So I watched Monster House last night...

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So I watched Monster House last night...

Post by madtapes »

I need to know, how the fuck did this got nominated for a god damned Oscar? Everytihng about that movie was so god damned third rate. Is this how bad the animation industry has become? Is there something I don't know about what it takes to qualify for a nomination in said field? Is there just no artistry left in this world?

Everything that could be bad about this type of movie was there, and in full effect. The animation was fucked up, it looked like an atempt at computer generated claymation. If anyone tells that it was a "stylistic" choice I'll tell them that they don't know the difference between "stylistic" and "fucking lazy". All of the character designs in this movie seem as though they where desgined by someone with the imagination of a movie exec. I mean.. just look at them....
There just so.... stock and unimaginitive. Also, the only character with any sort of affectations was the fat kid who had a habit of shaking around like a fucking spaz in the most unrealistic ways. Awful.

Also worth mentioning was the total lack of set and background design. There was so much blank space in this movie that you could have probably inserted another, much better animated film into all of the empty spaces.

Am I crazy? Or did anyone else think that this movie was pure ass-sauce? Or am I just that out of touch with whats going on in the world of animation today?

The only thing I liked about this movie was the underlying moral: "don't fuck fat chicks"


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Post by Smooth Lou »

There's some people at this very forum that will disagree with you and call you a homo. Truth is, it was disappointing and stupid, and would have been a cute little movie if it played on Disney Channel for its first run, but as a theatrical release? Come on. Worse than Jimmy Neutron even.


Smooth "Seriously, worse than Jimmy Fallon even" Lou

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Post by HopeLess »

I thought it was excellent.

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Post by Sankofa »

I enjoyed it but it wasn't as dope as I'd hoped.

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Post by Captin Planit »

God damn, thank you, finally some fuckin' sense.

This movie was wack as fuck. Over the Hedge was better than this shit, and that was just Toy Story with animals.

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Post by madtapes »

Glad to see that I'm not the only one who saw the enormous flaws within this movie. While it's all well and good to make a shitty movie (I guess) how the piss did this get nominated for an Oscar? I can't imagina a world in which there wasn't at least one more animated movei in 2006 that was better than this.

Maybe I'm just getting old.

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it wasnt so much made for adults as for kids guys ...

its not adult swim :megaman:

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Post by Epitome »

Sankofa wrote:I enjoyed it but it wasn't as dope as I'd hoped.
Sorry to derail the thread but who is that creature in your sig Sankofa?

"I love california. the other day some bum was like "gimme a dollar, I SAID GIMME A DOLLA!!!!!" and I told him to sit down and shut the fuck up. and he did. cause real talk I will knock a bum the fuck out." --BeHemoth

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