The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by SYM »

^ Basically the same trailer but the first minute is saturday night drinks at tony's. I dig it.

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Tommy Bunz »

pretty good Joss Whedon interview on IGN ... ove?page=1" onclick=";return false;

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

Jayou Ayen wrote:
The Ivy League Nigga wrote:How do you guys continue to get hyped about this shit? It's just a never-ending stream of sameness. If you ever try to watch any of these movies with even a little bit of objectiveness... they're all so frivolous and non-sensical.
They're about super heroes, bro.
I could see if everyone was poasting like Bender, losing their shit every time some new details emerge.
But that's not what's happening.

:lol: well, it's only seeing the entire Hollywood industry turn into what my childhood dream was, NO BIG DEAL :KANYESHRUG:

If you didn't already know, my first dream in life was to be a comic book illustrator. I was in the theater the very first day when Tim Burton's Batman played, in 1989. I love the Jack Nicholson version in some ways more than then Heath Ledger version of Joker. And I DEFINITELY love Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne over Christian Bale's tepid spin on Gotham's most eligible bachelor. Sons, I fucking saw 'Toxic Avenger' in the theaters, which was another great cult movie that I believed helped spark the Golden Era of Hollywood Comic Book Movies. I also fucking LOVED all the Blade movies, and Wesles Snipes is totally the Black superhero that never got his respect in all this shizz. We are still waiting for a A-PLUS Black superhero movie, even though 'Hancock' was greater than Hollywood ever wanted it to be and Will Smith is slacking on the sequel, and Chadwick Boseman has been chosen to play 'Black Panther' for Marvel. My homie Don Cheadle is gonna keep doing good work as War Machine, and big up to Idris Elba, I hope he gets some expanded action/screen time in 'Thor: Ragnarok'.

I fucks with this shit, doggies.

To call comic book movies "frivolous and non-sensical" is to call comics "frivolous and non-sensical". And if you still believe that is the case, and you have seen "Watchmen"... then I don't know what you are looking for.

Even the dusty relic of "with great power comes great responsibility" cliche has been given a few new spins and twists on the meaning of the concept to the human/hero archetype throughout the Spiderman movies, as well as Green Lantern (which was terribly underrated to me and I hope there is truth to rumors of a Green Lantern sequel that is half dedicated to The Flash as a tie-in towards a Justice League movie) and Man of Steel (which had its moments, and did redeem Clark Kent from the Zack Snyder snoozefest that was Superman Returns).

Comic book movies are the new action movie, deal with it. This is how it will be for the next 10 years, maybe more. It's what Westerns were in the 50's, or Blaxploitation movies were in the 70's. I WOOP WOOPED on the floor like Homer Simpson when I discovered that "Avengers: Infinity War" will be a two-part movie :bunny:

and Benedict Motherfucking Gangster Ass Cumberbatch is gonna play 'Doctor Strange'. How the fuck can anyone expect something "frivolous and non-sensical" from THAT Marvelous idea?! :liljon:

we live in good times. :ignore:
Truth. wrote:Marvels movies keep getting better with every release

Winter Soldier is top 3

holy fuck is 'Cap America: Winter Soldier' a GRRRRREAT mother fucking movie. It actually made me respect Anthony Mackie as an actor. What an awesome supporting role he played. Scar Jo murked her whole shit too, excellence on so many levels. All the combat was PHENOMENAL in that movie as well, really gritty visceral fisticuffs and inventive action sequences abounded. Winter Soldier has to come back in 'Civil War', he was too fucking phenomenal of a villain. The flick spent 3 weeks at #1 cause everyone was like "this is SUPREME G SHIT, nobody can deny it yo". Robert "Heartthrob" Redford played the bad guy in it, cot dammit! If comic book movies were really garbage, these legendary actors wouldn't appear in them, word to Ben Kingsley. :ghostface:
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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by alpha »

Holy wall of text. Winter soldier was awesome but I think GotG was the best Marvel movie so far.

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

GotG was great... but it was like a slick melding of every cliche rag-tag group of bad good guys movie ever made.

Please tell me one new thing GotG did that never happened in any other movie... besides Rocket Raccoon (who was admittedly incredible)

I really enjoyed Guardians... but it was somewhat typical, apart from the universe it created. Plus there's NO WAY Starlord can float in space without a suit on and live :wtf:
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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by drizzle »

lol at you critiquing gotg for unoriginality after praising cap2, which collects every trope from every spy movie ever under one roof and puts a cape on it

the truth is that there really isn't much that hasn't been done in action movies by now, literally EVERYTHING is derivative, especially in terms of plots. every once in a while somebody manages to up the ante on choreography/staging or cinematography or pacing, but the reasons for having these people shoot/kick/car chase each other remain mostly the same.

neither cap2 nor gotg upped the ante in any significant way in neither plotting nor the creation of action. but gotg managed to capture the same spirit of adventure that has marked the best big-budget action/adventure movies going back to the 80s. i got the same vibes for it as i did from indiana jones and star wars and willow and etc... not saying it's as good as those, but it feels like it's from the same ballpark. and that's why it's the best marvel movie imo. cap2 is undoubtedly one of the best entries in the mcu but it didn't hit the same high point. - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Cash Rulz »

Nigga did you just say Willow????

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by drizzle »

willow is a top 10 action/adventure jawnt from the 80s. i admit that it sounds odd along side indiana jones and star wars, it's nowhere near as iconic as them in terms of pop culture canon but i'd argue it's on the same tier of quality - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

drizzle wrote:lol at you critiquing gotg for unoriginality after praising cap2, which collects every trope from every spy movie ever under one roof and puts a cape on it

the truth is that there really isn't much that hasn't been done in action movies by now, literally EVERYTHING is derivative, especially in terms of plots. every once in a while somebody manages to up the ante on choreography/staging or cinematography or pacing, but the reasons for having these people shoot/kick/car chase each other remain mostly the same.

neither cap2 nor gotg upped the ante in any significant way in neither plotting nor the creation of action. but gotg managed to capture the same spirit of adventure that has marked the best big-budget action/adventure movies going back to the 80s. i got the same vibes for it as i did from indiana jones and star wars and willow and etc... not saying it's as good as those, but it feels like it's from the same ballpark. and that's why it's the best marvel movie imo. cap2 is undoubtedly one of the best entries in the mcu but it didn't hit the same high point.
i disagree and agree, but mostly disagree.
GotG did happen to make a movie that felt like a new universe was being created, and it was fun like an 80's fantasy realm movie, not like a 2000's era shitty pre-packaged TV-to-big-screen cartoon franchise, sure. But it still followed a formula like Han Solo/Millenium Falcon/Star Wars, and such. It was colorful and brought lots of new concepts to the screen, but it stuck to the script and didn't have ANY plot twists in it. The only one it had, was that the team almost fell apart before the climax, which is meh. Nobody even died. Groot will be back bigger and better than ever next time, no ChiaGroot for you, drizzie

I salute Cap Amurrica Winter Soldier so much more because it TOTALLY switched gears from the tone and style of its original. The way it transported the 1940's First Avenger action into the new world, and seamlessly merged the 21st century with the tone of a spy movie from the 70's and even got a Manchurian Candidate-level blue chip actor like Robert Redford to play the surprise wild card. You say it was typical? What's typical about making Captain America essentially THE VILLAIN to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agency?? He has to fight against everyone that made him what he is, as well as stopping an Illuminati-level plot to assassinate thousands of people at once by an array of hovering gunships that target anyone they deem a threat? FUCKING AWESOME. Hydra infiltrates SHIELD in perfect comic book fashion and makes Winter Soldier a magnificent killing addition to an already unpredictable movie. Nick Fury gets gatted up in the first 30 minutes, dawg. This movie took some tropes from past action/espionage films, but the final result was truly unpredictable most of the way to the end, right up until "I'm with you til the end of the line", then it's heroic soldier/comrade cliche time all over again. But still: the Captain America sequel that came out the blender was more powerful than damn near any action movie in the last decade for me.

Falcon needs adamantium wings though :gyeah: and yeah, Willow was dope. Hilarious that you reference it. Why don't you just go and big up The Secret of Nimh and the Dark Crystal while you're at it... AND DON'T FORGET 'KRULL' :rofl:
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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by drizzle »

are you serious? you've never seen a spy movie where the protagonist is set up too look like a bad guy to his own people? you've never seen a spy movie where the agency itself turns out to be the bad guy? you couldn't tell from his very first scene that Redford would turn out to be a villain? you've never seen a superhero movie where the protagonist has to save millions of lives from some airborne threat?

all that spy stuff is very very common to the genre, nearly cliche. the only novelty is putting into the context of the MCU, which was a sweet move and paid off well and makes it stand out from teh rest... but still doesn't make any of it particularly original. variations of all that happen in bond movies, bourne movies, tons of other actiony outings AND the kinds of spy movies where the protagonists are more dusty librarians than brawny badasses. that kind of uncertainty of allegiances is literally the main thematic backbone of the genre. it's almost a chicken/egg relationship because you have to put stuff like this in the story to even make it resemble a spy movie in the first place.

and the whole 'it's raining death from above' thing is one of the most common and by now frustratingly lame 3rd act set pieces in modern blockbusters. even gotg wasn't immune from it, that's one of my main criticisms of it actually. - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

yeah, i'm saying they never did it in any of the Marvel movies. and to make a SPY movie out of a COMIC BOOK MOVIE shows potential for the genre that I don't think anyone expected, and shows that comic book movies don't all have to be pseudo-copies of Spiderman or Iron Man. And I suspected Robert Redford was the villain, but I was too busy looking for more fight sequences like on the highway overpass, that shit got me AMPED when Steve Rogers got blasted through the bus by the rocket launcher missile, lol

and yeah, I agree with the criticism of the unstoppable wave of death type finale... there needs to be other types of catastrophe
that Nova shield wall at the end of GotG was dope though, I like that concept of unified protection they tried, but there needs to be evolution of the idea. I like the finale of Winter Soldier because not only did all those global gunships go down, but the whole fucking SHIELD Agency went down with it, so you KNOW the next movie will have to move in a totally fresh direction.

still, these fuckers need to gamble on this shit, and break up the sequencing, the suffering and the settings. we can do more with the genre :ohhh:
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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by chapter thrive »

Well it looks like they're trying to expand the genre types with Antman even further

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Cash Rulz »

1. Willow was dope.
2. Still didn't expect Willow to come up in this thread.
3. I'm cool with Willow coming up in this thread.

I honestly like Cap2 better for similar reasons as MB. But I'm not gonna throw any originality praise upon it. GoTG was enjoyable for the same reason Avengers was enjoyable. Witty banter between the protagonists. Cap2 was good because of the serious nature and more violence in the movie. They're very different to me and even tho' they're part of the same universe, they're very different movies.

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by 907 »

Cap 2 almost reminded me of a Bourne flick, but with superheroes. Not a knock, I liked it a lot.
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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Combo7 »

Mindbender Futurama wrote:yeah, i'm saying they never did it in any of the Marvel movies. and to make a SPY movie out of a COMIC BOOK MOVIE shows potential for the genre that I don't think anyone expected, and shows that comic book movies don't all have to be pseudo-copies of Spiderman or Iron Man.... blah blah blah

Most of the Marvel movies have demonstrated this. The Hulk was a misunderstood monster movie, Thor was a fish-out-of-water story, Cap 1 was a plucky sci-war/WWII hybrid, Thor 2 was straight up fantasy adventure, Cap 2 was a spy/espionage movie, GotG was a sort of cowboy space opera comedy. Ant-Man will reportedly be a heist film. Part of the reason people aren't getting fatigued from all these Marvel flicks is because they're constantly playing around with and mixing genres and plot devices. Cap 2 isn't special in that regard.

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

Combo7 wrote:
Mindbender Futurama wrote:yeah, i'm saying they never did it in any of the Marvel movies. and to make a SPY movie out of a COMIC BOOK MOVIE shows potential for the genre that I don't think anyone expected, and shows that comic book movies don't all have to be pseudo-copies of Spiderman or Iron Man.... blah blah blah

Most of the Marvel movies have demonstrated this. The Hulk was a misunderstood monster movie, Thor was a fish-out-of-water story, Cap 1 was a plucky sci-war/WWII hybrid, Thor 2 was straight up fantasy adventure, Cap 2 was a spy/espionage movie, GotG was a sort of cowboy space opera comedy. Ant-Man will reportedly be a heist film. Part of the reason people aren't getting fatigued from all these Marvel flicks is because they're constantly playing around with and mixing genres and plot devices. Cap 2 isn't special in that regard.
I think you're being more retroactively revisionist in your descriptions of the movies. I loved all the Marvel movies mentioned, but both Hulks were pretty typical Hulk movies (he hides, then is discovered, then wrecks shit, plus some origin story mixed in), Thor was awesome but pretty standard as far as multi-dimensional space epic operas go (except for Loki's twists, they both were basic action movies, the second one definitely more flimsy plot-wise than my heart will admit), Guardians of the Galaxy is not really different than any other rag-tag group of good bad guys & girls fighting to save the galaxy/universe, and Captain America One was a period piece action movie that actually was a bit more of a failure than Marvel wanted, but it was necessary for what the story was, as well as transitioning excellently into the modern era, plus bringing in the Tessaract. And to me, Captain America 2 was the one where they REALLY did a major tone switch to espionage thriller and pseudo-mystery with Winter Soldier. But that's just me :kanyeshrug: :lol:

that's good news to hear about Ant-man, bruh :cheers:
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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

Hulkbuster Iron Man vs. Hulk = jizzzzzzzzzzzz

Ultron grabbing Cap America :ohsh:

gonna be :copy:
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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by illuminati_guy »

i wanna see vision already

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Mindbender Futurama »

wait for it

also, Loki is in this, which is awesome cause he will be a wild card
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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by illuminati_guy »

first look at visions face

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by The Afronaut »

Trailer is pretty off the chain. Already planting seeds for phase 3.

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by drizzle »

twitch wasn't feeling it ... asset.html" onclick=";return false; - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by illuminati_guy »

I was feeling it. Didn't top gotg as best marvel flick to date, but really good. Good action and lot of it, funny moments. Avengers were better as a team, i loved the chemistry. Ultron was great, best villain so far imo. Vision was cool. Maximoff twins were cool, i like how they did wandas powers and pietro is better compared to x-men version. Nice way to build up at least 4 future marvel flick

There is mid credit scene, NO after credit, the leaked spidey one is fake

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Y@k Bollocks »

Took my nephew to see it yesterday. These films are all starting to blend into one for me, but I was feeling it. Great action sequences, slick effects, couple of nice cameos (was digging Andy Serkis) - what more do you want from a film like this?

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by Tommy Bunz »

this is pretty awesome

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by ChaMerZ »

So it looks like this is out ... I will try my hardest to watch it this weekend. Preferrably in 3D." onclick=";return false;

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by GRiMEANDLiME »

it was okay.... the hulk and black widow romance was tiresome, it was way too long at 147 odd minutes, and once you've seen someone get punched/fly through a wall/get hit by masonary about 500 times, the effects get a bit samey. oh and russians in tracksuits, christ. bleach blonde too. i guess they were the scarlet witch and quicksilver right? didn't think scarlet witch was russian though

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Re: The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Post by ric »

fucking sick movie. they throw a lot of shit at you but the way they flipped it was dope. most of the shit is sweet.
problem is the newbies don't have a ton of charisma working for them. they say the avengers will be back but I'm not sure how much I will care especially since vision is by all rights like totally a separate thing here. I can understand how they would want to showcase everyone even in an abundance of characters but vision wears a fucking infinity stone for fuck sake. the domination or transcendence should go beyond some wise words or a 'wise' perspective (but don't get me wrong they sorely need that kind of thing for what this shit is and will become and I get that) for wearing an infinity stone vision is remarkably underwhelming but the character potential is fucking insane so in all in all I'm pretty pumped to see what comes out of it.

also them doing Thor coming in after the lsd bath is too gimmicky in an otherwise awesome movie. and is really the only thing here that deserves hate. they have to really do some soul searching to decide if they want to illuminate what's going on there and then walk the finest fucking line with how they do it.
also my biggest concern at this point is that shit is growing too many tentacles. I like the way that they are connecting things (like how the search for the staff drove the first part of the movie but which is suboptimal basis in my opinion but whatever ok) but are avengers taking back seat? does that really make sense?

I am going to have to watch this shit again though because they throw soooooooo much shit at you in this one and there's so much stuff that is implicated

@twitch review
what this review fails to realize is the way that the characters are created and postured does not necessitate the usual program of development. this a totally different framework. I don't cry for the hulk because his personal story arc is affecting I cry because all the stuff the hulk represents and experiences touches me deeply and how they treat his story connects me on the merits of what the metaphor arc suggests and posits about those things and the world value that surrounds them. and you're goddamn right I cry for the hulk. he is a living case of emotional distress and he deserves love. the characters place is totally different than the usual program because they aren't fucking human beings they are the naked combination of these packaged ideas. that's the point of their powers backgrounds etc. and that's the framework here. this is isn't saving private ryan

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