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Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:21 am
by Random Sample
I saw it tonight at the first showing. Is it perfect? No. But it is pretty damn good.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:29 am
by unbelievable dickhead
i mean how hard is it really to please star wars fans. paint something in boba fett colors or throw a wookie face on a product and people go ape shit.

if you have a movie with the john williams score and some wipe transitions and some droids you're already like 75% there.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:00 am
by Julius Seizure
Thought it was great. Avoided all of the hype and spoilers. Got invited last minute today. Movie was dope.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:22 am
Movie equivalent of "compton"

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:04 am
by siLLy KiD
Caught the midnight showing tonight. Sucks, cuz I really do like Abrams, and I liked what he did with Star Trek, but my one worry with this was that he'd try to pull the time travel shit again (i hate that shit). So needless to say, that whole weird little side story with Chewbacca traveling back in time to get that relic from Yoda was so pointless and really took away from what could have been a much better movie. Still enjoyed it though. Def worth seeing. Also - if you have a Dolby vision theater in your area - it is an absolute must, from what I've heard.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:51 am
by djjeffresh

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:00 am
by djjeffresh

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:13 am
by Guun
It was really really dope, I don't see how you can have a bad time seeing this. Only minor gripe is that it might have been too heavy handed with the fan service (which isn't really anything to complain about) and I guess this movie had the task of apologizing for the prequels a bit too. Need to see this again asap in IMAX 3D.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:48 pm
by Spartan
Anyone notice Daniel Craig's cameo as the stormtrooper in the interrogation room?

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:50 pm
by Random Sample
Spartan wrote:
Anyone notice Daniel Craig's cameo as the stormtrooper in the interrogation room?
I read about this earlier today and had no idea that was him.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:01 pm
by Spartan
Random Sample wrote:
Spartan wrote:
Anyone notice Daniel Craig's cameo as the stormtrooper in the interrogation room?
I read about this earlier today and had no idea that was him.
Same. Thought the voice sounded familiar, but didn't dwell any on it any further.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:19 pm
by Random Sample
Anyone who has seen the movie I want your opinion on something.
When Rey touches the light saber and goes into the visions that she has, do you think that is the future or the past? I am thinking that it is in the future, becuase of the Knights of Ren being there and everything.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:06 pm
Random Sample wrote:Anyone who has seen the movie I want your opinion on something.
When Rey touches the light saber and goes into the visions that she has, do you think that is the future or the past? I am thinking that it is in the future, becuase of the Knights of Ren being there and everything.
i initially thought it was the past. thought the knights of ren had hunted down luke & she was seeing from his perspective. now i'm uncertain.

from what snoke said we know the knights are already active. she's probably gonna have to take them all on in the next movie. their leader is kind of a puss tho, can you picture darth vader getting clowned by a homeless girl?

my read: i think kylo ren getting tooled was part of snoke's plan. it seems like he got kylo to defect based on him being a mediocre jedi & wanting to be as powerful as his grandpa. he had some ill powers -- slowing down blaster shots, reading minds etc -- but his lightsabre fundamentals are sorely lacking.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:30 pm
by Spartan

I assumed it was the past and the corpses might have been Luke's trainees, since Ren was also holding a lightsaber in his left hand.

I'm honestly not really sure, though.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:56 pm
by Random Sample
Spartan wrote:

I assumed it was the past and the corpses might have been Luke's trainees, since Ren was also holding a lightsaber in his left hand.

I'm honestly not really sure, though.
My original thoughts were that it was the past thinking that Ren and the knights killed all the young Jedi. I wasn't sure though. Then I started thinking that it was in the future. I need to see the whole sequence again.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:57 pm
by Random Sample
i initially thought it was the past. thought the knights of ren had hunted down luke & she was seeing from his perspective. now i'm uncertain.

from what snoke said we know the knights are already active. she's probably gonna have to take them all on in the next movie. their leader is kind of a puss tho, can you picture darth vader getting clowned by a homeless girl?
good points.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:05 pm
by drizzle
does this shit play only in Imax 3d? Anybody seen any signs of regular Imax shows?

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:44 pm
by intuition
Random Sample wrote:
i initially thought it was the past. thought the knights of ren had hunted down luke & she was seeing from his perspective. now i'm uncertain.

from what snoke said we know the knights are already active. she's probably gonna have to take them all on in the next movie. their leader is kind of a puss tho, can you picture darth vader getting clowned by a homeless girl?
good points.
i could have this completely wrong, but is it possible it could've been the past and the future in the sequence? i thought the little girl that appeared to be on jakku and crying while reaching for someone was supposed to be Rey as a kid. figured that was them showing her parent(s) getting taken away (i assume luke? i dunno)...then they showed the forest she ends up fighting kylo ren in during that sequence don't they? the knights of ren thing, i don't know enough to call if that was future or past.

if i have this twisted please explain. i will end up going to see again, thought it was a really fun theater experience, but i fell asleep for like 5 minutes at one of the most important parts because it was late and i am old.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:43 am
by jamrage
If you're in this thread now you should have seen the movie.

It's good, and certainly better than any of the prequels. It looked absolutely beautiful; the CGI and costumes were unbelievable, and the space battles were really fantastic. All the new characters were outstanding, but Daisy Ridley really dominated the movie. The chemistry between her and Boyega was palpable, and it was really cool how the filmmakers did a bait and switch with who would have force powers. BB-8 was tits. Adam Driver was very well cast as the villain, I liked his vulnerability when he didn't have his mask on. I loved that he was struggling with a light side seduction. The Chewbacca and Han interplay felt like the previous films, Harrison Ford really recaptured his Han Solo mojo.

It has problems though. It's essentially the same movie as the original Star Wars with a droid being sought for something it contains, finding a reluctant Han Solo, then blowing up a Death Star at the end. They pretty much wink at the audience when they're coming up the plan.

It's too jokey. I wish that more seriousness of the previous films had been kept. It just went too far the other way after the damage done by the prequels. Some of the dialogue was also too contemporary which took me out of it at times. I felt that Rey seemed to pick up on her force powers far too quickly despite having no training at all. Not sure why R2-D2 woke up at the end when Luke hadn't done anything. I wish Oscar Isaac's character had been more involved, he was a one trick pony.

I will watch it again in the theater, it was good fun. I saw it in IMAX 3d this go round, so I want to see it without the gimmickry. All in all it's a good start, and I'm looking forward to seeing where they go from here with Rian Johnson's installment.

7 outta 10

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:24 pm
yeah fuck 3d

i hope they get a diff director for the next one. this was well executed, extremely by the books, but like you say it's the same as the first movie. it's like terminator 3 to terminator 2. plot following the same structure. eg han dies=obi wan dies.

my fav thing is how good it looks. in terms of story i prob like phantom menace better, and actually i like the choreography of the darth maul lightsabre battle.

disney's main priority must of been to not have a disaster on their hands, now that they've pulled it off hopefully they can go somewhere new in the next one.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:26 pm
o dope it looks like this rian johnson guy is more of a risk taker

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:16 pm
by 360
Saw it. Not bad. The story was average but the action was incredible. Watching the star fighter scenes really took me back to my childhood.

The Palpatine replacement is really lame. Similar to the villains in guardians of the Galaxy.

Kylo Ren was totally miscast. When the question of "who will play kylo Ren?" came up, someone really said 'the weird dude from girls'

Came back to edit but I will just add on: the story was pretty average to me but they did plenty of things Iike.

I story behind Fine. I enjoy our new Jedi, I think she'll do a good job.

I just don't like the actor's portrayal of kylo Ren. Not nearly bad ass enough and he does a poor job of expressing the inner conflict that is clearly a cornerstone of said character.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:37 am
by jamrage
^Disagree. There's a whole scene of him expressing his conflict, then he acts on it later when he kebabs Han. Plus Ridley senses his conflict when they're in the torture chamber. I think the key is not to consider him a fully formed character like Vader was in Star Wars. He's going to develop over the course of the films like Ridley, he should have an interesting arc.

I too am thrilled to see what Johnson can do. Now that the introductions have been made we can get on with telling a more interesting story next time; preferably without a planet killing superweapon.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:56 am
by Ramen
rylo was kind of a bitch tho.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:17 am
by Spartan
Really hope we don't get a redemption story line for Kylo Ren.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:15 pm
by Philaflava
Enjoyed it but clearly its bittersweet for many of us. I think Rey is great but her ability to become a Jedi in literally 24 hours seems a bit far fetched for a girl who wasn't even sure they truly existed until Han confirmed. The JMT thing was cute and purposely added and nobody in their right mind would have known that was Daniel Craig unless they read it.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:47 pm
by Spartan
I reckon Rey was trained by her pops Luke, but her memories were wiped to keep her safe from detection by Snoke and her spaz cousin.

What are the odds that Snoke is Palpatine's old master Darth Plagueis the Wise, though?

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:06 pm
by Philaflava
I'd say there is a 90% chance you're right about Snoke.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:23 pm
by Ramen
I mean if Luke did dump her to keep her safe he could have at least left her at a better spot no?

Also Fin was a dope character but I feel like we wont see him again until ep9.

Re: The Official Star Wars Episode VII Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:15 pm
by Spartan
Boyega is signed on for Episode VIII.