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The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:08 pm
by Spartan
Usually post horror stuff in the official thread, but this might be of interest to some of the NWR fans around here.
When aspiring model Jesse moves to Los Angeles, her youth and vitality are devoured by a group of beauty-obsessed women who will take any means necessary to get what she has.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:42 pm
by Employee
Was just reading about this in a Cannes article; TUCKED UP FROM JUMP!

Seems like this is right up his alley (nh @ "right up his alley").

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:19 pm
by Tommy Bunz
Can't fucking wait. I'm one of the few people who loved Only God Forgives almost as much as Drive.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 8:12 pm
by darkwingduck
really liked OGF. Drive was good too.

this looks like the cats ass.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 1:48 pm
by Spartan
New trailer looks great:

Kind of reminds me a little bit of Starry Eyes.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 1:59 pm
by drizzle
looks great

I was actually confusing the two movies in my head even though I've never seen Starry Eyes. The premise seems exactly the same. Is it any good?

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 3:55 pm
by Spartan
Yeah, Starry Eyes is well worth checking out. Actually expected Alex Essoe to gain a bit more recognition after performance in that film. Pat Healy is also very cool in this.

Kind of excited for The Neon Demon. Has a lot of potential.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:40 pm
by drizzle
Yea I'm psyched too. Don't care if it doesn't make a lick of sense or is a totally superficial visual trip, Refn has my sword (II).

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 10:07 am
by Employee ... las-894721" onclick=";return false;
Cannes: 'Neon Demon' Director Nicolas Winding Refn to Produce 'Witchfinder General' Remake

Rupert Preston's Sunrise Films will co-produce the new version of the 1968 cult hit, with Vertigo handling distribution in the U.K.

Nicolas Winding Refn, whose latest feature, The Neon Demon, premieres in Cannes on Friday, has signed on to produce a reboot of 1968 cult horror classic Witchfinder General, aka The Conqueror Worm.

Refn and producing partner Lene Borglum will develop the project through Refn's Space Rocket shingle, together with Sunrise Films, the new banner set up by Britain-based producer/distributor Rupert Preston and Nigel Williams. Refn will not direct the reboot.

Vertigo Releasing has snatched up U.K. rights for the project, with Protagonist taking on international sales.

The original Witchfinder General starred Vincent Price, Ian Ogilvy and Hilary Dwyer. Set in Norfolk, England, in 1645, it's an adaptation of the novel by Ronald Bassett about a fictional witch hunter, based on the real-life character Matthew Hopkins, whose career flourished during the English Civil War, when he is believed to have been responsible for the deaths of up to 300 women.

The 1968 original became a cult favorite on the grindhouse circuit in the U.S., in part because of its extreme and graphic violence.

The producers are reaching out to writers and directors for the project, which is targeting a budget of $5 million to $10 million and hopes to begin production next year. They have not yet decided whether the reboot will be set in the 17th century like the original or in modern times.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 12:31 pm
by Spartan
Not mad at a Witchfinder General remake at all, but I'll believe it when I see it. Years ago, Refn also had his name attached to a Maniac Cop remake and that's been news has been dormant ever since.

Loving this foreign poster for The Neon Demon:


Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 2:32 pm
by Tommy Bunz
yeah that's dope AF

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 6:07 am
by Spartan ... s-20160519" onclick=";return false;
'The Neon Demon' First Reactions: Walkouts, Yelling at the Screen and a Five-Star Review in Cannes

By Michael Nordine | Indiewire
May 19, 2016 at 4:11PM
Nicolas Winding Refn continues to polarize.

If you're at all familiar with Nicolas Winding Refn, you've surely realized by now that the "Drive" director tends to provoke, shall we say, strong reactions. “I’m a pornographer and I make films about what excites me” is how the Danish auteur described his working methods during a festival screening of his previous film, "Only God Forgives;" if initial responses to "The Neon Demon" are to believed, Refn has once again set the Cannes Film Festival aflutter. Indiewire's own Eric Kohn gives it a B-, saying that the film is "not the deepest form of exploitation cinema, but it's reaching for something."

Kino-Zeit's Beatrice Behn doesn't hold back, calling Refn's latest an "absurd jerk-off lolita fantasy in a slow-motion sparkly neon dress with a side order of 90s music video aesthetics," while Screen Daily's Tim Grierson is a bit more reserved in his description: "Horror-satire about beauty as power source, precious gem, root of all evil. Best not to take too seriously." In an early review (of which more to come), however, Little White Lies gave the film five stars. Here are some other standout reactions:
Robbie Collin also gave it a five star review in The Telegraph. It's a very spoiler ridden read, though. Hate it when motherfuckers do that!

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:13 pm
by unclebengi
Upon first viewing I didn't dig it as much as his last two. Conceptually there's a lot there, but I wasn't blown away consistently visually as I expected to be. The payoff scene is the shit, but I was a little disappointed overall to be honest. The scene at the diner with the fashion designer is pretty great though, that one will stick with me.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:17 pm
by djjeffresh

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:39 pm
by Spartan

Kermode pretty much chirpsed me. Definitely gonna have to try and catch it over the weekend.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:34 pm
by Spartan
Was secretly dreading this wouldn't live up to my ridiculous expectations, so glad the film proved me wrong - I absolutely loved it.

Every bit as stylish as the trailers and clips suggest. Fanning and Malone's performances were exceptional highlights for me. The former does a believable job of evolving from an underage and naive out of towner thrown into a nest of vipers, to manifesting into a douchebag Christ-like figure. Even Keanu was perfect as the scumbag motel owner.

Amongst the obvious Argentoesque porn, there's a surprising amount of depth too; case in point, a brilliantly written diner scene detailing natural beauty as the greatest commodity in human society.

Only minor criticism from me was the number of false endings before the end credits, but that's like complaining to a restaurant manager because you ate too much at an all you can eat buffet.

With the recent spate of super dark and amoral themed movies set in L.A., this is easily the best of the lot.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:23 pm
by Tommy Bunz
This was only in my theaters for like 2 days before they pulled it and I missed it. So annoyed.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:48 pm
by drizzle
baffled this hasn't leaked yet

GF is really into seeing this and I want to nurture this kind of thing but she's on vacation till next week and i'm realllly tempted to just do it before the theaters pull it

last time a girl came with me to see a Refn movie it was Valhalla Rising and that didn't go well at all........

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:13 am
by Rabbi Jihadovich

Cause of you jerks i saw Valhalla Rising at home with a girl. Needless to say, i did not get to fuck after we painfully got to the end of it.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:19 am
by Spartan
You might want to avoid this one too then.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:08 am
by Rabbi Jihadovich
i'm married now with two snotty nosed children. i dont give a fuck about getting laid anymore.

Re: The Neon Demon (Nicholas Winding Refn - 2016)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 7:58 pm
felt it was disappointing.. wish it was creepier

seemed like there were a lot of allusions to logans run