Dragon Age 2

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Dragon Age 2

Post by 360 »

Perform a search to no avail.

I'm copping this at midnight. I might smoke. Still haven't decided.

Definitely excited, though. It's going to be awesome.

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Post by Positive A »

Whoa whoa whoa...this shit comes out TOMORROW???

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Post by VideoKilledThe »

I played the 2 gb demo, seems pretty badass.

They completely changed the battle system so instead of clicking on an enemy and waiting to more of a God of War hacker/slasher style. Setting, leveling up, lots of changes across the board.

Seriously considering copping this...

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Post by 360 »

Just got home with my copy. Twisting up and eating while I wait for the game to install on my hd. Will come back tomorrow and let everyone know how it is. Of course, I will be completely bias having still been injected with the hype of it just coming out.

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Post by 360 »

Game is awesome. All of the changes, thus far, seem like they were implemented to add a more user-friendly mechanic base for console players, which is perfect since I'm playing on my xbox.

Not as much pause and play, however, I can still see it being somewhat prevalent as one progresses in the game but not nearly as much.

The targeting has vastly improved. I am playing a rogue for my first playthrough and fighting is so much smoother as are the execution of abilities.

Definitely pick this game up. Worth the money, for sure.

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Post by Drastik »

^ima go grab it later, hopefully i'm not bored in a month like the first one.
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Post by Spartan »

Loved the first one big time. I'll have to cop this asap.

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Post by SuperFeen »

fuuuuuuu still gotta beat Origins

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Post by ric »

is dragon age 1 &/or 2 like neverwinter nights in the sense that you run around and are constantly looting and managing inventory? because i gotta be real that aspect of modern rpgs is reallllly dragging on me super hard.

sometimes its great but most of the time its like 'gaaaaaaawd'

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Post by Spartan »

According to Game Central's review inventory management isn't much of an issue.

[quote]Dragon Age II plays its role - game review
From the makers of Mass Effect comes a fantasy role-player that refuses to play by the normal rules. But is it being dumbed down or cleverly modernised?

Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/games/85751 ... z1GC3TeeIS

The people working at developer BioWare are all nerds. We mean this not as an insult, nor even as a statement of fact, but as a salute to creators that refuse to hide their passions beneath the veneer of more fashionable design choice. So it's ironic to think that while they try to bring high fantasy role-playing to the masses they're likely to see the most resistance from their existing fans.

There are a number of curious things about Dragon Age II, but perhaps one of the most obvious is how little it has to do with the first game. Although BioWare has given every impression that they've planned out the Dragon Age series in advance this changes so much about the original that it almost seems like a different series altogether.

Even the story feels like a strange sidestep as you play an entirely new human character called Hawke (you can choose their gender and one of three classes, but nothing else). As the game begins you and your family are on the run from the Darkspawn from the first game and from there Dragon Age II attempts to chart your progress from refugee to celebrity hero.

We weren't big fans of the first game but according to BioWare it outsold sci-fi sister series Mass Effect, so we're not sure what the impetuous for change was here. Other than the lead format for the original was the PC and here it's clearly the consoles.

You can probably guess what that means: forums filled with hardcore role-playing fans complaining about the game being dumbed down. Certainly many aspects have been simplified but we actually feel BioWare's description of being 'streamlined' is perfectly accurate.

Many of the changes owe a lot to Mass Effect, except now instead of a third person shooter you control characters directly in a button-mashing God Of War style fashion. As contentious as this change is likely to be we feel it works, especially as you can still pause the action at any time, switch between characters at will and utilise a huge range of spells, buffs and special abilities.

A less convincing steal from Mass Effect is the inventory system, which now gives you only more limited control of your companions' belongings. There are still lots of different skill upgrade trees, many unique to different characters as well as character classes, but they're much more focused on combat now - at the cost of more subtle skills such as trap or poison-making.

The crafting has certainly been streamlined to within an inch of its life, as all you do is tell a merchant where a resource (such as herbs or minerals) is and they automatically gain access to it and the new items that it allows - assuming you have the recipe.

But Dragon Age II isn't a game about handicrafts or sorting through the personal possessions of dead monsters, it's trying to be something different and more accessible than that. BioWare started out creating traditional Western role-players like Baldur's Gate but their new range of action role-players are interesting precisely because they don't play by the rules.

Dragon Age and Mass Effect are about the characters and stories, not fiddling around with statistics and inventories. But even if you accept that there are serious problems with Dragon Age II: for a start the characters aren't nearly as endearing as those in either the original game or Mass Effect. They have depth and not all are stereotypes, but they're still not much fun to hang around with.

The story is extremely bold as there's nothing as unoriginal as the first game's Archdemon to defeat. In fact there isn't really a central villain at all, which is a brave decision but also a millstone that makes much of the game's 25+ hours seem aimless and inconsequential. Especially as the game world is surprisingly small, comprising not much more than city of Kirkwall and a nearby mountain.

There's some interesting socio-political allegories, but there's also a lot of really boring ones too. Even the most tedious are worth enduring though for the constant stream of difficult decisions your character has to make and the impact they have on the world - many of which revolve around a particular ethnic and social group being persecuted.

The fictional universe the game is set in is still a problem though. Much more a slave to high fantasy traditions than the gameplay, it does little to distinguish itself from the morass of Tolkien wannabes. Mass Effect can be similarly generic but its universe still feels much more distinctive by comparison.

The frustrating thing is we have a feeling Dragon Age II is going to be criticised most for its gameplay changes than its storytelling failings. You might not like the new direction but it works as BioWare intended. But the story you carve with your new combat skills doesn't always seem worthy of such risky innovation.

In Short: It feels worryingly like Mass Effect: Tolkien Edition at times but the biggest problem with this action role-player is its lack of character.

Pros: Accessible, visceral and - after a few hours at least - tactical combat. Some interstingly difficult moral decisions. Much improved graphics and presentation.

Cons: Uneven storyline often fails to grip. BioWare's least interesting line-up of companions for years. Some technical glitches and variable voice-acting.

Score: 7/10

Formats: Xbox 360 (reviewed), PlayStation 3 and PC

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Post by Drastik »

lost interest after a few average reviews and watching my cousin get bored after playing it for a total of 45 minutes. fuck this game, the fantasy rpg genre is for faggot dungeon and dragon fans. nothing innovative will ever come of the concept again.
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Post by ric »

thanks spartan.
@drastik. shit is pigeonholed, i would agree there. skyrim looks promising though.

Seiko Flossberg
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Post by Seiko Flossberg »


The demo looked fucking atrocious.

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Post by 360 »

Drastik wrote:lost interest after a few average reviews and watching my cousin get bored after playing it for a total of 45 minutes. fuck this game, the fantasy rpg genre is for faggot dungeon and dragon fans. nothing innovative will ever come of the concept again.
If you don't like rpg's, why did you get this game and why are you in this thread?

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Post by wheels »

Seiko Flossberg wrote:Graphics?

The demo looked fucking atrocious.
You can download the hi-res textures if you want. 4 gigs worth

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Post by Spartan »

Been playing this on and off since it's release, liking the combat but it lacks that big epic storyline the first one had and the variety of locations is repeatitive. Only level 10 so who knows, it might get better.

The inventory management is still a bit of a nightmare, it just says "ring", "amulet" or "belt" when you loot stuff so you've still got to go into your inventory just to check the stats of the items so it's kind of annoying.

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Post by 360 »

Yes, the story is fucking awful. I'm disappointed. An epic Origins storyline with various racial options combined with the combat system of DA 2 would be a near perfect game.

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Post by 360 »

Spartan wrote:Been playing this on and off since it's release, liking the combat but it lacks that big epic storyline the first one had and the variety of locations is repeatitive. Only level 10 so who knows, it might get better.

The inventory management is still a bit of a nightmare, it just says "ring", "amulet" or "belt" when you loot stuff so you've still got to go into your inventory just to check the stats of the items so it's kind of annoying.

There are items with unique names. You just have to find them and, as you would suspect, they are usually high-quality.

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Post by 360 »

This game doesn't have much 'replayability'. Struggling to finish my second playthough as an evil mage. Regardless of your character's moral proclivities, or lack there of, the result is usually the same. It's like they spent all of their time making the combat more fluid and ignored everything else.

And 3 dragon fights(that I know of)? Eh.

I change my recommendation from a 'must cop' to a 'cop when the price drops'

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Post by Spartan »

360 wrote:This game doesn't have much 'replayability'. Struggling to finish my second playthough as an evil mage. Regardless of your character's moral proclivities, or lack there of, the result is usually the same. It's like they spent all of their time making the combat more fluid and ignored everything else.

And 3 dragon fights(that I know of)? Eh.

I change my recommendation from a 'must cop' to a 'cop when the price drops'
Damn, second play through already, it's that short a game? The first one took about a week of solid playing to complete thoroughly for each character I had.

I noticed that the party members are kind of shitty in this one. A gay elf 2H warrior that falls down like a sack of spuds in a fight, the annoying healer from Awakenings is suddenly gay now and flirting with me but I need to bring him along for healing, a useless ranged dps dwarf that depletes my stamina droughts, a moderately funny bird-brained elf mage with a Welsh accent, the big tittied mage but she's meant to be your sister in this and a main tank female warrior that looks like Rocky Dennis but the most useful of the bunch. Isabella might be decent in a scrap but I'm already a rogue in this and don't like having two rogues in the party unless forced to. Hoping there's more characters that might mix shit up better.

Got to admit the boss encounter in The Deep Roads was dope even after about five frustrating wipes. Custom tactics still made it a tough fight.

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Post by Hush »

Yeah, I was psyched for this after finishing Mass Effect 2 (and hearing about the similarities) but I cancelled my preorder after playing the demo.

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Post by 360 »

Spartan wrote:
360 wrote:This game doesn't have much 'replayability'. Struggling to finish my second playthough as an evil mage. Regardless of your character's moral proclivities, or lack there of, the result is usually the same. It's like they spent all of their time making the combat more fluid and ignored everything else.

And 3 dragon fights(that I know of)? Eh.

I change my recommendation from a 'must cop' to a 'cop when the price drops'
Damn, second play through already, it's that short a game? The first one took about a week of solid playing to complete thoroughly for each character I had.

I noticed that the party members are kind of shitty in this one. A gay elf 2H warrior that falls down like a sack of spuds in a fight, the annoying healer from Awakenings is suddenly gay now and flirting with me but I need to bring him along for healing, a useless ranged dps dwarf that depletes my stamina droughts, a moderately funny bird-brained elf mage with a Welsh accent, the big tittied mage but she's meant to be your sister in this and a main tank female warrior that looks like Rocky Dennis but the most useful of the bunch. Isabella might be decent in a scrap but I'm already a rogue in this and don't like having two rogues in the party unless forced to. Hoping there's more characters that might mix shit up better.

Got to admit the boss encounter in The Deep Roads was dope even after about five frustrating wipes. Custom tactics still made it a tough fight.
That's all of the characters.

Varric(the dwarf) is the best one, IMO. He is also good in combat situations. Once you level up and acquire more abilities, he is excellent. His banter with other characters as you walk around is good, too.

Game isn't nearly as long as Origins. I'd say, with out doing any side quests) it takes about 20 hours to complete the main storyline(give or take a couple of hours)

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Post by LameAim »

I'll wait until I catch it somewhere for 25 bucks.

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Post by Spartan »

Finished this game yesterday.

Less fun than the first game. Bioware should go all Frank Darabont and fire the script writers, the level designers too for that matter. The game did get better in the last act but the vast majority of it was pretty lame. The boss fights were very cool but having to go through so much bullshit to get to them was annoying as hell. Doubt I'll ever replay this game even if Bioware release a patch to fix some of the bugged quests. Hopefully the third game is more like Origins next time.

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Post by VideoKilledThe »

Glad I waited on this one, the reviews have been less than stellar...

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