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Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:27 pm
by wheels
drizzle wrote:I thought Bran's arc this season would end with Coldhands and then next season he meets the crow. At this point I'm wondering if Coldhands is even in this at all.
I read that coldhands is confirmed as cut. His whole plot line was to get bran and the reeds to the tree anyway, so he really has nothing left to do.

Also jojo reed should still be alive.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:10 pm
by Trademark
So I'm just a show watcher and I'm not even caught up(season 3 episode 6) but it's pretty obvious that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryn and Lyanna Stark. Ned's promise to her was to take care of Jon and never tell anyone who he is. We will eventually meet Howland(Who ned mentions was the only dude on hand when he found Lyanna) who will reveal Jon was conceived and that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married and that in fact Jon is the heir to the throne? The only reason I've thought this is we've binged this motherfucker and the way Jon's story is going and the shit Ned said, and all the shit people have said about Ned, and the shit Robert said before he died make it seem obvious that the most noblest honorable bad ass dude ever WOULD NEVER cheat on his wife. Plus he told Jon "When I see you again, I'll tell you about your mother." Before heading off to King's Landing where they chopped off dude's head. Is this addressed in the books yet? In the show?

My wife and I are blazing through the show and should be caught up soon but this shit struck me like a lighting bolt last night, wifey thinks I'm crazy but that shit is RIGHT THERE in the subtext of all this shit.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:55 pm
by SuperFeen
Wait they've mentioned Howland Reed in the show?

There are tons of clues in the books but it hasn't been confirmed (or denied) yet, it seems Howland Reed is the front-runner for how we are getting the reveal in the books but I figured the show would handle it through Mel's fire visions or Bran's storyline since they haven't really set up Howland or the Tower of Joy stuff.

And even then I doubt it really plays in to who is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, at this point the Baratheon's are the true rulers through right of conquest, it's going to be all about fulfilling the prophecies put forward in the books

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:57 pm
by drizzle
yea I think the point of the Jon Snow is half Targ thing will be to a. have him ride a. dragon, b. (longshot) have him marry Danny and establish a new dragonwolf dynasty or some such

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:01 pm
by Trademark
Season 1 when Ned recounts finding Lyanna he mentions someone named Howland being with him to Robert, or rather maybe Robert mentioned it to Ned I don't remember but the name Howland was said. Since Robert and Ned are both dead I assume that dude, whoever he is, has to be the catalyst for the reveal. I should have never done this because I've lived spoiler free this long and I've now marched into a treacherous zone of finding out shit I don't want to find out. I don't know what is(I assume a joke since there is no internet) or what the tower of joy is? We literally started season 1 last week and are on season 3 episode 6 and are probably going to completely catch up by this weekend.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:03 pm
by drizzle


Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:05 pm
by Trademark
drizzle wrote:yea I think the point of the Jon Snow is half Targ thing will be to a. have him ride a. dragon, b. (longshot) have him marry Danny and establish a new dragonwolf dynasty or some such

both of those sound awesome. I'm going to exit and probably not return because I can easily see this turning out badly for me. Danny torching the slave holders was about the baddeest fucking shit ever. Saw that shit last night and was like YES!

The biggest thing in the show that I'm confused about is Theon's shit makes no sense whatsoever. Last night he admitted to his torturer that he would have rather been a stark after all and dude turned out to be a maniac, but any how what I don't get is when Theon made that big speech about "they will sing songs about us, and their women will imagine us when they make love" then the dudes club him over the head and drag him out of winterfell supposedly Robb has all kinds of dudes waiting outside blowing horns and whatnot. Then it just like flash cut to the next day and all of winterfell is burned down Bran and Ricken came out of the dungeon/basement and Theon wakes up in a torture chamber while NONE of Robb's dudes were waiting outside. It didn't make ANY sense.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:06 pm
by Trademark
That was all in season 2 and now homie is just getting relentlessly tortured but I still can't figure out how that all unfolded.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:49 pm
by wheels
Theon basically took winterfell with a handful of dudes, the greyjoys wouldn't send reinforcements because it was too far from the ocean, and he ended up getting captured by the boltons when he refused to leave.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:00 pm
by Trademark
But who was outside winterfell blowing the horns? They said it was Robb's dudes. Plus that handful of dudes that came with him are who knocked him out and drug him off. This is specific to the show, that part made no sense.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:28 pm
by SuperFeen
Pretty sure that's spelled out at the end of season 3

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:01 pm
i will lead the offensive beyond the wall into the wild territories of the book thread

^^robb had to keep fighting so he sent up bolton to TCOB at winterfell. bolton is a snake & it's his boyo who got theon. theon's own dudes don't respect him so they sold him to the boltons for safe passage/maybe they were skinned.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:47 pm
by Trademark
Oh shit so its something Im going to find out. Sorry to throw off this thread. Gone now for good.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:57 pm
by christian from austin
EMCEE DARTH MALEK wrote:i will lead the offensive beyond the wall into the wild territories of the book thread
never read the books but up in the book thread talking theories

off the chain :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:41 pm
gotta hit em where they're weak. show them what it feels like to lose something you care about.

Re: Game Of Thrones Book>Show thread SPOILERS

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:51 pm
by christian from austin