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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:54 pm
by T Rav
Comedy Quaddafi wrote:Image

The Imposter (2012) - Docu about an identity-stealing Frenchman who manages to hustle his way in to an American family. Towards the end there is hint of something sinister at play and it was rather interesting to guess what actually happened. It's a compelling film with much going for it and a story which will interest pretty much everyone. I would have prefered to have been spared some details in favor of some talk about the psychological factors at play, but it's probably wise to just tell the story and let us judge.
I'm not sure I've ever been on the edge of my seat for a documentary like I was for this movie. It was shot/edited better than most films on top ten lists this year. This was one of my faves of the year.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:51 am
by Comedy Quaddafi

Cemetary Man (1993) - Soavia of Stagefright-fame made a surreal film about desire and zombies. The film was very odd and worth watching though I didn't always feel entertained. I'm not sure I fully understand this film to be honest.


Klip (2012) - New film from the subversive side of Serbia. Jasna is a 14 year old girl growing up in a desolate Belgrade-suburb and her and her friends look exactly like you would expect from a sexualized European teen. She wants to be dominated by a patriarch and gradually has her wish granted. I have no idea how it as possible to film such a young girl nude while she is being penetrated anally. It's a bit disturbing, especially as a male viewer. But it's not exploitative as such since its a very honest and frank depiction of youth growing up in a digital porn-culture. There's even empathy for this girl eventhough there is nothing likeable about her or her fucked up friends. I'm not sure if Serbia is particularily bad but if you look at pics of Serbian girls on the internet you get a distinct impression that that may be the case. I think this is an important film and the most truthful of it's kind, of which there are many.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:22 am
by Spartan
Cemetery Man is really dope, has aged like fine wine too. I could go about it being a surreal yet accessible for everyone zombie flick and it's the only good thing Rupert Everett has ever done, but on the real though, Anna Falchi's breasts are incredible.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:27 am
by Tommy Bunz
Spartan wrote:Cemetery Man is really dope, has aged like fine wine too. I could go about it being a surreal yet accessible for everyone zombie flick and it's the only good thing Rupert Everett has ever done, but on the real though, Anna Falchi's breasts are incredible.
:cheers: Huge fan over here.
I got this recently, signed by Soavi, need to frame it yet

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:37 pm
by Spartan
Women's Prison Massacre (1983)

Trash. Laura Gemser. Euro-Sleaze. Incompetent as hell. Enjoyed every minute of it.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:38 pm
by LilLeftBrain
Searching for Sugar Man -- two thumbs up, that's a feel good joint. tunes were rad too

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:59 pm
by Employee
In this explosive race-against-the-clock thriller, a drug dealer's life is on the line when a botched deal lands him in clutches of a ruthless crime lord. Based on the visionary trilogy by Nicolas Winding Refn (DRIVE).
Peeped it on the strength of Refn's name: wrong decision.

Plays like a special ninety-minute episode of a TV show; Not even Eurotrash really, just trash.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:00 pm
by Comedy Quaddafi
Not sure if you knew this but that is a remake of Refn's cult classic Pusher from 1996. Watch that instead, you won't be disappointed.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:51 am
by Spartan
Violence in a Women's Prison (1982)
Exactly the same cast as the other WIP film I watched, but some of the actors playing different roles now. This one was less action packed and more sadistic. I preferred Women's Prison Massacre over this but Laura Gemser was a trooper in this one.

Django Prepare A Coffin aka Viva Django (1968)
The one where Gnarles Berkeley got the sample for 'Crazy' but fuck that though! This movie was entertaining as hell. Terence Hill and George Eastman were great in this. Django recruiting condemned men to get revenge was bad ass and it took a nice plot turn in the second half. Recommended!

The Keep (1983)
Early Michael Mann film in which he attempts fantasy horror. Great cast but a terrible performance by Ian McKellan - his accent was awful. I dunno, I got the impression a great movie was submerged somewhere within this and perhaps a director's cut will come along eventually. Played all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:59 am
by Comedy Quaddafi
Bound (1996) - I had previously never seen this tightly-knit thriller with familiar noir-tropes put in a sexy modernized context. It works really well and had me interested until the end. Jennifer Tilly is very sexy and I wonder why her acting career never really seemed to take off from there on.

Moon (2009) - An interesting sci-fi about a man who is harvesting energy on the moon and is forced to confront his own identity. It's a pretty clever film and I consider it to be solid.


War Witch / Rebelle (2012) - A film about a Congolese girl who gets taken in by a rebel army and the two following years of her life. The African nature on display is beautiful and it's worth watching the movie for that alone, but there is also more on offer. The elements of ghost-story were fascinating to watch and adds an extra dimension to the psychology of the film and how a child can cope with the inhumane circumstances. It's not really an uplifting film though there are some tender moments, mostly we get insight in to this particular girl's story, knowing fully well that in real life many kids end up in situations that are even more awful. Powerful film which could win an Oscar this year.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:31 pm
by drizzle
Killer Joe - Absolutely amazing, although i was just a tiny tiny bit dissapointed by the very last seconds. Did anybody ever notice a strong Jim Thompson influence/resemblance in the plot? Also, the direction came off vaguely Lynchian (Blue Velvet specifically), just enough to affect an air of the surreal without feeling like like a ripoff. Really a good look for Friedkin all around.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:30 am
by LilLeftBrain
^just finished this, the kfc sequence was glorious, making up for a lot. ending deserves some marination though it played out 90% to what i assumed would happen. picked up on lynchian vibes early on specifically when dottie cranked out a karate stance after her brosef awoken from his dream. that had me thinking more FWWM but the BV vibez ran throughout for sure. brosef hirsch was absolutely dreadful throughout, btw. good shit wouldn't mind watching again

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:05 am
by Comedy Quaddafi

Donkeypunch (2008) - I actually managed to really enjoy this British thriller about a group of girls who hook up with some guys for a night of drugs and sex on a boat. Things go horribly wrong and for some reason it all seemed believeable enough to make me reflect on the situation and how I would react. Halfway through the movie starts to get a little foolish and it seemed to me they were desperate to make the movie reach the 90-minute mark. Instead of focusing on the suspense for almost and hour and thereby diluting it, they could have spent more time on the set-up, which was enjoyable to watch because of the tween-sleaze. The major sexscene is some of the seediest shit I have seen. I absolutely loved that. Things get increasingly stupid after that point but it kept my attention. Recommended for fans of sleaze and suspense in a relateable setting.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
by Employee

Bad ass. Didn't think Gyllenhaal was offish like that.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:36 am
by Pronay

The We and the I - youfs on a bus in the city, inner city problems, race relations, gays betraying their gayness. looks like we're getting a generation of kids who can't interact with anyone else without being a dick or checking their phone. gets super serious right at the end. more of a day-in-the-life than telling completed stories of the riders. probably won't watch again, but it was interesting enough to stay with it

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:57 am
by Comedy Quaddafi

Shallow Grave (1994) - Danny Boyle's debutfeature is decent entertainment, mixing a standard thriller-plot with some dark humor. 3 friends find their new flatmate dead and a briefcase full of money. Mayhem, paranoia and hysteria ensues. The Scottish accents are funny and all 3 members of the cast are well-casted and fulfill their roles well. The film delievers on it's modest premise and there really isn't much else to say.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:38 pm
by Spartan
American Mary (2012)

Loved it.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:41 am
by kato

Might watch tonight or tomorrow night...



top 10-15 horror since 2000? :killacam:

Ti West has perfect pace in his movies...

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:26 am
by Spartan
Personally think The House of the Devil is a modern horror classic. It would occupy the number one spot for horror movies of the 00's. I'm probably alone with that opinion.

American Mary is close to perfect up until the final act - it's very rushed towards the end. Without giving spoilers away, it needed at least another 15-20 minutes of running time to explain some character and plot developments. Still really loved it, though. Catherine Isabelle's best movie to date.

Oddly enough, both American Mary & Excision contain huge crossover appeal, included for non-horror audiences as they play out as darkly comic dramas. Surprised they don't have separate threads in CYE as a lot of the regs would be down for both these flicks.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:21 am
by ZiekeFons
Probably on some old shit :lastweek: but I watched this one

The toxic avenger:
An 80's comedy horror type flick about a nerd that gets thrown into a basket full of toxic waste and become's a misfigured super hero..

Enjoyed this one a lot! Really poor FX, acting (like it should be) and alot of bizar things happening in this movie that will keep it entertaining :lol:. I would probably rate this 8/10!
I think I will watch the sequels too..... But if anyone else got some other suggestions in the same genre it would be appreciated! :cheers:

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:03 pm
by drizzle
^^ there's no genre this corresponds to really, just go through the Troma catalogue

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:58 pm
by ZiekeFons
:lol: Thanks for the heads up

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:59 am
by Dat_Triflin_Ass_Dude
2 Korean flicks: thoroughly enjoyed both.

Nameless Gangster - Korean gangster film done Scorcese style. One scene in particular was a blatant copy of a scene from Casino.

The Thieves - Oceans 11 done Korean style. Better than Oceans 11/12/13, which isn't saying much but still highly entertaining

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:30 pm
by Comedy Quaddafi
I was wondering about Nameless Gangster. I heard it's very stylish and violent but that the plot treads water for the most part, which is why I often skip Scorsese-style gangsterfilms. It takes a lot of suspense and good acting for those films to keep my attention for 2+ hours.


Picnic at Hangin Rock (1975) - This is a very unique film with a dreamlike look which is nothing short of beautiful for the most part. The plot is extremely ambigous but hints at something menacing being present, in a very suggestive way which makes the viewer uneasy. It's not always fun to watch but it's crafted very well. An undercurrent theme in many Australian films seems to be about how European immigrants live in a place that is much more exotic than they are accustomed to while the country also has a rich history they don't understand and don't know of.

How do you guys feel about this film?

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:56 pm
by RwithTF
Really enjoyed this movie.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:14 pm
by citizen
Comedy Quaddafi wrote:I was wondering about Nameless Gangster. I heard it's very stylish and violent but that the plot treads water for the most part, which is why I often skip Scorsese-style gangsterfilms. It takes a lot of suspense and good acting for those films to keep my attention for 2+ hours.


Picnic at Hangin Rock (1975) - This is a very unique film with a dreamlike look which is nothing short of beautiful for the most part. The plot is extremely ambigous but hints at something menacing being present, in a very suggestive way which makes the viewer uneasy. It's not always fun to watch but it's crafted very well. An undercurrent theme in many Australian films seems to be about how European immigrants live in a place that is much more exotic than they are accustomed to while the country also has a rich history they don't understand and don't know of.

How do you guys feel about this film?
saw this in a film class in high school, and watched it again a few years later. really enjoyed the music, the acting is kind of amateurish but i think that just adds to the general uneasy feeling of the whole thing. i think you just have to enjoy what you are seeing and how its presented rather than get too much into what you think happened, sometimes it does feel like the movie is just giving you the finger, but more movies should be like this. i wonder how widely known this is

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:22 pm
by jamrage
citizen wrote:
Comedy Quaddafi wrote: Image

Picnic at Hangin Rock (1975) - This is a very unique film with a dreamlike look which is nothing short of beautiful for the most part. The plot is extremely ambigous but hints at something menacing being present, in a very suggestive way which makes the viewer uneasy. It's not always fun to watch but it's crafted very well. An undercurrent theme in many Australian films seems to be about how European immigrants live in a place that is much more exotic than they are accustomed to while the country also has a rich history they don't understand and don't know of.

How do you guys feel about this film?
saw this in a film class in high school, and watched it again a few years later. really enjoyed the music, the acting is kind of amateurish but i think that just adds to the general uneasy feeling of the whole thing. i think you just have to enjoy what you are seeing and how its presented rather than get too much into what you think happened, sometimes it does feel like the movie is just giving you the finger, but more movies should be like this. i wonder how widely known this is
It's pretty well known, particularly by film nerds. Criterion released a version.

I pretty much agree with Comedy about everything he said. Definitely a dreamlike feel to it, and it's a nice way to mix things up if you're looking to watch something that's a bit more demanding. I didn't have a problem with the acting from what I remember.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:26 pm
by jamrage
Employee wrote:Image

Bad ass. Didn't think Gyllenhaal was offish like that.
Thought it was pretty average, actually. It was a nice place to take the found footage genre, but the story was so fucking trite. All the broing out was really tiring at times, and you could see what was going to happen in the third act coming from a mile away. Both of the actors did well, but they didn't have much new territory to tread. A renter.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:08 am
by Andvil
finally got around to watching Goon
there is a scene when Necro's "Your Fuckin Head Split" starts playing and I'm like :ohsh: 100% appropriate for a movie called Goon, good job guys

this is the first time I have posted in this thread in a LONG time and this is my contribution

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:34 pm
by Employee

Not funny and unremarkable save for Rob Cordry who is the only good thing about this movie.


Surprisingly compelling; Curtis Snow is an amazing screen presence.