Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

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The Afronaut
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »

Couple new stills



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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »

Mindbender Futurama
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

looks absolutely phenomenal and develops some necessary plot points Marvel movies needed for some time

hmmmm, who dies?

oh, I wish they kept Falcon red and white... this grey suit is kinda bland but at least we got another Black superhero up in this piece :leon:
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:at least we got another Black superhero up in this piece
They better come on with the Black Panther movie. I want him to have a white sidekick too.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by drizzle »

trailer looks doep but i lol'ed at this pretty hard too ... 3781053440 - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »

4 minute clip. Looking VERY promising.

"In Pursuit" clip

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

saw this movie yesterday.

it's actually like, 98% fucking PERFECT.

every single scene adds on to the next one, literally from the first to the last moment.

Anthony Mackie is really fucking good as Falcon and provides a surprising serving of consistent comic relief, ScarJo murks it as Black Widow, Sam Jack actually gets some action scenes and does a sick ass drive by as well as having THE MOST AWESOME MOVIE EASTER EGG OF ALL-TIME, and Chris Evans is fucking immaculate as Cap 'Murrica

the action in this movie is so fucking incredible, i wanted to bust superhero jizz in my seat (but i didn't :smugkid: )

the plot is a few dreams come true and Robert Redford is just magnificent as the new SHIELD Director and power player

even GSP is in this shit, wowing the fuck outta your eyes for a hot minute

uh yeah, so this is one of the best superhero movies of all time. YEAH I FUCKING SAID ALL TIME BUT ONLY BECAUSE ITS SO GOD DAMN TRUE

i shed a tear at the Stan Lee cameo scene, so damn funny

The Winter Soldier is pure :copy: and constantly is kicking and punching people into next week, it's so fucking :ohsh:

don't deprive yourself of this awesomeness
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

when you see the scheme that the bad guys are cooking up in this movie... WOW :hbat:

most controversial mainstream superhero movie plot device ever :hooray:

this movie has almost nothing wrong with it, except wondering why Cap doesn't just call Iron Man like "yo are you busy this weekend, dawg?" but that would be too easy

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by ThaJim2 »

I guess that these Marvel movies are just not for me. This is the best one I saw and it still left me what ever. I still don't get why you don't call up Iron Man and Thor when the whole shield thing is about to kill 20 million people.

The Afronaut
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »

Saw it. Thought it was great. Looking forward to discussing it with the :phila: once more people see it.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »

ThaJim2 wrote:I still don't get why you don't call up Iron Man and Thor when the whole shield thing is about to kill 20 million people.
I hear you, but here's what I dont get. Think about all the movies you watch. Think about the suspension of disbelief that you have to employ to get through any number of them, how is it more/less difficult to do that here?

Dont get me wrong, the question is valid, Im just surprised on how hung up people get on it when otherwise the flicks are about as "realistic" as you can get when you're dealing with the premise of a world full of superheroes.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

The Afronaut wrote:
ThaJim2 wrote:I still don't get why you don't call up Iron Man and Thor when the whole shield thing is about to kill 20 million people.
I hear you, but here's what I dont get. Think about all the movies you watch. Think about the suspension of disbelief that you have to employ to get through any number of them, how is it more/less difficult to do that here?

Dont get me wrong, the question is valid, Im just surprised on how hung up people get on it when otherwise the flicks are about as "realistic" as you can get when you're dealing with the premise of a world full of superheroes.

you ask that question... and don't ask how the fuck "a supersoldier named Captain America can jump out of an airplane with no parachute maybe 15,000 feet in the air and dive into the freezing ocean, and then immediately get on the boat and kick 20 guys asses?" :rofl:

just because the Avengers broke the rules and combined 4 movie franchises into one, we shouldn't always assume that they will crossover any time any of them are in crisis. All the movies would then be Avengers movies, starring Captain America/or revolving superhero cast, which would be kinda cool, but also fucking :bunk:

this shit is like sex... can't give them everything all the time! gotta work up to the mega-orgy of comic hero magic and shit.

there is a clever reference to Iron Man in this movie, so he's here in spirit... what more do you want from Cap? :lol:
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by ThaJim2 »

The Afronaut wrote:
ThaJim2 wrote:I still don't get why you don't call up Iron Man and Thor when the whole shield thing is about to kill 20 million people.
I hear you, but here's what I dont get. Think about all the movies you watch. Think about the suspension of disbelief that you have to employ to get through any number of them, how is it more/less difficult to do that here?

Dont get me wrong, the question is valid, Im just surprised on how hung up people get on it when otherwise the flicks are about as "realistic" as you can get when you're dealing with the premise of a world full of superheroes.
I am being asked to buy into a world with superheros which I do going in. In the case of these marvel movies I am asked to buy into this world having multiple superheroes that have already teamed up to take down a threat. Now in this movie and Iron Man 3 (which I basically have forgotten everything about the movie save the stupid scenes with the kid in the shed) I am asked to believe that their is some huge threat but apparently there is no way to communicate with Thor or the Hulk to get some help? Its because of the rules the universe has set up that this has become an issue with the stories going forward. 20 million people die if these planes work and you can guarantee that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are on that list but instead the leave it up to Falcon to save them all?

I am probably the wrong person to ask about these movies because the Marvel Universe movies have just left me cold. I want to like them much more then I do but like I said this is by far my favorite and its a shoulder shrug ok. I do have to say I am a huge fan though of that blond. I will continue to see any marvel film with her in it.
Last edited by ThaJim2 on Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by ThaJim2 »

And can I just say I love that Captain America that will make 100 million this weekend and well named Captain America is a story about a guy that becomes a superhero because of Performance enhancing drugs.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

yeah boyee

this motherfucker deserves to be in the 100 million club

best fucking American movie in a LONG ASS TIME. god damn that plot to kill that the bad guys come up with IS SO FUCKING SCARY because they do a great job in making it seem like villains could DO that shit to us in the real world right about now :err:

or better yet, they REALLY make it seem like the government is corrupt enough to do some EVIL SICK SHIT

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »


In reality we know why the team ups cant happen for every movie: contracts, schedules, etc.

So again, is it too much to ask for wait until the next huge global threat before its all hands are on deck for a crisis again? This happens in the books all the time.

Also, I cant remember why you arent feeling the Marvel movies in general. Why is that? And do you just mean the Marvel Studios movies or all Marvel movies? Just wondering.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by ThaJim2 »

The Afronaut wrote:@Jim

In reality we know why the team ups cant happen for every movie: contracts, schedules, etc.

So again, is it too much to ask for wait until the next huge global threat before its all hands are on deck for a crisis again? This happens in the books all the time.

Also, I cant remember why you arent feeling the Marvel movies in general. Why is that? And do you just mean the Marvel Studios movies or all Marvel movies? Just wondering.
I think that might be getting in the way that its only outside forces that keep Iron Man from helping at the end of Winter Solider. In the world of this story there is basically no reason at all that he should not have been helping at the end. I am not even asking for the movie being all avengers all the time just the last 20 minutes have the Iron Man custom came fly in and put that
chip into one of the ships

I am big fan of the Xmen movies well except last stand and outside of Planet of the Apes its the summer movie I am most looking forward to right now. Loved the first 2 spiderman movies but I doubt I will warm up to the reboot as I just don't like the guy they have playing him now and don't like that his parents are spies.

I am really not even 100 percent sure why I don't like the marvel universe movies as a whole. When I read comics as a kid I really did not give a shit about any of these cats except Cap America and Hulk. Liked Thor in concept but his comic sucked at least in the 90s when I was reading. Not sure if its just the failings of the individual movies Avengers bored me. Iron Man 3 was just garbage and Shane Black is probably the first screen writers name I ever knew. The first Thor was confusing as a motherfucker and did not care about rainbow land. The 2 cap Americas are my 2 favorites but the first one was kind of like WW2 movie for 6 year olds.

Going back to Winter Solider the movie was a little long. But I was really liking it until they go to
the bunker with the sneak diss at the new Johnny Depp movie and it tells the whole damn plot.
Those types of scenes these days are just retarded.
I don't understand the scene towards the end with Sam Jackson, Scarlo and Redford why she waited to shock herself instead of taking one right away when there was already hundreds of extras willing to kill themselves for this plot because they could not call in the hulk for help.
Maybe my expectations where too high.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by SuperFeen »

It's obvious that the solution to this problem is that every post credits scene should be the
Avengers finally showing up saying "Are we late? :fail: "

I was super hyped for this movie and I felt like it lived up to that hype, Winter Soldier was badass, Falcon was great, all the easter eggs they threw in really scratched a very specific nerd itch in my brain. Probably liked this better than Avengers.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

"are we late?" ^^^ actually :rofl:

as far as the easter eggs?!?!
NICK FURY'S GRAVE HAVING A QUOTE FROM 'PULP FICTION' IS THE FUCKING BEST GOD DAMN MOVIE EASTER EGG OF ALL TIME. "The path of the righteous man..." HAHAHAHA :copy: :copy: :copy: :hooray: forever
i'm feenin and drooling for the bootleg of this movie to come out. internets, please make magic today :jerk:

climax scene where Falcon is on the helicarrier, and then swings down while wearing the parachute is the only scene Mackie did his own stunts for.

apparently he went WAY OVER his mark, and smashed into the wall :rofl:

last time he did his own stunts for Cap America :copy:
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by ThaJim2 »

Another interesting Easter egg Scarlett Johanson character is a time traveler that or did some really fucked up shit as a preschooler. In the movie she says she was born in 1985 and worked for the KGB.

The Afronaut
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »

ThaJim2 wrote:Another interesting Easter egg Scarlett Johanson character is a time traveler that or did some really fucked up shit as a preschooler. In the movie she says she was born in 1985 and worked for the KGB.
:lol: Jim is killin this movie!

Im guessing she did some shit as a preschooler. Her whole backstory is that she was trained from childhood to be an assassin as part of the "Widow program". I assume that she killed someone as a kid ala Cassandra Cain (Batgirl II (?)) in the Batman series.

Looking ahead they are saying "Black Widow's past is going to catch up to her" in Avengers 2.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

shades of Loki and "can you erase that much blood from the ledger" :twisted:

Thor has to get fucked up in the new Avengers, he's too powerful. oh, and when does he become King :killacam:

Iron Man has to get his steel balls back

Cap and Nick Fury have a bright future for Avengers 2

Hawkeye needs to spend the movie actually being himself, and getting some substantial representation up in these beeyotchpieces

and Ultron better be like the comics and cartoons!!!! :hooray:
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »

For Jim:


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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

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The Afronaut
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Afronaut »

So basically, me, MB, Jim and SF are the only ones that have seen this so far? That's disappointing.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by The Rapping Coffin »

i saw it. nothing really to talk about. it was another ok, pretty solid episode (these aren't movies) from the generic marvel factory

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by ThaJim2 »

The Rapping Coffin wrote:i saw it. nothing really to talk about. it was another ok, pretty solid episode (these aren't movies) from the generic marvel factory
I think you have nailed it for me. These are not movies so much as very expensive and infrequent episodes.

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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Tweak Da Leak »

I gotta watch this before catchign this penultimate episode of Shield, heard reviewers say it finally got on track with this latest tie in episode

Cash Rulz
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by Cash Rulz »

The Afronaut wrote:So basically, me, MB, Jim and SF are the only ones that have seen this so far? That's disappointing.
I'll comment tomorrow.

chapter thrive
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Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Post by chapter thrive »

i checked it sunday, i really enjoyed it. I thought it was a great representation of cap in the 21st century, after the world war 2 origin story. really glad to see hydra make its debut. Great acting/action/ kept me riveted. also really hyped on how agents of shield has basically been quietly working up to this point to tie in almost seamlessly.. Gives the marvel universe an almost relatable timeline. has me excited for where the universe is going. With this many hits and successes, my fingers are crossed that marvel/disney starts aggressively pulling the strings back on xmen and spiderman. scarlet witch/quicksilver/dr strange references/cameos were awesome. theyve got this shit down to a science and really hit the spot with the plot devices. loved it.

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