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Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:05 pm
by LilLeftBrain
Paradise Lost Trilogy -- watched all three of these over the past two nights. had always thought about wanting to watch them, but damien was on ron and fez the other day and that served as a nice reason to finally get this going. man oh man on man oh man. just terrifying, baffling, intriguing in every way. the access they were given in the first one is redick. nearly everything byers was performing in all three was beyond. very stoked for the peter jackson produced jawn coming out.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:07 pm
by drizzle
Spartan wrote:I am watching right now Female Vampire and Lina Romay is fellating a bed post.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:49 am
by Spartan
Female Vampire (aka Bare Breasted Countess, 1973)

Watched both available cuts of the film available on the new Redemption release, Female Vampire is the soft-porn 100 min version and Erotikill is the 70 minute alternate cut. I preferred the Erotikill version as it didn't drag on and on with unfocused close-ups of Lina Romay's hairy bush or her humping a bed. Romay plays Irina Karlstein, a mute vampire who returns to her island home in sunny Madeira, where she gives killer blow-jobs to douche bag looking guys. Pervy midget Franco, is in a Quincy role, an investigative coroner who quickly believes that young men are being sucked of their blood and semen by a vampire. Treading the fine line of art-house film and badly shot soft-porn, I kinda dug this film. Romay bumps into a camera in the opening intro, but she quickly improves and impressively balances the sad fragility of her character with a voracious sexual appetite. Wasn't great but I liked it.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:50 am
by Comedy Quaddafi
Spartan wrote:Don't let this thread die!


Event Horizon (1997) - Sci-fi thriller about an interdimensional spaceship floating around in space. Apparently the ship is alive. And evil. It's a bit cheesy to be honest, but the movie is entertaining enough. It also helps that Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne have a lot of screenprescence and handle their roles well. The film is okay.


Daighters of Darkness (1971) - Very stylish vampire-psychodrama with a lot going for it. A lot of horrorfans will probably find it boring as little happens. What matters to me is how stunning this movie looks though, and the almost surreal, very distinct 70's Euro-feeling the movies has. This is one of the very best vampire movies I've seen, but it's not for everyone.


Halloween II (1981) - This is a very worthy and admirable follow-up to Carpenter's classic. It also has a lot of funny moments and memorable characters, which is important for a slasher of this kind.


The Ambassador (2012) - Danish journalist Mads Brügger made what is likely to be the best documentary of the year. He illegally obtains fake diplomat-papers and tries, succesfully, to make himself a part of the African diamondtrade - while posing as an entrepeneur looking to establish a factory for matches with the intent of empowering the local community. He could have been killed at the blink of an eye so you have to admire the effort. Everyone should see this movie.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:19 pm
by Rabbi Jihadovich
Comedy Quaddafi wrote:


The Ambassador (2012) - Danish journalist Mads Brügger made what is likely to be the best documentary of the year. He illegally obtains fake diplomat-papers and tries, succesfully, to make himself a part of the African diamondtrade - while posing as an entrepeneur looking to establish a factory for matches with the intent of empowering the local community. He could have been killed at the blink of an eye so you have to admire the effort. Everyone should see this movie.
Dope, Netflix instant has this. Think i might watch this tonight.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 4:42 am
by Spartan
Excision (2012)

One of the best movies of the year for me and I'm going to leave it at that.

Chernobyl Diaries (2012)

Great concept but as expected, it was terribly predictable and mediocre. Wasted potential.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:16 am
by LameAim
Spartan wrote: Chernobyl Diaries (2012)

Great concept but as expected, it was terribly predictable and mediocre. Wasted potential.
How is the music/sound design on this? Only part I'm really interested in. I follow Diego Stocco's videos on Youtube, he's a talented guy.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:11 am
by Spartan
Didn't notice any soundtrack other than during the end titles, one of which was probably Stocco and the other - some obnoxiously loud nu-metal type song.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:24 am
by Spartan
Father's Day (2011)

A lot of hilarious scenes in this bonkers film, but yeah, the man rape, incest and genital mutilation scenes, completely guarantee this will never be watched again.

Lovely Molly (2012)

Pretty decent film about a young woman with a troubled past moving back to her old family home with her new husband. The film drags quite a bit but the second half becomes more rewarding by notching up the pacing and plot details. Quite an ambiguous film for much of it's running time, as it's open to the viewer's interpretation of what's causing Molly's self destructive decent, until you reach the very last scene in the film of course.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:51 pm
by Random Sample
I have been sick and watched some movies that I have had on queue.

The Watch - I had heard bad things about this, but I ended up watching it anyway. It wasn't that great, but I had a few laughs.

That's My Boy - Thought it was going to be a piece of shit, and it was pretty good actually. I laughed a lot.

V\H\S - Found footage style of movie. Watched it because Ti West directed one of the parts in it, and I am a fan of his. I liked the movie.

Cabin Fever 2 - Only watched it because Ti West was a part of the movie. It wasn't that great, but I like his style of horror movies.

I know I watched a couple more, but I can't remember.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:10 am
by Spartan
Last Caress (2010)

Bloody violence, T&A, homages to Bava, Argento, Fulci and Ken fucking Russell - I loved it. The bad acting and the weak as fuck paper-thin plot really weren't a problem for me at all as I found the visuals appealing as hell, in fact, they reminded me of the classy feeling you get when watching anything on the majestic bork porn label, Private, but without the threesomes and anals. DoubleDragon's score was great and Refn should be hitting these fellas up if he knows what's good for him. My only problem with this film was the fact that it was too short at only around 70 minutes long. Neither this nor the film makers' other film, Blackaria, are fucking with Amer, but this shit was still fucking great. Fuck the haters!

Trailer is highly NSFW:

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:00 am
by Comedy Quaddafi
Which of their two films is better? I'm very interested


Harry Brown (2009) - An evil and fascist film, according to people who know a whole lot, but know nothing about film. Michael Caine is excellent as the aging vigilante yearning to clean the scum of off the meltingpot. It works very well as a humorless genrefilm and never compromises on it's own ambition. The ending did seem very divisive because of a perceived moral bankruptcy... but I'll leave it to the so called humanists who wall themselves up far away from real problems in the real world to demonize that.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:18 am
by Spartan
Comedy Quaddafi wrote:Which of their two films is better? I'm very interested
I need to watch my new copy of Blackaria that has English subs before I can fairly call it. It's not dialogue heavy and would probably make no real difference in my overall opinion of it, but it would be the right thing to do. Despite what little dialogue (and no English subs) I got the impression Blackaria had more of a familiar revenge giallo plot. In all honesty, they're wholly low-budget movies that serve as homages to the visual spectacle identifiable in gialli and old school Italian horror movies - superficially speaking, they look great, despite their obvious limitations and lack of substance.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:53 pm
by RacquetballGangsta
oh so i volunteered at afi film fest a couple weeks back..saw some good scandinavian flicks.

Huge fan of The Hunter. Mads Mikkelsen. by the cat that directed The Celebration. see it.
Kon Tiki was also good.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:54 pm
by T Rav
Klown (2010)(Denmark)
In order to prove his fatherhood potential to his pregnant girlfriend, Frank 'kidnaps' her 12-year-old nephew and tags along on his best friend Casper's debauched weekend canoe trip.
It was way funnier than I expected. An eyeball is accidently jizzed in, a butthole is fingered, and man flirting is used to solve problems. It's on Netflix. I think this is a better movie version of the Inbetweeners.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:35 pm
by blastmaster
T Rav wrote:Klown (2010)(Denmark)
In order to prove his fatherhood potential to his pregnant girlfriend, Frank 'kidnaps' her 12-year-old nephew and tags along on his best friend Casper's debauched weekend canoe trip.
It was way funnier than I expected. An eyeball is accidently jizzed in, a butthole is fingered, and man flirting is used to solve problems. It's on Netflix. I think this is a better movie version of the Inbetweeners.
One of the funniest movies I've seen in a while.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:46 pm
by tehgiftofgab
thought thats my boy was surprisingly hilarious, never though id say this in a sentence but, vanilla ice killed it lol

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:21 pm
by Comedy Quaddafi
The Klovn tv-show is even funnier IMO. ... 258&sr=8-2

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:32 pm
by T Rav
Thanks for the heads up, CQ. I'm gonna try to check it out.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:27 pm
by bbatson1

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:44 am
by LilLeftBrain
moonrise kingdom is far and away the shittest wes anderson i've ever watched (skipped darjeeling & the fox family fun movie). was enjoying admiring the scenery for about the first fifteen minutes then it all got too grating to bear

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:30 pm
by T Rav
LLB, watch the fox family fun movie. It's worth it.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:09 pm
by Comedy Quaddafi

Sin Nombre (2009) - A movie of two different stores and themes that collide. We follow a member of an MS13 gang in Honduras and a girl who wants to go to America. Much of the movie has an urgency and will keep your attention all the way through. I'm a bit unsure about a few of the plotdevelopments but as an action-epic it works very well.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:38 am
by bbatson1
Comedy Quaddafi wrote:Image

Sin Nombre (2009) - A movie of two different stores and themes that collide. We follow a member of an MS13 gang in Honduras and a girl who wants to go to America. Much of the movie has an urgency and will keep your attention all the way through. I'm a bit unsure about a few of the plotdevelopments but as an action-epic it works very well.

movie is dope but the girl is so stupid she gets a bit annoying to the viewer.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:17 pm
by drizzle
Savages - A strong candidate for the worst movie i've ever seen. I couldn't even believe how bad it was, considering it was made by Oliver Stone. It's not even really redeemable in the 'so bad it's good' way, aside from a handful moments of sublimely absurd stupidity. Just awful.

Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow - I defended this movie when it first came out and I'll still stick by it today after finding a copy for a dollar in the used bin. It's nowhere near as bad as it was made out to be. The only serious flaw is Jude Law in the lead, the dude is just not selling the role. Otherwise they nailed the look of retro-futuristic stuff and the feel of the old serials, there's lots of action and the pace is fast enough to make up for the slow moments, and the plot is stupid in exactly the same ways that the old stuff they're paying homage to is stupid. It's just an entertaining live action cartoon, and it doesn't need to be anything more than that.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:24 pm
by LilLeftBrain
safety not guaranteed -- expected to be annoyed by this, despite liking similar type movies in the past, but in a welcome, surprising twist, this was real real good. duplass dude may not have been the best fit for the main role, but whatevs it worked. two thumbs in the air!

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:33 am
by Tommy Bunz
Quick thoughts on a ton of stuff I've watched and never wrote about:

Prometheus (Ridley Scott, 2012) - Watched this again last night, wanted to see how it held up at home compared to the theaters and I gotta say it's a much much better film the second time around. I was one of those people who really enjoyed it in the theaters but felt it had some issues, I think with my expectations in check and a better understanding of what's coming you can see just how finely crafted this movie is. The plot is actually explained much more than you can take in on one sitting. The whole cast is great, especially Fassbender who is brilliant (his character's obsession with Lawrence of Arabia really appeals to my inner film nerd) and Noomi Rapace is a great homage to Ripley. Best sci-fi movie of the past decade possibly.

Count Yorga, Vampire (Bob Kelljan, 1970) - For some reason I was sure this was the vampire movie that was the origin of the "you have now been infected with space herpes" meme that Reggie used to spam the boards with. I was disappointed it wasn't but once I got over it I realized this is an excellent movie in its own right.

Letter Never Sent (Mikhail Kalatozov, 1959) - Awesome Russian film about a group of geologists looking for diamonds in remote Siberia who soon get trapped in a massive forest fire and have to desparately traverse the brutal wildnerness to survive. Beautifully shot and some of the most stunning photography I've seen captured on film, the Soviets didn't have the luxury of special effects so they are filming inside of seriously dangerous/actually fully burning forrests....the whole shit is batshit insane to watch, burning trees falling within kiling distance of the actors and whatnot. Mesmerizing film, one of the reasons I love Criterion so much is that they unearth gems like this that I never heard of.

Dora-Heita (Kon Ichikawa, 2000) - aka Alley Cat. This has a bit of a reputation as a disappointment, considering it was written by four of the greatest Japanese directors in Kurosawa, Ichikawa, Keisuke Kinoshita and Masaki Kobayashi in the late 60's but not filmed until 30 years later. Personally I loved the shit out of it, great mix of humor and action all wrapped up in a web of deceit and plot twists.

The Town That Was (Chris Perkel & Georgie Roland, 2007) - Had to watch this when I discovered this, it's a documentary on Centralia, location of the never-occured :phila: meet and the old coal town in PA that caught on fire and had to be abandoned and the coal veins are still burning underneath it to this day. Decent.

Sunflower (Vittorio De Sica, 1970) - One of the many collaborations between one of the sexiest woman ever to grace this earth, Sophia Loren, and one of the greatest Italian directors. This is more serious than a lot of their films, about a woman who's husband is missing in action in Russia during WWII and her desparate search to find him. Excellent.

Dark Shadows (Tim Burton, 2012) - Call me crazy but I enjoyed this quite a bit. The trailers made it look a lot like it was Addams Family Lite, but it has a lot more going for it than that. Really fun cast, everyone rises to the occasion quite well, Eva Green so hot she was making me rise to the occassion on a personal level. Good fun, way better than Burton's last 3 live-action movies.

Hugo (Martin Scorcese, 2011) - Loved this, was kicking my ass for not going to see it in 3d in the theaters. Shit is film nerd heaven. Beautiful, impeccably crafted love song to movies, surprisingly carried by competent child actors with great support from Kingsley, the gawd Christopher Lee, and Sacha Baron Cohen in a probably his best acting performance yet, which is a perfect throwback to the physical slapstick of the greats from the silent era like Keaton and Chaplin.

The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi (Takeshi Kitano, 2003) - Fuck this fucking movie. Kitano's version of the legendary character is similar in two ways: his name and he's blind. That's it. All of the humor that defined the character is gone and instead of fighing mostly out of defense, here Ichi is attacking people for no fucking reason...there's really no connection at all to the Katsu character at all. Plus Kitano's swordplay game is weak as fuck and and the fights are poor, boring and filled with awful low-budget CGI blood. Did I mention there's fucking dance numbers? Only good part of the entire movie is the fat retard who runs around swinging his sword in his underpants from time to time.

John Carter (Andrew Stanton, 2012) - Also not nearly as bad as its rep. Quite fun, mindless entertainment. Riggins does a good job with what he was given, all the big budget scenery looks great, plus you get Willem Dafoe as a giant lizard thing and McNulty as a villain. Also has the best alien-dog hybrid since the big-mouthed bitey dog from Dark Crystal.

Milano Calibro 9 (Fernando Di Leo, 1972) - Finally started getting into this Di Leo set. This was soo damn good.

Scream 4 (Wes Craven, 2011) - Fun addition to the series. Craven has an eye for young ladies, he got a ton of my favorites in here. All the meta-meta shit got a bit silly to me, but I guess that was kind of the point.

Galaxy of Terror (Bruce D. Clark, 1981) - Even though I knew about the giant maggot rape scene going into this, actually seeing it was still shocking to me, like "wow, that giant maggot is really raping the shit out of that girl".

Freebie & The Bean (Richard Rush, 1974) - Drizzle was 100% right on about this, one of the most criminally underrated buddy cop films of all time. Alan Aarkin and James Caan play off each other so well, understated comedic tour-de-force shit and just loaded with tons of great dialogue.

30 Minutes or Less (Ruben Fleischer, 2011) - Meh. Short and filled with a few funny moments but ultimately forgettable.

Trick 'r Treat (Michael Dougherty, 2007) - Pretty solid portmanteau, very much enjoyed.

Island of Lost Souls (Erle C. Kenton, 1932) - So good, Charles Laughton seems to be having a ton of fun in the evil Dr. Moreau role. For as old as it is, the human/animal hybrid costumes are pretty fucking amazing looking.

White Heat (Raoul Walsh, 1949) - Seen it before obv, but still one of the best gangster movies ever made and probably in my top 50 all time. I made it Ma! Top of the world!

ton of more stuff i need to write about, will try to do more later.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:29 pm
by drizzle
lol i'm actually a big fan of Kitano's Zatoichi, albeit I never sat through the dance sequence in the end. it's not THAT far from Katsu's version



I only really know Winner from his illustrious run of Bronson movies, it was a nice surprise to see something more nuanced from him. He tries a nifty thing here, to get both sides of the Cold War Spy genre under one roof. So you get some character driven morally-ambiguous intrigue ala Le Carre mixed in with the kind of action prevalent in simpler more linear spy vs spy thrillers. Shadowy figures with unclear motives eye each other suspiciously, plot nefarious schemes and occasionally shoot and chase each other. And it mostly works, Winner's direction is on point and the two leads act well enough to sell the drama and punch hard enough to make the physical moments convincing. Unfortunately the movie stumbles in the end, just short of achieving minor classic status. The plot becomes too twisty and tangles up in its own strings, and the resolution is a little too obscure and shadowy to be completely satisfying. Still, the movie gets more than enough right to be worthwhile. 70s movies generally embraced fatalism and the movie has a dark tone, so you kinda know where it's going anyway. The fun is in watching it all unfold, trying to figure out who is playing who.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:30 am
by Y@k Bollocks

Brilliant. Funniest film i've seen all year. Ben Wheatley (Kill List) directs, but a lot of it is scripted/improvised by Alice Lowe and Steve Oram. Extremely dark and gruesome in places - bit like Nuts In May meets Dead Mans Shoes. A must see.

Re: What movie did you watch today?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:05 am
by Tommy Bunz
^^^ That's good to hear, been looking forward to that one. The trailer was hilarious.
drizzle wrote:lol i'm actually a big fan of Kitano's Zatoichi, albeit I never sat through the dance sequence in the end. it's not THAT far from Katsu's version
I don't know, maybe I'm too close to the forest a bit, but it was just way off to me. Out of everything I've gotten out of being a CYE regular over the years, the Zatoichi series is pretty easily my favorite thing that I've been put onto by the forum. They're almost comfort food in a way, love them dearly and Katsu just embodies the role so perfectly. Kitano's version is just so completely devoid of personality that I couldn't stand it.

On a random note, I couldn't sleep last night so I put on some random Samurai Jack episodes and came across one that is a clear Hayao Miyazaki homage, with Jack being accompanied by a Totoro clone on a quest to locate the "crystal of Cagliostro". Was fucking brilliant, can't believe I hadn't seen it before.