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Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:12 pm
by Mindbender Futurama ... -video.htm
Deadpool to finally get his own Marvel movie?

Deadpool is one of those rare characters that busted out of the gate as an immediate fan favorite. While underneath the red duds, Deadpool is really Wade Wilson, a hardcore soldier that wants to get paid no matter the job. His alt outlook of the Marvel U has made him a cult favorite for a quarter of a century.

Deadpool is known for his disfigured appearance and for being mentally unstable amongst his peers. While the character continues to grow in popularity, fans clamor for a solo Deadpool movie that takes the kid gloves off. Recently, X-Men scribe Simon Kinberg showed his cards when talking to MoviePilot. The seasoned writer/producer hinted that "Yeah, it makes sense to me. Genuinely, its early phases, early days, but if you're gonna do a Deadpool movie, I think you've gotta do a hard-R, darker movie and he is the perfect character to do it with."

More Info On Upcoming MARVEL Movies Here!

Ryan Reynolds will reprise his role as Deadpool after his appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, wisecracks and all. Another big rumor around the Internet is that there actually is going to be an X-Force film featuring Deadpool. states that Deadpool may be part of a whole new X-world as a team member of the Rob Liefeld created group. Deadpool may be psychotic but he works well in a team atmosphere. Furthermore, Screenrant has reported that the latest rumors may have Deadpool embarking into another dimension and meeting up with future X-Man Cable, his former partner. No word on any movie start date yet but it surely will keep voracious fans chomping at the bit waiting for the next morsel of news.
:bow: :cas:

needs to be 80's-Robocop level bloody and violent if not Karl Urban-Judge Dredd level, and more witty, clever and self-awarely breaking the 4th wall more than anything produced in the past 10 years in Hollywood, for fuck sakes.

all must die of laughter... and save Ryan Reynolds career ( :naswtf: he is a star, how is he failing to succeed so much? That Denzel movie Safe House was a lucky break for both of them... but I digress.)

DEADPOOL. :copy:

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:36 pm
by Truth.


Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:52 pm
by The Afronaut
I hope this is very successful. Not a big Deadpool fan, but I'd like to see this work. Shall be interesting.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:07 pm
by Tweak Da Leak
If it's PG13 no way it works

If its R hopefully it does better than Dredd which was prob the best comic book movie ever.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:32 pm
by Rabbi Jihadovich
Tweak Da Leak wrote:If it's PG13 no way it works

If its R hopefully it does better than Dredd which was prob the best comic book movie ever.
Highly recommend that you watch Sin City.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:34 pm
by Tweak Da Leak
Rabbi Jihadovich wrote:
Tweak Da Leak wrote:If it's PG13 no way it works

If its R hopefully it does better than Dredd which was prob the best comic book movie ever.
Highly recommend that you watch Sin City.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:52 pm
by Spartan
Dredd was amazing.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:13 pm
by Rabbi Jihadovich
Sin City > Dredd

Also there's no point of seeing Dredd because The Raid exists.

edit: that is not to say that Dredd wasn't great.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:17 pm
by drizzle
Rabbi Jihadovich wrote:Sin City > Dredd

Also there's no point of seeing Dredd because The Raid exists.
Nah, different things entirely that just happen to have a similar concept. Dredd is the shit. Sin City is better though, def my favorite modern comic book movie.

Shogun Assassin is the best comic book movie of all time.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:19 pm
dredd offers nothing that the raid didn't do better

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:21 pm
by Tweak Da Leak
Dredd shows future filmakers how to introduce a (super)hero.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:39 pm
by Blockhead
Spartan wrote:Dredd was amazing.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:41 pm
by drizzle
EMCEE DARTH MALEK wrote:dredd offers nothing that the raid didn't do better
Nah. Different approach entirely, much more stylized. Also Dredd is wildly popular character with a very long history, just the fact that they got it right on screen is significant in itself.

In general this argument is based on logic that's counter to the inherent selling points of all good genre films, which thrive on interesting executions of samey formulas. Follow through with that and you never need to watch any revenge/vigilante movie aside from Death Wish, or any rogue cop movie aside from Dirty Harry, or any muscle dude shoots everybody movie aside from Rambo 2 etc etc...

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:58 pm
by dilla7

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:09 pm
by Spartan
Cool to see the likes of Dredd, Sin City and Shogun Assassin getting mentioned when it comes to GOAT comic book movies.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:42 pm
i found dredd a bit slow but i liked it. i like the aesthetic of mega city one but i felt like a couple things were botched

-avon barksdale was not much more than a distraction
-the psychic element felt gimmicky (but the payoff where she kills that other lady cop is dec')
-ma ma didn't resonate with me as a villain

the script felt like it had its back snapped by bane and then spent 9 months recovering

on the other hand, dredd pistol whipping that guy in the neck and collapsing his larynx was pretty legendary

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:55 pm
by Tweak Da Leak
EMCEE DARTH MALEK wrote:i found dredd a bit slow but i liked it. i like the aesthetic of mega city one but i felt like a couple things were botched

-avon barksdale was not much more than a distraction
-the psychic element felt gimmicky (but the payoff where she kills that other lady cop is dec')
-ma ma didn't resonate with me as a villain

the script felt like it had its back snapped by bane and then spent 9 months recovering

on the other hand, dredd pistol whipping that guy in the neck and collapsing his larynx was pretty legendary
Agreed with Ma Ma, but I felt this movie was more introducing us to the world of Judge Dredd and Judge Andersen. A shame really that a sequel will never get done with the same team as they had so much to explore based on the first film.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:29 pm
by Blockhead
You found dredd to be slow? It was wall to wall murder. It felt non-stop to me. You must get bored very easily.
I honestly like it more than the Raid cause I really don't give a shit about Kung fu fighting. I get why that movie is more highly regarded but it's not my thing personally. I'm one some gore>action type shit.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:40 pm
by alpha
I can't say that Dredd is better, but it's really fucking good. Prob have seen it at least 5 times.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:03 am
by dilla7

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:15 am
by ric
really need to see shogun assassin. Haven't yet. really need to.

re deadpool
umm....... I like that he's a ninja assassin....i hate that everything I've seen with him as a central character has been a) legitimately annoying very quickly b) way too much like soap opera rather than actual super deadly stealthy fighting thieving sneaking darkside shit (which is what a fucking sneaky deadly ninja motherfucker should be)

the fact that this is pg13 just seems to reinforce both of those things and therefore I will probably be avoiding this movie.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:26 am
by The Afronaut
It's gonna be rated R Ric.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:35 pm
by battlecatmeowstab212
C'mon Ric.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:14 pm
by ric
@meowstab afronaut
everything I've seen of this guy has been wack. that's all I'm saying. there's no reason to believe it will change.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:53 pm
Despite the SMH-worthy ignoring of the trailer i think ric has a point. Ryan reynolds is an established clown so it's hard to be unreservedly optimistic here.

I duno the comics super well but my impression is that deadpool is a wisecracker who is annoying to his costars but endearing to the audience. Over the course of his career reynolds has consistently annoyed audiences -- can he flip it here so as to pull off the performance?

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:13 pm
by chapter thrive
there is absolutely no better casting than ryan reynolds for deadpool, based on his work in the movie "waiting" alone

he IS wade wilson

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:11 am
by battlecatmeowstab212
ric wrote:@meowstab afronaut
everything I've seen of this guy has been wack. that's all I'm saying. there's no reason to believe it will change.
I'm saying they've gone out of there way multiple time to point out that it's R-Rated, to the point where the last few teasers have explicitly stated that it's R-Rated.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:40 am
by Tweak Da Leak
I've only seen the R rated on the updates that came out April Fools Day.

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:54 pm
by ric
that doesn't mean it won't be wack. the character pretty much blows

Re: Deadpool movie feat. Ryan Reynolds: possible

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:21 pm
by Tweak Da Leak
He's a poor man's deathstroke.