Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by blastmaster »

Really, really, really bad. I don't ever want to watch it again. I don't think I want to watch any of the movies moving forward.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by SYM » ... tle-234188" onclick=";return false;


really bummed as i was actually looking forward to seeing this...

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by paul_smith »

some cool stuff but overall a dissappointment for me. I didn't even have high expectations but that was an extreme dissappointment in so many regards

some cool stuff was present thought, can't find a quick way to hide a more detaield description so I'll try to give it at a later time

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Philaflava »

thread ruined it. i will probably wait to watch this once a good quality leaks.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Trademark »

It's real good. Ya'll are some pile on sheeple of the highest order. This film is about 1000000% better than Age of Ultron, Antman, Ironman 2, Batman Begins, Deadpool, and on and on and on. This film has real themes to explore, power/knowledge/God etc. THere are real stakes, in Avengers the heroes watch NYC and possibly hundreds of thousands of people murdered and then go out for schwarma. This film opens dealing with the ramifications of Man of Steel and the central narrative is about what it means to actually have superheroes in the world, which by the way, Civil War is going to have the same themes and ideas. I look forward to you all ejaculating all over yourselves when that comes out. The characters DC has developed in their movies have so much more depth and nuance, while Marvel who has done about 16 movies at this point has developed Tony and Rogers barely past the point of grouchy muscle men. Eisenberg and fucking Jeremy Irons delivered better performances than any actor in any Marvel movie ever made.

SO please. Tell me. WHy did this movie suck, and you guys liked all those others?

I care too much

EDIT: If any of you :owens: say "because Marvel movies are 'fun'". Seriously, get hit by a bus.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Employee »

I feel like there is CGI inside of my asshole right now. Worst-fucking-jizz-plop-of-a-movie ever.

If you pay to see this, you are mentally retarded.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by blastmaster »

Why this movie sucked:

The overall brooding tone was tiresome as fuck for 3 hours.
The use of news reports to move the plot was lazy and insane in a movie this long.
Batman sure sleeps a lot.
Who knew Metropolis and Gotham were separated by a bay!? So hilarious.
Batman goes from investing his being into killing superman to being his buddy because their moms have the same name.
The writing was so ham-fisted and corny it really handcuffed all the actors.
Are there no razors in Wayne Manor?
Was Alfred gay?
How did Batman see with fluorescent lights millimeters from his eyes?
Snyder is terrible. How many shots of the millionaires overgrown grave do we need? More fields and clothes lines?
Lol at Lex Luthor designing logos and names for the Justice League guys in that file. Lol at that file. Such a lazy way to accomplish things.
No effort to expand on the Robin suit.
The Flash being a homeless drifter looking shlub.
Lois Lane being an idiot.
Batman and Superman being basically the same, brooding, morally conflicted guy when they should be polar opposites.
Eisenberg was a twitchy, ADHD mess.
Not really showing how he made Doomsday in any detail.
Lol at cyborg being pinned up like a stuffed animal at an arcade prize display
Aquamans intro was hilarious!

I don't know man. It was just long, boring and a total mess. There were some good ideas, but the narrative was so loose and uninteresting. It just felt like they filmed some cool stuff and then didn't know how to edit it together and make it at all compelling.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by blastmaster »

That avclub review is pretty dead on.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by drizzle »

Trademark wrote:
SO please. Tell me. WHy did this movie suck, and you guys liked all those others?
dawg this is kinda HUGE deal, and no amount of conceptual or thematic depth can get around it for a comic book based movie. even DKR and Watchmen, as dour as they are, are also exciting thrillers that are fun to read just as much as they are to think about. and that's just on page, a much more forgiving and meditative medium than 3 hours of shit happening on a screen.

I haven't seen this so I'm only talking from a general perspective, but if this movie bores me, any trenchant commentary about the nature of a world with super powered people will be largely wasted. - some of these are my thoughts yo

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by blastmaster »

I will say that the Batman fight scene in the warehouse or whatever it was, was incredible and some of the best Batman-fighting I've ever seen.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by The Afronaut »

@Trademark I get that you feel like people are being too harsh on the movie (which is probably true) but dude did you actually for real (in a non reactionary way to the bad reviews) like this movie?

Like fuck the Marvel vs. DC shit, was the film enjoyable even in the popcorn sense?

I wanted to like this movie as a win here is a win for all CBMs in my opinion, but damn they let me down here. I'm a fuckin CBM nerd and was confused through half of it. I mean I might agree with your point about Essenberg & Irons if I had any idea why they were doing the stuff they were doing.

Here's hoping Suicide Squad is good and they rebound with Justice League cause this one was rough.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by CarlosDelgothoes »

Trademark wrote:It's real good. Ya'll are some pile on sheeple of the highest order.
The Revenant is 10 times the movie this is and Zach Snyder is a fucking hack. Fuck you.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Trademark »

I already said why I liked it, but you guys are mostly right, fuck. I don't know, I really liked it. It didn't seem long or slow, and I personally like the tone a lot. Like I said, shit matters in the DC world, people don't go out for schwarma after destroying a city. As far as Gotham being across a bay from Metropolis, why is that a problem? Gotham was gritty(New Jersey?) Metropolis was polished (New York) why the fuck would that be a reason not to like a movie. Furthermore, it's a movie with a giant cave troll, glowing Batman eyes is a problem? Really? I've never read a lot of comics but I've seen thousands of movies, I liked this one. I'll admit I'm reacting to the negativity too, no way this movie should have a lower score than Daredevil.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by ric »

an imperfect movie. but actually pretty sweet to me. am I gonna buy it when it comes out? probably yes.

yes to the following:
Snyder made it dumber than it had to be and didn't execute well at many points (felt disjointed for a lot of it)
mediocre writing at some perhaps many points
some very poor choices to move the story along and set things up and unveil shit
some very clever choices to move things along and set things up and to unveil shit
great big picture sequence of events for the most part
a lot of really great settings and shots and use of environment and characters as subjects in those environments
they finally are forging a path that embraces the actual 'darker' sides of our humanity which is what makes this shit great in the front place
batman is actually branding people which is awesome and the details like this are numerous and mostly fucking awesome
superman literally solar heals from nuclear blast is super retarded (you already know how I feel about lazer eyes)
Jeremy irons and Ben Affleck have awesome chemistry and the more modern take on the billionaire playboy is more awesomer than its ever been. previous batman's had dude like the monopoly mascot.

all in all to me... a pretty damn sweet movie. 6.5-7/10 and a great framework to move forward and make quality shit which really half the purpose of this movie is to make that framework. of course I wish it was more artfully done but I'll take it. it's not awful and there's some awesome shit there.

ps the review posted above is garbage.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Truth. »

Snyder needs a new editor stat

I did like this, it felt too long though

Wonder Womans music was awesome

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by ric »

would like to know/see a directors cut if it's different

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by zappy »

The Afronaut wrote:@Trademark I get that you feel like people are being too harsh on the movie (which is probably true) but dude did you actually for real (in a non reactionary way to the bad reviews) like this movie?

Like fuck the Marvel vs. DC shit, was the film enjoyable even in the popcorn sense?

I wanted to like this movie as a win here is a win for all CBMs in my opinion, but damn they let me down here. I'm a fuckin CBM nerd and was confused through half of it. I mean I might agree with your point about Essenberg & Irons if I had any idea why they were doing the stuff they were doing.

Here's hoping Suicide Squad is good and they rebound with Justice League cause this one was rough.
suicide squad looks cheesy as fuck.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by chapter thrive »

yeuh, i dont know how i feel about this movie.

there were some great shots, and i honestly thinkg snyder is amazing at making action and shots hes pulling from his internal story board into incredible moving works of art, but i think hes a terrible story teller as a director/editor. some incredible shots, mixed in with a lot of what the fuck moments.

everyone after 300 applauded snyder and miller as visual geniuses, but i dont think seperately they are, they work great together, cause they fill the roles, the other side cant pull out of their ass. I dont think they should have trusted this franchise to JUST snyder. he needs someone to keep his chaos in check, and fill in the holes of the movie.

affleck as batman was really good, and if he had more rope, i think it would have been amazing. interested in seeing more of that character.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Tweak Da Leak »

About on par with the better Marvel movies(IM 1, CA2, Deadpool). Having to cut it down to 2.5 hrs from the 3+ hr run time he originally wanted did a lot of harm to what could have been a legitimately great movie. Besides Tim Burton, Snyder seems to be the only auteur able to blend iconic comic book imagery into a cinematic narrative. I'm pumped we don't have Batman choreographed fights that look like this anymore:


Brace yourself the deleted scenes are coming:

Also good post about the "Knightmare" scene. ... knightmare

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Tweak Da Leak »

The god Armond White loved it: ... ets-mythic

EDIT: While the scene was rushed, Batman doesn't become 'friends' with Superman because their mom's share a name, it has to do with Batman finally realizing that this isn't some God amongst Men on Earth, this is more a human being with super powers who wanted nothing more than to save his 'mom'(something that Bruce has nightmares about being able to do).

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by ChaMerZ »

watching this next week. pretty stoked." onclick=";return false;

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Cash Rulz »

Movie sucked diarrhea ass after someone ate dead people who ate shit.

The random dream sequences....stupid.
Luthor being a neurotic hyper child....stupid.
Lois Lane EVERY FUCKING WHERE....stupid.
The fact that StupidMan can hear Lois Lane randomly banging on fallen concrete ceiling from underwater, but did not hear his OWN FUCKING MOTHER when she gets snatched up....INCREDIBLY STUPID.
The Justice League folks intro....poorly and lazily done.

Fight scenes were good. That's it.

If you liked it, you liked it. What you eat don't make me shit. But if you're concerned about spending $10+ and 3 hours of your time wisely, don't fucking see this movie.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Cash Rulz »

Tweak Da Leak wrote:The god Armond White loved it: ... ets-mythic

EDIT: While the scene was rushed, Batman doesn't become 'friends' with Superman because their mom's share a name, it has to do with Batman finally realizing that this isn't some God amongst Men on Earth, this is more a human being with super powers who wanted nothing more than to save his 'mom'(something that Bruce has nightmares about being able to do).
Really, cause it sure as hell seemed like if Superman had said "save Janice" he would've got a jade bullet lodged in his chest.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Tweak Da Leak »

Cash Rulz wrote:
Tweak Da Leak wrote:The god Armond White loved it: ... ets-mythic

EDIT: While the scene was rushed, Batman doesn't become 'friends' with Superman because their mom's share a name, it has to do with Batman finally realizing that this isn't some God amongst Men on Earth, this is more a human being with super powers who wanted nothing more than to save his 'mom'(something that Bruce has nightmares about being able to do).
Really, cause it sure as hell seemed like if Superman had said "save Janice" he would've got a jade bullet lodged in his chest.
"A rose by any other name..."

This shit is greek tragedy not cookie cutter cartoon Avengers BS, "Language Tony."

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by The Afronaut »

:lol: How the hell is Marvel to blame for this?

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Hobus Maguire »

Trademark wrote:This film has real themes to explore, power/knowledge/God etc. THere are real stakes, in Avengers the heroes watch NYC and possibly hundreds of thousands of people murdered and then go out for schwarma. This film opens dealing with the ramifications of Man of Steel
Man of Steel, the movie where Superman has a big fight in which half of Metropolis is detroyed and possibly hundreds of thousands of people are murdered and then he starts macking on with Lois Lane in the middle of Ground Zero?


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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Tweak Da Leak »

The Afronaut wrote::lol: How the hell is Marvel to blame for this?
Marvel isn't to blame but they have a set formula that they stick to for their films, even Deadpool was the same generic origin story with all the tropes and plot devices that go with it, add in some tits and adult language and critics think it is a classic. BvS on the other hand was set up like a modern day Greek Tragedy, even the final battle scene of Superman v Doomsday being almost a frame by frame homage to the 1981 film Excalibur(It's also one of the movies showing when the Wayne's are killed in Bruce's flashback).

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by SYM »

Hobus Maguire wrote:
Trademark wrote:This film has real themes to explore, power/knowledge/God etc. THere are real stakes, in Avengers the heroes watch NYC and possibly hundreds of thousands of people murdered and then go out for schwarma. This film opens dealing with the ramifications of Man of Steel
Man of Steel, the movie where Superman has a big fight in which half of Metropolis is detroyed and possibly hundreds of thousands of people are murdered and then he starts macking on with Lois Lane in the middle of Ground Zero?

I watched this for the first time a few nights ago to prep me for BvS.

The whole near destruction of an entire city argument is lame because we let it pass with Transformers and Avengers so why not let it pass with Superman, considering the tone Snyder has chosen? Would Abrams or Bay have treated Zod's level of mass genocide any differently?

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by The Afronaut »

^^^I think that was the point HM was making in response to Tweak.

@Tweak -- No doubt re: the marvel formula. And I can get down with Synder trying "something new" in terms of a approach. Also I read the article you linked re: the Knightmare scene, which I'd heard and think is cool, BUT none of that means Synder didn't miss the mark on his ambitions.

There's no way I should have to do this much research to "get" BvS. And I again if I'm having to do this much I cannot imagine what the average movie goer thinks.

All and all my biggest complaint is just the jagged (even if purposely) storytelling. I'm all about mysteries that get wrapped up later (was a big Lost fan) but there wasn't enough solid story to justify the convoluted/convenient storytelling.

And I generally find Greek plays to be overrated.

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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - March 25, 2016

Post by Truth. »

Hobus Maguire wrote:
Trademark wrote:This film has real themes to explore, power/knowledge/God etc. THere are real stakes, in Avengers the heroes watch NYC and possibly hundreds of thousands of people murdered and then go out for schwarma. This film opens dealing with the ramifications of Man of Steel
Man of Steel, the movie where Superman has a big fight in which half of Metropolis is detroyed and possibly hundreds of thousands of people are murdered and then he starts macking on with Lois Lane in the middle of Ground Zero?


They kiss before the big fight actually

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