Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

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Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

I know there's not too many folks with the new consoles yet, but is anyone here planning on picking this up?

I really wish I'd tried the beta when it was available. I'm not typically a fan of multiplayer online shooters, so I don't know whether to take a punt on this or not. I've read and heard some really good things about it - I'm just not sure if it's for me. Hopefully there'll be a demo.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (Xbox One/PC)

Post by Balzac »

luckily its gonna be on PC as well. i might give it a whirl

looks pretty fun

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (Xbox One/PC)

Post by 360 »

It'll be on the 360, as well. I played the beta a few times and it was pretty fun. It wasn't mind-blowing and didn't inspire me to return to FPS genre, though. I probably put in about 6 hours on the beta.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

I will play COD but don't really care all that much one way or the other about FPS well until the Titanfall Beta. Game is just so fast paced that it makes everything feel so fresh. Even in the Beta the balance felt right though a few things will need to be nerfed here or there. I suck at multiplayer since I don't normally spend 40 hours a week playing yet even sucking in Titanfall was fun to play. I was still able to get the Titan and mess around with it instead of never getting the care packages. Basically I loved the Beta and really feel this game has thus far lived up to the hype.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

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I will be picking up a copy on Tuesdee for the Xbone.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

Review scores so far: -

OXM 8.5/10
OXM UK 9/10
Venturebeat 82/100
Polygon 9/10
EGM 10/10
Gamespot 9/10
Rev3 5/5
IGN Norway 8.1/10
Videogamer 8/10
Gamereactor 9/10
Gamersglobal 8.5
Gamesradar 4/5
Joystiq 4.5/5
Gameblog 4/5
Metro GameCentral 9/10
Gametrailers 9.3/10
Ausgamers 8.7/10
Vandal Online 9.2/10
Machinima 9/10
Jeux Video 17/20

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

So who has it?

My live name is Jim is Awesome

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

The limited edition for this is insane. The box is like the size of 3 of the boxes the Xbox one came in if not a little bit bigger.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

This game really is the shit.

It's the first online multiplayer game I've played where I've had my ass handed to me repeatedly and come last in the stats at the end of each game, but I enjoyed playing it so much that I didn't give a fuck.

The net code is wicked too. I'm getting pings of about 20 ms to the local Western European server (which is probably in the UK), and I've seen no lag, disconnections or other weird shit related to connection quality/speed.

Jim (or anyone else), if you want to add me, my gamertag is SigmaTheDJ. I'm in the UK though, so the time difference might mean we don't get to play together.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

I think this is the best balanced online multiplayer shooter I've ever played.

The addition of AI character makes a big difference. The game is 6 Vs. 6 real players, but there are a whole bunch of AI characters in the game, but they're considerably weaker than the real players. If you're crap at shooters, you'll almost always get a few kills in a match just from killing some AI grunts. Taking out grunts is not as satisfying as taking out a human pilot or titan, but at least there is still some satisfaction from doing it, plus it earns you XP towards levelling up. The best players still end up doing best in each match, but the worst players aren't left thinking "this fucking sucks - I'm just getting my ass handed to me over and over".

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

^Agree completely with you. The highest I have finished is 4th but its a blast every time. I think its that it always makes you feel like you are accomplishing something. Kill some grunts and while not the same as killing your buddy you at least shot something and where rewarded but with XP and also making your titan come faster. Your team losses they have the epilogue to accomplish and you feel like you did something. They have a ton of different awards that you don't need to be awesome to get just playing the game will get you there.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

What level are you up to now, Jim? What weapons do you use?

I've just hit level 45. For quite a while I was using the regular machine gun that you get to start with, but I recently switched to the smart pistol and I'm doing pretty well with it. You're at a big disadvantage because of it having to lock on 3 times against pilots, but I've been playing it in a more stealthy way that seems to work quite well.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

I am 36 or 37 I cant remember if I finished with a level up last night or not. I use mostly the smart pistol but not sure if by design or quirk there a shit ton of times I had 3 lock ons with a pilot and they did not die and then hit them another 2 or 3 times yet they did not die. I still need to learn how to do the wall hang. I also use the machine gun anti Titan weapon. I tried most of them but the machine gun seems to be the best I think I am up to near 25 Titans taken down with that gun.

I don't know what it is but last week I was able to rodeo titans all day but over the weekend every time I try I get killed before taking down the titan. I guess players are just getting better at noticing team mates under attack.

I use a mix of the Titans but I think I am going to drop the fast one for a while the one you start with is just barely slower but much stronger. According to the game the 3 bomb thing is my most lethal weapon but it does not feel that way when I am playing. I like the 40 cal the best for the Titans plus the multi locking missile kit.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

You just need to hold in the left trigger to do a wall hang.

I've been using the titan that's the strongest (in terms of armour) with the extra powerful punch, which seems to do shit loads of damage to other titans. I use the electric smoke, so if someone tries to rodeo me that'll force them to jump off (or kill them if they're not used to it).

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

I use the smoke too as a defense except in last titan standing where I use that shield you can still fire though. I will try to do the wall hang thinking that plus stealth and the smart pistol will lead to some kills. I use mostly that locator thing now.

I like the big titan too especially on the more pilot type maps. I like the speed in the open maps. The exception is on the hard point where I love the big titan as a guard.

What maps you like so far? I think they did an awesome job for the most part there really is only 1 or 2 maps I just don't like. I love that desert map its like the best mix of titan to pilot friendly. I am also big on the City map though I have not had that one come up in the rotation for a few days now. While the map is fine for some reason I just suck at the pirate cove map. The map I just dislike is Rise.

One thing I think falls a bit in the game is the random mode because its like 3 or 4 attritions before it moves to the next game mode. I also don't understand why both attrition and pilots mode they seem basically the same in the end. I hope they add some more modes because I think a pilots v titans mode could be fun.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

If anyone else is playing this I figured out why I keep dying doing the rodeo on Titans. If you use your anti titan weapon now when rodeoing it will kill you now.

They have a new better match making service now in beta. But even before using that I somehow got pretty good in attrition where I once sucked and was pretty much always on the bottom 2 or 3 I am now almost always 2nd or 3rd and occasionally first.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

This got an update today. There's now a private match option, although it's only in beta at the moment. They've rebalanced some stuff and modified the XP earned for certain things too.

On Xbox One, the patch is only 88MB.

Full patch notes: -
4/10/2014 Patch Update Details

NEW FEATURES (All Platforms)

Private Match (beta) - This is the first public test of our new Private Match mode. This gives you a way to organize matches with and against your friends, for casual or tournament play. Some features are unfinished or not yet implemented, and we welcome your feedback. A few highlights:

• Private Match supports 2 to 12 players, with 1 to 6 players on each team.
• You can start a new Private Match lobby by choosing it on the main selection screen (alongside Campaign, MP, and Training). Invite your friends in or have them join you at any time.
• Choose any of the game's maps or modes (CTF, Pilot Hunter, etc.) to play in.
• Choose which team you're on.
• There is no XP gain, challenge progress, or achievement unlocking while in a Private Match. For this beta, the Last Game Summary screen will display what you would have earned in normal play outside of Private Match, but be aware that this progress will not be recorded to your lifetime total.
• For this beta, there is no concept of a "lobby leader"; any player can change game options in the lobby or start/stop the match countdown.
• All Private Match games are still played on dedicated servers via Xbox Live Cloud Compute, just like normal matches.
• New options like round time, score limits, and much more will come in future updates.

Party Colors - Your party members and their titans now show up on the mini-map with green colors, instead of the normal blue colors that other friendlies use. Their names are also drawn in green on your HUD, the obituary text, and in the pre-game lobby. This helps you figure out where your friends are and what they're up to, especially in the heat of combat.

Auto-Titan Color in Obituary - Your auto-titan's name now shows up in the obituary with the gold color that your own name does. Previously it had the same blue color as any other friendly. This makes it easier to keep tabs on how your titan is doing.

Removed Wall-hack Exploit - PC cheaters were able to modify their local configuration files to enable a sort of wall-hack cheat using legit game code. We've closed the exploit that they were using.

Menu Changes - "Play Multiplayer" is now the default (top) option on the private lobby menu, if you've completed both the IMC and Militia campaigns. It has also been renamed from "Play Classic", since the term "classic", which we used internally, proved to be confusing to some players.

Game Version on Main Menu - The main menu now displays the game's version in the bottom-left corner. Now you don't have to wonder if you really do have the latest version of the game, and we can use that to double-check things if support is helping you troubleshoot issues.


Party App Shortcut in Menus - Added a shortcut on all menus that opens the Xbox One's "Party" app by pressing Left Trigger on the controller, similar to the existing Right Trigger shortcut that invites friends. You can then press 'B' to close it when you're done, or leave it up. (This is much easier than the manual method of going to the Home screen, opening "My games & apps", selecting Apps, scrolling a few screens over to the "Party" app, and opening it.)


The Gooser Challenge - Based on recent feedback from fans of the game, the Gen 5 challenge requirement 'Gooser', requiring players to kill 50 ejecting pilots, will be reduced to 5 total. We had a couple of design goals for Regeneration. One was to give players a structured way to discover and experience ways of playing the game they might not have otherwise tried on their own. The second was to recognize players' mastery of various skills, going beyond just 'time played'. We went a bit too far with this challenge, especially considering the unique conditions that have to be met just to have the opportunity to get a kill on an ejecting Pilot. We understand some players have already completed the challenge, or have already earned more than the new requirement so we will be internally noting those players so we can recognize their accomplishments in a future game update.

40mm magazine capacity for default and Extended Mag – The default magazine size was making the 40mm too powerful. It is intended to be the only weapon that can take a Titan down without reloading, if used skillfully. However, 20 rounds per magazine were proving to be too high and overly tolerant of indiscriminate fire. We’ve reduced it to 12 rounds per magazine, which still allows players to take a Titan down without reloading, but helps balance it out against other Titan weapons. The extended mag has also been dropped from 25 to 16, with the same design principles applying to this change.

Titan Quad Rocket mag size change – During development, there was a time when the Quad Rocket was too powerful. We made a lot of changes to pull it back before shipping (lessened the screen shake impact, lessened the duration of the first person impact FX, lowered the magazine size, pulled the damage back, etc.) It currently can struggle against other Titan weapons and going back to the 5/6 (default/extended mag) magazine sizes helps balance the weapon and allows players to miss a few shots and still be effective. It was 4/5, now its 5/6.

Titan Quad Rocket damage vs Titan shields – It was taking too long to drop a Titans shields with the Quad Rocket (5 shots). This meant you had to reload before you could even drop an enemy Titan’s shields. This was the only Titan weapon that had this issue. We’ve now upped the damage against Titan shields so that it can drop a shield with 4 shots. Combined with the increased mag size, this damage increase effectively gives you one more volley in the mag to deal serious direct hull damage.

Titan Quad Rocket 'Rapid Fire' Mod's mag size change – We upped the magazine size for the Quad Rocket's Rapid Fire Mod to help it compete with the changes made to the extended magazine (from 5 to 6). The Rapid Fire Mod’s magazine size is going up from 16 to 18.

Amped Kraber Titan damage change – We upped the damage that the Amped Kraber Burn Card does to Titans. It is now the only significantly effective “small arms” weapon against Titans. Note that this only applies to the Amped version of the Kraber. The damage goes up from 100 to 800. We added this to give the Kraber Burn Card a little bit more character, as well as to give you something to shoot if you have a hard time hitting those little Pilots with the Kraber. So snipe away at those Titans…before they kill you!

Hardpoint Domination scoring changes – We wanted to reward and encourage players to go out and capture enemy hardpoints. As important as defending a hardpoint is, capturing them is more important and a tougher task, generally speaking. We did not want to completely remove points for defending, but attacking players were getting too little credit for their efforts. Here is a breakdown of the changes:
• Capturing a hardpoint from 150 to 250
• Assisting in capturing a hardpoint from 75 to 100
• Neutralizing a hardpoint from 50 to 150
• Assisting in neutralizing a hardpoint from 25 to 75
• Killing a player inside an enemy hardpoint from outside (nearby) from 75 to 50
• Killing a player inside an enemy hardpoint from outside (far) from 75 to 50
• Killing a player inside an enemy hardpoint from inside the hardpoint from 75 to 50
• Killing an NPC inside an enemy hardpoint from inside the hardpoint from 25 to 10
• Killing a player outside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 75 to 50
• Killing a player inside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 75 to 50
• Killing an NPC outside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 25 to 10
• Killing an NPC inside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 25 to 10
• Defending a hardpoint now goes from 75 to 25

CTF scoring changes – We wanted to make sure the big payoff in CTF came from capturing the flag. Killing the carrier and then returning the flag was worth 400 points (combined), while capturing the flag was worth 500 points in comparison. These changes are meant to reward players who capture the flag a bit more than those who kill the carrier and return the flag. Defense is still a very important aspect of CTF so we wanted to make sure to keep defending points high enough to still encourage playing defense. Here is a breakdown of the changes:
• Capturing a flag from 500 to 400
• Returning the flag from 250 to 100
• Killing the flag carrier from 150 to 100

BUG FIXES (All Platforms)

• Fixed an issue where a Titan firing ordnance would not show on the minimap correctly.
• Fixed a rare bug with Pilot health pools that would make them virtually invincible.
• Fixed rare cases where Titans could be called in through solid geometry.
• Titan shields now protect friendly rodeo players from explosion damage (such as from an Arc Cannon).
• Fixed a case where a Pilot could embark a Titan through walls.
• Spitfire LMG and XO-16 firing sounds will no longer sometimes cut off before the gun is finished firing.
• The Archer now locks onto the top of a heavy turret rather than the base of the turret.
• The Archer’s rockets now home in on Titans correctly when those targets are kneeling.
• Fixed shadows incorrectly shimmering on a particular area of Lagoon.
• Fixed Satchel Charges and Particle Walls causing pilots to permanently rodeo other pilots.
• Fixed certain characters not rendering properly in French and other languages.
• Fixed an issue where "Initializing..." would be displayed if a server wasn't found.
• Fixed being unable to scroll to the top of the datacenter list after scrolling down.
• Greatly reduced the bandwidth used when connecting to a server. People who previously could not progress past the load-screen when connecting to servers should be able to play now.
• Grunts now show up on the minimap when they shoot.


• Fixed issues with Asian fonts.
• ‘-nojoy’ command-line parameter now disables gamepad input.
• All anti-aliasing modes should now properly be displayed in the video settings menu.
• Fixed graphics corruption and some GPU underutilization for SLI and Crossfire configurations.
• Fixed a crash in the options menu when toggling between Low and Medium shadows.
• Mouse buttons can now be used for voice chat in lobbies.
• Titanfall will no longer override your Windows microphone volume setting when it is launched.
• Fixed the Smart Pistol reticle so it scales properly based on the Field of View setting.
• Fixed crashes on machines with 32 or more cores.

BUG FIXES (Xbox One)

• Fixed a rare full-screen blue/red flash.
• Audio should no longer overlap after going to the Xbox dashboard and back into Titanfall.
• Fixed a crash when saying "Xbox go back" on certain menus.


A selection of improvements that will be released in an upcoming update:

• More Custom Loadout Slots with Custom Slots per Game Mode
• Ability to rename Custom Loadout Slots
• Last Game Summary shows the scoreboard from the previous match
• Additional customization options in Private Match
• Better 120hz monitor support
• Pick-up prompt for dropped Amped weapons appear in a different color than for normal weapons

• Enhanced interaction with Challenges. You will be able to review your Challenges by the following criteria:
o Completed (in your previous match)
o Most progressed (in your previous match)
o Almost completed (overall)

• Scoreboard icons will reflect 3 new states:
o Player Evacuated
o Player Dead with Auto-Titan Still Alive
o Player Alive with Auto-Titan Still Alive

And more…stay tuned!

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

I just started Gen 2 so I am glad they fixed that Gen 5 shooting 50 ejecting pilots because I have yet to shot even one.
I have to say I hate the plasma gun and have a feeling I will be on Gen 2 for a while.
I wish they had a way to figure out which campaign missions you won/loss so I can get my reward.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

Do you need to complete certain challenges before you can go up a generation then? I'm gen 2 level 41, but I assumed that all I have to do is earn enough XP to get to level 50 and I can go up another generation. Is that not the case?

I've only killed 2 ejecting pilots. Killing them is probably the hardest thing to do in the whole game.

The campaign thing is the one thing that needs fixing IMO. I have no idea which missions I've won and apart from the first time I played through it, every single game I've played has been on the IMC side. I've played 51 missions too, but try as I might, I can't get put on the Militia side to earn the wins towards the achievement.

I had my first game against a team that was noticeably less skilled than me earlier. They fucking sucked. It was a hardpoint match and 4 of them were standing on a balcony section and I ran along and jump kicked each one in turn, lol. I ended up with 13 pilot kills to 1 death, which I think is the best I've done. My K/D ratio against real pilots is still below 1 overall though, because I've been trying out the different weapons and I'm terrible with most of them.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

Sigma wrote:Do you need to complete certain challenges before you can go up a generation then? I'm gen 2 level 41, but I assumed that all I have to do is earn enough XP to get to level 50 and I can go up another generation. Is that not the case?
Each regen level has its own requirements you can see them under the challenges menu option at the bottom. So far I notice its one set for pilot weapons and one set for titan weapons. Gen 2 was shotgun stuff for the pilot gun and I think it was the 40 cal for the Titan gun (could be the other bullet gun). WHen you look it will show just the first level but you have to do all 5 levels. On Gen 3 besides the Pilot weapon (the crappy SMG) and Titan (stupid fucking rail gun) you need to do satchel grenade level ups.
I've only killed 2 ejecting pilots. Killing them is probably the hardest thing to do in the whole game.
I have to agree. Like I said I have yet to do it but I have tried at least 20 times with no luck.
The campaign thing is the one thing that needs fixing IMO. I have no idea which missions I've won and apart from the first time I played through it, every single game I've played has been on the IMC side. I've played 51 missions too, but try as I might, I can't get put on the Militia side to earn the wins towards the achievement.
Yeah its a mess. I think it gives you credit for winning IMC matches on both IMC and Militia otherwise its a huge coincidence that every time I look at the achievements I have exactly the same number of wins on both.
I had my first game against a team that was noticeably less skilled than me earlier. They fucking sucked. It was a hardpoint match and 4 of them were standing on a balcony section and I ran along and jump kicked each one in turn, lol. I ended up with 13 pilot kills to 1 death, which I think is the best I've done. My K/D ratio against real pilots is still below 1 overall though, because I've been trying out the different weapons and I'm terrible with most of them.
LOL. About a week or 2 ago I went from sucking and almost always in the bottom 2 to being pretty good and now almost always in the top 3 and MVP about 15 to 20 percent of the time (10 percent overall so figure that has to be about 15 to 20 percent more recently). The only time I am not in the top 3 now is if I am on an awesome team then I am sometimes 4th but less then 3 points or so behind or they put me into the game midway.

My recent K/D against real pilots is over 1 and has been for the last week or so when looking at my last 10 matches but still under 1 overall.

My base set up when I am not doing regen requirements is the SMG that is like 3rd from bottom I think its CASS or something like that. I also use the revolver but I think I am going to change that out for the middle hand gun for faster rodeoing and I use the satchel bag and the minion finder with the see though walls thing. For Titan I like the Atlas with smoke and the 40 cal (though it appears they nerfed it so in 5 years when I finally finish the rail gun I can see) and the multi missile and big punch. So far this combo has worked the best for me.

The shotgun is pretty good if you move a lot but it has no distance at all so you have to be moving all the time. The auto pistol I used most but have not used it in a couple of weeks because I suck with it.

I don't have a story like the guys lined up ready to kill. The closest I have is being on the other side when the other team had 5 titans out and basically kill me in my titan the second I land.

I think a lot has to do with what map I am on. I love the city type maps especially the german like town. I also like the training grounds and the other one that is similar (that is the one I killed it on). I am either really good or really bad on the one that is in a quarry. I just out and out suck at the one with that huge space gun and the one you run around in the water. I don't even think I have been on the winning side on either of those maps.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

I'm doing pretty well with the smart pistol. Once you unlock enhanced targeting, it gives you a bit of extra range and a slightly quicker lock on. I like that I can just run past 4 or 5 grunts and it'll lock on to all 5 as I'm going, then I can pull the trigger once to kill them all. Also, sometimes I'm legging it about and it'll start to lock on to a grunt/spectre/pilot that I didn't spot.

I've enabled automatic sprint in the settings, so I stay moving and stay cloaked as often as possible. I use the perk that enables faster recharge of the cloak. For the sidearm I'm using the pistol that does the most damage. I'm trying to get used to switching to it quickly if I come face to face with another pilot, as the smart pistol is hopeless in those situations, but a lot of times I just forget that I have it.

I use the charge rifle against titans, just because it has so much power. A lot of the time, the titans are busy fighting each other and you can get a few blasts in while lurking in the same spot. I love killing another pilot with that too, although I haven't done it too often.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

I have the auto sprint on as well. With the smart pistol I was getting killed by pilots too often. I think you pretty much have to be good at the quick switch to a sidearm in order to be really effective with the smart pistol.

I use the sidewinder as my anti titan. Like you said when they are in battle you can get a bunch of hits in. I like the sidewinder because you basically always be on the move. I also use the satchel on them as they big damage. They need to do another correction with the rodeo though. It went from way to easy to now almost impossible to pull off unless the player is just dumb. The first week of the game you could use the sidewinder but now it will kill you so basically the only weapon you have a chance with is a shot gun with extended clip.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

The smart pistol works best for me in maps where there's a lot of buildings or places you can bob and weave through. In the bigger open maps, it sucks, because people can spot you a mile off. I use the mini-map a lot so I can creep up on pilots while cloaked, so by the time they've spotted me, I've usually got the 3 locks. It's usually only if I run into an area and a guy runs in from the other end at the same time that I'm screwed.

I see what you mean about the gen challenges now. I think it's a good idea though, as it forces you out of your comfort zone. I've switched to the 40 cal to do the gen 2 titan challenges, but it's really powerful once you get the increased damage power up (I use a burn card for that whenever possible). The only hard bit is getting the shot that actually kills the titan, cos some of them do the nuke thing and sometimes your team members will get the shot in that gets awarded the kill.

I actually prefer the rodeo kills as they are now. It seemed a bit silly that a guy could jump on my back and by the time I'd got out of my titan and chased him off, my titan was fucked. What I've been doing tonight is jumping on an enemy titan so they get the message that I'm there, then I immediately jump off and wait for them to get out, haha.

I reckon it would be cool if you could hijack enemy titans, like if you get the pilot to get out, you can jump in and steal it. Maybe there could be a perk that causes the titan to explode if an enemy pilot gets into it, killing them, as a defence against that.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

That is funny I started to do the same thing today with the rodeo got about 4 or 5 pilot kills doing that. But for the most part today was brutal. I got mostly the maps I hate the most and my team just sucked. The only time I was on a good team today I finished last but still with 45 points. One time I get my titan while respawning right in an area where there is 4 enemy titans so I did not even bother trying to do anything against them.

I like the gen challenges I just hate the plasma rail gun but once you get 10 titan kills the upgrade makes it much easier to use.

I finished with my pilot weapon for the regen still have to get to 50 plus satchel kills and kill like 30 more titans with the rail gun. So I started trying some new guns out not a fan of that m16 looking gun. It shots 3 round bursts but has nothing really going for it.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

Just regened to 4. So when I started at Level 1 i went and had about the best 3 matches i ever had. Had something like 13 pilot kills the first time and this regen and only 2 deaths one of which was in the epilogue. Next one had like 9 pilot kills and 4 or 5 titan kills 0 deaths.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

I thought I was getting close to gen 3 because I'd done most of the challenges, except I hadn't. I'd only done the lower level ones. I fucking hate using the shotgun, but now I have to get 75 pilot kills with it or whatever. Bah!

The first map pack has been announced for this. It comes out in May and includes 3 new maps: Runoff, Swamplands and Wargames. They've also said that they plan on adding other stuff in free updates, although they didn't say what.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

^Well since I last updated I have been in a huge slump but I mostly blame having to use the weaker sniper rifle. I also have to use one of the weaker pistols and man is it weak it takes like 5 or 6 shots to take down a pilot head on and I think I only killed one this way all the rest where from behind but I think I just started the second level. I was on like the dream team or something had like 35 points and was dead last the problem was all my team mates where able to kill everything that moves before I had a chance to get there.

Yeah you have to do all 5 levels of each to move on but it only shows the current level you are on for the regen. The best boards for the shotgun are the training ground and the other one that is similar where everything seems to happen in the buildings along with that german looking town too bad you cant just pick those out (hope this is one of the updates). Even the desert level for being mostly open is not a bad shotgun level. the swamp level is awful for the shotgun.

Its supposed to be any time of game modes are free and maps are the only ones that will cost anything.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by Sigma »

I managed to regen last night, so I'm at gen 3 now. I suck with the shotgun!

I've been trying to get the "Pull Harder!" achievement for killing an ejecting pilot with the railgun. It's fecking hard though. That "I Killed Them All" achievement has to be the hardest in the game though. You have to kill all 6 pilots on your own as they try to get to the drop ship during the evacuation stage. The only way I will ever get that is if all 6 pilots get on board the ship and I fire the killer shot that blows it up.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

Sigma wrote:I managed to regen last night, so I'm at gen 3 now. I suck with the shotgun!

I've been trying to get the "Pull Harder!" achievement for killing an ejecting pilot with the railgun. It's fecking hard though. That "I Killed Them All" achievement has to be the hardest in the game though. You have to kill all 6 pilots on your own as they try to get to the drop ship during the evacuation stage. The only way I will ever get that is if all 6 pilots get on board the ship and I fire the killer shot that blows it up.
Congrats. I am now regen 5 I got 1 of the 5 goose needed and 3 overall but I have a feeling this one will take a while. I tried to get the goose with the rail gun and you are right about that one.

I agree on the "I killed them all" I looked at that one and I have not even bothered to try on that one because yeah if you have a team mate still alive it will be next to impossible the only real ways I can see it happening are for the 6 to be right around the evac ship and you gun them down because getting that kill shot is roll of the die.

Edit: Played about an hour tonight and was just killing it I think I was MVP on the winning team all but once or twice out of maybe 6 or 7 matches. I got 2 more gooses so just need 2 more. Not that it sucks but have not been able to use all 3 of my cards in like half the matches because I died only once or twice. I am at I think 36 or 37 and I thought the goose would take the longest but I need 14 more kills with the pulse shocky gun for the Titan on other titans. I was using the Ogre with it but changed it up to the fast titan so just like slide in when its charged make the hit and slide right back out works like a charm so far. Normally I hate when I have 2 Titans around but now love it because if one moves the wrong way I have another to hit.

Edit 2: Now level 45 still need to kill 5 titans with the eltro gun and need one more gooser.

Edit 3: Played some Last Titan Standing with some really dumb teammates last night. We where outnumbered 4 to 6 (they need to fix the matchmaking here big time as you might was well just give the other team the victory when they have a two titan advantage oh and the other team had a regen 10 and another couple that where 6 or higher and I was the highest at a 5 on my side) but worse then that my team mates decide to go off in their own direction instead of staying together for we have the slightiest chance of taking at least 1 or 2 titans down.

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Re: Titanfall (March 11th/14th) (360/Xbox One/PC)

Post by ThaJim2 »

Making this a new post. Got a little tip I am sure people already know. But after you do all your regen requirements find out which gun and anti titan gun you will need for the next regen and start using that so you can get the cards then use them when you hit the next level so you have a nice little head start.

Leveled up today to regen 6. The spitfire is the best gun for rodeoing titans you don't need to reload to take them down.

EDIT: So playing yesterday I had some shitty teammates in Attrition. At two different sessions I had a total of about 5 or 6 matches where I was responsible for about 40 percent of the teams points. The one that was awesome was on the training ground map where I had maybe 10 to 15 points and the team was down like 115 to 30 or 40 a few minutes into it then I went on a tear and ended up with 120ish points won the game had 10 Titan kills using a rodeos, triple bombs, chest missiles, and the grenade launcher and then about 14 pilots dead.

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