The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

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The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Post by KritiKal »


Basically its a book about this whole subculture of guys who pick up women. I know, so what? This is different though, because these guys just don't call it game they treat it like one. Planning everything out perfectly, adjusting their strategies when something in the "field" doesn't work, and collaborating over the net on message boards as to what the best plan is for each situation that comes up. A majority of them are nerds that transform into pick up artists, with the emphasis on artists.

Has anyone read it? First off its a great book if you haven't. I'm not really into reading strictly for fun or anything but I have to admit this thing had me hooked and I ran through it in about two days. At first I thought most of this must be bullshit but as I got into it became much more believable. There are websites and message boards all over devoted to this stuff.

I don't know if I could go up to a group of smoking hot women and say shit like "If I wasn't gay you would be just my type." Then go off into all these meticuously designed pre-planned conversation topics. But as I kept reading, this stuff starting to make a lot of sense.

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Post by MGP »

Word, I've been meaning to pick this up.

I know a coke dealer who is like this, dude freaks me the fuck out sometimes.

Tariq's Dilemma
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Post by Tariq's Dilemma »

Da fuck?? If you have to ACT Gay and pore over pre-determined strategies to pick up women, you need some fucking help.

Haven't read the book, but that seems like some fucked up pathetic shit.

Just be yourself, people.

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Post by Ty »

Tariq's Dilemma wrote:Da fuck?? If you have to ACT Gay and pore over pre-determined strategies to pick up women, you need some fucking help.

Haven't read the book, but that seems like some fucked up pathetic shit.

Just be yourself, people.
It's not a list of strategies or a manual or anything, it's a story about how the author became the best pickup artist in the world, and it's a really fucking addicting book. I don't know how much of it I believe but it's one of those books where you can't put it down. And for you Da Vinci Code types, the chapters are only like three pages so you feel rele smart while reading.

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Post by KritiKal »

Tariq's Dilemma wrote:Da fuck?? If you have to ACT Gay and pore over pre-determined strategies to pick up women, you need some fucking help.

Haven't read the book, but that seems like some fucked up pathetic shit.

Just be yourself, people.
Nah, the point of a line like that isn't to act gay. Basically it does two things, one if the girl you are trying to talk to is hot she has heard all the shit you are about to say a million times. Think about it, she proabably gets hit on about 10 times a day. So saying something like that gets you into the conversation and grabs her attention. The other thing it does is disqualify yourself to her. This way you are just talking, not trying to pick her up and her bitch defenses come down. Still I don't disagree that it can be pretty pathetic.

Cash Rulz
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Post by Cash Rulz »

It is something that every married/attached man can do with relative ease.

Talking to broads is real easy when you're just talking to them with no intentions. If you can remember that when you're single, then you'll be fine.

Funk Docta Bombay
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Post by Funk Docta Bombay »

Cash Rulz wrote: Talking to broads is real easy when you're just talking to them with no intentions.
ding ding ding. we have a winner.

I saw this book at the store. looked interesting.

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Post by CaseJuan »

Haven't read the book, but sounds very similar to the ideas of David DeAngelo who speaks of being Cocky and Funny when approaching women. If you're not familiar with him, get familiar.

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Post by Moolah »

I read this. It was a good read. There are some :ohsh: worthy moments. It's pretty incredible when only a couple of weeks after he starts trying to mack on girls he gets a girls number at the supermarket. Goes home and googles her name and she's the reigning playmate of the year. Also the shit about living with Courtney Love is hilarious.

There are also some interesting lessons to be learnt from the book. I think taking on some of the advice in a way less extreme manner is definitely beneficial.

Someone needs to buy a copy of this book for sebastian gets busy and ayentee.
CaseJuan wrote:Haven't read the book, but sounds very similar to the ideas of David DeAngelo who speaks of being Cocky and Funny when approaching women. If you're not familiar with him, get familiar.
David DeAngelo is discussed quite a lot in this book.

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