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by drizzle »

ric wrote:saw the nyt article; heres the irony on this shit; one chick was supposedly super into being a comedian. she goes up to his hotel room with her friend, he asks, they say yes but theyre laughing iirc, he whips it out, they leave - later in the story she basically says 'it was because of this incident that i stopped pursuing a career in comedy' - im like yo is that not the FUNNIEST way to enter into comedy?

heres another funny bit to this story; chick whos part of some show, louis ck asks her (he asks which is especially interesting in all these SUPER SERIOUS stories), she says YES, they go to it, she watches him jerk it, she appears in the article saying "i knew at the time it was wrong" - im like DID YOU NOW? this super star comedian asks you to do this thing (which is to watch him jerk it) and now that the world is being HELLA FUCKING SERIOUS about a lot of "allegations" (i have yet to hear of one single court case outside of the weinstein one) now shes like 'yeah i knew it was wrong' like motherfucking lulz.

not that i have ever done this but its like how many legit relationships started out with dude saying to chick 'i want to bend you over my kitchen table and fuck the shit out of you?'; probably a decent amount. but because chicks feel all awk about it now they get to set the agenda for the marketplace? i mean fucking lulz. how retarded is this shit?

this is horseshit, women often don't go on record with a lot of this stuff specifically because their accusations are met with of this kind of doubt of motives and fear that the guilt will be pushed to them because of that doubt

dude is a known creep who did fucked up shit for years, that's it. nothing ironic about it, no 'hhhmmmmm i just think its funny how' bullshit applicable
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by ric »

I agree that people being able to express this is good. It's like a breath of fresh air etc etc. (whether this will actually translate into anything in the real world is a big question for me ie regular people actually being able to deal with this stuff and not just the initial feelings about this information; can the general public still treat vocal victims of sex abuse like regular human beings without alienating or marginalizing them without being afraid of them without the fact of their sex abuse defining them after the initial flush of shame and comraderie? We will see. Shit looks great on social media and print right now but how will this actually affect real people in the real world over time?)

But at some point the idea of consenting adults doing what they agree to (in the Louis ck scenario) is exactly the issue. I don't even think Louis ck is that funny and I was late to the Lck party so this isn't some hero worship defense shit. He's just doing the smart thing coming out with a statement that says almost exactly what the market wants to hear. Like a rod his career is not over but he's gonna have to wait out the storm. It would be overly reductionist (I'm avoiding using the word naive to help make this discussion better) to say the 'power' issue is the only salient point when discussing adults making decisions. That's where the narrative is at right now. Which is fucked up in my opinion. At some point you're gonna have to draw a line and it's not difficult at all to get from 'party x has too much power' to 'there's no such thing as true consent in western culture'. Some 15% of marriages happen in the workplace. I'm guessing a lot of those are probably NOT 'flat' marriages. What are we gonna say to these people? You're feelings and ability to determine your own fate as moral actors doesnt count because of a power imbalance? I mean please.

My take on what's going on with all this outrage is the following:
1) Social media makes people feel isolated and fucks with their emotions and ability to regulate their emotions
2) the epistemic/existential consequences of being so attached to social media for opinions and information is that now people are virtually stuck in a loop (no pun intended) whereby theyll seek out more Facebook as the outlet and input and arbiter platform of what they feel and looking for what they OUGHT to feel
3) as evidenced by people's inability to deal with the psu Sandusky thing. It happened. No one could deal and then everyone forgot. What really changed? Did people actually commit to being more aware of sexual predation? Or more caring of sex abuse victims? At some level maybe. Maybe it took Sandusky to help establish the environment for weinstein. And on and on. We'll see.

Personally I just don't fucking believe that all this outrage will amount to anything other than an exaggerated political orientation or political framework whereby the morality police can run even more wild and people can fight for the battle of moral superiority in the court of public opinion. In sum: nobody actually gives a fuck about the thing itself they only give a fuck about what other people will think of them if they take the 'wrong' political stance. And of course the points they'll get for taking the 'right' political stance in a given situation. Maybe that's something. Maybe that's the best the average person can care to do about anything. Which seems sad. Having an opinion: the new way of engaging with the world.
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by drizzle »

your first paragraph and the stuff about social media is on point, but this isn't even about stigmatizing victims yet. there's a long way to go to even get to that, I don't think we're even at a point where coming forward with this kind of thing is a fully viable path. an average woman who is not famous and does not have a wide public platform will likely still suffer harassment and will be hesitant to report it and will be met with skepticism and deflection if she does. even if the powerful people who are being called out now face consequences, there's a good chance this won't trickle down to a better widespread understanding of the problem or the changes necessary to correct it.

the second paragraph is some devil's advocate shit that does more to enable the grey area that people like this operate in. nobody is going to make the jump to 'there's no such thing as real consent' any time soon, and there's a big difference between truly consensual relationships (which always require some measure of compromise to make them beneficial and desirable to both parties) and abuse of power (which is driven by forced submission of one party to the other). there's was no real consent in any this, that's pretty much the point. even his half-assed apology admits to that much, along with the idea that women were pressured into complacence due to his position of influence.
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by ric »

The most important point to the Lck business though is that these adults said yes. Therefore what happened to Lcks chicks is not the same thing the gymnasts went through or some of the weinstein chicks went through. This is not some devils advocate shit. It's the ability to look beyond the periscope and not get so crazy while parsing through a set of facts and circumstances in an attempt to stem the tide of the emotional appeal of the morality police so were living in a more measured deliberate and reasonable world.

In my opinion it's either we take these steps to slow down and measure ourselves or we live in a world where the trump effect just takes over.

Edit: I mean look at weinstein. OK he's literally forcing some chicks to fuck or look at his dick or whatever. OK got it. But some of these chicks said yes on their own volition. Now the chicks who said yes are like 'oh I feel really bad about it so therefore he's a really bad guy'. So OK. You made a decision that you regret. So live and learn. That was your decision. Life is not a customer service business where you get to order one thing and then switch and have the business pay for your mistake because of your dissatisfaction with the first thing you ordered. Where your shame (whether it was real in the beginning or politically expedient now) is all the sudden washed away and replaced with something else because now you have the 'correct' political opinion.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere


Blockhead wrote:Dude BEEN a known creep and his who "forcing girls to watch him jerk off" fetish is just weird and unfortunate. He's got too daughters too.
I thought the most telling thing in the article is when the girl from back in the day (on the chris rock show, I believe) said he asked her if he could, she said no and something to the effect of "what the fuck is wrong with you?" to which he responded "I got issues". uh...yeah b. You got lots of issues.
Pretty sure his career is done. Unless he does a whole hour long special on this very topics, in which case, count me in cause I'd love to hear him spin it.
cmon dude don't bring his daughters into this.........
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere


im with ric on this one. he may be a creep but so what? if the worst thing he did it surprise whip a dick out he's probably below average when it comes to creeping.

i have no sympathy for "i knew it was wrong at the time". young women and men use their sex appeal to advance in all sorts of careers. that's a two way street. you're gonna attract some unsolicited attention. then it's up to you how far to take it, you gotta live with your decisions. now they're tryna have their cake+eat it too.

louis does look+act like a gross creeper btw. that's kinda his whole angle......
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by blastmaster »

The idea that he was in a position of power in these chicks eyes is the fucked up aspect. Especially if they actually worked for him. Past that, just say nah bro, I don’t wanna see you jerk off if you don’t wanna see a dude jerk off. It’s not like they agreed to watch him crank down and then he escalated it to physical assault or was looking to jizz in eyes or on hair.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by drizzle »

I don't believe that these women agreed to what he did in the sense that they were comfortable or receptive to a sexual act that he presented them with, which means none of them really said 'yes'. i'm not sure where you're getting the idea that any of them said 'yes' in any way at all, the fact that asked if he can whip it out doesn't imply that they answered (nor does agreeing to be in social situations with him mean they implicitly agreed to anything that might involved his dick.) and even if one or two of them said 'yes whip your dick out' and understood that they were initiating a sexual act and not taking part in some dirty joke, that doesn't mean that every single woman he did this to did as well. he did this with a bunch of women over the years, are you saying they all agreed but are now walking it back because this is the topic of the hour? or that the complaints of women who did agree somehow also invalidate the complaints of those who didn't?

worth mentioning too that this dude tried to duck and cover up this stuff for years, and was saying the allegations were lies until fairly recently.

it's true that there are degrees of evil in this, jerking off in front of an adult woman who agreed to come to your hotel room is indeed different from molesting 13yo girls. but that still doesn't mean that these women are just throwing in their lot with a wave of other accusers because of a heightened emotional state or because that's thing to do these days.

i'm not saying there's no nuances to this or it's a straightforward uncomplicated situation, far from it. but concocting theoretical scenarios where women being upset that an influential man took his dick out in front of them unprompted will undermine the overall ability to form healthy relationship is not the move here imo.
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere


what's the point of being rich+famous if you can't whip your dick out? this is the future liberals want...
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by Philaflava »

It’s all bad and I’m sure Louis is genuinely remorseful, whereas Trump comes off proud and Spacey comes off entitled and his apology was horrible. He came across like a real weasel conveniently ignoring the obvious, then spun it as his coming-out letter. I’m not making any excuses for Louis at all, but it sounds as if he made some advances to vulnerable woman, got denied and embarrassed himself and those woman with his antics. I HATE Kevin Spacey today. I am disappointed in Louis CK. That’s the difference. Maybe actions vs. words. Maybe because it’s a creepy thing that insecure males say? It seems like the awkward looking guys are always the ones in these predicaments. You don’t hear Clive Owen or Brad Pitt doing these creepy things because if they did, the woman would welcome it.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by drizzle »

the horrifying shit in this is how widespread and pervasive all this is. Louis and Spacey took career hits, great, good start. But below their station in life there are still regular ass dudes who get away with this shit and will continue to do so, while above it at least 2 presidents that we know of were able to shrug it off and a candidate for senate is on Fox news defending dating teenagers as we speak.
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by tehgiftofgab »

Maybe it’s selfish of me but I’m pretty bummed they canceled his new stand up special and movies etc :/

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere


^yeah house of cards fell off already so no harm done. louis ck has been consistent fire tho, saw him in feb & this year's routine is hype.

so he asked women could he whip it out. but then admits this is wrong cause he's a big shot so he has power over them. ...................... what am i missing here? adults are incapable of "no" ? this is defo not illegal.

still waiting on @blockhead 's explanation of why bringing dude's daughters into this is appropriate or relevant.............
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by ric »

More to say but real quick
One chick in the og nyt article said she agreed to watch him the other chicks either were asked and said no or iirc said like haha yes but then freaked out

Phila said
It seems like the awkward looking guys are always the ones in these predicaments. You don’t hear Clive Owen or Brad Pitt doing these creepy things because if they did, the woman would welcome it.

Reply to phila
So much yes in here. Please tell me most of these chicks don't react differently depending on how they feel about the person. But what's troubling here is that at some level they're looking at how these people react to something minor - whipping it out - and saying 'THIS IS OBJECTIVELY DEVIANT AND TERRIBLE' even after they agree to it when chicks get away with flashing mfers (or fingerings themselves on the table) or some chicks are not only totally fine with dudes whipping it out they're turned on by it etc etc. And this is part of something I'd like to touch on: sex gets its space until there's a crossed line so does a market full of connection starved morons get to decide that line? Lulz hell no.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by tehgiftofgab »

He needs to release his material somehow, i mean if I can watch and enjoy chris Benoit wrestling matches...

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by Blockhead »

EMCEE DARTH MALEK wrote:^yeah house of cards fell off already so no harm done. louis ck has been consistent fire tho, saw him in feb & this year's routine is hype.

so he asked women could he whip it out. but then admits this is wrong cause he's a big shot so he has power over them. ...................... what am i missing here? adults are incapable of "no" ? this is defo not illegal.

still waiting on @blockhead 's explanation of why bringing dude's daughters into this is appropriate or relevant.............

Cause they're young girls who he's gonna have to explain this behavior to...in detail...which is pretty rough. and that's not even including the stuff they're gonna read and, i imagine, more things are gonna come out about him as he's been doing this for like 15 plus years.
"well, daddy has this thing where he gets off on jerking off in front of women who don't wanna be there"

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by Y@k Bollox »

Crazy watching this unfold. It's like the BBC scandal over in the UK. One by one, radio and TV personalities were outed. Every pub chat turned to "Right. Next one on the nonce list?". Many bets were placed.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ) »

Y@k Bollox wrote:Crazy watching this unfold. It's like the BBC scandal over in the UK. One by one, radio and TV personalities were outed. Every pub chat turned to "Right. Next one on the nonce list?". Many bets were placed.
Operation Yew-Ess-Ayy-Tree.

Stand Up comedy is a terrible concept, imho :gyeah: :gyeah: Hopefully this will be the first nail in its coffin.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere


Y@k Bollox wrote:Crazy watching this unfold. It's like the BBC scandal over in the UK. One by one, radio and TV personalities were outed. Every pub chat turned to "Right. Next one on the nonce list?". Many bets were placed.
I heard about jimmy saville, didn't realize there were others outed. Fuck em all watch em fall
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere


Cause they're young girls who he's gonna have to explain this behavior to...in detail...
you're sounding a bit like jimmy saville here fam....
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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by Blockhead »

Cause they're young girls who he's gonna have to explain this behavior to...in detail...
you're sounding a bit like jimmy saville here fam....
Also, you're kinda the worst in general so I'm okay with not being on your side concerning most things.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by alpha »

Career Over Like Mike(NJJ) wrote:
Stand Up comedy is a terrible concept, imho :gyeah: :gyeah: Hopefully this will be the first nail in its coffin.
So we are gonna just let this shitty opinion slide?

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by tehgiftofgab »

alpha wrote:
Career Over Like Mike(NJJ) wrote:
Stand Up comedy is a terrible concept, imho :gyeah: :gyeah: Hopefully this will be the first nail in its coffin.
So we are gonna just let this shitty opinion slide?
I rarely IRL think :naswtf: to people’s posts here (I just skip mindbenders posts completely) but that one got me. I was gonna respond last night but then I got high(noafroman)It’s almost troll level

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere


A cappella rap battles will replace stand up as the main source of comedy
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that's pretty much it fam.

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ) »

Paying money to sit down and listen to some needy motherfucker babble on telling jokes on a stage for an hour+?

Couldn't be me, imho :gyeah: :gyeah:

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Re: Louis C.K.’s movie premiere

Post by Tommy Bunz »

To the hetero males who are attempting to defend this; i hope you have a 50 year old boss who pulls out his dick and jizzes in front of you

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