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20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 6:21 pm
by djjeffresh

the matrix ... eline.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 6:25 pm
by djjeffresh

office space: ... anged-work" onclick=";return false;

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 6:43 pm
by ric
Fight club has some staying power still
The green mile is still one of my all time favorites even if it's lower on that list
Magnolia pta :bow:
Talented Mr Ripley Hoffman Damon law Paltrow blanchett
Thomas crown affair was dope
13th warrior super underappreciated right now. Almost forgotten really

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:59 am
by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ)
Ones I like:
Toy Story 2
Office Space
The Mummy
Being John Malkovich
Analyze This

Ones I hate:
Eyes Wide Shut

Ones I've never seen:
The Matrix
Star Wars movie thing
South Park movie thing
American Beauty
The Green Mile
The Talented Mr Ripley

Ones I liked at the time but probably won't ever watch again:
Fight Club
The Sixth Sense
Blair Witch
3 Kings
Lock, Stock..

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:23 am
by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ)
Best rap songs from 1999 movie soundtracks:

Slick Rick - I Sparkle

Kool G. Rap & RZA - Cakes

(I've still never seen Ghost Dog all the way through.)

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 9:13 am
by admiral

Any Given Sunday
Cruel Intentions
The Limey

Burn in Hell:


Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:59 pm
by djjeffresh

eyes wide shut: ... ole-kidman" onclick=";return false; ... es-career/" onclick=";return false; ... -interview" onclick=";return false;

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:57 pm
by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ)
Where's Spartan and Drizzle when you need 'em?

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:30 pm
by drizzle
my take on the Matrix is that like Breathless it's an undeniably important and influential moment in film history, and like Star Wars despite the individual ingredients involved being highly derivative the sum of them does add up to something pretty original and even iconic in its own right. but imo, if you came up watching the kungfu movies and reading the dystopian scifi that inspired the movie, it's whatever.

I did revisit Ghost Dog recently and that aged very well, it actually looks better now that I know all the stuff Jarmusch was referencing. It's basically a Melville movie that's doing rap hands to a Killarmy song

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:22 pm
by drizzle
my memory for what came out in what year sucks but just spitballing on things that caught my eye from a google search for 1999 -

Iron Giant - still great, maybe classic

Galaxy Quest - still great

Audition - classic

Boondock Saints - at this point its kinda hard to take it seriously but this is also legitemately one of the most successful cult films of modern times, if not the most successful

Payback - enjoyed the original version hugely way before I read any Parker books, while the more Parker-ized edit of it that came out in 2007 was kinda boring. Probably still a good time.

Summer Of Sam - always thought this was an underrated Spike joint, great NY movie even if Brody with spikes is the funniest shit

Man On The Moon - used to love this one and hold it as the best serious Carrey performance, doubt the latter has changed

10 Things I hate About You - randomly caught this on cable a few years ago and was surprised by how much better it is than most other teen comedies from that period. still very date though

Cruel Intentions - timeless classic

American Beauty - I bet this aged like ass but I'll probably never find out

Fight Club - another one that's kinda hard to take seriously now for its content but I bet it's still interesting for Fincher's direction

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:27 am
by Career Over Like Mike(NJJ)
drizzle wrote:my take on the Matrix is that like Breathless it's an undeniably important and influential moment in film history
At least Breathless inspired a vastly superior American remake with the G.O.A.T use of a Link Wray song in a movie.

The Matrix just sounds like Pleasantville for cyberpunk goobers.

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:11 pm
by drizzle
that's not an entirely inaccurate take on it but Pleasantville and cyberpunk are both a net positive so aside from goobers it's not quite the insult you're intending either

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:12 pm
^^ironic since both of you are trapped in the matrix.

On a related note, star wars episode 1 is probably the best in the series since it came out. I'll take g.lucas's earnestness over JJ faggot's slick visuals any day. And the final fight is the GOAT starwars scene.

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:38 pm
by ric
The insider is really great
Analyze This was fucking funny. Would have to watch it again to see how much staying power it has
Three Kings was supposed to be an amazing movie. A surprising amount of top 20 ever lists had that movie on it. Now it's all but faded in time. I personally didn't really like it but I'd re-watch to judge again right now
The Messenger luc besson Milla Jovovich. Joan of ark. Dustin Hoffman. Actually a really dope movie. One that I think is one of the most underrated and under viewed films of the last 20 years
Fantasia 2000 came out in 1999 on imax and I went to see it week 1 or 2. Really dope.
In Too Deep. Let's be real. This movie wasn't great but this kind of thing was part of the 1999 ethos

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 2:01 pm
by djjeffresh
ric wrote:The insider is really great
ric wrote:The Messenger luc besson Milla Jovovich. Joan of ark. Dustin Hoffman. Actually a really dope movie. One that I think is one of the most underrated and under viewed films of the last 20 years
never watched, it's on my list now. thanks for the rec, ric.

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:40 am
by ric
Good stuff bro

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:46 pm
by djjeffresh
djjeffresh wrote:Image

office space: ... anged-work" onclick=";return false;
20 years to the day, fam

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 1:30 pm
by djjeffresh

Re: 20 years: an appreciation of 1999 movies

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 5:09 pm
by djjeffresh

galaxy quest: ... -of-us-did" onclick=";return false; ... 1759220814" onclick=";return false; ... l-history/" onclick=";return false;