Andvil's DVD Picks for Nov. 1st

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Andvil's DVD Picks for Nov. 1st

Post by Andvil »

Andvil's DVD Picks for November 1st, 2005

what an incredibly shitty way to start off November.
Although, if you love Spanish Disney rip-offs and bible cartoons, today is your lucky day!
Cause there's a fucking million of them being released!
There are maybe, like, 2 cool things coming out worth buying (maybe), but that's it.
Very, very lame.



Star Wars: Episode III (2005)
dir. George Lucas

yeah, I guess.
I'm not gonna be buying this.
I still haven't bought the original trilogy.
As much as I love the first three, and as much as I love the Star Wars universe, I don't see myself buying Ep. I-III in the near future.
Maybe if I have a ton of money to blow on DVDs.
Well, I mean.....they have some pretty sweet extras, though. I'm a sucker for good extras.
And the more I think about it, I think I may have liked Ep. III better than Return of the Jedi.
I'm not sure though.
  • DVD Features:
    Available subtitles: Spanish
    Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 5.1 EX), Spanish (Dolby Digital 5.1 EX), French (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
    Commentary by writer-director George Lucas, producer Rick McCallum, animation director Rob Coleman, and ILM visual effects supervisors John Knoll and Roger Guyett
    Exclusive deleted scenes with introductions by George Lucas and Rick McCallum
    "Within a Minute" documentary film about the making of the Mustafar battle
    "The Chosen One" featurette: George Lucas traces the myth of Darth Vader through episodes 1-6
    "It's All for Real: The Stunts of Episode III"
    A 15-part collection of Lucasfilm's Web documentaries
    Star Wars Battlefront II trailer and Xbox game demo
    Star Wars Empire at War PC game trailer
    "A Hero Falls" music video
    Poster and print campaign
    Trailers and TV spots
    Never-before-seen production photo gallery
    DVD-ROM content includes a free trial of Hyperspace, the ultimate online Star Wars experience
    Number of discs: 2


Office Space: Special Edition with Flair (1999)
dir. Mike Judge

Fantastic movie, and now I can relate to it even more now after having worked in an office for 3 months.
Cubicles and everything.
This special edition doesn't look all that special, though.
I would've loved a commentary.
It's only about $14 though, so that's decent.
Buy it if you don't already own it.'s review:
Ever spend eight hours in a "Productivity Bin"? Ever had worries about layoffs? Ever had the urge to demolish a temperamental printer or fax machine? Ever had to endure a smarmy, condescending boss? Then Office Space should hit pretty close to home for you. Peter (Ron Livingston) spends the day doing stupefyingly dull computer work in a cubicle. He goes home to an apartment sparsely furnished by IKEA and Target, then starts for a maddening commute to work again in the morning. His coworkers in the cube farm are an annoying lot, his boss is a snide, patronizing jerk, and his days are consumed with tedium. In desperation, he turns to career hypnotherapy, but when his hypno-induced relaxation takes hold, there's no shutting it off. Layoffs are in the air at his corporation, and with two coworkers (both of whom are slated for the chute) he devises a scheme to skim funds from company accounts. The scheme soon snowballs, however, throwing the three into a panic until the unexpected happens and saves the day. Director Mike Judge has come up with a spot-on look at work in corporate America circa 1999. With well-drawn characters and situations instantly familiar to the white-collar milieu, he captures the joylessness of many a cube denizen's work life to a T. Jennifer Aniston plays Peter's love interest, a waitress at Chotchkie's, a generic beer-and-burger joint

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Re: Andvil's DVD Picks for Nov. 1st

Post by Panama »

Andvil wrote: Image

A Killer Upstairs (2005)

Here's what I really want to know...

Is this movie about a guy upstairs that kills people?...


is it about a west-coast beach bum that just bought a new house with a REALLY AWESOME second floor?

"Dude! Come check out my house! We got a killer upstairs."

I hope it's the first one, cause man, I'm stealing that "awesome second floor" idea. That's my movie.
:lol: :lol:

As always I look forward to your dvd post every week

Zeed Stun
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Post by Zeed Stun »


I almost forgot how great this show was.

This will be copped for sure.

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Post by Useff »

These threads are the best.

LOL @ Pinocchio 3000.

1) The fucking name and premise.

2) Howie Mandell as the featured talent.

3) Whoopi Goldberg.

Howie Mandell has mutated again

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Post by Kalel »

i fucking love these threads.

Endless Mike will have me cracking up all day.

"Didn't I never tell you never to cut against the grain of the wood?

DIDN'T I?!!!?"

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Post by StormShadow »

Useff wrote:These threads are the best.

LOL @ Pinocchio 3000.

1) The fucking name and premise.

2) Howie Mandell as the featured talent.

3) Whoopi Goldberg.

Howie Mandell has mutated again
Man, Howie Mandell should have starred in Pinnochio 964. That would have been wow.

Man do I ever want that wrestlemania set. Can't buy it any time soon though.

And Andvil, have you seen Mazes and Monsters? Shit is hilarious. Tom Hanks does some of his best acting ever at the end of that movie. Oh man, I gotta see this again.

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Post by StormShadow »

I'm gonna throw up one very important dvd.


OMG, didn't know this was out. Must... see... parts... 6-12...

Also, I just wanna say how relieved I am not to be working in a video store today. Sorting through 400 copies of Star Wars 3. Dealing with people getting mad that all the old movies are checked out already. Fuck that.

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Post by Andvil »

I have not seen Mazes and Monsters, but now I very much want to

Funk Docta Bombay
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Post by Funk Docta Bombay »

Wow, I never realised all the work that went into these threads. I just assumed it was a list of Dvds. the commentary is hillarious.

I will be checking these now.

also, Amen to Stormshadow about working in a videostore today (or the returns tommorow for that matter). hell naw.

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Post by jredd109 »

just like to add appreciation for the threads. thanks andvil.

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Post by LilLeftBrain »


this is the only dvd i will be buying this week
cant wait till tommorow nite du
and hopefully i'll be able to pick up my two best supporting-supporting actor trophies tommorow nite too.
time shall tell
moved by duck muscles

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Post by drizzle »

I like this tread Andvil, i'm gonna make an attemp to contribute. Here's one more:


Golgo 13: The professional - great anime and a good action/exploitation movie in general. Good animation work except for a hideous early 80's computer animation segment which is thankfully short. There are some nice artistic touches in the use of color too, some New Wave'sh-style editing and nice fuzzy psychadelic fade-outs.

The story is fairly standart for the genre with a few nice twists, the characters are interesting, especially some of the villains. The main hero, Duke Togo, is possibly one of the most bad-ass assassins ever created (imagine a villain version of James Bond or Jeffrey Chow from the Killer without the sentimental emotional streak). The whole movie he does nothing but kill, fuck and smoke ciggs while the plot twists around him. This assures plenty of action sequences, cartoon nipples and a whole lot of awesome quotables, without too much thinking or emotional involvement. Overall, this is top shelf exploitative enterntaiment.

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