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Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:09 am
by paul_smith
unclebengi wrote:I was blown away by Infinity War honestly. To have that many moving parts, characters, and story lines seemed a near impossible task but they actually did it. And did in a way that really just spotlighted how many great characters they created. Almost every character in the movie had at least a couple "oh shit" or "lol" moments. The different story lines didn't feel forced and the tension was ratcheted at the right times. A perfect blend of their action/adventure/comedy/sci-fi signature style. Thanos is easily the best villain they'e created and I can't wait to see what's in store for him in the next installment.
co-sign to the fullest. movie was flawless and really left me wondering what is in store after all of what happened in it

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:44 am
by blastmaster
They did a great job with Thanos. They made you sympathetic to the cause of someone who wanted to destroy half the universe. It felt great to finally have a great villain in a marvel movie.

Can’t wait for the next one.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 1:24 pm
by drizzle
Tons of fun, the banter was my favorite part, love that everybody got at least one amazing hero moment. Definitely my favorite of the big teamup movies and Thanos is the best villain they've had by quite a bit.
Kinda wish more people died while actually fighting Thanos instead of just getting randomly wiped out in the end. Loki, Gamora and Stark getting stabbed all felt like bigger ohshit moments than the succession of pans to yet another hero going ashy. And it's kinda shitty that the focus in that final sequence is mostly on a handful of supers, not the billions of regular people/aliens that just ceased to exist. Hopefully that will be more prominent in the followup, I'm optimistic considering how well the MCU capitalized on the fallout of the battle of NY and other big destruction events
But as usual with these things, MCU undermines itself even here in the final stretch by the need to be self perpetuating and set up more shit going forward, and the drama of all these people dying is defanged by knowing that sequels for them are already in the works. The good acting that brings some of these characters to life really does the heavy lifting here, with Spiderman probably being the best example of it.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 6:34 pm
by alpha
But going in you have to know that’s what they do. Also being two parts I had zero expectations of full resolution. A gripe I would have is more Black Panther stuff. Clearly they didn’t think it would do as well as it did

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 6:53 pm
by drizzle
I don't expect a two part movie to resolve at the end of the first half, and I know laying the ground for more more more is the default MO here, but considering how firmly they position IW as the end of this current iteration of MCU it seems pretty reasonable to expect some dramatic turns that actually feel like they can be final or at least lasting.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 12:24 am
by unclebengi
It's still hard to say any Marvel movie is better though. Maybe tighter, but not better. Guardians 1, Black Panther, and Thor Ragnarok are all fantastic and unique, but they're not BETTER than Infinity War IMO.

If anything annoyed me it was that the people that didn't vanish were acting nonchalantly to their friends/colleagues vaporizing in front of their eyes. But again, it's a comic book movie which allows me to forgive a lot.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 1:01 pm
by Mindbender Futurama
I think Nebula is still gonna have a major part in the defeat of Thanos

just like Scarlet Witch was the one who actually killed Ultron, not any of the main Avengers
(and then Vision killed the last one, ironically)

'Avengers Infinity War' deserves to be the biggest movie of all time simply because it actually fucking really still works as a origin story/heist movie that is the culmination of 18 different movies before it, and there is NO PRECEDENT to that in 100+ years of Hollywood. Kevin Feige is the GAWD now, fuck you Spielberg, Lucas & especially fuck you James Cameron. :rofl:

THE BAD GUY WINS SO FUCKING HARD AND SO COMPLETELY and leaves the good guys just fucked
so for that alone, AIW also deserves praise like nothing else in human history.

and scurred-ass Hulk has gotta fight Thanos agin, but a Thanos without wearing the Gauntlet or any Asgardian armor. It will be a different Second Round Knockout :copy:

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 1:01 am
by ric
Black panther.
Dope but imperfect as I think drizzle said. But dope and I felt like the cheesy emotional shit was affecting. At least I cried. Lulz.

Deadpool 2
I was like 'ehhhhh' on #1. But #2 is dope even if it still annoys me at parts with the kitschy shit and the stupid shit. But they nailed cable (and Brolin again I mean... The guy is just fucking lights out in this one) domino is cool not like I'm familiar with her. And this shit was actually pretty fucking funny. One of the only movies I've seen where combining action and comedy actually works and it's imperfections don't mar the experience/feel

Infinity War
Really did not let us down. Can Brolin do no fucking wrong? I mean Thanos is not only the dopest villain in the mcu dude may be the most fully realized character aside from Thor iron man and captain America and he's only been Brolin in one fucking movie. Like Brolin really brings this guy to a whole nother level and I can't really imagine anybody else doing near the level of acting in the same way. And I don't want Thanos looking any other way or speaking any other way or moving and emoting in any other way. Just like unbelievable acting and writing. All around though best writing too not that it was 100% perfect in my opinion but with all the chemical elements present it would have been so easy to make it much worse. Thors story is fucking sick in this and Hemsworth nails it. My favorite. I do have to reiterate a gripe I had in avengers 2 though. Vision. The stone is on his fucking head. And he's like mid level at best. Nevermind that they've done some robot type shit with him etc. This character should basically be invincible (and in previous movies they allude to this insane power multiple times (which will probably come back somehow in the second one but still)) and it's disappointing to see that they just couldn't fit this characters puzzle piece in any other sort of way.
But can we get back to Thanos? It's not even what he does it's what he DOESN'T do. He completes the gauntlet and he doesn't go trouncing fools for no fucking reason. He backs up into the smoke goes away some place nice and solves his little problem. Shit like that. And dare I even say that this conflict and some of these characters behave *ahem* poetically?
The toughest thing for marvel right now is going to be not losing their identity and what makes each story unique and cool but growing the characters and growing the franchise and staying relevant and interesting. Without giving it too much thought it seems easy to stumble with all that pressure. And infinity war ups the stakes for them. Look at the ant man trailer right? He's having a heart to heart with his daughter probably about how everybody died but he needs a sidekick now. I mean... Does that feel right to you? Is that how the comics go? Feels weird. They've already laid the sidekick foundation. They really need to have his daughter suggesting this in a sentimental kind of way? Again I mean.... Does that fucking feel right to you?
But the bring back and re-shape potential for the future of the mcu is dope as fuck and something I've been looking forward to for a long time. Look at where they took Thor. That's fucking sick. They are not exactly shying away from emotional intensity here which to me means dope bring backs and retooling. Consider all the cool styles we have yet to see. Cannot fucking wait to see how they introduce warlock and what happens with him now that Thanos has opened the door to an even more epic and frankly meaningful discussion on topics that can affect the whole universe ie space. Cannot wait to see strange reintroduced and that iteration. Etc etc. This also paves the way for a mordo movie or some shit. Cpt marvel prolly gonna be cool.
Venom looks dope if possibly capped.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 10:54 am
by Spartan

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 4:08 am
by 907
Looks decent, but I still think that a Venom movie without Spider-man is a dumb idea.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:12 am
by alpha
Yeah because a venom movie with Spider-Man was soooo good the first time.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 4:04 am
by 907
I totally agree that Spider-Man 3 was garbage, but it was in spite of Venom, not because of him. Probably the most miscast role in any super hero movie as well. Venom's whole origin is so tied up with Spidey, it just seems weird to have him not even mentioned. It'd be like Doing a Robin movie without acknowledging the existence of Batman at all, or a War Machine movie where Iron-Man didn't exist, IMO.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:23 pm
by ric
Venom is basically his own character to me. This feels more like a carnage origin story but whatever same deal and obviously can intersect. Trailer I've seen was dope.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:40 am
by ric
Saw ant man and wasp. Dope.

These posse movies are dope. But I want the next Thor or whoever to be more of an epic solo journey. Like motherfucking lancelot or some shit. Just fucking dominating every step of the fucking way to some Uber heroic/existentially quixotic finish or whatever

I think vision is working in the mind stone to save everyones essence. Just a thought.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:55 am
by 907
ric wrote:Venom is basically his own character to me.
He literally exists because of Spider-Man's old costume. Hard to be more intertwined than that.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:24 pm
by ric
Originally yeah but new origin make sense here and the premise of an alien bio weapon being fucked with by rich dudes makes sense to me.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:11 am
by ric
Upon reflection and having some time after watching the movie I think ant man and wasp... It felt... not entirely satisfying. This malingering is in spoilers because of size.
They nailed a lot of stuff. They were almost there on a good deal of their emotional shit (which to be fair isn't really the milieu of the thing anyway. It's like white guy comedy meets family movie meets superhero shit). But at the end of the movie... I'm just feeling unfulfilled. I'm not gonna say it was formulaic because as much as what they were doing was clearly alchemical it doesn't feel robotic or formulaic while watching and it certainly isn't capt America or Thor which has that emotional oomph factor that you are getting with those stories... But it felt incomplete. Laurence is around for what? 15 minutes? He's a waffler. OK. They are experimenting with the waffler characters. (he's not written terribly well although this movie FEELS like a comic in a lot of ways). The wasp chick is a waffler. Even the villain is a waffler of sorts. An intense waffler. They bring in Michelle Pfeiffer. What does she do? Like two things. The mechanic of having people be on the same page for some shit that happens off screen (as between pym and wasp here) doesn't feel 100% right when so many of the movies that we've gotten so much is happening on screen and so much of what the characters have been narrating has been shit in re audience seen events. Certain characters get a pass with this. Fury. Black widow. Scarlet witch. Maybe hawkeye a little. But other than that shit is on fucking screen and it feels strange having some emotional shit happening off screen even though part of the ant man wasp movie is driven by a series of historical reveals. And maybe that's part of what's missing here. What is actually driving shit here? Whole movie feels like a mechanic to introduce the tiny verse and new characters and bump the minor characters to play in other movies (ie the security force). It does feel like it's own thing. I don't mean to reduce it.
But it's like where are we headed here? What's the substance here? Dealing with the Thanos purge after the movie felt a little strange here. I feel like movie should have started after the purge. It takes away from the magnitude of the infinity shit otherwise. Dude being trapped in the tiny verse feels more mechanical than impactful

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:42 pm
by Employee
Get woke, go broke. Do these fucking idiots hate making money? ... ie-larson/" onclick=";return false;
Brie Larson takes flight as Captain Marvel on this week’s EW cover

There’s a bright new star in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Captain Marvel leads the cover of Entertainment Weekly’s new issue, with an exclusive first look at Brie Larson’s Air-Force-pilot-turned-intergalactic-hero.

Film fans know Carol Danvers only as the mysterious person paged by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) in the last scene of Avengers: Infinity War, and she’ll appear in the still-untitled Avengers 4, presumably to help beat up on Thanos. But before that, she’s got her own story to tell — and EW has all the exclusive intel on her upcoming solo film.

When Captain Marvel hits theaters March 8, 2019, it’ll be the 21st entry in the MCU — and the first to star a solo female superhero. In the past decade, the MCU has assembled a diverse lineup of female heroes, from witches and warriors to widows and wasps. But never before has a woman headlined her own story — until Captain Marvel, the part-Kree, part-human pilot who made her comics debut back in 1968.

“She can’t help but be herself,” Larson tells EW. “She can be aggressive, and she can have a temper, and she can be a little invasive and in your face. She’s also quick to jump to things, which makes her amazing in battle because she’s the first one out there and doesn’t always wait for orders. But the [not] waiting for orders is, to some, a character flaw.”

EW’s cover (below) finds Carol somewhere between the Earth and the sky — a fitting place for a hero who’s trying to figure out how to reconcile her alien abilities with her more human flaws. Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, Captain Marvel sidesteps the traditional origin-story template, and when it begins, Carol already has her powers. She’s left her earthly life behind to join an elite Kree military team called Starforce, led by Jude Law’s enigmatic commander.

But before long, Carol finds herself back on Earth with new questions about her past. And she’s got a formidable enemy in the form of the Skrulls — the notorious Marvel baddies made all the more dangerous by their shape-shifting abilities. Ben Mendelsohn plays their leader Talos, who spearheads a Skrull invasion of Earth.

Speaking of Earth, Captain Marvel takes place in the mid-’90s, long before Steve Rogers was defrosted or Tony Stark built his first suit. That allows the film to introduce younger version of familiar Marvel faces — like Jackson’s Nick Fury, who’s still a two-eyed S.H.I.E.L.D. desk jockey — as well as let Carol carve out her own, unique space in the MCU.

“This is not a superhero who’s perfect or otherworldly or has some godlike connection,” says Boden, who’s the MCU’s first female director. “But what makes her special is just how human she is. She’s funny, but doesn’t always tell good jokes. And she can be headstrong and reckless and doesn’t always make the perfect decisions for herself. But at her core, she has so much heart and so much humanity — and all of its messiness.”

We’ll be rolling out all kinds of details on the film over the next few days — including exclusive photos, details from our set visit, and in-depth interviews with the cast and crew — so stay tuned to

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 12:04 pm
by Spartan

Not sure why Entertainment Weekly has the tag "The Future is Female!" when the upcoming Captain Marvel film is supposedly set in the 1990s, other than to be provocative.

Anyhow, finally watched Avengers: Infinity War and I absolutely loved it. Best Marvel film by a longshot.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:02 pm
by alpha
My guess it’s just a poor headline relating the first marvel flick about a lead female superhero.

My money is on her playing a big role in Infinity War 2

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:31 am
by 907
Employee wrote:Get woke, go broke. Do these fucking idiots hate making money? ... ie-larson/" onclick=";return false;
Brie Larson takes flight as Captain Marvel on this week’s EW cover

There’s a bright new star in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Captain Marvel leads the cover of Entertainment Weekly’s new issue, with an exclusive first look at Brie Larson’s Air-Force-pilot-turned-intergalactic-hero.

Film fans know Carol Danvers only as the mysterious person paged by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) in the last scene of Avengers: Infinity War, and she’ll appear in the still-untitled Avengers 4, presumably to help beat up on Thanos. But before that, she’s got her own story to tell — and EW has all the exclusive intel on her upcoming solo film.

When Captain Marvel hits theaters March 8, 2019, it’ll be the 21st entry in the MCU — and the first to star a solo female superhero. In the past decade, the MCU has assembled a diverse lineup of female heroes, from witches and warriors to widows and wasps. But never before has a woman headlined her own story — until Captain Marvel, the part-Kree, part-human pilot who made her comics debut back in 1968.

“She can’t help but be herself,” Larson tells EW. “She can be aggressive, and she can have a temper, and she can be a little invasive and in your face. She’s also quick to jump to things, which makes her amazing in battle because she’s the first one out there and doesn’t always wait for orders. But the [not] waiting for orders is, to some, a character flaw.”

EW’s cover (below) finds Carol somewhere between the Earth and the sky — a fitting place for a hero who’s trying to figure out how to reconcile her alien abilities with her more human flaws. Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, Captain Marvel sidesteps the traditional origin-story template, and when it begins, Carol already has her powers. She’s left her earthly life behind to join an elite Kree military team called Starforce, led by Jude Law’s enigmatic commander.

But before long, Carol finds herself back on Earth with new questions about her past. And she’s got a formidable enemy in the form of the Skrulls — the notorious Marvel baddies made all the more dangerous by their shape-shifting abilities. Ben Mendelsohn plays their leader Talos, who spearheads a Skrull invasion of Earth.

Speaking of Earth, Captain Marvel takes place in the mid-’90s, long before Steve Rogers was defrosted or Tony Stark built his first suit. That allows the film to introduce younger version of familiar Marvel faces — like Jackson’s Nick Fury, who’s still a two-eyed S.H.I.E.L.D. desk jockey — as well as let Carol carve out her own, unique space in the MCU.

“This is not a superhero who’s perfect or otherworldly or has some godlike connection,” says Boden, who’s the MCU’s first female director. “But what makes her special is just how human she is. She’s funny, but doesn’t always tell good jokes. And she can be headstrong and reckless and doesn’t always make the perfect decisions for herself. But at her core, she has so much heart and so much humanity — and all of its messiness.”

We’ll be rolling out all kinds of details on the film over the next few days — including exclusive photos, details from our set visit, and in-depth interviews with the cast and crew — so stay tuned to

What part of any of this sounds "woke" to you, besides a woman being the lead? Was Black Panther "woke" for having a mostly black cast and lead? Because that seemed to work out pretty well for them.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:15 am
by Spartan

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:57 pm
by Mindbender Futurama

Mystique dies, obviously. :cas:

But I hope some other major shit happens in this movie. :omar:

No Shi'ar in the trailer? I heard Lilandra was going to be in this flick :killacam:

the first trailer looks kinda boring BUT IT'S X-MEN SO FUCK THE WORLD

i'm in first day

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:02 pm
by blastmaster
Venom was much better than I thought it would be. Not perfect, but given the contraints that they were in, I don’t think they could have done much better. Didn’t really make a difference that it was not R. The campiness makes up for the lack of blood and guts. I didn’t think they would go so hard toward 90s era bad superhero like they did. It’s so bad it’s perfect.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:23 am
by Mindbender Futurama
blastmaster wrote:It’s so bad it’s perfect.
YUP! I beg for a sequel, WITH A WAY BETTER DIRECTOR.

Tom Hardy was COMMITTED, holy fuck!
Lobster tank FTW :bow: to the inspired moments of madness.
I FUCKS WITH Woody Harrelson as Cletus Kasady as Karnage!! But god damn, are we even gonna get a sequel and a new universe with this floptastic Venom debut? :cry: Still... most people left too early and didn't see the SECOND trailer: the Enter the SpideyVerse clip they showed too :ohsh: :rockout: HOLY FUCK that looks SPECTACULAR, pun fucking intended, OMGGGG first day viewing, nothing less
Movie felt like a 90's throwback in a "how did this actually get made" impossible way. Like the visuals of the original Spawn with the tonal execution of the original Fantastic Four but with a story that shoulda been as dark as Deadpool... and was NEUTERED, but hilariously.

Cult classic. I hope they make another one. WITH A DIRECTOR THAT ISN'T AN IDIOT. Kevin Feige, DO SOMETHING QUICK :omar: :fail: :owens: :rofl:

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:40 am
by ric
blastmaster wrote:Venom was much better than I thought it would be. Not perfect, but given the contraints that they were in, I don’t think they could have done much better
Basically my thoughts.
Surprised at the quality of acting. And hardy even upped his game to show some interesting character ditties in here

Not a disappointment

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 11:29 am
by blastmaster
Crushing it at the box office too.

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:16 pm
by Mindbender Futurama



I watched the bootleg twice yesterday. VENOM IS THE BEST BAD MOVIE OF THE YEAR, IT'S SO GOOOD

not a drop of blood in it :rofl: and :bunk:

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:46 pm
by Mindbender Futurama
:killacam: :killacam: :killacam: :naswtf: :gyeah:
Sup, you guys dont know me. However few years ago I was the one who posted here on a throw away saying Spider-Man appears in the Civil War Trailer #2 (I told people to remember the word “underoos”
But here's some info: Final Trailer is about 2ish minutes. But it starts with the 10th year logo, which zooms into the screen in logo fashion but it flashes all colors of the stones as it does
Thanos’ voice: “My Destiny is not yet fulfilled...” A shot of a battered Tony, looks as though he’s still on Titan, confused. “Greater threats arise to undo the balance I lost everything to achieve... and I.... will not... be undone” Shot of Banner and Cap with Vision on a table fades in and out... Shot of Quills ship lifting off. Fades. Tony: “Fury was right.” He’s talking to someone out of view in some type of normal house. This MIGHT be Aunt May, he’s glossy eyed, and the dialogue is spoken over the prior screen, not actually what’s he’s saying. “He was right since day 1...” black screen Tony: scene of him in some sort of garage looking place. In front of 3 different suits, they seem pretty normal? None are the one that was leaked, he has the housing unit in his hands. “I’ll do whatever it takes so that never happens again...” black screen Tony in SHIELD gear. He’s walking towards the camera with soldiers behind him. Shot of Antman standing in the Quantum Realm. Cuts to him surrounded by 3 tardigrades. He’s running, then stops at a green portal type thing. Fades to a shot of Scott in street clothes. Gray shirt jeans and a jean jacket.
Scott: “ I think... I might have a way to help.” Not sure who he’s speaking to. Or if this is even the real dialogue lol. Doesn’t look like it matches.
Shot of an empty throne in Wakanda, various shots of Shuri, M’Baku, and Okoye. Black screen
“This was NOT our fight...” Shuri or Okoye couldn’t tell. Screen still black. Shot of Cap standing arms crossed with Rhodey, Rocket and Thor, in a room that looks like it’s still Wakanda.
Cap: “We need to make this right...”
Banner: “Cap we don’t even know where to start... Thanos is gone. He won.” Thor: “Well... then we had better get to work”
Shot panning down slowly of the pager Fury had in someone’s hands. I’m almost 100% certain it’s in Tony’s hands. A shot of Rhodey suiting up very briefly, from the knees up to the crotch area lol, it’s not nanotech, but looks more or less exactly how Starlords mask materializes with a Thor voiceover: “Are you ready for this?”
Rocket: “Well... if I’m not...” pause. Black Fades in to Rocket, music silences: “What more could I lose?” Bifrost shot w/ Thor, War machine, and Rocket. Various shots. Gauntlet, still damaged, being reached for, shot of Nebula (looks like the same place Tony was earlier) , and then shot of Banner. Black screen. Thor: “We need an army to stand against Thanos...” shot of Thanos putting on armor. “Yours is the only one formidable enough to give us a chance...” shot of Thanos wielding a big double edge sword. “So I ask of you...” Various shots of Black Widow, brief shot of Tony’s suit, Caps new chest piece (chainmail!!!) and banner putting on a purple skintight suit and a button up over it In front of a mirror. Fades to Thor, “Will you help us?” More various shots, including a broken gauntlet on the ground as someone (clearly Thanos) is walking away... same aesthetic and scenery as the one when it’s being reached for. (I think he throws it on the ground??) “It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Earth...” Music is getting louder as it crescendos to a shot of Captain Marvels chest panning up to her face. The scenery behind her almost looks like Xandar. Because it can’t be Earth (that would make no sense) but it’s blue skies and clouds outside a window... Captain Marvel: “Let’s go” Shot of her flying towards something angrily, she cocks back a punch, eyes glowing, flames surround her. She punches, then [Title Card] as Avengers theme plays.
However it doesn’t actually have anything, it’s just a blank screen with the music.. Post theme cutaway stinger, Rocket is in a rolling chair looking at a few computer screens, has on this cool ass white bodysuit.
Rhodey: “I’ve seen a lot of crazy things, but a talking Raccoon? (rocket looks up at him from chair) Definitely tops them all...” Rocket, going from Rhodey back to the computer screens sarcastically: “boy if I had a unit* every time I heard that one” cuts to a shot of Thor smiling with an off queue “Ha Ha Ha”. Trailer ends... This is actually a rough cut. There’s a lot of black screens in the midst of all these lasting 1-2 seconds. This trailer is still slated to debut on Nov. 21,28, or December 12th on Good Morning America. I'm not sure of the scheduling situation. Also, official extended trailer #2 for Captain Marvel will arrive right around Christmas.
You guys can drop the “RemindMe”s if ya want. Just like Civil War, I’ll come back to this post once it drops for you guys’ thoughts. Then bye bye to this account. Also I mentioned red skull being in Infinity War, but at the time I didn’t know if it was 100% sure. I just knew some guys working on it that talked about it. Cheers mates!

Re: Marvel MCU thread (civil war spoilers)

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:40 am
by Eyedea
Dark Phoenix is not giving me the hype at all.... I don't like the actress....didn't like her in the GOTR and no fucking way does she even remotly resemble Famke Jansen lol. I love most of the picks for younger versions of the og characters, but this one is a miss...