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Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:09 am
by chapter thrive
Agree with everyone here. I need to go watch it again.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 12:41 pm
by Truth.
I need to watch it again not in 3D

There was a few cool 3D moments but otherwise i think it diminished the experience a tad for me

Still an amazing movie

The score actually being played by people during the action was so dope

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:32 pm
by Tommy Bunz
Yup, I couldn't take it and caught a matinee instead of eating lunch. Best decision ever.
Believe the hype, one of the best action movies ever made. Might be the first time I ever go back and see a movie in the theater twice. Need to see this on IMAX so bad.
So many great action sequences to name, so many creative twists added to the chase throughout, insane visuals and stuntwork. I especially loved the sequence verses the dirtbikes in the canyon.
And that one death/payoff at the end was so gruesome I cackled with joy.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:34 pm
by drizzle
Is there an imax version of this that isn't 3d?

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 3:32 pm
by Ramen
was going to rewatch avengers since I fell asleep, but fuck it headed to the 1045am show.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 5:40 pm
by None
Thankfully, I was able to catch a matinee, non-3D showing. Movie is fucking great. The opening 20 minutes is like the final 20 minutes of other action flicks.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:20 pm
by Ramen
holy fuck. going back like 10 times at least.

5 mics.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 4:15 pm
by Ramen

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 3:49 am
by jamrage
What a great action movie, this shit blows Avengers out of the water. Nothing is beating it this summer.

This is an absolutely incredible piece of filmmaking. The stunts are next level, and the art direction made me want to piss my pants. So much fun virtually from start to finish, I really wish I'd made this movie. Beautifully shot (the blue scenes bros), and with so much going on it's a sensory overload. Whoever designed the vehicles deserves a Nobel Prize. Some really subtle call backs to the first films which was fun but didn't have the characters winking at the camera. Blowtorch guitar like woah. Zoe Kravitz is absolutely in my top 5 after this film. Loved all the badass women in this, Theron dominated the movie start to finish. It's a shame she and Hardy didn't get along during the shooting because I'd like to see them together again.

It's difficult to find anything wrong with this film. The only thing I'll say is that I wish it had done a little bit more with Max, and his flashbacks were a bit heavy handed and off putting at times. The war boy switching sides all of a sudden was a reach, but whatever. It took me a few minutes at the beginning to really get on board, but once Furiosa leaves the Citadel it's game on for an hour and 45 minutes. That's all I got.

I really hope this movie does a lot more business after all the great word of mouth circulates. Saw this on Imax and very glad I did. Will watch in the theater again.

9 outta 10

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 10:19 am
by darkwingduck
id like to add that its the best movie ever made or will be made. No reason to see anything else for the rest of our lives.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 1:45 pm
by drizzle
jamrage wrote: his flashbacks were a bit heavy handed and off putting at times....It took me a few minutes at the beginning to really get on board
yea that was the only real negative for me, the narration in the beginning was a little much and for a split second I was a little worried, but as soon as the action started up it was fine. overall, as an obligatory piece of exposition to get people caught up on the world of the franchise it's pretty harmless.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:45 pm
by Comedy Quaddafi
It's probably the best blockbuster/franchisefilm since The Dark Knight, I think.

8/10 is about right. But there hasn't been a good film like this in ordinary theaters for years, so I agree that this one is something to be excited about.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 4:27 pm
by The Road
3rd viewing today. shit keeps getting better. so many details to discover. went from 9/10 to 10/10 for me.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 5:32 pm
by capable_keL
i had my fist clenched for about 45 minutes and didn't even realize it

shit was almost TOO intense

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 6:28 pm
by drizzle
Been thinking of the guitar player and the drums on the convoy A LOT and there may be layers to this shit:

- Great site gag obviously

- Possibly an oblique reference to Road Warrior as Thomas mentioned

- The drums/guitar are probably not just ornamental, Miller is waaaay to detail oriented in his world building to just toss them in without a purpose. They're likely inspired by how drums are used on war galleys (or on battle fields in general) in historical movies - they're meant to spur on the army into action, motivate the soldiers, keep pace, etc...

- The guitar and drums actually play the score of the movie as the action scenes unfold. Which is just a neat movie move and adds a meta dimension to the viewing experience because the score is meant to essentially do the same for the viewer as it does for the army on screen, to rile us up as the action gets going.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 6:28 pm
by drizzle


Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:17 pm
by ric
saw this the other day. shit is unexpectedly really sweet.
can someone translate and explain what's going on on his back? I couldn't really make it out and I still can't really

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 12:13 am
by jamrage
Miller has said the guitar player is their version of a little drummer boy, just apocalypsed the fuck out.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 1:55 am
by alpha
did I read it right that film has been done for over a year before they released it?

great great film. Just finished and want to watch it again.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 10:53 am
by Ned Ryerson ... -fury-road
And the guitar really shot flames?
Yeah, it was gas and it was controlled by the whammy bar.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 11:05 am
by darkwingduck
drizzle wrote:- The drums/guitar are probably not just ornamental, Miller is waaaay to detail oriented in his world building to just toss them in without a purpose. They're likely inspired by how drums are used on war galleys (or on battle fields in general) in historical movies - they're meant to spur on the army into action, motivate the soldiers, keep pace, etc...
Instantly thought of Apocalypse Now with the Heuy helicopter playing "Ride Of The Valkyries" over loud speakers.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 12:26 pm
by drizzle
darkwingduck wrote:
drizzle wrote:- The drums/guitar are probably not just ornamental, Miller is waaaay to detail oriented in his world building to just toss them in without a purpose. They're likely inspired by how drums are used on war galleys (or on battle fields in general) in historical movies - they're meant to spur on the army into action, motivate the soldiers, keep pace, etc...
Instantly thought of Apocalypse Now with the Heuy helicopter playing "Ride Of The Valkyries" over loud speakers.
:ohsh: :ohsh: :ohsh: :ohsh: :ohsh: :bow:

didn't occur to me but so so money

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 2:05 pm
by Ramen
seen a theory online that Max is the grunting kid from Road Warrior.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 3:05 pm
by Guun
Probably going to see this tonight.. Should I 3D or not 3D?

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 6:41 pm
by ric
I think the movie is sweet.
but it's not as good as most people are saying.
just my two cents.
people are talking about it like it's flawless and perfect. it's really sweet but it's not. there's all kinds of suboptimal stuff

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 9:02 pm
by jredd109
Ramen wrote:seen a theory online that Max is the grunting kid from Road Warrior.

interesting if true

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 11:28 pm
by Combo7
Absolutely floored me. Left me feeling the same way I felt after seeing Gravity. This is why you go to the movies.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 12:17 am
by Blockhead
Man, what a piece of shit this movie was.
Just kidding. It was awesome.

unrelated, All the war boys looked like the lead singer of Midnight oil and the little midget gremlin guy reminded me of Action bronson.

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 6:41 pm
by jamrage
ric wrote:I think the movie is sweet.
but it's not as good as most people are saying.
just my two cents.
people are talking about it like it's flawless and perfect. it's really sweet but it's not. there's all kinds of suboptimal stuff
Do tell. :omar:

Re: Mad Max remake

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 2:58 am
by ric
they did a lot of stuff very well like showing not telling in a world (and with characters) where spoon feeding to each other what's going on is stupid

but plenty of shit is being overlooked in the hype or being examined but all the doughy eyed love for it is keeping people for seeing the whole thing as it is

example. a lot of it is kitschy.
looking sounding feeling. a good bit of the world and character details are mostly useless and/or flat contradicted later on.
quickest example 'immortan' Joe? it's a bit of ridiculous language in a film that has otherwise clever use of language. not only does it sound stupid it's masturbatory and doesn't actually serve to connect the audience to anything which is dumb because he's supposed to be this sort of larger than life villain who the war boys treat as rock star God
another example is like in the beginning they show Joe
and he can barely even stand on his own and hold his own microphone and look around and shit (and while this is a less important and more explainable detail he can barely breathe) and then later on he's fucking hanging out in the desert chilling and shit like it's boring and easy to wait around bsing because I crave action? it makes the idea that he's venturing out for his prized bitches much less of a big deal than they initially wanted you to think. (and they establish this poorly and the fact of furiosas rebellion is also glossed over poorly where they really sort of rely on the emotional weight of the rebellion throughout the script (to a certain extent I'd be cool with that but they'd been doing these important little details so why can't we just have something that helps this out a bit?)) and that type of stuff happens in the movie where it's like 'wait what?' like I understand they are moving the movie forward but you've just shit on the stuff you've already built. which reminds me: Joe survives unscathed and unaffected from flipping his shit over?
another thing that falls under this category is fuel.
I mean how fucking far can this shit take you? the world is all broken down and fucked up but a bunch of little motorcycles can go very high speed all day for multiple days with no rest or no seeming need to refuel when again like the whole goddamn premise of the world is that shit is broken down fucked up and fuel dependent (where fuel is a precious resource)? like sure they have a couple lines where they're bitching about it but they still treat it as an infinite resource and really not a single thought is actually given to fuel usage in the characters plans other than 'Its precious and I need it'
among my biggest disappointments are the way the main villains are treated.
not only is it nonsensical in a survival sense and would be absolutely necessary in that world to deal with things differently but the way they are dispatched is super anticlimactic and just purely a device to solve a problem in a suboptimal sort of way.
the example that has all three/four of these problems is Richter.
1) max beats him down a bit and yet doesn't feel the need to actually make sure he's dispatched (which is classic survivalist shit where ostensibly he even had a chance to learn from that lesson with the war boy) which is especially weird because the survivalist stuff in here can otherwise be thorough;
2) max beats him down doesn't kill him ok so he rises again to become more semi problem (I mean really he's not really ever a problem). i mean this guy is looming ominously throughout mostly the whole movie and ultimately is a big bitch
3) where his purpose for not dying is to merely a device to make war boys death and in sort of a stupid way for his character but a sensical way for the war boy character but again he's merely a device piece who's been setup for grand things and then the promise isn't fulfilled and another problem is that the war boy fucking switches over after some cognitive dissonance ok? then he develops a semi romance? ok? and his end is some retarded under done witness me shit that anyone barely bats an eyelash for and Richter gets to shout his name during? WHAT!?!!?????
4) and then all this and while some stuff involving him is sweet some stuff is retarded and kitschy and it's ridiculous that since the Rodriguez stuff and some of the tarantino stuff kitschy has become cool all of the sudden when it really just looks like shit most of the time.
the difference with the tarantino stuff is that it's more amazing because the way tarantino does it is amazing whereas the way this film does it is ridiculous and stupid. and it's super dumb that everyone is just willing to overlook this aspect of these out of place feeling moments because the rest of the movie looks and feels awesome and it's not like the rest of the movie carries this stupid shit. the kitsch sticks out like a bunch of sore thumbs in a barrel full of sore thumbs and thumbs up

everybody is just gushing over the materials integrity and the feminist line etc and that stuff is cool and awesome but a lot of shit is getting overlooked simply because the movie avoids a lot of traps and stupid shit that plagues a lot of (action) films nowadays

like this movie is 'astonishing' if fast and furious 2 is your bar. for what it's worth a site that thinks everyone should watch Snowpiercer doesn't even give this movie the highest praise I've seen. we're entering an era where the intellectuals are more concerned with jacking off their own ego (and writing about it) than watching a quality film and appreciating what it is and what it is not