snake eater....i mean....what a thrill...the darkness and silence through the night....
what a searching and ill melt into yooouuu
what a feearr in my heeaarrrrrt
but yoooouurrre sooooo suprreeeeeeeemmmmme
id give my liiife
not for honorrr
but forrrrr yooouuuu *snake eateerrrrrrrr*
in myyyy timme
there bee noooo oooonne ellllse
crime: its the wayy i fly tooo yooouuu *snake eaterrr*
im stillll in a dreeeeaam - snaake eaterrrrrr
some days you goo through the raaaiiiiinnn
some days you feed on a treeee frrooog
this ordeal is a triallll to surviiiiiiivve
for the day we see new liiiiiiiiiiiiiight -
- i give myyy liiiiiiiifffe not for honorrr but foooorrrrrr yoooooouuuuuuu *snake eaterrrrrr*
in my tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime there be noooooo ooonnnnne elllllllllsse
criiimme: its the waaayyyyyy iii fllyyyyy tooooooooo yooooooooouuuuuuu *snake eaterrrrrrrr*
im stiiiillllllllllllllll in a dreeeeeeeeeeeeeaammmm snaaaake eaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
im stillllllllllll in a dreeeeeeeeeeeeeam snaaaake eeaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
the game had some mindblowing parts though
like.. spoiler... when you're fighting that boss in the river and the ghosts of all the guys you have killed so far in the game come back to haunt you
thats some deep videogame shit brah
the game had some mindblowing parts though
like.. spoiler... when you're fighting that boss in the river and the ghosts of all the guys you have killed so far in the game come back to haunt you
thats some deep videogame shit brah
thats a good one. the best boss battle to me, ever, though may just be The End. especially at higher levels of difficulty. its sweet because despite being slightly glitched it incorporates things like you cant go into first person too long before he comes up behind you and tranqs you. thats a sweet catch that makes a lot of sense and really heightens how you think about the challenge of sneaking around and stalking
It doesn't even make sense that halo 2 has only 4 votes.
That is easily the best and most revolutionary fps ever created.
The first fps to properly do online multiplayer= win. I was beyond amazed when I found that i could play against people from all over the world, as well as communicate and/or talk shit to them.
360 wrote:It doesn't even make sense that halo 2 has only 4 votes.
That is easily the best and most revolutionary fps ever created.
The first fps to properly do online multiplayer= win. I was beyond amazed when I found that i could play against people from all over the world, as well as communicate and/or talk shit to them.
This had been going on for a while, on PCs.
It was done very well though, and having 4 people on a single box able to sign in to play online was a great idea
360 wrote:It doesn't even make sense that halo 2 has only 4 votes.
That is easily the best and most revolutionary fps ever created.
The first fps to properly do online multiplayer= win. I was beyond amazed when I found that i could play against people from all over the world, as well as communicate and/or talk shit to them.
This had been going on for a while, on PCs.
It was done very well though, and having 4 people on a single box able to sign in to play online was a great idea
True, indeed. I was really talking about consoles, though.
Halo 2 was the first online gaming experience for a lot of people, including myself.
The results of this poll depress me.
I don't think a single Metal Gear game made it out of the first round in any of these tourneys.
You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
Tommy Bunz wrote:The results of this poll depress me.
I don't think a single Metal Gear game made it out of the first round in any of these tourneys.
You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
ric wrote:snake eater....i mean....what a thrill...the darkness and silence through the night....
what a searching and ill melt into yooouuu
what a feearr in my heeaarrrrrt
but yoooouurrre sooooo suprreeeeeeeemmmmme
id give my liiife
not for honorrr
but forrrrr yooouuuu *snake eateerrrrrrrr*
in myyyy timme
there bee noooo oooonne ellllse
crime: its the wayy i fly tooo yooouuu *snake eaterrr*
im stillll in a dreeeeaam - snaake eaterrrrrr
some days you goo through the raaaiiiiinnn
some days you feed on a treeee frrooog
this ordeal is a triallll to surviiiiiiivve
for the day we see new liiiiiiiiiiiiiight -
- i give myyy liiiiiiiifffe not for honorrr but foooorrrrrr yoooooouuuuuuu *snake eaterrrrrr*
in my tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime there be noooooo ooonnnnne elllllllllsse
criiimme: its the waaayyyyyy iii fllyyyyy tooooooooo yooooooooouuuuuuu *snake eaterrrrrrrr*
im stiiiillllllllllllllll in a dreeeeeeeeeeeeeaammmm snaaaake eaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
im stillllllllllll in a dreeeeeeeeeeeeeam snaaaake eeaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr