can anybody explain the ultramag/bumpy knucks beef?

Reminisce about the golden era of hip-hop.

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Post by Sigma »

tayRavage23 wrote:Am I the only one asking whose these two niggas are?

*yes, coming from the guy with gucci mane in his sig*
Here's a good place to start: -

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Post by Bleach »

Verge wrote:Ehh, young 'uns gotta learn somewhere.
It's a lot of the older generation's fault that they turned out like this.
no it's their own fault

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Post by Verge »

Bleach wrote:
Verge wrote:Ehh, young 'uns gotta learn somewhere.
It's a lot of the older generation's fault that they turned out like this.
no it's their own fault
Lol.. It is arguable. Between our non guidance, the corporations strangle hold
on terrestrial radio and promotions, and society in general, most of these
kids didn't stand much of a chance to make good hip hop. Plus there was no
incentive for them to do so.
I'm no academic, I'll stfu now.

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Post by Verge »

Fuck it, I blame the corporations and the media's glorification of the negative
aspects of hip hop. I'm done now.

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Post by Dusty Fingers »

i would definitely be willing to say it's 50/50...

i don't think anyone can deny the "elitist" attitude the REAL hip hop heads tend to carry... of course there are those who are trying to educate... but at the same point ignorance takes hold of the other 50 percent... so at times it can be hard to make the connection between an open minded musical head willing to accept new things (to them of course) and a veteran fan of this real hip hop ting
And if you're yelling out YOLO, I'm calling you a homo...

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Post by aleph »

It's interesting to assume older generations don't guide the young'uns therefore they're led astray. There's always gonna be a generation gap where the new MUST claim their own territory. We're always gonna think the newer stuff sucks balls just like our elders. We're the new fogeys haha

It couldn't be said that the old school lacked for trying. Their mantra was and is KNOW YOUR HIP HOP HISTORY, KNOW HERC, KNOW BAM, KNOW FLASH, blah blah blah. Newbies think, yeah yeah, change the record...

Ironic then, that the hip hop in the last ten years or so have reverted back to the old school sound with the drum machines and casio-sounding bleeps and shit...

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Post by Verge »

It is refreshing that there has been some acceptable stuff being made in
recent years. Stuff has a chance of going back in the right direction now that
it isn't so profitable to make bullshit music for the big labels since they're not
making that money anymore. Nowadays, it's like you're gonna do hip hop
because you love it, not for money. Cause the commercial money is not
there like it was. I think things have been taking a turn and hopefully will
continue to improve.

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Post by moosetrack »

Bleach wrote:
moosetrack wrote:here youngster
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
he was on f'n MTV for f sake..
yeah I uploaded this video when I found it on limewire and noticed it wasn't on youtube at the time when it was uploaded (2007)
Gucci man guy probably wouldn't of seen it cause I was told it played on MTV only a couple times late at night in the UK in '99 so there goes that :P
Thanks, it's pretty good quality. :bow:
I personally have seen this video aired on MTV in the USA in the daytime.

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Post by Bleach »

moosetrack wrote:
Bleach wrote:
moosetrack wrote:here youngster
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
he was on f'n MTV for f sake..
yeah I uploaded this video when I found it on limewire and noticed it wasn't on youtube at the time when it was uploaded (2007)
Gucci man guy probably wouldn't of seen it cause I was told it played on MTV only a couple times late at night in the UK in '99 so there goes that :P
Thanks, it's pretty good quality. :bow:
I personally have seen this video aired on MTV in the USA in the daytime.
Well, i was 5 or 6 when this video came out. So i DEFINATLY wouldn't of seen it.
I remember being into Smashing Pumpkins and Fastball in the late 90's, still liking the pumpkins nowadays.

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