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Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:34 pm
by blastmaster
Pizon wrote:I don't know why WWE thinks anyone would buy into the Black Sheep of the Wyatt Family as a legit singles star. Put the mask back on him and let him be chokeslammed by Taker and Kane.

Sasha Banks by far my favorite wrestler. She should face Stephanie at Mania instead of thrown into a 4-way for the title.


Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:49 pm
by battlecatmeowstab212
I'm going to Smackdown tonight, will be rocking an Ico-Pro hoodie.
Pizon wrote:I don't know why WWE thinks anyone would buy into the Black Sheep of the Wyatt Family as a legit singles star. Put the mask back on him and let him be chokeslammed by Taker and Kane.
His got a Big Show match to get a "This Is Awesome" chant from a Los Angeles crowd. Strowman is a star and probably the most improved wrassler of the past year.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:06 pm
battlecatmeowstab212 wrote:I'm going to Smackdown tonight, will be rocking an Ico-Pro hoodie.
Pizon wrote:I don't know why WWE thinks anyone would buy into the Black Sheep of the Wyatt Family as a legit singles star. Put the mask back on him and let him be chokeslammed by Taker and Kane.
His got a Big Show match to get a "This Is Awesome" chant from a Los Angeles crowd. Strowman is a star and probably the most improved wrassler of the past year.
Strowman = initial ryback smackdown build, but done with better execution

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:19 pm
by Pizon
battlecatmeowstab212 wrote:I'm going to Smackdown tonight, will be rocking an Ico-Pro hoodie.
Pizon wrote:I don't know why WWE thinks anyone would buy into the Black Sheep of the Wyatt Family as a legit singles star. Put the mask back on him and let him be chokeslammed by Taker and Kane.
His got a Big Show match to get a "This Is Awesome" chant from a Los Angeles crowd. Strowman is a star and probably the most improved wrassler of the past year.
Doesn't matter how improved he is. You just can't picture him as his own wrestler because he hasn't been repackaged.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:28 am
by 907
Thoughts on the Broken Hardys possibly coming back to the E? Personally, I think it would be a mistake for them, no way the get the creative freedom they've had in TNA and on the indies. As much as I'd love to see it, I don't think it would be a good look for them.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:08 am
907 wrote:Thoughts on the Broken Hardys possibly coming back to the E? Personally, I think it would be a mistake for them, no way the get the creative freedom they've had in TNA and on the indies. As much as I'd love to see it, I don't think it would be a good look for them.
I mean, how much farther can they really go with the "broken" gimmick in TNA/indies? Might as well cash in and get a WWE paycheck out of it while they still have a chance to do so.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:12 am
by 907
Damn, Miz kinda Ethered Cena on smackdown tonight. Chaz, how was the response to that segment live?

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:26 am
by blastmaster
Maaaaaaaan I hope they come back as a part of a new Wyatt Family. Lol.

GREAT Smackdown. Even if AJ doesn't end up in the main event, he booking leading up to WM has been unpredicatable and awesome.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:16 pm
blastmaster wrote:Maaaaaaaan I hope they come back as a part of a new Wyatt Family. Lol.

GREAT Smackdown. Even if AJ doesn't end up in the main event, he booking leading up to WM has been unpredicatable and awesome.
Plus I just want to see more of Reby Sky. She's hot as fuck (post plastic surgery).

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:04 am
by Brougham33
Owens taking the L makes sense...but what happened with Charlotte and Braun tonight is pretty fucking absurd.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:04 am
by unbelievable dickhead
goldberg 17 squash shit was funny the first time now that it's predictable it's garbage.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:35 am
by tehgiftofgab
Jesus Christ @ jinder mahal's body

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:16 am
by Ramen
tehgiftofgab wrote:Jesus Christ @ jinder mahal's body
lol this was definitely the most :ohsh: moment of the night

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:54 am
by unbelievable dickhead
strowman gets a 2 month build just to put roman over like he needs it. back to the midcard braun!

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:22 am
Horrible booking across the board at fastline.

Jinder Mahal is a wellness policy violation ticking time bomb, there's no way that guy isn't juicing.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:22 am
Brougham33 wrote:Owens taking the L makes sense...but what happened with Charlotte and Braun tonight is pretty fucking absurd.
Owens losing makes sense, but not in a squash match.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:23 am
unbelievable dickhead wrote:strowman gets a 2 month build just to put roman over like he needs it. back to the midcard braun!
And this still won't get roman over as a face...

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:01 pm
by blastmaster
Horrific PPV. Raw is a fucking mess.

So Goldberg loses to Lesnar, then what? Balor beating him is in no way believable. Stroman? Kurt Angle? Ugh.

Should have kept the belt on Owens with a DQ and worked towards Owens-Balor for Summer Slam.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:27 pm
by tehgiftofgab
Brougham33 wrote:Owens taking the L makes sense...but what happened with Charlotte and Braun tonight is pretty fucking absurd.
Owens losing makes sense, but not in a squash match.

Agreed.. kinda.. should have had lesnar beat down Goldberg before the bell so Owens stood at least some chance... had to be a squash though cause he squashed lesnar twice

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:09 pm
by alpha
Horrible horrible booking. All this talent and it's going to shit.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:20 pm
tehgiftofgab wrote:
Brougham33 wrote:Owens taking the L makes sense...but what happened with Charlotte and Braun tonight is pretty fucking absurd.
Owens losing makes sense, but not in a squash match.

Agreed.. kinda.. should have had lesnar beat down Goldberg before the bell so Owens stood at least some chance... had to be a squash though cause he squashed lesnar twice
I mean I guess I agree with you, but it just goes to show that having Goldberg squash Lesnar twice was a bad idea since they've now booked themselves into a small corner with Goldberg and in consequence it made Owens look weak as fuck at the hands of a part timer.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 9:19 pm
by battlecatmeowstab212
907 wrote:Damn, Miz kinda Ethered Cena on smackdown tonight. Chaz, how was the response to that segment live?
Somehow it actually got the crowd on Cena's side. Cena came out and the crowd was very much booing him, but low and behold he won them over. Truly one of the greats.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 9:28 pm
by battlecatmeowstab212
I have no problem with Charlotte's loss as it gets her "undefeated at PPV"-streak overwith and further cements Bayley. Charlotte needs to cool off for a bit, Sasha needs to turn heel, and Bayley comes out looking great and motivated.

My only issue with Owens-Goldberg is that the bell rang AFTER the Jericho music distraction, which makes no sense that a ref would start the match when one participant wasn't ready.

Braun survived being hit with the two most protected finishers in the company TWICE and ultimately lost due to his own still-impressive-looking miscalculation. It gives Roman some momentum to turn heel and face Taker, and doesn't hurt Braun at all.

They're really making a point of Owens' world title rematch, as well as his alliance with Joe. I'm guessing we're getting Owens-Lesnar at some point this year, which is up there with Joe, Cesaro and Sheamus as the four best possible matches you could still put Lesnar in.

Booking-wise, let's not forget that Goldberg is still the most protected character in the history of professional wrestling. Since debuting in WCW in '97, he's NEVER had a clean loss and NOBODY has kicked out of the jackhammer. He's also still over at an utterly absurd level.

Do I still prefer Owens in every way one could prefer a wrassler? Absolutely. I also don't think Goldberg-Lesnar needs the title. I don't think Owens-Jericho needs the title either, so it's not like the latter is going to be particularly affected. I have no idea what they're going to do with main eventing the biggest show of the year with a rematch of perhaps the worst Mania dream match ever 13-years after the fact, but I'm cautiously optimistic we'll get a Mayweather-Big Show level miracle.

Or maybe regardless who wins, we close the show with a heel New Day turns and they beat down who ever is the champion in a joined effort to take over the company and win all the singles titles.

On a positive note, how great was Austin Aries-Neville?

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:48 pm
by Brougham33
Oh man, New Day heel turn at the end of Mania is my new favorite fantasy booking. So is angry in suits NXT stable of Samoa Joe/Owens/Triple H obliterating Lesnar to close the show.

I didn't view the ppv streak as a burden, I thought playing hot potato with the belt with Sasha made sense, both were elevated in my opinion. Bayley not chasing the belt, but having it, while being a pretty weak promo hasn't helped her.

Roman doesn't need momentum going into a Taker match. That match does nothing for me at this point.

Miz is the best, him and Maryse were spitting the hottest of fire on Talking Smack. Loving how that feud is going.

Not that excited about the card given the talent they have, but if given time KO vs Jericho / Shane vs AJ /Neville vs Aries will steal the show at Mania.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:50 am
by Brougham33
Anyone else thinking Lesnar vs Goldberg is going to get torpedoed by the crowd again? Damn near a 7 hour show but I think a lot of it hedges on Reigns vs Taker. At this point, I'm not sure how you book that match, especially if Takers career is on the line.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:14 am
The only builds done right for WM have been HHH/Rollins & Jericho/Owens, everything else just seems haphazardly pieced together.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:57 am
by blastmaster
Show is gonna suck. The tag divisions and mid card have been treated poorly on both shows.

A stable of HHH/Joe/KO (maybe eventually Roode) ending the show standing tall is all I want. Sets up Balors return on Raw to save Rollins from a beat down. Add someone like Zayn into the mix on the face side and we will have a solid fued to build on for the summer.

If Reigns goes over Taker without a clear heel turn, I may puke.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:34 pm
It's telling that HBK couldn't even carry Reigns though his promo last night, that segment was a mess.

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:18 am
by tehgiftofgab
Someone online referred to him as old man Logan hbk lol

Re: CM Punk & Wrestling's Best Storyline in Years...

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:21 am
RE: Raw
