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Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:43 am
but looking back you can see it was coming.

NY times thinly veiled butthurt their boy crush croaked. they should stick to falsely accusing black teens of rape.

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:49 am
by christian from austin
who were the people who circled danaerys while she was walking, her first husbands people? are they still cool with each her? i forgot

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:13 am
by Versive
907 wrote: No way Jon Snow can be dead for good, right? Sucks to Stannis go out like that, I hoped he would at least kill Ramsey before he went out. Maybe Brianne can do it instead.
We actually didn't see Stannis get killed, and they way they shot that scene made it look like somebody was going to come up behind Brianne and kill her before she finished the job. He should be dead, but the shot made me think he might've lived somehow.
907 wrote:I'm seeing a lot of people online who think Sansa and Theon were committing suicide, I didn't see it that way at all. I figured they were going to land in the snow and bounce.
I saw it as them leaping to their fate, like they knew the fall could've killed them, but it'd be better than staying and worth the risk as they might live and escape.
drizzle wrote:so I just read NYT eviscerating the finale and among several totally legit critiques I saw this: "But the wholly unexpected killing of one of the show’s principal characters, the idealistic Jon Snow (Kit Harington), by his own men served no discernible purpose other than to pump up emotions, furnish a suitably grim ending for the season and create space for other characters..."

Quick show of hands from non-readers, did people really see this as totally out of the blue and unexpected? The beef between Jon and the more conservative side of the Watch has been building up all season, that's actually one of the few plot lines that imo they did manage to develop properly ( if maybe a bit too subtly). There has been a vocal and sizable opposition to everything he's done, Alister has been waiting to move against him for years now... just Ollie's fucking glares alone were good foreshadowing. Maybe you're not straight out expecting him to get attacked but things were clearly leading to some sort of confrontation. I'm baffled that the writer seems to have totally missed or ignored all this.
As the official paper of record, NYT arts-entertainment writers have the unenviable job of proving that all art criticism is essentially bullshit.

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:25 am
^lol ned still alive too tho?

i duno if those were the same dothraki but imo these dudes are riding for her now. they either know her rep or they remember her directly.

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:14 am
by binary
drizzle wrote:dumbass show pulls away on a 95% certain death but lingers on the blood trickling out of the person who like 95% certain to survive

the season had its moments and they did tick off all the major shit that needed to happen to move forward - Danny riding Drogon, Jon Snow stabbed, Cercei's walk of shame. gotta give them credit for not treading water with Stannis like the book does and just getting to his inevitable downfall. but overall... bleh. too much gratuitously unpleasant shit for no reason, too much of trying to create shocking moments without the proper attention to underlying plot detail that actually makes them resonate.

i remember reading something where the later shittier episodes of Twin Peaks S2 are described as 'somebody who's never actually seen the show overheard what Twin Peaks is supposed to be about at a bar, and just kinda extrapolated based on that'. I got that same feeling from this season of GOT.
yup...this season sucked

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:51 am
by seagrams hotsauce
I didn't really expect JS's shanking but it didn't shock me. I thought killing him in the manner they did was pretty dumb and excessive though

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:26 am
by christian from austin
The thing i like about the first couple of seasons was that they were building the story leisurely. Now i feel like they try to fit too mucch in, and thevfantasy style acting starts getting bad. I dont fuck with foam swords in the park, renaissance festivals, or xena the warriro princess, so they need to watch the fuck out on how they decide to present the famtastical topics or else they will get dropped. I enjoyed it though
No disrespect intended towards smoke turkey legs though

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:39 am
by samdoom
Most of this was covered by Drizzle, but I think from a big picture standpoint, it would serve the story better to have Snow resurrected and not be limited by his Night's Watch vows and his noble dedication to his oath, etc. If he is brought back and is some altered version of his original self and driven or aided by the Lord of Light to be a leader in the battle against the walkers, he can serve a larger role for the show and the people of the realm. The present context in which a show is made and then dissected and spoilers abound makes it absolutely impossible for the showrunners and Kit Harrington to handle this in any other way than they have. There's no way they were gonna say "you'll have to see" or "he'll be back" because then the impact of the finale would be damn-near non-existent.

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:31 pm
by djjeffresh
Blockhead wrote:I didn't see it coming at all. I had (stupidly) assumed he was one of the few "untouchable" cast members like Khaleesi and Tyrion.

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:33 pm
by chapter thrive
Well really. In all likelihood, Harrington will be back but not cast as "Jon snow"

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:35 pm
by djjeffresh
TeenageMoustache wrote:The producers are saying he's dead, and Harrington is saying he's not coming back.

This might be the first time in history a show killed off a character so seemingly important to the story that no one believed it.
isn't martin still in the process or only recently finished the next book in the series? i feel like only he and the two main tv show writers in their secret meeting talked about jon snow's fate, what happens next in the story and how the whole thing ends.

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:02 pm
by drizzle
The Afronaut wrote:
The mutineers leave Jon Snow stankin in the snow until morning. The Red Witch sees him, convinces someone (who?) to help her move the body to a safe place (where?) (they arent going to burn him?) all without the mutineers witnessing and/or making comment, where she then does some fire magic to bring the homie back to life.

I mean...
wrt this, had an idea while reading some other reactions to the finale

whatever prophesy or fate is in play here is clearly not directly predicated on Mel's actions, she's just there to help at best, so what if no actual intervention from her is even required sooo....

what if he comes back without Melisandra's explicit help.... like what if they try to burn him discreetly outside the wall or something, and just leave him and he just doesn't burn, the fire awakens whatever is in him in the same way that Dany survived the burning and came out with dragons.

Melisandre (who is presumably crushed by being so wrong about Stannis) sees him and regains fate, Davos is with it too presumably since he's there anyway and clearly they gotta have him join up with somebody

And this makes him a messiah on the spot too, more convincingly than coming back with Mel's help (the level of confidence in her gotta be at an all time low at this point). Even the rest of the watch would have to come around.

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 2:54 pm
by Tommy Bunz
this pretty thoroughly lays out the "jon's not dead" theory ... on-finale/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 2:57 pm
by unbelievable dickhead
i had absolutely no feeling that sansa was jumping to her death. is this the common belief?

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:16 pm
by Tommy Bunz
Only among idiots. The show goes clearly out of its way to show Myranda falling off the other side of the wall and hitting the snowless ground and dying.
They showed the snow banks and deliberately filmed Sansa & Theon jumping in a very different fashion. They're fine.

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:26 pm
by drizzle
unbelievable dickhead wrote:i had absolutely no feeling that sansa was jumping to her death. is this the common belief?
soso, i've seen a few comments... although the show is again somewhat at fault here, it's a moment thoughtlessly copy/pasted from the book without consideration of continuity - in the book the analogous moment happens during or after a huge storm with 10ft snow drifts piled against the castle walls. there's no thaw like there is on teh show

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:02 pm
by capable_keL
you know nothing Jon Snow = red witch brings him back to life. she sees everything

Re: Game Of Thrones S5

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:00 am
by siLLy KiD
She also tells everyone they know nothing cuz she a stuck up bitch like dat. I dig the burning/dany theory. I would like to get to the unveiling of him as a Targaryan sooner than later. I want to see that sultry little curly haired Kitty ride a dragon.